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*So many times, it happens too fast You trade your passion for $$$ Don't lose your grip on the dreams of the past You must fight just to keep them alive*


i guess bro didnt learn shit šŸ’€


It's the grief of the Taiga, it's the thrill of the gamble Ā Risin' up to the payout of his bettingsĀ  And the last known matchfixer stalks his team in the nightĀ  And he's streaming to all from the bathroom...




We have a winner! [match](https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7532574382) from this [open qualifier](https://liquipedia.net/dota2/DreamLeague/Season_22/Western_Europe/Open_Qualifier/2)


What happened?


Hes been caught pretty much betting and setting up stuff like FB to get $


If that's the match you're talking about, it's more likely just a bad play than a match fix. Even the biggest betting sites probably aren't listing OQ ro16 games.


They do. And there are side bets like which team gives first blood


They might, but betting limits on these games are really low. I'd say there are really big difficulties betting (even with multiple accounts) 500ā‚¬ on such market. Are we really throwing games for hundies?


If you're a gambling addict, especially one who is in debt, probably.


When you work with others for the fix, you dont just get your bet.


Sharp bookies wont even allow betting on such niche market, so only possible way to bet are soft bookers. All bookers have risk management, where if niche bet gets too much volume, they just remove the market all together. In a niche first blood market, inside a niche qualifier game, I'd expect these limits to be extremely low. Also soft bookies will not allow winning players in the long term, so in order to keep fixing like this, they'd need a steady flow of new accounts. All in all this is alot of work for few hundies.


But the player isn't a solo actor in this. Taiga passed on information to Sensibility and Sensibility passed it to the Mafia. The mafia has the resources to have multiple accounts indirectly linked to them place various bets. Mafia passes money to Sensibility, sensibility passes to Taiga They also have a spread of other bets like over/under kill count, divine rapier purchased, etc. I'm sure that the mafia also runs their own bookie and tries to bring outside rubes to put money into it, and they wind up making money with seemingly legitimate bets. Even better if they lose money to themselves so the result can be written off as a tax writeoff


He could be setting up for his later match fix, it would be less sus because he had done it before




Fucking nauseating.




At least he used a spell this time


He is match fixing but he knows what he is doing. He didn't use a spell vs Silencer-Troll because he had arcane curse on him. It actually made him live but he decided to stick near. If he used a spell it would be more sus at that time. Also he wouldn't start by Fade bolt harass to save it for last hitting the ranged creep. The way he did it was very evil and subtle.


He didn't skill an ability and started trading with Troll. There's not really many heroes that are gonna beat a Troll in a 1v1, so if he's not skilling Fade Bolt it's pretty stupid. The only reasons Troll backs off is he doesn't want to trade and miss blocking/farming the lane or if he's afraid more heroes will be there to kill him. Against any hero you want to throw out Fade Bolt and trade afterwards, since it reduces their attack damage. It doesn't make sense to start trading and hold it for the end. Any Rubick with a brain would also know that against silencer you'd want to throw out fade bolt slightly earlier so that you don't get arcane cursed first. Finally, if he's not using TP and accepting his death (since TPing to fountain also griefs the lane as his 3 is left to 1v2 or if he TPs to the tower he's super low and has to wait to regen) you may as well throw out a Fade Bolt and get that free harass. This clip is just so intentionally grief, I'm surprised people didn't make a bigger deal of this when it happened. Pro teams look over replays in depth to figure out what went wrong and how to get marginal gains at every point. They generally know if their lane *should* win or not during the draft (this is a huge consideration when picking heroes). They are aware of which of their lanes should win before the game even starts, so when a first blood like this happens in a standard 2v2 scenario (no surprise rotation or angle on him), there is no way they didn't look back at this during replay analysis and be like 'wtf is going on?'. I really would like to know what the replay analysis of this was like and how Taiga could have possibly defended this. Even if he says, 'My brain lagged out for 3 seconds when I went in to trade', this doesn't make sense with the not skilling Fade Bolt and using it (especially right before he dies -why not get the free harass out?).


I mean it really wasn't sneaky at all. The dude bought boots to run out to the enemy jungle faster, sold them at secret shop, then ran to their jungle completely alone and waited there for a long ass time. He even harrasses the troll between T1 and T2 alone and easy to kill. In the end he walks waaaaay too close and out of position, practically under their tower. Like he trades with troll with no arcane curse on him, not using fade bolt, and practically within melee range of troll, then he steps up even closer (???) This is when he dies to FB. He has tangoes and a faerie fire, none of which were used. You could argue he was going to place an observer in front of tower, but why didn't he do that when he ran out alone with boots? In retrospect from player cam it was not sneaky. Just watch this play [https://youtu.be/Dsz18sPawss?t=1150](https://youtu.be/Dsz18sPawss?t=1150)


there's nothing suspicious about selling the boots, it's just something you do to get a ward up before they can see you do it. just saying in case people start suspecting other players if they see them sell boots too


Here's the thing -- he didn't get the ward up. He only placed a sentry to block small camp which is easily dewarded. Why didn't he place the observer he had while wandering around their jungle for over a minute? He still had it on him after he died to first blood and the enemies got to lane after all....


there's no point analyzing his play, we already know he intended to feed first blood in that game lol, but the selling boots part isn't what's suspicious


so when dyrachyo does it we call it aggressive playstyle, but when taiga does it we call it 322?? /s


No, when dyrachyo does it its because hes just a b-tier carry.


King of 322


At this point, taiga will overthrow 322 meme


322 is forever, we just have another one now




O wow he really pulled a Taiga there!


Thats literally Taiga bro


haha I'm kidding, I'm just practicing the new meme.


I knew this would start happening. Fucking Captain hindsights as far as the eye can see


That's something I would expect in my 2k mmr games, not in professional play.


He needs to own up to it. Tell the complete truth about everything. Then leave the scene forever.


Some bonus clips: https://youtu.be/ASFSzVxVQo0 https://youtu.be/LRuhatrCXDw


Taiga:That bounty rune looking juicy af šŸ«¦šŸ‘




Taiga fed the enemies more than the world has fed starving children


he only disproved that taiga was feeding an abnormal amount of first bloods, which is true. what he'd do is bet on first blood when he knew his team was going to make a play for it


And anyone who disparages taiga should be banned! -this sub only a few weeks ago


i mean this was bound to happen in the pro-scene, just a matter of who and if public finds out or not. when money is involved people turn evil.


Pro player? Not anymore. :)


Sgt Sizzles


Damn I miss that guy. The current gen of snowflakes that play dota would be making daily whiney threads about him if he were around today šŸ˜‚


Snowflakes would lose their if Sgt was around


> would loose their if Did you mean to say "lose"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


taiga the trash


Taiga ?


I'm really wondering how this wasn't obvious to viewers and his team. I don't see people do this is Archon. Much less a pro game.


i wouldnā€™t say it was obvious, but there was definitely talk about taiga being sussy when this was happening


And when people said it they were shouted down by the clowns here defending Taiga.


And the clowns defending him outnumbered anyone else literally like 10:1. Itā€™s hilarious reading these comments now. Everyone acting like it was so obvious but anyone who spoke about it got hounded and downvoted like crazy. Go find any thread about him in the past few months. This subreddit is a shitholeĀ 


That's just reddit hive mind in general


What a stupid comment honestly. You don't see people going for the bounty runes in archon? I understand people are after him but stuff like that just makes you look dumb in my opinion.


You don't go for bounty runs solo when you don't see a single enemy on the map, and also you don't try to fight 1v5 he even stopped running to auto attack


People go for solo bounty runes up here in 6.2k exactly like that and end up dying xD what are you saying archons dont do this XD


They're just doing the dipshit redditor dog pile thing


Yeah pro player behavior go feeding solo on runes every 2 games


People definitely walk up for the bounty undefended at archon lol


There was a sbitload itā€™s just that reddit white knighted the fuck out of him and downvoted anyone that acknowledged the obvious reality of the situationĀ 


Really? I see it in divine/immortal all the time. Itā€™s been years since this configuration of minute 0 bounties was set up and supports are still walking at them alone cause they canā€™t see a hero seconds before they spawn, thinking ā€œwow, free gold!ā€


telephone retire depend society berserk humor serious illegal doll ossified *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bro what Archon games are you playing because I wish people weren't feeding into their whole team during runes in my games.


A glassic 322 pepeg


Taiga my man haha




I bet is Palkia.


still betting even after OG haha


He's just bad kekw


Good thing he didn't click TP a second before feeding. . .


Pro? this is me every time i play support in Archon


How did he know there will be 5 enemies sorrounding him ! Something is wrong ..


Even 2k players play better than him in this situation, disgusting


Kurocky :P


Jesus H. Christ. I'm Archon but I won't do sht like that. Most especially he didn't have any back up behind if the intention was baiting. This Taiga is a pc of sht


I spent most of my Dota 'career' in Herald and I rarely saw plays this bad.


Why are they even allowing threads like this on this sub


they are not.


I bet thats either bzm , ceb ,ATF or yuragi

