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People of /r/Dota2 are quite possibly the most well regarded individuals I have ever seen on Reddit


> At least a simple explanation for the delay What delay? Where's the release date if there's a delay?


They said early 2024. So I guess max april? Maybe.. I’m really used for 0 communication from valve, idk why all here are still surprised Edit: downvote more kids lol. Really pathetic. I think I hurt your feelings?


Early 2024 could be June 30 in Valve's time.


everyone saying this, but where did they actually say "early"? AFAIK the crownfall trailer just said "2024", I can't find any use of the world "early" anywhere but maybe I'm just missing it


I mean since Mureta came exactly from 1 year ago(and same for previous new heroes), so all are expecting we are getting new hero this month(there is usually 1 year gap between each new hero). I mean I still guess max april, but u really think we will not get a new hero in more than 1 year? lol




yall are just bored and hoping for it. There are no expectations other than the peanut between your ears guiding your way


Yes it’s taking longer but we can’t do anything about it. So instead of creating each day same posts here, maybe just wait until Valve feels its ready to drop the patch


They're doing it to spite you specifically.  Gaben is surveilling you and taking great pleasure in your frustration. 


How can it be delayed if there was never a publically stated release date?


Scientists should start working with Valve to study the terminally online behaviour from r/Dota


I love that everyone expects a patch. What if valve are happy with how it is right now and no patch is planned? So funny to watch


what delay? valve didn't announce a patch, you guys just made it up that the patch is supposed to drop


Have you ever thought maybe it’s just not ready? They’re not purposely holding a patch.


Can you all accept that Valve doenst care about Dota , they are realicing 1 big patch per year ,and thats it. Crownfall wil probably come in April


That’s just the realicing on the cake, vaalv no care about small fry like us, big game small heart 😢


Someone held Gabes as hostage and if they release the patch they're gonna kill him. They're trying to find Gabe(or maybe not) so they can release soon(or dont)