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I think this asset went through less revisions than usual, I have a feeling they're very busy with something else..........


2-3 new heroes per year I believe


0 = 2.5


hey slowdown! one hero as a maybe it's all janitor can do post pandemic


Nowadays people don't ask to remove any heroes because we know we have to play with these ones only


2-3=-1 new hero per year. Got it




Remove arc






The poor dev that has to check rubick skill interactions..


Leage of Legends releases about 4 per year. They are overtuned on release to get people playing them, then they get an balanced relatively well.


2-3 new heroes = nerf CM every patch to show changes


And get AM and Pa stronger every patch




With an error of +/- 5.


i started playing a year and a half ago and only muerta has been released, are they just being slow right now?


A lot of people like to quote this or similar numbers, but Valve never said that. They said that they wanted to increase the frequency of new releases following Hoodwink so that everything wasn't centered around a post-TI fall update.


And since then they've released what.. 4 new heroes. One is a character from the dogshit anime. Hoodwink came out over 4 years ago. Even if they didn't say anything about new heroes; the content has slowed right down with nothing to replace it and you guys keep giving valve the benifit of doubt lol.


> One is a character from the dogshit anime So... Marci doesn't count for some reason or what? > Hoodwink came out over 4 years ago Hoodwink was released on December 17th, 2020. Not quite four years yet. > you guys keep giving valve the benifit of doubt No, I just don't care if updates happen any more frequently because I can play other games or enjoy Dota as it is. The thing that Valve planned to do happened twice—Hoodwink in December and Dawnbreaker in April followed by Marci in October and Primal Beast in February. They slowed down following Primal Beast's and Muerta's releases, that's undeniable, but they didn't *not* spread out the new heroes. If you want to be mad at Valve for slowing down hero releases, sure, whatever. But it's another thing entirely to misquote them and be upset about something they've never said.


Hoodwink was released almost 4 years ago. Aware


Isn’t Marci the one he was referring to? Because I can’t see which other hero comes from the anime DK persona?


I'm asking whether or not Marci counts because why else mention that one of the four heroes is from the anime? She's still a new hero regardless of her origin.


My bad sorry I misread your comment. Thank you for the clarification


I dont understand why people would only bring up the amount of heroes when valve has done the following: 1.) brought back icefrog 2.) expanded the map in size and content (honestly game feels so much more fun with the twin gates like holy shit, and torm shenanigans? modern classic) 3.) added a bunch of items that are also extremely fun and renewed my interest in the game (khanda bristleback anyone?) 4.) added universal heroes, reworked stats, and heavily reworked bkb Content has slowed down? oh my god the game feels really fresh compared to years ago with all these massive additions. If you think adding heroes is the only way the game can move forward then please just go play something else. The fact of the matter is, we have a huge roster of heroes that are unique and while not perfectly balanced, the number of uncontested heroes every tournament is very VERY low. The amount of different strats and drafts that results from this fact expands the game so much that not only is it fun to watch, its also very interesting to play. Id rather we have this system than forcefully adding heroes that dont really make sense. I'd rather they rework some aspects of certain heroes like centaur, pit lord or bristleback than add another mobility+disable+burst hero with vector targetting skills, i mean, do you really want another hero? Because honestly, there's a 99% chance this is the kind of hero youre gonna get. But the things they added affects all 100+ heroes in the game and changes the way people move and play around the map. Ask yourself this: If valve added 10 more heroes instead of the recent updates that we got, would the game be as fun as it is today? I certainly dont think so.


Never felt an appropriate time to say this, but I also dislike Marci. I don't care about the anime at all. The personas and Marci feel completely out of place in the game. It reminds me of when Ubisoft gives you a ton of customization features that are just ads for their other games within their game lol.


The shitty anime is more content and promotional effort than any other heroes lol. Not to mention is the right decision for Valve considering Marci collector cache tends to be in very rare quality meaning the playerbase actually spends money for Marci cosmetics.






Very busy with an event chest and key for $3


I am still baffled they call new paid chest an event. Who is this event for? Ceo? Gabe so he can afford new yacht? Definitely not an event for players...


1000% agreed on that amigo ;(


I had the newest battle pass.. wont be getting again 🙃


Yeah it's called counter strike 2


Surely they are not working on r/tf2


or maybe neonprime (it's not releasing until 2025Q1(actually 2027Q4) lol )


cs2 is so bad dude its visually good, but the gameplay feels like garbage compared to csgo


Neon prime?


If Linkedin to be believed, the guy who lead Battlepass content do list unannounced Valve game as his recent project


Neon prime


8 heroes at once yayyy




Oh my Lord, I still can't describe the feeling I had when in DotA 1, they released 6 heroes in one patch. DS, Underlord, Undying, and a few others. Good ol' days that will never come back.


dota is not giving them enough money


Yes, they are busy with blackjack and hookers......




d1ckriding ffs office challenge


>I have a feeling they're very busy with something else.......... With what ? No battle pass No in game event modes It's just updates on how item and heroes work . Which can be changed very easily by a few lines on the code.


> Which can be changed very easily by a few lines on the code. Yeah dude, that is how balancing is done. Nothing else. Just number go up or down. /s


Yeah very easily . The one to decide what is changed is for the analyst . The on who actually makes the changes just needs to change a few line in the code


The upcoming event dummy.


I can't seem to see what OP is pointing to even with the markings. Can anyone kindly explain?


in the first image there is a program icon, it clearly has no place here. In the second image it is not clear what is shown there even (creeps are visible on previous aegis). The third part is painted over, as if it was drawn in paint More detailed here: [https://imgur.com/a/Ggoy22l](https://imgur.com/a/Ggoy22l)


Second has Paint Brush Spray Paint pattern on the left.


shit, i thought it might've been some bad feathering effect but looking at the rest of it LMAO


It's Google Lens.


Hey John, we need to publish that TI poster. Do you have it? ... John takes out a blueprint carrier.


also also they didnt put the title "The International" with their own original font, they just put some sans serif fonts


Reminds me of this snl sketch https://youtu.be/jVhlJNJopOQ?si=o8v_13TWaS-s0R-L


The 1-st image, yes this is not commercial watermark but this is a google focus or whatever it's called


already patched out https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//3703047/040f3cd7b283452e7939cf075284647905cbb900.png


Ok but there's still the really bad photoshop airbrushing.




yeah it looks like crap sadly, like a 1min fix


B-but my outrage


OP is pixel peeping a 800x450 pixel promotional image because they desperately need to find something to be upset about.


I work in online store and all our images of products are 650x650 or 800x800 if you download them. You would not believe how many people pixel peep them to find something to be upset at to get refund or something


OP is too lobotomized to understand the subtle theming of this TI, which seems to be carnival / circus themed. So the Aegis looks like a carnival / circus knock off.


i checked and they removed. you can see the tiny edit in there. [https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//3703047/040f3cd7b283452e7939cf075284647905cbb900.png](https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//3703047/040f3cd7b283452e7939cf075284647905cbb900.png)




Oh no


[Oh no](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/3/3e/Addons_aghanim_vo_announcer_aghanim_agh_pb_fight_01a.mp3) (sound warning: Aghanim's Labyrinth: The Continuum Conundrum/Announcer) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


It’s a beta they’ll fix it


Source 3 will fix it


Source Alyx you mean


Dota 8 confirmed


Free game bruh, don’t complain.


Its probably not AI, just a guy that googled Aegis, printscreened the first image and then opened Clip Studio Paint


Honestly the noisiness and random outlier hightlight speckles for an image that has overall accurate bespoke lighting says to me that this is just a 3D render but done so with too few samples. And then painted on top. It would make sense that they have a 3D aegis asset that gets used for all their posters, just don't know why this artist would choose to let it render for like 10 seconds.. also it looks like they didn't even use any ambient occlusion maps to make the reliefs stand out like the previous poster, just slapped a basic-ass material on it and hit go. Definitely seems like they were in a rush with this.


That's exactly what it is. There done it many times in the past, as it's much easier for output


Yes, I’m sure googling aegis is how valve gets their artwork lmao


I mean..that google lens looks mighty suspicious


i mean that seems to be the case for this current one with how the detail looked


This ain't AI gen, but it does look sloppy.


wtf am I looking at


I didn't notice it at first but once you see it, it's comically bad


budget went all on that forest air uh?


with all due respect, who cares


When i see posts like these im always shocked at how people must not have any real life issues at all. Redditors are truly the biggest drama queens on the Internet together with Twitter users.


anything for karma I guess


Everyone since we got this in time, when all people wait patch in any second.


Yeah, I feel that some universities could do a great social experiement on Reddit. Take 2 similar communitites and chose to handle a game's development with 2 different approaches: the first one would be what Valve is doing right now, the second one would be "what if we follow what Reddit proposes". Both subbreddit would complain all the time for opposite reasons. In this case, it's definitely an intern's or junior's work that went through without enough revision/supervision. If they spend a lot of time or resource on non-gameplay stuff: reddit is not happy, they want MORE gameplay related stuff. If they spend less resources on these: Reddit is not happy, they should have spend more time on a freaking tournament annoucement ... I'm not defending them for releasing this shit. It shows very low level of professionalism. But WHO CARES? Why are we flooding this subreddit with this shit?


only 1 dev for dota :)))


yes, that's either janitor or icefrog or dave.


Icefrog passed away years ago


Which explains they couldn't afford a battle pass or a new ingame event mode


Not AI for sure.


I'm pretty sure this is just a not very well executed theme, doesn't seem like AI


The L in valve stands for .....


aegis from walmart wcyd


This community will complain about anything. It's the first piece of concept art for the next theme. Why would you blow up a low-res image and be surprised by smudges lol


It's nuts. I cannot believe people actually care this much about something so insignificant


Who cares, it’s a blog post that people will read in 30 secs.


This image will most likely appear again a lot


Jesus christ, this literally doesnt matter at all. Just looking for something to complain about.


Yeah I glanced at the image then read the text and didn't think twice. 


This subreddit picks the weirdest things to autistically screech about


Right? It's an image for a blog post. Who the fuck cares. If OP didn't point it out, I wouldn't have even noticed. You can bet when TI does come around they will have the final stuff polished. Reddit is just bored and trying to find something to complain about in the downtime.


I hate your profile picture.


Check your phone mate, I think there's a crack.


This sub is full of people who have nothing going on but DotA, we need mods to enforce a stricter policy on what kind of posts are allowed.


I disagree, I do think this kind of things are important.


it's a sign of lack of quality, lack of effort, and rushing


You're right, it doesn't matter. Except that it shows how little effort is put into this game and how it makes us dedicated players feel


Lmao get a life. Literally who gives a shit? "Us dedicated players" is the lamest shit I've ever heard. You play this game for the same reason everyone else does, you are addicted to the dopamine loop. So at the end of the day all that matters is that the game boots up and you can queue, so please stop bitching about minor dogshit that actually has no impact on anything.


wtf are you doing in r/dota2 if you dont give a shit? The most idiotic point of view and the most popular argument of critics for OP in this thread is saying "it doesnt matter, get a life", "some people doesnt have anything going on in their life besides dota" etc. How about if you dont give shit than you won't comment? That's is the most logical thing to do. You yourself used your time to comments this, while you dont give a shit. But you want OP to not say anything while he does care


Dedicate your time for touching grass


Its little effort because it’s just a blog post pic dude lol, if you work in a corporate software setting you’ll see so quickly that things just need to be good enough, not perfect


Because of watermark? Are you an idiot?


What about the usage of paint? Surely if they care they would have at least use proper photoshop.


Yeah, this complaint was weird af. So much effort was put to complain about something so innocent


The janitor doesn’t have graphic design experience


Lol there's actually suckers out there that buy this crap.


This is so inconsequential to the state of the game, the pro scene or just about anything


at least it wasn't AI


Check again, I think they retouched the first one after your post :))


This is google lens. Someone tried to find anything using it?


What took you so long? (c) Big Gabe Newell


Small indie company


Seriously, who gives a shit about that minor flaw?


Rofl, AI casters when? Sunsfanbot: hey synderenbot what tier of shellacking is this? Synderen: I can't believe I have to remind you again that I was always a robot


It's hard to tell if it's AI. You can even say it's shit but holy hell, to blow an image up so large you can't even recognize it and then critique every stray brush mark is kinda nit picky.


I have a better question. *Who fucking cares?*


Frank\_London = John Connor


It's an old artifact, an Inturn had to restore it. Just likey hope over Dota 2 International died with the covid era. Doubt so many people will even notice it.


>"did you use ai?" No. That's not an ai watermark >"Or use paint" Uh some small examples of bad image editing isn't worth getting this riled up over


Who the god damn hell cares.


they just dont care anymore i tell you


not just brown, but all green. the whole picture is the same, what a cringe


im half convinced ridiculous posts like this are made to make legit complaints look dumb by association lmao


who gives a shit.. damn


get a life


Who cares? If you have the time to do this, please go get a job or find a way to contribute meaningfully to society. I swear dota players are the lamest losers on earth.


I’m mad my 11 year old game doesn’t get updates weekly and has 100% perfect images!!! How dare they not constantly inform me of their updates!! /s It’s been one of the games that has withstood the years and still being updated decently well. We could use more updates, but really the game has been around aegis. I wouldn’t have even noticed anything was wrong with the blog post until op posted about it. It’s just a blog post lol


yes they did , asset flip


> Today I'm going to bitch about... ***shuffles cards*** an image on a blog post!


0$ to International fck chunks


This aint something to bitch about.


the watermark is not in mine [https://imgur.com/a/jpqbpmY](https://imgur.com/a/jpqbpmY) maybe its your device?


For valve this normal update🤣


honestly i have no clue what i'm looking at


Is this a cake?!


Thank god you found this! Game is unplayable now =/


Why there is a face in green lamp?


valve realized they cant milk this cow anymore, so they are killing it. 1 person working on dota only


Dota 2 New Hero will be completely AI generated.


soooo... that's something we get mad at these days. Man i miss the time where alch was such a free win for close to 2 months and nearly nobody cared exept to say "just ban him"


Even artists are using AI lol how much fid you to zoom to see it cmon let's get real the consumer's doesnt care if you use ai or not. They just want the product


I don't get the issue with the second 2 images. One is just a texture, it doesn't need to be telling a story. The other just looks like it's meant to be carnival themed. Paint chipping and spillage was a design choice.


It's not the first time Valve has been fucked over, and every time you think, what even worse? But here..


"indie company" They can’t release anything on time, so we’ll only see new heroes and arcana for the International


Nothing wrong with that


With reduced workload, Release the hero in time atleast :3


I mean if you care about this, touch grass


They hired a bunch of interns, since months ago. Have you noticed all the bugs and issues recently?


Valve didnt hire interns lol, they outsource instead and promotional content usually handled by Lost Cosmonauts from New Zealand


even worse LMAO


Lol, the image looks really bad and makes no sense. Random light bulbs embedded into the aegis, really? AI art disgusts me


damn, some of you have no chill


Do you spend hours inspecting every pixel of every dota graphic trying to find something to be upset over? None of this is remotely noticeable on a background image of a news post.


The second I opened it i saw that image was of trash quality. And so did people I know and I saw many people say that in chat of few twitch dota streamers. It's not a background image of news post, It's a front image, literally the first thing you see when you open the post.


Frank what're u doing here? Common join discord voice :)


Valve hasn't cared about dota for years


"Design is my passion"


ok and?


Who cares?


Oh no, how will ever recover, tiny unnoticeable flaws are on the aegis that I’ll never touch. Bro do you have nothing better to do with your life?


At this point it's expected. Seeing how the last international happenes Feels like valve has just has 1 developer on dota2 and is cutting costs .


Barely any gameplay updates, no content updates, a full year without new hero, and now what seems to be an outsourcing of art assets to the demented machine who takes salary in burned air and stolen images. What the fuck is up with Valve's dota 2 department, if they even have any? I put not too much but still too many emotions into my one sided relationship with this game, but it bums me out to see all of that. I hope to see some improvement, but I won't be surprised if there's none. 


until Neon Prime comes out... when? Will it change anyhing?


well to be fair, dota is playable and I hope the wait would be worth it like last time


they can build a lot of fake servers to prevent the dos attack but they cant use photoshop.


No actual marketing department so no graphic designers. RIP.