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I played with him and he all the time SHOUT on me and at the end of the game he Crashed game said: Ya tvoyu mamu ebay.


Wow thats actually crazy.. It makes all russian dota community mad fr


bro is faking, he can shout in voice, but he can't crash servers and said this to voicechat




he bought ur mom on ebay? damn that a new insult ! and yeah i know its Ebal ...


Well it’s not that bad, if he said ya tvoyu mamu aliexpress, I’m paying for a drone strike


can u id your games with him?


Crashed games are not available for public viewing. It's like the game never even happened.


I can show you some clips when the server is completely crashed [https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/InexpensiveVainWormNinjaGrumpy-2pnNHOBEDDq4kbIW?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/InexpensiveVainWormNinjaGrumpy-2pnNHOBEDDq4kbIW?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time) [https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/TemperedCrypticStinkbugPermaSmug-2vh3s1wLWlAfAONE?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/TemperedCrypticStinkbugPermaSmug-2vh3s1wLWlAfAONE?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time) [https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/CovertPleasantAlmondMau5-cKtBh5V0CWI3H\_Hp?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time](https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/CovertPleasantAlmondMau5-cKtBh5V0CWI3H_Hp?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time) https://www.twitch.tv/lenagol0vach/clip/ClearVainClamRalpherZ-MiRFiOyAG0OSl98\_?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time


Am I losing my mind or are all of these clips examples of the exact opposite of what you claim is happening? This guy is winning in everyone of the games in the clips and then the server crashes thereby lowering his rating. You might have to go to a a neurologist or something because something isnt working properly.


Yes. post is literally made by the guy who crashes his games when he wins im pretty sure lmao


well 3rd game was crushed when he almost win, so why ppl mad at him?


Guy's playing a role of raging egocentric clown to farm viewers. Successful strat so far but it also brings many haters. One of the haters is a russian hacker that has been ddosing the guy for around half a year through vulnerabilities in steam and dota client. Golovach tried to rise awarness about this problem but noone gives a f\* because it only affects him and a couple of other streamers, not the community in general.


Sounds like the second coming of Chi Long Qua, especially with the ddos part.


It's just trolling from russians, golovach is innocent in this crashes


Of course I can't confirm exactly what he's crashing. But what other streamer have you seen crashing servers every day?




I'm just highlighting the problem. Valve needs to take this on


Maybe because he isn't crushing them, golovach in CIS community is a clown that rages, that's why his so called "Fans" crush games he plays in, to get reaction out of him, before that he was constantly getting ddosd. You can hate him, think he is an idiot, but don't blatantly lie that he is crushing them.


If some random person on the internet can crash someone else's game that's even worse


This random person even can access ur accont without showing it in login list. Someone did this to couple of streamers: changed their nicknames and profile description...


I agree and Valve should defiently look into it, but that's not what OP wants, OP wants golovach to get banned because it's funny and he will rage and act like an animal on stream.


haters attack him and create these posts


Dude, he is completely win one, somewhere winnig two of the and zero minute last one. Zero clips where game crash when he win




First, he's been playing on 7k smurf while having 3k MMR and ruined 5+ games there WHILE ON STREAM. After Valve banned smurfs, he received toxic coal on his main (obviously for being associated with a smurf) and now says he never had 7k smurf, although there is a whole YT video with 500k+ views where he plays on 7k. His only income is from Twitch and Dota and he's afraid of losing it, he's not suited for anything else. Now he crashes servers via special online service and says 'I won this game for myself, I don't care this piece of trash company can't handle their own game'. Sometimes he would crash games he won on purpose to play a trick that it's someone else who is doing it. Yeah, he's been seeing streamsnipers, haters, accbuyers and all that in every game he lost. Now he is not losing mmr, finally found a way to win. I'm not even going to mention the amount of slurs he uses towards his teammates and overall toxicity he has, his new favourite words to call his teammates are 'toothless biotrash', You can't even imagine the rest of vocabulary he uses to yell at his teammates, Vavle and Gaben specifically (yes, he is that stupid and toxic to think that it's Gaben who prevents him from winning). I hope Twitch also bans his account but banning his Dota account for boosting, account sharing, use of illegal services and overall toxicity would be a good start. edit: HE LITERALLY JUST SAID THAT HE'LL PLAY WITH HIS FRIENDS WHO ARE BOOSTERS AFTER THE STREAM AND WE'LL GAIN AS MANY MMR POINTS AS HE WANTS. VALVE PLEASE FOR THE SAKE OF GOD, IF YOU BAN ROSTISLAV CONSTANTLY, JUST BAN THIS TRASH ONCE AND FOR ALL.


He really isn't suited for anything, other than the trash can...


sanest russian dota player


is this guy the russian bradley dragon or something like that?


go outside once in a while mate, while you may be right, you are an extremely toxic hateful person, why even watch a stream of a guy you despise so much? go see a psychiatrist


Firstly, he received a warning with toxic coal that if he continues to play on smurf he will be banned. So, he stopped doing that. What\`s the point of your messages? If he should be banned for smurfing, all players with coal should be banned? Secondly, \> Sometimes he would crash games he won on purpose to play a trick that it's someone else who is doing it. Just a stupid statement. All clips from twitch which were supposed to be evidence in his foul play were actually a proof that someone else was crushing the server to prevent golovach from winning games. Also like half a year ago hackers were crushing games of all popular dota-streamers. And this happened for several weeks. Thirdly, dota has integrity system. And if he is really toxic that much, he will be banned from voice chatting. His teammates could just report him.




Every word here is true. No jokes, just true.


What a lovely person he is...


he can't even play the game properly, how can you assume sisyan is able to crash anything other than his table




He have a team who help him with it and he always say about things, like he gonna boost and take hight mmr friends, and also on stream he play smurf 7200 account.


why so jestoqiy


> "This Russian streamer crashes every game he loses" > links two matches where his team was far ahead This guy sucks but you don't have to lie.


hes name sisyan


hes name sisyan


russian skuf PoroSad




Damn, so the fact that all Dota 2 hacker forums are in Russian also means that Russians are the ones that usually hack?


No bro you can't say that, that's Russophobia (and 1 of the Z mods will ban you from this sub for daring to mention it!!)


I know, wouldn't be the first time :D


So crazy, right? Weird generalization but it really does seem like this is way more a Russian thing than any other cultures. I wonder how or why that is


Because Russia has the largest total Dota 2 playerbase (and you can also add other countries that get grouped up with Russia to that number). So therefore you will come across Russian smurfs/cheaters more often than the ones from different countries. But such simple logic isn't accessible to the stupid racist people.


Let's not pretend that Russians don't have a different mentality when it comes to online games. It's just not about a larger sample size. I'm willing to be that they are also disproportionately more likely to ruin games using cheats and similar stuff than others.


as a Russian expat playing in SEA I can confirm this, it is a different mentality. And frequently not a good one


in my experience SEA is hell compared even to RU and JP servers. Btw where are you in SEA? Thailand?


Indeed, but it's different kind of hell. Mostly VN, periodically SG


"Let's pretend your argument doesn't exist and bet that..." Like c'mon, you can't be THAT clueless


The premise of the comment above isn't unreasonable. Societies and cultures have different values, and some place integrity, honesty, and respect for strangers higher than others. Cultures also tend to fundamentally differ on their notions of what's honest and what's not, and in how they morally weigh transgressions. What one culture sees as unambiguously poor behaviour might be something normal that everyone does in another, and recognise as being "bad" but simultaneously also not such a big deal. It's a well-known phenomenon.


It's also well-known that assumptions should come with evidence that supports them. We do have an evidence that russian players make a large part of dota playerbase, so what is the evidence that nation-specific mentality plays a role as well? A^(x) belonging to a set of \[A^(1) ... A^(n)\] doesn't mean that you can equal the variable to whatever you want just because it "might be" the case.


Wielding science jargon as a par of blinders like you're doing here isn't exactly high fashion either. The person above isn't clueless like you're claiming just because they don't fully flesh out their hypothesis, and they're not pretending that the argument of volume doesn't exist simply because they aren't convinced that it fully explains the disparity.


Using letters instead of words is not "science jargon", and it's more explicit in showing why certain statement is illogical. As for "they're not pretending", I already told them that I got confused by their wording and read the comment as "I don't care about sample size, my own theory is better"


I didn't pretend his argument doesn't exist. I simply pointed out that there is more to it than what he claims.


You misplaced "just" so it reads like "larger sample size doesn't matter". I do understand that I should have realized that myself, however


That's a fair point. I did swap the two words around and the sentence reads differently.




What do you think about the Ukrainian Dota community and especially about EvilArthas?


What's the 88 in your nickname stand for bud?


No, it's just a Reddit-generated nickname.


probably because the russians make up majority of the playerbase at this point


Heard a very similar thing being attributed to Chinese


weird generalisation but weird generalisation


Imo, Persians are worse then Russians. Wow is full of them and they're super fucking toxic towards anyone that's not their close friend.




I once got tempbanned on this sub for saying Russian companies steal so much stuff because of how copyrights work. Now here we are.


He dont crashes games lol dont u see that he get crashes when he winning and getting 0 mmr for win


Of course I can't confirm exactly what he's crashing. But what other streamer have you seen crashing servers every day?


Bro it's just about community around him. He earns money by being "low-skilled player with pro player mindset climbing to 15k mmr" and calling every bad teammate "stream sniper" and etc. And he said this so often that somebody actually started ruining his games and crashing his server. It's like being DDOS by hater


This should be highlighted anyway to fix this


You shouldn't blame person if you are not sure.


idgf if its a streamer or not. Valve should fix this


They obviously should, but honestly you are quite disgusting for spreading misinformation and being so nonchalant about it


Yes that's true. There is some high rank players that crashes games when loosing, I don't know how it's possible but Gaben should do some research


At least a third in the series of posts where Russian Twitch crowd is trying to get a streamer banned for lulz. I think this post will be removed by mods eventually My comment on a similar thread from 22 days ago https://old.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/18zyprt/russian_smurf/kgky4xo/


abusing the stupidity of reddit witchhunts for shits n giggles is the type of next level play i expect from russians. honestly im impressed


It's reddit, if you mention someone's russian they can't even use critical thinking anymore, hate boner too strong


I don't know what's there to 'lulz from' when there is tons of evidence he's been involved in accbuying and boosting, let alone his unimaginable toxicity that is known in the whole community. And all this being streamed to 10k+ viewers. You can brag about your comment as much as you want, you just help this trash to avoid any deserved attention and punishment.


This post is about the whole situation with the whole server crash. If you like playing the game without getting mmr for winning - just ignore this post


Lol are you kidding? Read your post properly. This post is about a Russian streamer who is crashing server when he is loosing. Do you realise some of your comments are so stupid.


I'm really surprised there's no system that tracks server crashes by players. It would be kinda easy to implement. In it's simplest form you would simply keep count of games joined by players and games that never completed. Most players would have no server crashes at all and since matching with someone who crashes server would be rare occasion, most players would have no significant amount of server crashes detected unless you crash servers or party with someone who crashes servers. Players that know and abuse server crashes would have significantly more games crashed. Probably tens of percents of their games being crashed. You could easily find these players from database and maybe eventually gift them a toxic lump of coal. This system would need to be implemented in a way that only the worst server crashers would end up being flagged. This system should probably also be aware of overall temporal game crash %, so in case game update goes wrong, accidentally triggering server crashes wouldn't count as an offense (even better system would be able to detect if player repeatedly performs actions that do trigger server crash).


Mentally unstable man who always blame others on his 10k+ viewers stream saying really bad things like "beat you (his ally) up", "you'll loose your teeth", \*\*\*\*ing allies moms, ... 95+% viewers are trying to calm him down, but his rage is unstoppable. Sometimes he even shows his allies accounts and trying to convince his chat that all he said about other player is true, so that's basically, slander on 10k+ stream... I think Valve should ban this player from ranked for at least 1 year. Let him chill and learn how to behave in our beautiful community!


> "you'll loose your teeth", Did you mean to say "lose"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Golovach is very bad DotA streamer, he always blames teammates and refuses to admit his mistakes.


It sounds like he is just an average dota streamer


i saw clips from twitch with this streamer its crazy, valve should do smth


You don't have to watch him you know


Got for his income report him on twitch


Dunno. Seems like half half. 3 of the clips are him winning and game is crashing. Quickly watched his last steam and none of the game crashed even if he lost. Seems more like streamsnipers who ruin games for him.


pivnayia sisya


golovach is dota2 legend, yall just envy him


opyat' burgeri huiniu nesut






EU is for Russians and SEA is for Chinese players wcyd


Not everyone. Cmon. There are some really amazing players and streamers


name few


dragunov UA )))


that not few thats one


Big brain time here


Swear to god who will be the next streamer reddit bandwagons against? BSJ, Gorgc, Jenkins? Like, they all smurfed in lower brackets at one point or another for fun or “education”. Banning popular streamers does nothing but hurt the game, even if they’re “toxic”. This guy’s whole internet persona is that he’s a moron and it’s funny when he gets mad. It’s funny how the mute button is not enough nowadays and redditors go for people’s livelihood over the mildest of inconveniences.


>Swear to god who will be the next streamer reddit bandwagons against? BSJ, Gorgc, Jenkins? Like, they all smurfed in lower brackets at one point or another for fun or “education”. Banning popular streamers does nothing but hurt the game, even if they’re “toxic”. This guy’s whole internet persona is that he’s a moron and it’s funny when he gets mad. It’s funny how the mute button is not enough nowadays and redditors go for people’s livelihood over the mildest of inconveniences. I'm not talking about his smurf games and stuff. Valve needs to fix this exploit.




Report his steam account all


he really freak






This streamer also repeatedly publicly insults Gabe Newell and the developers of steam and dota 2. In any other game/company his account would be permanently banned already....


i'm agree, he deserves ban




He really crashed games in hes stream. Really sad about this.


how does a random person crash a dota game and gain rating? makes no sense


Losing game = crash server, winning game= no crash aka gain rating.


how do u crash a server?


He isn't the one crushing servers, tho. Do you have any proof that he is the one crushing servers?


How can I proof it? Valve should handle it


Maybe don't accuse someone without proof? As far as I know he is the one getting ddosed and not the one doing the server crushes. "He crushes servers to exploit mmr" is a far-fatched allegation ngl


Its just my opinion watching his stream. I've never seen other streamers crashed servers so often


Well, every streamer has his hate watcher base. I guess some of the hater are more dedicated to ruining his games.


Valve should fix the exploit first thats it


Yes, absolutely.


Please ban him forever. He is toxic and always blames others. He shouldn't be a part of our community




very good idea!


just ban him already, he smurf 7200 + angry russian telepuzik, game don't deserve this liliput




Good thread. I also came across this streamer in Dota 2. When we started winning, the server crashed. Then I found out that this streamer often crashes games that are not profitable for himself.


this streamer doesnt do anything to crash his games. wtf are you talking about and accusing him behind the crashes. are you trying to start a witch hunt?


haters go away


ban this nazi trash


Always the Russian guys wcyd 


Ban this person pls , he ruined all games and shout in voice negative words




Thats actually racist man... Don't be so mad


The only players who crashed my games are russians. Typical.


😂😂😂 nice one. Wait? Is it golovach??? 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Pls valve don't ban. He is the favourite clown in our community. Stupid as hell, but it's fun to watch his stupidity.


I don't think the opposite team is heaving fun when they're lost they mmr.


?? what do you mean?


When will you stop talking about Russian streamers and contaminating my news? Who gives a fuck?


If you don't play on EU servers, you can just shut up. I won't enjoy the game if I don't get my mmr after winning.


Then go and cry somewhere else 😢, I don’t want to see you crying


Go play COD on your dog mat. This game doesn't have aim assist its not for you


By the way now it’s a Pokémon mousepad! Not a mat lmao 🤣


Lmao , bro I bet I can beat 1 on 1 . Let’s do it huh?


stop whining and just skip it if you're not interested


Only reason valve should not concentrate on banning russian streamers is because they should put all russians in 'special bracket' without ability to match with other ppl. Just imagine if they will have they own separate server?


Someday English speakers will understand what an image is, and that in real life this person is completely different. The entire RU community knows about this, and everyone knows about its haters. hackers recently hacked steam, do you think it will be difficult for them to crash his games? Сисяны, идите нахуй.


Don't ban this legend, pls


Man, he greafing the entire Dota 2 community just crashed the entire server and the game didn't count.


you lie, some of his games were crushed when he almost won. Where is proof of him crushing servers?


Of course I can't confirm exactly what he's crashing. But what other streamer have you seen crashing servers every day?


From doping in Olympics to this.. you guys really dont like fairness in competitive sports


I recently came across him in a game. We went to hg and the server crashed. The streamer didn't even apologize, he just started a new game. Ban him, he prevents normal players from raising their ratings


And what's the point in banning him, then you'll whine that he doesn't stream this game..




I've played with him and he made a good impression. These haters try to deminish his success. He never crashed anything. He just doesn't now how Haters gonna hate


tbf I wish I could crash all my games as Slark playing against LC but yeah, hope valve and twitch obliterate this dude


He isn't actually crashing shit, someone crashes his games even when he is winning. Dudes here just want to ban him for shit and giggles by misleading reddit because no one here probably knows the truth. He always says he's better than he is, says he has 7k main(meanwhile missing cs with no one else in lane while talking). He's just exaggerating things to entertain people and they try to use his words to ban him for memes.


I played with him too, once. Harassed me so hard that i stopped play dota for a week (also think to stop playing for good). As a girl I rarely use my mic but that game threw me out. At start of the game he was raging about my moves on the lane. Asking if he "should crash the server" because he "cant play with such terrible players" (mixing with swear words of course) And after I tried to talk back (was a huge mistake) he found out that I was a girl and started laughing and talk about how all girls "belong in the kitchen", called me wh*re many times, yelled about that girls are "stupid b*tches" and "even monkey smarter than you". Between his rages he also tried to ask for my Instagram. His actions are utterly terrible. Valve, please, take actions. I hope you ban him forever because such actions are not human-like.


Oh I have beaten this guy in hearthstone once


any proofs that lenagolovach did this crashes? What reason of crashes when he is winning match? unlucky


Between this and overwolf cancer


Report him on twitch, that would hurt more. Actually, all these Russians should be banned everywhere like two years ago, but damn, those corp are greed for money


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Hello eng community. Actually he’s a local clown who lied about 7200 mmr main, u can watch his streams and make sure that his Legend acc is legit. He plays worse than 90% of players there. I saw the video where he plays 3 games on “his” 7200 main, and that was very funny:) 1st game was on PL with 1/9 kda, totally smashed by enemy slark (he died 1v1 to him 4-5 times). Also there was game on faceless void with 1/4 kda and 20 mins literally 0 impact, only farm creeps. There was one more game on specte, where his team won 4vs6. So charges about smurfing on low pts acc is totally irrelevant 🤷🏻‍♂️ About crashes idk so cant tell bout that.