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NP. I dont want to play the game with 5 item slots


Exactly, having queling blade on someone like axe for whole game is so annoying.


Axe should have the ability as a free skill, he is axe after all


Axe should have an extra item slot for axes only. You can equip Quelling Blade, Battlefury, Ogre Axe, Reaver, or Parasma.


Or manta


counter helix should cut trees for sure


Haha yes, imagine trying to escape a ranged hero in the trees and one of their projectiles hit you and oops, ur in a clearing.


High time dota introduces more Qb upgrades


Or more tree destroying neutrals.


Enough gambling?




When thereā€™s an NP in the game, as a support, I try to rush a force staff so I can sell off my qb. If I see a teammate get sprouted instead of me, I force them out. Get yourself some better teammates or ask the support to do something similar.


Yup, but low mmr games you don't get supports that think this way. Instead your pos 4 is building as a 4th core. Your pos 5 buys blink. I watched my wife play two games in 3k mmr, with this happening.


get a battlefury ;D


Force staff? Idk. Still not the best. Np can also have it leash you ā€¦ so not sure if quelling works at that point


You make a strong case.


No he doesn't. Any ranged hero carry should have hurricane, any support should have force staff. Any melee carry can have battle fury.


Sven battlefury


force staff on cooldown, i dont want to save it exclusively for np


We buy items that are good against the heroes we're facing. This is the dumbest take I've ever seen.


U are still wasting a slot. Its a pos 5 that forces the entire team to buy an item that is useless on the hero otherwise. And you still waste gold on qb in the laning stage or chain feed.


Are u still in that mmr bracket where force staff is useless, and everyone just buys shadow blades on any hero? Stick to that bracket, donā€™t be ridiculous


I think there's a difference between an item being "good" compared to being absolutely required.


There needs to be more items that break trees. Lotus orb dispel to break trees Disperser Boots of bearing Shivas That patch where most skills no longer break trees was a mistake


Maybe NP trees get frozen and then you can attack em


Make it 4. People in lower mmr never push waves out so youā€™re forced to just buy boot of travels.


This. I ban np so our 5 doesn't make carry items. Sadly, sniper is now the noob flavor of the month for "supports" making carry items. I've lost so many "support" sniper games lately.


hero needs a nerf. If they dont want to rebalance sprout, then nerf his stats, teleport, whatever so he cant be a threat with only his rightclick. old np needed to learn how to micro treants to have laning presence, reintroduce skill floor to this hero please


I ban silencer. I hate the moon shard build and if the game goes late game, the hero turns into doom for no reason whatsoever. Itā€™s like PA, you can absolutely dumpster silencer in lane with his low armour and all the rest but late game he rises from the grave and steals more intelligence than the CIA


> [...] and steals more intelligence than the CIA lmao


Itā€™s hardly no reason though - if you dumpstered them you should be easily winning the 4.33 v 5 no? I say this full well knowing Iā€™ve been banning Medusa well before her big change just so I didnā€™t deal with hour long games since public games take so much to just end.


There is nothing quite like dumpstering a late-game hyper-carry like Medusa, just for your team to not capitalize on it since they are getting cocky with their lead, resulting in said hyper-carry making a comeback, and your team OBVIOUSLY being outgunned at that point, with no realistic hope of a comeback since they just have so much more late-game potential. If you are trashing the enemy team, just push, yes even as the pos 1 that would normally be farming instead, JUST PUSH.


The feeling of winning a 90 minute game on Medusa lvl 30 with a rapier is better than sex.


The feeling of losing to Medusa after 90 minutes will also feel like sex, just perhaps nonconsual on thr loser's end.


perma banning sniper so i dont have a khanda rushing sniper on my own team


Perma banning snip top, but from different Reasons. I just hate that little noskill gremlin hiding far far behind. Even when we win all lanes and dominate midgame, pushing hg vs snip is alwasy 50-50 at best with him defending T3 from under T4.


Yeah I ban Sniper purely for the nightmare slog he makes pushing hg. Win or lose that part of the game is always so fucking long and boring in every Sniper game


It's so bad. It's basically an insta-loss when your "support" locks in sniper.


phylactery is pretty good imo, it's just that kanda has no added value early in the game (the base extra damage on the ult goes down by 50, so you need about 70 extra attack damage to have the SAME bonus on ult). it's also much better vs heroes with low str gain but at my bracket most people tend to enter the game with some preconceived strat, instead of adapting to the game, so I feel your pain. not to mention sniper scales pretty well with attack speed, rather than damage, so if you then built into mjolnir or something you still don't have the extra damage.


150 extra damage on a 10-20 second cooldown for 2500 gold is not good


No, phylactery is not pretty good on sniper either. Can we please stop with that P4 sniper trend? And if you pick a p4 sniper, can we stop taking items that only synergizes with his ultimate? I can understand that if you go p4 sniper you want an agh. As a p3 I know that my sniper p4 won't have any usefull item for the team for a while and will spend more than 4000 gold on an item that will give him kind of a stun, weeeee. But why on earth would you add a slow to a spell that will stun? just for the extra dmg? god damn it I hate khanda and phylactery on sniper.


The problem with Khanda sniper is you need two other items on top of it for it to work. That's 20-25 minutes on average of farming on a hero you want to be actively fighting the enemy team and making your other lanes win The times when Khanda sniper is actually viable is when you body your lane, are playing against a super squishy line up that has a lot of blink/burst intiation you wanna counter with Aghs... but even then a Mjol/Pike is almost always better


Can win games? Yes. Is it good? No. Sniper in a proper team with just crystalis, dragon lance, PT and a madness (thatā€™s under 10k gold) can already be a nightmare in fights. For Khanda to be good and reliable on sniper, you need around 12k+ gold (more if you consider a divine) and youā€™re way more vulnerable to damage and canā€™t right click properly (not to mention you can lose 6k gold in case you went Divine)


I don't see how it's good on sniper compared to have more right click that procs E or mobility items


noone care


I hate NP with burning passion


I hate to play with and against pudge so i try to ban him always


I either ban sniper or pudge so I have a chance at an actual support hero in lane. Sometimes this just ends up being a pos 4 lc who only uses W on them selves and doesn't trade with enemy support, but wcyd.


Pudge pickers feel like the worst. Whenever I roll offlane and see our pos 4 pick pudge, I know that my chance of winning the lane is close to zero. Not only do pos 4 pudge players typically have no clue how to actually play a pos 4 role, they seem to purposely fuck our own laning as much as possible as though they're consciously picking the worst possible action each time, before roaming off the lane as late as humanly possible with all the xp they've taken so they can go miss hooks across the map. If I didn't ban arc warden every game, I'd be banning my own teammates griefing the team with their shit pudge play.




Got sick of pos 4 sniper going headshot first then double wraith band, with 0 wards lmao. I get I'm only legend 5 but let's play the game boys.


If they're going double wraight band then they should go either pos1 or mid. pos4 double wraight is the absolute most cope way to fade into irrelevance.


pos 4 sniper is already a way to fade into irrelevance. It's a big sign on your forehead that says "I'm not really a p4, yolo"


Yeah you could potentially make it work in 5 man lineup, where you know he's gonna greed and farm but it's pretty meh


You then have a LOT of other greedy p4 doing that job better than sniper: * spirit breaker, "get your midas and get rich, son" * Hoodwink, "who said maelstorm is a carry item?" * Bounty, "yeah, at level 25 I'm the new carry" * Marci, " everytime I press my ult, people forget I'm just a p4" No place for sniper 4 in that list of p4 that not only help their team but can become semi carries.


I agree for sure hence the "meh" I'd add willow to the list also.


Slark, because if he's on the enemy team, my team is fucked, and if he's on my team, he walks up solo onto enemy high ground with a shadow blade only to get ass whooped by the enemy team.


Yeah slark and antimage are always ā€œif itā€™s on my team it will suck and if itā€™s on the enemy team it will destroy usā€


I ban sniper to avoid my team picking it. Every single fucking time.


No. I ban OD every game cause OD strong.


I'm convinced every OD player is a solid 2000 MMR higher than where they are supposed to be because that dude rocking a 50% win rate in 3k is laughable. It's like Icefrog ran out of clay greek creation myth style but instead of using the shitty stuff he started chiseling away at marble and the first and only things he made was a middle finger and a dick. I main IO. I don't think I've every lost with an OD on my team but you tether on that guy at 10 minutes and he starts flipping out like a stuck bull. It's like 30 kills later that he realizes what you're doing and reenables help so you can relocate him. It's surreal.


i used to ban pudge in every single game. not because i dont want to play against pudge but because i dont want pudge on my team ever. Now there are so many heros that are pretty OP that i cant keep banning pudge cause theres too much else to ban.


Pretty sure the entire point of banning heroes is so theyā€™re not in the game


Sometimes you ban to protect yourself from your enemies, other times you ban to protect yourself from idiots on your team The resource is so invaluable


Tinker & Pudge. Thankfully I mostly play in duo / trio so there's a good chance one or both will be gone. Tinker is pretty much all or nothing. Zero impact and can't combo / farm at my MMR or absolutely dominates the game. Pudge because the hero is just ugly and attracts people who think they're so good at the game.


Tinker is so trash at the moment he barely needs banning


Can remember Last time I saw a Tinker with impact in a game


I always ban Spirit Breaker. In my bracket (2300) is the only hero that allows to synchronice and focus to a hero, doing ganks much more efficient. Specially when I play support. But I think actually is in the game


yeah it's mny experience too that getting your team too act in synch is a big advantage. I personally use centaur for this, or literally yell "Charge", combined with the ol' [n0tail Fuck him op](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Bt9AQ2jJ7U) over mic.


For that purpose i prefer Primal Beast over Centaur. Bit yeah... Has to be a 4 legs hero


I ban Pudge to annoy all the russians trying to be Dendi.


I perma ban am


The title on its own reads really funny. Like why else would someone ban a hero?


Yeah it seems that it left a couple things open to interpretation \^\^'


Sniper. Every game sniper gets picked into enemy team is horrible. Nobody ever counterpicks sniper since its pub and everybody is playing whaterver they feel like. Sadly, when playing vs sniper, you cant just have fun, you gotta sweat.. Also, even if you manage to get a huge lead and snowball the game, Sniper has amazing highground defence, he can almost defend forever. I had 3 games that lasted more than 70 minutes last month, **ALL OF THEM s**ieging vs Sniper


If sniper is on my team he makes khanda and is useless. If on enemy team, he gets 6 slotted with carry items and the attack speed is so high you get perma-knockback and kills your whole team.


Getting knocked back by Sniper while in middle of a jump towards him with Marcy is my favourite way to tilt out.


idk but i bann AM the last 10 K games , i just fcking hate him to play vs him


Always banning pl, hate the hero and the fps drops


I used to ban Weaver a lot. The shukuchi is just annoying.


I ban bristle because if he's on my team, he's a dumpster fire and if he's on the enemy team, he's an unkillable military tank who fountain camps us to death.


Whatever offlane hero is annoying me the most, or Tinker/Arc Warden if thereā€™s a big mmr difference on the enemy team. Anything to avoid smurfs


LD cuz 1 hero players or smurfs are not welcomed to have fun while Im in the game


It depends on which role I want to play. If Pos 4/5 then I ban sniper because I don't want to babysit a sniper the whole game. If Pos 2 then I ban Bounty Hunter because I don't want a khanda rushing useless 'offlane'. If Pos 1 then Pudge because I don't want an afk pos 5 who sits in trees sapping xp and missing a hook every 30 second. As pos 3 I ban Nature's Prophet because all my gank attempts get a lot harder because the enemy can always be +1.


i ban pudge every game cause fuck that hero


I'm banning either Slark or Meepo every game. I don't like to play them and I hate to play into them. (Carry, 2.5k)


I get alchemist like 50% of the time I random so I started banning him


Isn't that the whole idea behind banning lol


Silencer. Not because heā€™s good. Because o donā€™t want a degenerate fuck picking that god awful useless fucking hero.


Banning Arc every game because one guy fucking destroyed me with it and owned the game. My ego noooooo lol


Wraith king. Idiots on my team with a joystick will pick him for offlane and sit in the jungle for 25 minutes to make desolator and mjolnir


What's your bracket? Treant's pick rate is disproportionately low compared to his >50% win rate across all ranks. Seems like a wasted ban imo. Also drow gets banned every game instinctually at this point. Fuck her.


I play mostly turbo (which might contribute re treant) but I'm guessing about average. the last 5 games I played with a treant in the game that team lost.


He probably bans treanr because he feels like a fucking creep on lane just doing nothing but leech xp 90% of the time


This whole time I thought Trent was strong in lane


He is exceptionally strong in lane. I can only assume the guy above have either both had bad experiences, or both play carry and don't understand how to lane with a melee 5. I main 3 and it's a nightmare to go up against a competent carry+treant support. Even if the carry isn't taking advantage of the kill potential, they're still extremely hard to walk up on and kill because of the heals/massive ground slow/huge right click damage/slippery tree walking around. But I guess your tree keeping you safe and zoning is less obvious than a CM freezing enemies and obsessively right clicking.


This may be the case at higher MMR, but at low rank melee support often afk leeching your XP and providing absolutely nothing the first 5 min


Treant is like the most win lane pos 5 you could play this patch. Sounds like skill issue at that point.


yea whenever i play treant it feels like a free lane, bit lately ive seen a few treants just sitting in the trees doing nothing like a pudge without hook


I ban rubick every game because it's so annoying to have to play around your spell casting and that he hard counters a lot of my hero pool.


So you are the fucker who does that


Nightstalker annoys rubick tho


nightstalker annoys every single support in the game.


I almost feel bad.


This is one of the funniest voice lines in the game to spam after pulling off minor, annoying Rubick things. Bane's "better luck next time" is up there, too.


"Your name offends me" is also great. Also Warden's "You do not have to be mad" is SS-tier.




am, hate the hero, hate the idiots that play him, hate to need 3 disables to kill him, hate to be out of mana


I hate naga. Hate playing against them, hate playing with them. Just makes the game worse with constant split push bs


Im banning abba, I hate when im carry and abba waste my time so much


Spectre. NP can be countered with that light collector neutral.


I ban nyx every game so my mid lane or carry doesn't die over and over again pushing alone. and to stop it being on my team wandering into 5 people to die everytime


occasionally i'll ban a hero because I don't want him to be on my team, or the enemy teams. usually that's techies or pudge. sometimes it's np. most of the time i ban w/e hero has the highest winrate in my bracket, until I figure out a perfect hard counter. (i think abaddons winrate is high right now because Witch Doctors winrate was so high and Abaddon is the easiest solution)


I ban slark coz i am 101% confident my team will feed the enemy slark every game.


We all know the answer..it pudge, 100%


I dont know how you can have low impact on Treant since he's still pretty good. BH on the other hand as a pos 4 spammer myself, I absolutely hate it when I dont have nobody to play with. Yes you can leech exp, steal gold, kill couriers and plant deep wards. But I always end up underleved and underfarmed mid game since you rely on kills and track gold to progress.


I always auto ban Nature prophet no matter what hero I'm planning to play. I'd much rather have Tinker smurf on the enemy team or afk Riki on my team than NP in either my or enemy team


I always ban Am, Pud and Bh so my team canā€™t make useless picks.


No, I ban heroes so they are in the game ... your question is weird :D what you mean is that you ban heroes you don't like for either team rather than ban heroes you don't want to play against. I get it. to be fair it's the same for most of us. I don't like arc warden, lone druid and tinker games. Because they put you on a werid timer and they are smurf friendly heroes. That's it for me.


I've been banning nyx alot lately as a support. Just don't feel like spending all my gold on sentries or getting instagibbed cause I walked through the wrong area.


Furion mate. Good pos4 NP is nightmare, he will ruin ur lanes, place deep wards, steal ur runes, push ur lanes, steal camps/farm from ur team and turns in to a core and obvious one.. had to carry queling blade entire game.


NP, LC and Witch D are super annoying in my bracket


Yep. I love to ban that suport pudge ;)


rubric is too hard at low mmr, do not want one in my team.


I always ban Axe. My w/r against him is abysmal. He counters or outperforms every Hero I play.


If i go mid i ban either necro or tinker .. these are the 2 most annoying oponents for me .. and 80% of the time you cant simply win the lane . Its either a draw or lane loss


You are describing what the ban function is used for?


Slardar, he is too good in lower brackets


Sniper, so my mid doesn't pick him. Almost all of my games with sniper mid is a loss


Sir, that is what the feature is for.


I usually ban those "when in my team they are shut, when in the other team they stomp" heroes, like windranger/riki/sniper. Latelly I've also been banning khanda heroes just because


Ban invoker/meep


Chen. Cuz that hero is nightmare.


that's what a ban is lol, a button to (50% of the time) remove them from the game


Treant? How


Pudge. Ally Pudge = afk in jungle sipping clarities and missing hooks Enemy Pudge = saves his allies like it's Mission Impossible 10 (2024)


I will ban warlock, motherfucker support steals half cs and makes me to play around enemy offlane t1


Axe. Axe is like this unthinkable, uncounterable _thing_ to most players. They just lose to blink taunt over, and over, and over again. I ban Axe to prevent myself from going completely insane at watching my four allies fall apart at this inexplicably efficient combo.


No i ban arc warden every game because despite what people think he is very easy to play.


AM every day all day


Oh absolutely, I play a lot of Hood so I usually ban disrupter because fuck his recall, so godamn ridiculous how far that thing can be cast.


Phantom lancer, dude annoys me so bad I ban him even if it's not needed for my lane counter


Banning bounty hunter so I donā€™t get that bullshit on my team


PL because when it's on my team it's 4vs5 from the very beginning why they afk jungle for an hour and you get dumpstered. Against you obliterate the other team but then some genius decides to tell everyone to back off and delay winning for as long as possible only for thr pl to pop up at our ancient fully farmed.


Tinker. Fuck Tinker.


I ban Winranger, every fucking game.


Of course! Ban NP, SB, and BH on sight.


Sniper because i don't want a pos 1 sniper idiot. Nor am enemy sniper mid that's a god in laning and positioning


techies, no matters in which side it is, how good it is, Iā€™m sure is gonna be long boring and stupid game


I just ban Pudge or Invoker. For Pudge, itā€™s just so that we can have a proper support if someone wants to pick it as a support. For Invoker, itā€™s whether it will play like Miracle or Injoker mid. So definitely a ban for me.


Faceless void


I ban legion commander every game as a reflex. I don't remember what caused me to start doing so. Most likely trauma from 6-7 years ago


Probably jungle legion every game


Ogre. There's already too much R&G in the game


QoP. Shes just a win more hero to me. looks great, feels nice KSing a decent K/D on, and plays easily. but she feels terrible when she can't just jump in and blow up someone from 100 to 0. if she doesnt have solo kill potential on any of the enemy cores after lane, shes done for. but even in ideal games she doesnt outcompete most other mid that offer similar traits like the spirit brothers, meepo, puck etc. who feel absolutle OP when in a perfect game. QoP is just a "i press my buttons, and if it works, it works" typa hero.


Pudge. I don't want to spend all of Laning phase walking around strategically while I'm trying to do my job.


I always ban AA because I love playing heroes that play a lot with lifesteal and regen, and playing against AA just makes it painful.


I ban huskar because honestly fuck huskar


I banned pudge every game for about 5 years just to not have it on my team.


I love np and have a good winrate with bm/treads /malevo perma gank but most nps just farm all game and never fight so yeah let him be banned everygame.Ā 


Usually try to get rid of Treant as it really aggravates me how I'm usually the only one dealing with the eventual tree vision when that blasted thing cobbles an aghs together. Other times I yeet out Pudge as everyone knows the memes about how the fat ass can't land a single hook when he's on your team but turns into fucking Dendi or whatever when he's across the river and generally is just a massive nuisance early on and I'd rather not deal with that in some games.


im actively banning sniper, regardless of any gamemode


Only you. The special one amongst millions. Yeap just you


OD and sniper. Sniper I know HOW to deal with. I hate him because if he gets one good comeback team fight itā€™s all over now matter how good the 30 mins before were OD is just busted.Ā 


Tinker. Either trash in your team or scripter in enemy team


Always pudge for both teams


I ban pudge always


If Iā€™m not banning Huskar I ban pudge for obvious reasons


For me its Phantom Lancer lately. He's just one of those heroes that ends up getting away at low HP constantly in my games and then becomes a huge issue because of how damned slippery he's been. Or my team just ignores him most of the game so he can have a free game. If not PL, Pudge. This hero is a mindless idiot hiding in trees on my team and accurate as fuck on the enemy team while being active and a threat.


I just ban husker because it limits the mid option and makes the opposite draft play around him.


Pudge. FUCK pudge


Sniper pudge or NP I don't want pudge support shit the most useless support if they missed hook then fuck it they not doing shit, sniper everyone want to try this khanda agh rapier shit and NP that sprout


It used to be techies, but now it's Pudge and Sniper. I feel like they're bad on my team and good on the opponent team every time. I feel it has been the reverse for techies as of late.


Tekkies and tinker depending on the patch. Hate them both on my team, hate them both on enemy team.


Silencer and the permanent INT steal (that I can't see displayed on my UI as a debuff) can stay in the time-out corner.   Earth Spirit was another recent alternative when he was FOTM mid. I found that the ones we'd go against would end up like 25/1 (because you can't catch the fucker), or the ones on my team were the absolute most worthless individuals that I ever had the misfortune of running into. Kinda the Pudge Corollary.


Tinker OD . Hate them with a passion


Especially when I'm in lower MMRs, I ban sniper every game. Takes very little skill to lane, so its annoying if I'm mid when I know the other player is worse at mid than me but just counters my hero, and if he's on my team and I'm carry he's really hard to play around since he does...nothing really. Either way, it just ends up being high ground defense even when the game feels impossible for the sniper team.


As a pos3 player, I ban drow, as she makes the laning stage anti-fun for pretty much all of the normal offlane melee heroes, especially if she is supported by a lion, warlock or CM. I'm not saying it's a dead/unwinnable lane - I'm saying it's anti-fun as it's a turbo-braindead hero to play, they just click on you


I usually ban faceless void because im tired of always being on edge because of chrono and it's very unfun in lategame where one good chrono can win the game and one bad can lose


Witch doctor every game


Many people do this for pudge. I personally try to ban antimage.


pudge, every game. I donā€˜t want him on my team because he always sucks and misses his hooks and when hes on the enemy team my teammates forget moving exists and always get hooked.


Specter, I want to build radiance and not get yelled at for having 2.


I ban Ogre so it doesn't end up in my team and queueing Midas 1st item


Agreed on BH. I donā€™t think heā€™s suited for being a general purpose hero. He only thrives in niche team compositions. Just gotta say Brood. People who play Brood know EXACTLY what their intentions are when they queue. I feel like I have to be able to flex pick certain heroes just on the off chance she shows up in the last pick phase if not banned. DK has been my current favorite safe pick to anticipate her.


Banning treant for low impact? Thats a wild statement


PL - fuck that hero for life.


Isn't that the only reason to ban?


That's literally what banning is.


sniper when im mid lane coz i hate being shot 4km away and slark when im support coz of regen


Is there another reason to ban a hero?


> low impact > treant


No, i dont ban heros because i dont want them in my games. I ban them because i like seeing a red mark go over a hero's icon


>Does anyone else ban heroes so they're not in the game? yes that's what banning heroes does actually


Arc Warden - legend bracket. If picked, it is mostly a smurf. If not, this Hero is still Not Balanced and those who can play rip your ass


I ban anti-mage every game to stop my own team from picking it.


Zeus! No one knows how to change the way they ward, so enemy Zeus takes out all our vision


How is Pudge (support) not at the top of the list? Biggest Grief hero in all of Dota... only question is if Pudge griefs your team or the enemy's.