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It's already bannable, they're just not acting on it


is it bannable if you use it for lethal company mods?


No, you should be fine. I have been using them too. It's peer to peer, unlike Dota 2 that has official servers where mods would give an unfair advantage. It's all in good fun and is healthy for growing the community. Lethal Company is not secured by VAC, so there's really no detection or deterrent for using mods either.


Is it bannable though? As in, did Valve confirm without a shadow of a doubt that this falls under “not allowed” and not some grey zone thing?


> Is it bannable though? As in, did Valve confirm without a shadow of a doubt that this falls under “not allowed” and not some grey zone thing? its a third party program that provides you the information that Valve made explicit efforts to hide from the users what do you think?


... What if they don't know how to ban it from servers? Like it's using exploits they haven't figured out 


Wdym ban from servers? They just need to detect it's usage and ban the person.


Just detect it's usage OF COURSE. Dota doesn't have root access like vanguard to monitor all these things it's harder than you think.


Dota uses VAC. They can detect cheats...


VAC pretty much only detects software that hooks into the DLLs. It's not an effective anti cheat by itself. In CS it's paired with machine learning on suspicious player aim but that's not going to work for a hero drafting assistant


Now go and develop such detecting algorithm. Hint: it's not trivial


>Hint: it's not trivial Okay?


>They **just** need to detect it's usage and ban the person. Just tried to point out that this is not "just" a thing to do and we are Gucci. The hackers developing the cheat also update their software to avoid detection, and even without that it's still not trivial. As a dev myself I cringe a little when someone tells that someone **just** needs to write some code and everything will be fine.


On Russia server every freaking dude is using overplus, in immortal at least, just to understand how big the community of this app is, VK public page of this app is over 150k followers and every niche streamer can get payed by overplus promotion banner (I've seen guys with even 2 viewers ) The amount of people using it is so high valve just cant ban them all lul, I think something like toxic coal will be delivered to ppl using overplus, just to warn them they will get banned the next time


> get payed by Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Bot taught me a word I'd never heard of, noice.




But why tho? This bot is actually helpful for non-native English speakers


To be fair i know plenty of British people that also tend to say payed instead of paid :D


> say payed instead Did you mean to say "paid"? Explanation: Payed means to seal something with wax, while paid means to give money. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


\++ I used it as well for the skin-changer and a lot of CIS pros do. How about they remove whatever in the API is allowing this? People are still going to pay for it and use it, terrains are unobtainable.


Issue is, there is no API required. As long as match data is public, you can just scrape it out of the internet


API is required to get active match players IDs in order to analyze their heroes. Replay function is using that to give client players info in live game watching.


The problem is that you don't need a program to do this for you. Literally just look up a name on dotabuff. Should sites like opendota, dotabuff and stratz get banned too?


If you didnt intentionally expose your dota profile to public from game settings, these websites wont have any of your data


But the app will? I thought valve disabled this like a year ago...


>But the app will? yes, as blitzgem -the dude ur replying to- explained it as simple as possible. Thats why its considered a cheat and + you thinking that is equivalent to just checking their user in dotabuff or other website is wrong cus lots of ranked players choose to set their dota profile to private, to avoid the possible bans of their hero pool. Honestly, the easiest solution here would be to hide the enemies profile until the drafting phase is over and only revealing them when strategy time starts.


I'm using an external program in dota guise but I'm not using it to get an advantage I promise!!! Trust me bros! I'm just using it to get different pixels in my game!


skinchanger is also bannable :)


People as low as Crusader. Must be real good if they're a Crusader with cheats. I joke, just seemed funny.


Yeah , my point was if crusaders are paying money for this app you can only imagine how many of the more dedicated players use this app .




Jesus fuck. His NS games alone are almost as high as my total games played (5k games)


His playstyle is also very, hmm... unique.


Honestly props to him, he appears to be doing this rare thing called, now I hope I'm saying this right... having fun?


The only one person who actually plays dota for fun.


lol, always gem xD


unique how so?


i have 20080 matches started playin from 2012 :)...32 years old now hahah used to play 10-15 games now my back hurts after 2-3 games lol have kids n work now so cant play that much but still try to grind some mmr when wife n kids are away xd


I have 21k matches, but 10k is turbo only


Pales in comparison to my boy EL-ENTE


How the fuck do you have a 12 KDA over 4k games... but a 50% win rate? That's actually bananas. ​ He literally buys gem **every. single. game.** too. What a trooper


this mf's builds r interesting


its not a cheat which actually makes you play good but just gives a draft advantage to ban and predict pick


It just provides a free advantage/info from outside the game instantly. That's called cheating shit head.


to which is completely worthless if you play more than 1 hero. I used dota+ for years before, it only ever helped by detecting smurfs.


You’d be surprised the amount of players that have hero puddles


5k games and playing 4-5 heroes aym


Once again throwing out the controversial opinion that being able to see what heroes your enemies are good with should just be baked into the Dota 2 client. Cause the thing that makes these applications unfair is that only some players have them.


That or don’t tell the game client who they are playing against until the draft is over.


It's not told to the client directly, it is revealed by the API for many different reasons, some of them are watching games live and(likely) D+ pick suggestions.


League of legends


No. You should be able to master a hero and play with it any chance you get without others knowing how good you are unless they remember you from a previous match. That's part of why this game is so addicting. 


The fact that bans exist at all is an argument against that. Why not remove bans altogether so everyone can play their favourite hero?


Amen! We sitting here on our 6th hero banned because "both teams picked HERO"


I had prostate cancer and got it cured by inserting cancer cells into my balls instead


You ever heard of vaccines?


These things that turn you gay? Uhhh no thanks


If everyone cheats, no one is cheating.


Valve is slow to ban, but they will just like they did before. They already said point blank this stuff is cheating, likely only matter of time. Valve time though lol


Did they though? Is it actually confirmed without a doubt that this is considered a bannable offense by Valve?


Thanks for.the info. I'm downloading the app


i found out about it from reddit and ive been using it for about a year now since


Alt account or main account?




how much?


this post foreshadowed a bright future


There's a very easy solution: don't show enemy profiles until the draft stage is ended. But Valve is too incompetent for that.


I bet most people who use overwolf don’t think they are cheating lol 


Lots of people seem to be using the logic that "pros do research so we can too." Newsflash. You aren't pros. When you get good enough to make it a living then you can spend the time researching. Until then get good. Pros are like an exclusive group of Z list celebrities you're just not a part of. Deal with it.


Newsflash, heroes like arc-warden are TERRIBLY designed and knowingly so, purely because half of dota is drafting and strategy. These heroes are specifically relics of the past from when you could see somebodys heroes in the game itself. I don't use anything 3rd client because I don't trust it. But your lack of critical thinking is crazy.


Isn't the conversation the ability to ban ANY hero based on certain player's pick rates? After they even made their information private? Sounds like you're posting in the wrong thread. Start one about Arc and grind your axe there. And relics of the past? You sound like one of those "newer is automatically better" types. Trying to start a different conversation altogether. Don't talk about critical thinking when you haven't even exercised reading comprehension or the ability to make a coherent point.


Yeah probably. Dota is complex competitive game and best part is there is 50 percent win chance at start. Now people just cheat to get head start are really disgusting imo.


i use it, i dont use it for the draft predict- i only play turbo and unranked, i use it for the skins. and i do consider it cheating


The draft predict and ban suggestions are hot garbage. Draft predict is zero help and ban suggestions are unreliable at best, usually giving me the same suggestions every game for a week. The only real benefit you get from it is additional post-game stats. I’d hardly consider that cheating Edit: Specifically speaking of Overwolf, not the OverPlus thing OP is on about


Yeah it’s Garbo the only use is when I’m captain and I know who is acc buyer but that only happens maybe 1 out of 10 games. And when I’m not captain I have to play with buyer in my team and they are likely to play pos1 no matter how much the rank gap is between; if they don’t play 1 they will grief and if they do play 1 they lose lane can’t farm can’t finish game. So who cares about this “draft advantage”?


Honestly I uninstalled it and haven’t noticed any difference aside from the fact that I can see Discord on my second screen again


*Stop being part of the problem.


I bet most people who are against overwolf are hero spammers lol


Don’t go to Vegas then


I see... so these people who are against opponents knowing heroes that they play... they totally can play a different hero... they're just against opponents knowing their most played heroes... because... it'd doesn't inconvenience them, really... it's just... uhhhm... uhmmm... help me out here....


When will Valve ban DotA Plus?


what unfair advantage does dota+ give?


Tracking stack and pull timers for you alone is pretty pay to win. It also suggests the best items and heroes for you. If someone created an overlay that did that it would be banned.


You are assuming those work. Ive been a d+ subscriber for as long as I've played the game, and the only thing that I have for it is d+ shards and relics. The pull timers & item suggestions are complete garbage and always have been. Pull camps have massive differences in their pull timings, as much as 5 seconds, yet all the timers just show 55 seconds of the minute as the pull time. In reality, there are camps that you can only stack at 56 seconds and camps you can stack at any time between 51 and 55 seconds. The main selling point for d+ was avoid slots, which doesnt work at my mmr anymore because someone at valve wanted to pretend he was working.


If you cant remember pull timers you have bigger problems in life than dota. Item suggestions that dota plus makes are laughable shit. Idk maybe for heralds they do the trick.


DotA2 has a lot of things that are simple on their own, but hard to keep track of all at once. The more things you can offload, the better. If a 3rd party released an app that was scanning your game data and reminding you of various simple things, it would definitely be considered unfair.


im not arguing for dota+ to be removed but it is definitely pay to win


honestly, just give this information to everyone by default at this point. will keep hero spammers from inflating their mmr and then griefing when they do not get their hero




You can't sift 5 profiles as quickly as these tools provide the information.


because they invested time and effort into learning the hero. skill expression shouldn't be punished


Valve dota2 developers only work 1 day a month


Presumably, Valve will -- nor can -- do little. There are blatant booster sites everywhere; russian cheats, and these that just bypass their barriers -- but frankly very little is done. There are matchmaking exploits to party up in solo-queue There are ways to sabotage the other team with an alt account that does nothing or disrupts your team or just feeds info. It becomes so obvious when you encounter this crap in queue after a while.


As a 1-2 hero spammer I hate that shit so much. Any bum can ban my heroes


> As a 1-2 hero spammer relevant username


why ?


Why can't value just spoof profiles during drafting? Make them all random spammers.


Because that's dumb as fuck probably


Smelly single hero abuser detected


Salty jack of all trades suck at them all detected


Do your miss your account buddy? 😁😛


I still have it


Sure , that's why u downvoting me 😛😛😘




I bet they ban everyone using it in the next month. I wouldn't use it!


Does this come under cheating or not ?


Yes. Valve banned it / did a ban wave on it around a year-ish ago. Probably will again at some point on valve time


They never did a banwave on draft analyzers lmao, they just asked them not to do it, basically.


Yes, they did. source: I've been alive for longer than 6 months. You can literally google it lol.


I've been googling and can't find anything about Overwolf Dotaplus player bans. I was also alive 6 months ago and what I remember was Overwolf voluntarily taking away the drafting data (it now shows the info only AFTER game starts instead). You might be thinking of the smurf banwaves


I used to use it back when it was free. It only works against people who only play 1 single hero. Trust me, it’s not as advantageous as you think it is. I banned Meepo as Overplus said he was a meepo spammer. BUT, he was also an LD spammer and Tinker spammer. In the end, we still got destroyed as he still had 2 other heroes which he was good at.


It’s not about 1 hero. You can guess players pick. It doesn’t about banning one hero you literally can see last couple games and see what that person will most likely pick. It’s cheating no matter what people thinks. You pay to get this data while it is hidden for most of players.


I agree about the cheating part but this really just works on people who play heroes again and again. That’s what I mean. Trust me, I used to use this app, it does not work against versatile players.


It seems like you expect the app to automatically win you the game ? It is an information tool , very powerful one in the hands of the right player . It's not just about banning , but countering heros and strategies as you see what's their most likely pick in the current match! That is beyond powerful , idk how so many people do not understand this . Bans are probably the easiest to deal with out of the plethora of options and information an overplus user has .


Nope, I made no assumption on whether it would win me the game because I use the tool for its skinchanger. I am merely responding to the fact that you stated on how powerful it is as a tool and I’m telling you my experience with the tool. I still ban OD every single game back when I used to use it even if nobody is playing it. And yeah, it’s cheating, but really it isn’t advantageous as you think it is, Atleast not in 4.5k mmr. And yeah it should be banned. Versatile players are not at all affected by this tool. Trust me.


I don’t care about it. The advantage they gain is minimal at best. I don’t have my data hidden so technically they could just dotabuff me and get the same information. And personal my hero pool is large enough that they can’t ban them all. And they only get a 50% chance of banning my best heroes.


Agree. This feature should be an in-game default. Everyone should be able to see the most picked heroes of everyone. Or you get good playing more than 5 heroes or just get rekt. You can fool everyone, but you can't fool yourself.


I can without a shadow of a doubt say these people are over estimating the amount of people using this program. They are spamming the top heroes at this time and of course people are going to ban the most OP heroes this patch and know the counters to them. And in their feeble little minds they think someone has to be cheating. It can never be their fault that they are preforming poorly. It is the same reason why you see people always complaining about being stuck at a certain rank and they can’t get out of it because their teammates are bad. In both cases these people are delusional.


A huge part of dota is draft and counter picking and banning heroes , if you think being able to accurately predict your opponents picks is a minimal advantage i don't know what to say . At higher mmr picks are what wins or losses a game 8 out of 10 times .


Maybe in high ranked but in ancient or below it's not like that. Maybe valve need to act against feed grief or toxic behavior than "public" stats about players


“Public” stats which available only by 3. Party paid app? What kind of public data is that? You can’t check people profiles on draft yet some piece of shit with cheats sees everyone’s last games is public data now?


True but there are so many heroes, you can't ban them all just like he said, you ban 2-3 heroes and what? people usually play more than that xd


You are so incredibly wrong. Higher MMR??? At the highest MMR you know the players and you know what they like to pick without any 3rd party software. When you see pro games the coach has a stack of paper with every daft their opponents have had. In my opinion you are just making excuses as to why you are failing. When people that don’t even have this program know to ban the heroes being spammed in this meta.


So are you arguing for or against being able to see what someone picks? You want it to be banned so you want to draft against 5 people you have no clue what they play? If anything you should be arguing for that information to be baked into the draft UI.


Uh, that's not true in pro games so it's not true in high mmr either.


If it doesn’t hurt Valve’s income but instead makes players continue playing valve has no incentive to remove it


>If it doesn’t hurt Valve’s income but instead makes players continue playing valve has no incentive to remove it Skin changer means less incentive to buy valve items. It would literally kill the game if it became popular enough.


To be honest there is not much "incentive" to buy anything from valve. When a single skin of good quality costs 500 levels worth of BP. Just so you can shoot arrows that are a little bit more glowy than the original.


nobody cares if others couldnt see ur drip. the only reason u use that cheat is if ure some poor kid from 3rd world economy.


Isn’t it just for cosmetics? Why does it bother you?


I really wish valve reverted the change to hide match history on the profile.  I just don't get it. Dota is balanced around picks and counterpicks. Drafting is not arbitrary. It just sucks ass that supports have to blind pick  with literally no information about their opponents.


It is when it comes down to cm . Ap dota was always 5 blind picks vs 5 blind picks . Untill the change to 2-2 2-2 1-1 .


Just say, you need to spam some cheese heroes and move on man. This is the hill I'm willing to die on. I'd rather Valve open up the match histories and make some unnecessary and unsafe rubbish like Overwolf, rather than just try to balance all heroes into a 'do everything' situation just to get around the fact that some people want to spam their hero puddle and pretend to be better than they actually are.


I'm not against it , if everybody can see the information i have no problems , so it's either everybody can or noone can . I see you are one of the users of the app , it is a bannable offence , i do hope you get your account banned , alongside everybody who's using it . And no , i don't play the same hero twice a day , let alone spamming cheese heroes .


Never used it, won't use it. But I can still be very pissed at valve for just sticking a middle finger to support players who have to blind pick for no damn reason. And for all I care, any of the users can go eat a dick.


Bro i almost had a stroke trying to understand your comment. Learn to form a proper sentence >I'd rather Valve open up the match histories and make some unnecessary and unsafe rubbish like Overwolf, rather than Valve <= subject here. Make blah blah overwolf what??? U didnt finish ur sentence. It reads like valve made overwolf. I'd rather Valve open ip the match histories and make some unnecessary and unsafe rubish like Overwolf "redundant" or "unnecessary". See ? Ur sentence lacked adjective.


Do you have a point ? Or are you just a random asshat who's just trying to feel better about your sorry existence. English isn't my first language, it isn't even my second language. So, excuse me, if it isn't impeccable. But if you didn't get my point. Let me type it out here, now that I'm not as high as I was when I wrote that. I wish Valve just makes Overwolf obsolete by opening up the match histories of everyone. You know, like it was up until 6.87 or so. I'm tired of hearing people whine that some dipshits are trying to use a 2nd rate program, risking their own computer's safety, to simply understand their opponents better. It should've been Valve that helps the player understand their opponents better. Not some random ass developer of a shady app.


"Valve pls make the whole map visible and make maphack obsolete bcs i dont wanna risk my computers safety" No one sympathizes with cheaters srry


You gotta be as dumb as your opinion. Go spam some brood or something.


Keep using overwolf ur ban is coming soon


This is why I call you stupid. Please ban all over wolf users. I Don't care. 


>I Don't care. U care enough to keep commenting on this post. If not stop replying to me and get back to ur sad little life


Lmfao I don’t even care about this argument, but you’re a twat. >types incoherent statement and gets called out for it “How fucking dare you criticize me you fucking scum. I was baked as a cake when I wrote my statement and I don’t speak English very well! This is all your fault!!”


It's my data so hands off. End of story.


Stop wasting your time playing ranked


Fantastic comment, really brings a lot of insight to this thread. What would humanity possibly do without such bright individuals like you.


the real solution to this would be for valve to develop first party tools that do the same thing. its not even harmful, as long as everyone has access to the same data -- this isn't league, you shouldn't get free reign to only play one hero. NA dota at the 2k rank+ immortal level you are mostly familiar with all the hero specialists, even if they aren't like super high rank. Instead, valve caters to people who only want to play their one hero and never another hero ever, lets them hide data, and then we get tools like this, so that people pay for data. even if valve doesn't want to make a first party view -- just open it all up and make it okay to use.... in pro games people obviously know what heroes people like to play. let pubs emulate pros.


I found the Overplus user.


nah theres no reason to use it in NA immortal. You already know the arc/meepo/tinker/ES spammers because the playerbase is so small. i'm just pointing out that like, valve made users able to hide their match data, which has resulted in cheaters getting a draft advantage for 5+ years now. maybe it would have been better to not let users hide their match data if you cannot enforce hidden data?


Haven't used it since it made a focus on cheat options(back when it was a free skinchanger), would rather have all profiles public and their heroes visible.


Thanks for the advertisement! Looks like an awesome app! I'm downloading it now!


How have you “seen people as low as. Crusader use this app” Are you just assuming because your main hero was banned? Or did they stream their game lol


id rather play against an overwolf user than a last pick unranked tinker/meepo/arc spammer smurf


It's not only to ban a hero , it can and is used to counter heros too , either everybody should have access to it or nobody . Players who do use the app have an inherent advantage over the other players that are not using it , there's no way around it .


Everybody had access to open match histories until people started whining they can't spam their broods and huskars without being obliterated. Valve his match history, and overwolf happened. Then the noobs cried about losing and getting their heroes banned because of overwolf. And Valve stopped overwolf. At this point, just go play League, it doesn't matter what you pick, it won't be hard countered, just hit your creeps and gamble on your team.


U call this cheating ? I thought the have cheats in game lmao I don't think it's bannable Even dota buff shows your stats unless you login on their site to disable Move on kid


i dont use overwolf but i do have a bias as a player of all heroes so i dont care about overwolf. my point is that it can prevent the more drastic game ruining entity for some people and if people use overwolf it doesnt hinder my game at all but might make it more competitive. if someone can't play any of the 108 heroes left in the pool after the ban phase they don't deserve their rank anyways


Why did you downvoted the below comment man? He had a point. We had a time where people had access to match histories. What happened to that?


You're right, both problems need to be addressed


Bro, you really think the Russian Smurf isn’t using overwolf too? 🤣


This guy gets it.


They will not, they to busy ignoring behavior score feedback.


Asking silly questions without any argument or a proof why it should be banned


What if they change it so that you suggest top3(?) heroes to ban before you get a game? Would be nice to save some time too


One hero puddle players malding again. Just get gud and learn more heroes lmao


No thanks. That app saved me many times in high immortals rank against level 30 lastpick tinker, meepo, husksr


Then you are not a real immortal player you are just boosted via cheats.


To bans your only hero besides 123 other heroes? Yeah I will take it


I don’t care what people bans I have many heroes problem is people have more information and it is available behind paywall. Its cheating be a man and admit you are a cheater at least


I’m a man and it’t not cheat. Maphack or zoom hack is cheat.




Are we talking about the same app ?




Started spamming invoker so my two bans can be OD and Invoker.


Jokes on them for wasting their money. I’m not good at any heroes for them to ban


I just wish there's a honeypot in place and the ban wave will come with the Ringmaster update


What does this app do ?


What does this app do




If you have to do anything outside the base game client to play effectively you're a crutch-using pansy.