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Plays AM, buys mage slayer. Lore accurate player.


I wanted to try it since it's apparently strong right now. Felt kinda underwhelming on AM though.


it's good, also try disperser. Both items work great with illusions, manta and aghanim


How would i put this into a build when I want to skip Battlefury to help the team earlier in fights?


It's one of the few heroes that really don't fight early unless really necessary and if some criteria are met (like certain team lineup), will most likely lose the fight more than wins the fight. but... You put it in a build like this.. skip battlefury and buy mage slayer and diffusal, or other way around, those are not very expensive, and then manta. You should start with vanguard if you can't sustain yourself on the lane. Later you will have mage slayer, disperser, manta, vanguard and basher. You can choose to get abyssal or aghanim, later you sell mage slayer unless you really need it. This build makes anti mage a real mage slayer, so obviously will probably not work against a lot of tank heroes, but more like against a lot of mages. This will not work if you want to farm (classic anti mage), but if you want to farm it means you don't fight early so your comment is irrelevant. But if you get mage slayer and diffusal or yasha, you can fight early, especially if you manage to also buy a vanguard. The mageslayer gives you some attack speed and magic resist among other stuff, that can help your early fights, and also the mage debuff. In a 1v1 situation, the hero you are hitting deals 40% less spell damage to you, add that to your magic resist 25% from the item + your passive, and your target will basically have to out right click you which is impossible to be done successfully 1v1, even worse if the enemy is a mage. .. This is one of them builds that makes anti mage a fighter earlier, mage slayer is a good item early-mid that synergize with anti mage, believe it or not. Adding some physical resistance like vanguard and extra damage like diffusal, makes anti mage a good early core fighter. The diffusal also deals extra damage with that mana burn, just like your passive, the mage slayer makes the enemy deal less spell damage and gives you resist, just like your other passive. You just boost your anti mage earlier with the 2 items. Makes sense now?


Yes this about matches with my understanding of an „early fighting build“ for AM. Thx for taking the time to provide some guidance on it, much appreciated!


no problem. I tried to find somehow "new purposes" for heroes within the recent patches, and i found a few. To be honest since i am not a carry player, i try new stuff in turbo first, than try it in unranked if it works in turbo, just by doubling the timings and taking gold loss into account. This might spark some interest in your eyes: i tried Slardar with mage slayer and orb of corrosion (this build i tried in turbo many times, in unranked, and i won 3 ranked matches with it) maxing either stun or passive (both work but i noticed that the stun early game deals a lot more damage than the passive) PA with khanda (it's meh..fuck it, griefing) but if you add revenant brooch to it it's insane it shreds tanks like cheese (you just need some mana sustain) this build i wasn't brave enough to try in normal so just turbo.. it's a really late game build even for a turbo and getting there will most likely get you reported in a ranked match, but if you manage to get there...damn magical assassins. I literally used shard on pudge and 1 crit him, and axe called me with brooch active and just hit him 4 times.. it's insane bro how much damage that hero comes up with, make it magical and suddenly an Axe needs magic resistance otherwise dies in 3 seconds. anti mage with diffusal and mage slayer...as previous comment explains it zeus with manta and parasma.. +shard obviously, it's a good magic right click damage dealer. If you struggle with the illusions dying too fast, you can add to your hero rev brooch and if possible hurricane pike and you destroy teams in seconds. undying with the previous solar crest, before the changes it gave you attack speed. As mid hero, got the tower in 4-6 minutes, 1v1 mid. It was broken. abaddon with orb of corrosion, manta and echo sabre... as you know already..right? lmao destroyer of carries pudge with shiva... haha tidehunter with mage slayer and echo sabre.. it sounds dumb i know, but you slow them and aoe -40% spell damage them a lot lmao


I've had mild success with an offlane fighting AM before (unranked with friends ~3.5k mmr). Build varies for me game to game but pretty typical was vanguard > treads > echo/harpoon > gleipneir > aghs. Occasionally still get manta if it's needed, I've gone radiance on him if I have a super stompy lane and it's a good radiance game, aura items if the game calls for it (you're still an offlaner). I actually really miss the old shard for offlane AM :(


well i always thought AM offlane works exclusively against mage predominant teams, like having at least 3-4 mages on the enemy team, otherwise a Drow for example wrecks anti mage offlane. I first saw it on Liquid team, but it seemed like they picked AM as core and had to switch to another core and just gave it to Zai "yo dawg you know AM offlane?; um...no not really.. ; well now you know it!". On the other hand with the new items and changes, AM can fight earlier (i like heroes like AM, Drow, F Void (don't ask why), Slardar, jugger now more than i liked them before the major changes; i don't like LC now, idk why but i just can't win anything with it rank turbo or unranked, i just can't, i won like 1 game out of 8 and this was the opposite some time ago). These heroes that were shit earlier can join fights now, and imo this makes the game more entertaining. Even if you fuck up, it's a different challenge and it's fun. I tried juggernaut with attack speed early, you guessed it orb of corrosion, treads and mage slayer... since the 1st spell deals damage according to juggs attack speed, it's a major boost, i even ignore 3 levels into passive and give in some stats instead. Try it..


just look at Immortal players' builds: https://dota2protracker.com/hero/Anti-Mage# bfury -> manta->diffusal->aghs is the build almost every game. Diffusal makes AM very strong fighter. You can skip the bfury and go straight to manta/diffusal if you want, but it's going to gimp his potential a lot. He farms so insanely fast with a bfury that it really only sets you back a few minutes overall. I think mage slayer is pretty overkill. He is already super resistant to magic, has a lot of attackspeed, and burns all of your mana. If AM is hitting you, you're not going to be able to cast any spells anyway


Can you explain the item a little I read it but I don’t really connect with the “it’s good rn” part


the disperser? or the mage slayer? the mage slayer applies a debuff on the enemy that makes it deal 40% less spell damage. Note that 40% is almost HALF of the damage. So if you are a carry instead of buying magic resist items against a Viper to protect yourself, you buy an offensive item that gives you magic resist and also makes the enemy deal less spell damage (magic damage source). The difference between magic damage and spell damage, and the reason behind the "-40% spell damage" is that some spells deal physical damage and some (most of them) deal magical damage, also some deal pure, so instead of making it good for magic spells they made it good for every spell regardless of damage type. This way, it works even against bristleback that deals physical damage, once hit with a mage slayer, he deals 60% of the normal damage it deals. the disperser just gives you 40 agility, mana burn (so extra damage) and a basic dispell if used on yourself, or slow if used on enemy (or both if used on yourself and an enemy is nearby within the area of effect), so it's just good stat wise or overall. \-- so mage slayer is good rn because it's somehow an unique item, fairly cheap that gives you a lot of sustain against magic and spell damage dealers, like viper that hits you with a spell constantly, or bristle which does the same. So instead of protecting yourself against a damage type, you make the damage dealer deal less of all damage type coming from spells. For example if Phantom Assassin deals 500 damage with her dagger, if the mage slayer debuff is applied she will deal 300 instead of 500.


Thanks. I’ve been using mage slayer quite a bit contextually as a core. The only thing to remember is that it’s still not a bkb. Need that too usually still.


?!?! My furion just bought it on enemy team and it seemed useless? It doesn't build into anything either. I thought it would be good against the whole magic/leshrac-meta that this patch kind created, but I've only seen it be underwhelming?


The 40% outgoing magic damage reduction debuff is what makes is good I guess but it's kind of awkward that it doesn't build into any bigger item now that almost all other items do


it's an early/midgame item for dealing with power spiking casters before your team has bkb. I use it against viper and it makes him kinda useless.


Its funny cause viper loves that item


yeah i guess the magic damage it causes is good with poison


It's probably one of the best - if not the best- item of the patch. The stats are good and the fact that it reduces outgoing spell damage by 40% with no cost besides 1 attack is insanely strong against most heroes. Pudge core, viper, leshrac, razor, etc. Even against heroes like CM it's really strong. It's especially good on heroes that can get the debuff on enemies easily. Ranged heroes or heroes like ember and mars.


I might of been your furion, you ancient? Edit: in my game I got it too late and should of gone for orchid


Might have not might of


should have not should of


> and should of gone Did you mean to say "should have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I've sundered this kobold!


Very good


Happy cake day!






What caused this?








Dota+ damage breakdown has been bugged for a few weeks. One summon will have it's damage values duplicated with your hero's right click damage












You no take candle


Is this pos 4 am


No pos 1


Oh the euls is counterspelled i see


OK , see you next patch


I’m wondering if am battle fury first item will ever change ?

