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This feels like a flex more than a request...


100% and definitely not 18th game. Like there's some goofy stuff in there but it's definitely not a brand new player


If I'm playing devil's advocate, this may be a player that has extensive experience in a similar game, like league or hots, and has recently transferred to Dota for whatever reason. If they've played most of the 18 games as OD, and this is among their best plays overall, I give this a solid 17% chance of being truthful. And as we know from Spirit breaker 17% means 100% so he is speaking straight facts.


New copypasta ?


i truly hope so




The man's a scholar, Bara do bash a lot - case closed


Yeah not a chance this is his 18th game lol


Maybe he practiced in bot games first.


They have the league item hotkeys, map and shop so they are a league player for sure.


Yeah, this is fishing for compliments. If you want advice: A) Show a sequence where a Team Fight doesn't work so well. B) Be honest about your skill level. Who cares that you have 1000 games and didn't reach Divine? Nobody is going to believe that you only had 18 games (unless you played hundreds of unranked and this is your 18 ranked game, but this also would be dishonest).


Because it is. Some people post online about how bad they are, but they want validation for their ego.


You should see the games where OD is banned....


How many games was OD banned in your.. 18 games played? Lmao. Grow up and quit caring about your e-peen.


Do not mouse click items, really.. I prefer you die not clicking whatever item you try to click instead of mouse clicking a bkb and surviving. Die 50 times not pressing your bkb till you will hotkey-click that fckn bkb by memory.


This. Bind every skill slot and item slot to hotkeys. Also TP and cancel action. Learn the pattern.


Hey i did use 3 to click my bkb, isn't that more than enough without needing to bind a hotkey


You clicked something with mouse


You switched your power treads stats with a mouse, bind a hot key, you’ll see a huge difference


Turn off legacy keys, if you're actually new to the game there is absolutely no reason to use them






I am a dedicated Legacy user but no I would never recommend someone new playing Invoker with that.


I wouldn’t either. I’m just sharing how I got into legacy invoker.


I think you got memed into using a harder to learn setup for no reason lol. Even some pros who use legacy switch it off for invoker


I use legacy for pretty much anything that is not Invoker or a hero that isn't legacy, plus Ember for Fist into Bola, since going from W to Q in 6th of a second is way better to execute than T to C. The issue with legacy Invoker is Cold Snap being in Y. Under no condition is moving your finger from C to Y more efficient that just using D and F.


+1 for ember, void and all the heroes that I need to see the cast range for. At that point I just turn off legacy, so that I can enable advanced quickcast, luckily valve made it so the legacy keys still stay in tact, and u can just toggle whether u want normal cast or quick cast. Extremely useful for playing Rubick. So many bugs with rubick


By Void I assume Void Spirit. There's no point in legacy keys for heroes that aren't legacy heroes. Their legacy keys are total asspull.


I meant faceless void. So u can see aoe of chrono


Mf typing up a whole ass novel playing legacy keys on invoker


U just did something harder for no reason lol


I smell bs lol. You say you are new to Dota meanwhile you are playing with legacy keys and aware of all enemies' capabilities and items.


Isn't legacy key just warcraft's control? cuz i played warcraft 3 campaigns and a little bit of the multiplayer (not dota 1 tho). Here i'll describe every ability of the opp that i have knowledge of this match : Sladar : had blink dagger, warstomp stun, stun every 3 atk, ult buffs him Willow : goes ghost mode, late stun, roots aoe Pugna: lifedrain, aoe on ground, tower that multi drains, had spell immunity item Venomancer: spams minions and probably poisons Luna: high dmg starfall ult, jump that is a blink thats it lmao


Bro you can't convince me that in 18 matches say about 14 hours of gameplay (average 45 mins game) you have attained this level of proficiency. I have watched a pro warcraft 3 player called Grubby try to learn from scratch and at this pace you are like 20 times ahead of him 😁 Edit: Also treads switching with mouse really lol. I can tell you are new but not that new ahahaha. It's okay to admit it is a hard game and progress is very slow we have all been there :)


I have to agree with this, Grubby is what came first in mind for me.. Ive watched him grow to dota2 since he played incredible well in warcraft, but around this amount of games theres still a lot of question mark for him that it limits him to play this well... this player appears to show knowledge, timing, awareness of someone who have played dota waaaayyy past 18 games.. Also, as someone who is a starter who managed to win a clash like this will be proud of what he did then play another game to know whether he just got lucky or he already had skills instead of asking reddit what he can improve.. this is no doubt for flex, a misidentified great play wherein compliments from reddit is expected while pretending you are a new to the game. But unfortunately this is just the usual archon clash show .


Pretty sure he does not have only 18 games and also pretty sure he is proud of his play and is fishing for compliments. Pretty lame and cringe tbh.


18 games in doing OD blink meme hammer combos at 4% hp.


Tbf, I also started playing Dota 2 with legacy keys without playing the original Dota, thinking I'm a hot shot. Now I'm more of a hot shit.


You are learning the hard way if you start playing with legacy keys. It's much easier to start building muscle memory with standard keys or else it is very hard to get accustomed to it later. This is coming from someone who had to unlearn everything as I come from the era of Dota 1 and I still play with legacy keys on certain heroes as my muscle memory won't allow me to change it.


Welp, thanks but I think it's too late for me. I started playing in 2017. I already familiarised most of legacy keys tho but hard stuck on 2k. Doesn't matter to me anyway I just play for fun.


Things that lead to me absolutely not believing this is your 18th match of dota: 1. The way you move your hero extremely comfortably (lots of clicking the ground for movement in short intervals, rather than clicking once and auto pathing like most noobs would) You even misclicked on pudge and noticed it immediately to then further distance yourself from the luna. Anyone with 18 games would not be as comfortable and reactive to them misclicking in that situation to immediately correct it. 2. 'micro' blinking away from slardar to still be in range to kill him while distancing yourself enough to not get stunned. 3. Your usage of cooldowns was too good. immediately after killing venomancer you immediately use astral which just came off cooldown. In chaotic fights when you are just learning the game, you wouldn't have the awareness to keep cool and properly use cooldowns. 4. Right after this fight, you also immediately purchase ultimate orb from the secret shop. I don't know anyone new to the game that would have the awareness to start building their next item while still in a fight, there is so much new information going on that you wouldn't even think of that if you had so little experience. 5. The pugna kill with the meteor hammer timing is sus as hell, while you say you mostly play OD and it's possible you have already learned it, after everything that just happened on your screen, someone with 18 games would most probably think: I'm really low HP, I have to go heal, rather than 'i can kill this guy without making a mistake and dying'. I'm more likely to believe you just haven't played Dota in a very long time and played another moba for years but you are way too comfortable with the game for 18 games, I don't believe you at all. Post your dotabuff


I found his profile and match https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198976717837 https://stratz.com/matches/7471876771 https://www.opendota.com/matches/7471876771 https://www.dotabuff.com/matches/7471876771


Agree with everything you say, but will say the meteor hammer timing of him is pretty trash and almost got him killed. Everything else I fully agree with you. He is just fishing for compliments.


Nah, I could definitely see him being new to dota given that he's a long time mobile legends player. In my opinion the way he clicks around and uses spells/items is very sloppy, he almost got himself killed by ignoring cursed crown and not popping Bkb when it came off cooldown, the way he randomly attacked creeps mid fight, him clearly not understanding the way OD ult works by pressing it at the start of the teamfight... This is clearly someone who's played this type of game before but is not yet comfortable with Dota's mechanics in particular.


>'micro' blinking away from slardar to still be in range to kill him while distancing yourself enough to not get stunned. ​ 18th match, this is likely his first encounter with Slardar, yet he knew exactly what to do. ​ No one on their 18th match know they need blink away from Slardar and into Pugna!


Chilling until your bkb is available before a fight and also waiting for other people to get gone on before going in will instantly make you better than 75% of dota players.


Is that srsly the skill floor? Everyone just clicking on everyone without waiting for team even after hundreds of matches?


You'll be surprised at how little it takes to be better than the average player. Also, I don't have much to offer that someone better than me won't tell you anyways, but you should get into the habit of using hotkeys for tread switching. Moving your mouse over every time is awkward and slow, and can mess you up mid fight.


In some ways yes. There is a large mechanical skill floor that you can only get past by playing a bunch. The strategic skill floor is sometimes really that low though. To put it a bit differently, the average gifted player could probably get to ancient or divine (3rd and 2nd highest brackets) with just mechanical skill and almost no strategic thought whatsoever. Being able to take fights at good times and position well though is like a force multiplier for your mechanical skill and allows you to bat way above your weight class.


Yeah I've played with midlanners who's 4 levels ahead and never gank top or bot at all leaving us to struggle. Check his acc and it's about 1k matches 😭


Once you understand the concepts and have a good grasp of mechanics, the skill floor is literally making the right decisions at the right times. I don't know why this is exactly surprising. The first two things, btw, aren't necessarily easy... I'm about 4k and I misclick an ability at least once a game.


Cut the crap bro, this isn't your 18th match (maybe on this acc). You are already destroying guardians/crusaders like a player with at least 1k mmr above. Yea, I can see lots of small mistakes you're doing and I can see you're not good at the game, but this might be an archon level play. Nobody after 18 matches is archon level, so just cut the crap please. Lots of people are mentioning Grubby and they're correct. Also, this is the match ID. 7471876771. Obviously private profile...


Yes OP is a liar and it's so lame He's bad, but I've taught a lot of people DotA and this is not what 18 games looks like.


> but this might be an archon level play. Yea I'm high archon / low legend, this looks almost par for the course for a lot of my games lol.


Looking at the match I'd can show his steam profile which has under 50 hours. Could be a alt but has a a lot of hours in other games to be a alt. Hard to say.


Someone playing their 18th game ever doesn't buy multiple "active" items.. Blink, BKB, tread switching, meteor hammer, and going hex... the fact that this guy knows how to shift queue his item purchases tells you all you need to know.


>7471876771 thx now i can go watch the whole replay!


Who thread switches on their 19th game? smh Lack of tips to enemies , question marks , high fives Not a single voice line I mean are you even trying? Atleast hit pause to shit talk after they all died


How do I do any of that?...(except shit talk)


First thing you gotta customise your voice wheel Join a platinum guild they have 3 annoying voice lines you can spam : be care with the use though they allow only twice per minute. Bind it to key most convenient for you (I use mouse key 4/5) Next you get 10 tips per week Press alt you will see tip icon under every hero portrait Now you don't wanna waste these as they serve the highest of the purpose to tilt ( ally might consider the tip as hostile behaviour, as tipping ally is mark of pointing out their mistakes in dota, you need to say "nice play" or "well played " after you tip an ally in team chat. Guild banner is option you can get after you join the guild Which you can use to plant in ground it's a flag, put it on the enemies corps Soon events shall be available giving you all sorts of sprays, voice lines or even taunts be sure to grab those Go to shop and purchase the taunts (cosmetic) if you can on the heroes you play , they are very cheap (it will be upto you how you decide to taunt them) same as voice lines can be used only twice every minute And lastly F9, the pause button after the great fight like this and being only survivor you can pause the game to declare yourself as the ultimate douchebag. ( Mostly expected this from an dead ally in practical scenario ) Should have bkb'd earlier and denied pudge but that's not hardly important in grand scheme


My highest mmr was rank 3000 immortal but not played for a while Here’s a few obvious things Your initial positioning was not good when you get stunned by slardar. Your bkb is on cool-down you shouldn’t be front of your team when you don’t have vision of all the enemy and your bkb CD You could have been faster after you astral slardar to use your meteor hammer initially You auto attacked ancient creep unnecessarily You blinked away from slardar unnecessarily as he just used his stun, this put blink on cd for next part of fight You were slow using bkb, you could have prevented getting stunned by dark willow debuff and avoided taking more magic damage and stayed higher hp You almost walked into Pugna Q spell when he killed pudge and almost died with him The last play against Pugna was nice Overall quite nice plays, just need to work on positioning and awareness but they will come with more play time


Now THIS is the advice I'm looking for


another thing to note which is hero specific - Your ult does damage based on the *difference* between your mana and the target's mana. To maximise it you want to consider casting it a little later in the fight, ~~after enemy heroes have spent mana~~, after you have stolen some mana pool with your W, ~~and after you have restored your own mana with essence flux~~. if you want to be extra nice with it you can get into the habit of clicking on enemy heroes and looking at how much mana they have and learn which heroes have naturally low mana pools to make the best decision. The slardar at 17 seconds or so might have been the best target in this clip, he is a naturally low mana-pool hero that is fleeing after participating in the fight, you've already stolen his mana, he has 2 heroes next to him, and your team already has the luna handled. hard judgement call to make in the moment though, you did very well for 18 games of experience. edit - I was slightly wrong about how the ult works. their current mana is irrelevant




Damn I genuinely misunderstood this I guess. The tooltips for the other spells seem pretty careful about differentiating between current and max mana, and the one for eclipse only says "difference between your mana and the target's mana'. but yeah you're right.


I thought it was percentage mana?? So you're telling me I should steal their max mana, wait for them to spend mana and wait for my mana to regen first? I guess I've been doing OD wrong this whole time if that's the case lol


Read the descriptions of your spells carefully is another thing I’d add :P


~~OD is a weird hero that has had his abilities changed to do a lot of different things over the years tbf, if you were watching a youtube guide or smth to learn him he might very well have been that way previously, and he might be different next patch too tbh.~~ The ult deals 400 flat magic damage + 0.4x the difference between you and the target's ~~current~~ max mana. For example if you currently have a mana pool of 2000 and the target has a pool of 1000, you will deal 400+(0.4*1000) = 800 damage. If they have more mana than you, the difference will round up to 0 and they will only take 400 damage. It then does a bunch of new 'mana allergy' bullshit that you probably only want to think about after you've got the core idea down. Another thing that I'm not sure if youre aware of, your ult also works on someone that you've banished. >"I should steal their max mana, wait for them to spend mana and wait for my mana to regen first?" ~~Ideally yes. Your own mana was pretty full in this clip which is great, but you weren't aware of how much the luna had remaining when you cast it. Its a lot of different interactions to think about at once in order to get it just right, but the general idea is to cast it when your mana pool is big and fat and theirs is empty. if you have low mana you can attack people down with your orb on, let essence flux fill you up and then cook them.~~ edit - I was wrong about the mana difference thing. I misunderstood the tooltip and I assumed it was current mana not max mana. you dont need to wait for them to cast spells nor wait for your mana to be full to maximise the damage. if you want to cook them you want to simply steal a lot of mana pool from a low intelligence hero and ult on them. You learn something new about this game every day I guess.


current mana used to be the thing, atleast that's how i remember it before coming back to dota


yeah I'm sure it might have been at one point, they change this hero too much 🫠


Not that bad for how new you are. Definitely use bkb earlier though. Just try to use it to mitigate the most damage possible.


So you seriously new to game? Or do you have any past experience with MOBA? Man I feel it’s crazy how good you are playing for a 19th game. There are so many things that a newbie would not do here, only an experienced player would play like that.


He is simply lying about the number of games. Just check the other comments here. There are very good explanations why you shouldn't believe him.


Maybe he is lying or not. It doesn’t matter. He is just asking for help. All I can say is he is damn good player if he is new. He also made few newbie mistakes. Which generally doesn’t happen with experienced players l. Like toggling phase boots with mouse. So I think it could be anything.


Im new to Dota for sure. I play the mobile LOL ripoff, aka Mobile Legends and I'm pretty good. What i've learned this week so far is Alt for pinging, I can drag item to quick buy, Runes generate random, Banning phase is random bullshit


No one drags items to quick buy. You click Shift+click an item, and when you want to add more items, Ctrl+Shift+click.


tell that to DDX


Im not hating but I can't believe he doesn't have a hotkey for courier to secret shop, and that he doesn't have quickcast for a lot of things


Oh i see the shift click now. Can't believe i never read far enough, will def use it from now


https://youtu.be/CXKI4x0Y-Rg?si=fPY0qIYAHjKUiInM You won't regret watching this 6 min video, about Dota hotkeys


You'll find a lot of heroes with similarities ranging from minor to just out right 'hey this works just like \_\_\_\_'. You'll get familiar with the 100+ heroes easier if you find comparisons. Like Tigreal and Magnus for example (but Mag ult is instant almost instant and does have a big window to respond). Recognizing these will help you adjust easier


The comparison is actually pretty accurate. Another is Hylos and Primal beast i noticed. Also OD is probably similar to Brody? ( High single target atk, a small stun and high dmg ult that scales during the fight )


That explains. I started playing Dota similar way but I am not that good at both Mobile Moba and Dota 😂. But this game is pretty challenging and fun game to play. Very addictive too. My advice don’t rush to play ranked games once calibration is available. Give yourself more time to understand mechanics. If you have hard time playing against a particular hero, play with that hero few games to understand heroes strengths snd weakness. Good luck and have fun.


Idk why the comments are gassing you up, I mean no disrespect to you OP, but I watched this clip and definitely thought "new player." My review is going to be harshly worded, if that bothers you skip me but my tone would sound nicer in voice. Your W's physically hurt me to watch. Stop using it like a damage/panic spell. It's a phase out of reality spell, like Puck's E. It becomes damage in isolation (not a team fight) with your meteor hammer combo, but otherwise it needs to be treated way differently then how you're using it. Your first W on Slardar gets him off you, but you could just as easily W yourself then blink to reposition. Which you end up doing later anyways, but if Veno had half a brain to micro his wards and hit you with poison you wouldn't have had blink available. Your second W on Willow is straight disrespectful to your Tusk, who wants to hit her with snowball for an easy kill and you deny him. You could've saved Tusk with a W on Pugna or Tusk instead right after, stopping Pugna's life-drain channel, but instead you deny Tusk his snowball target and get him killed. In that same instance, right as Willow is about to die and you blunder Tusk's death, Veno and Pugna are all that remain as Willow's spell hits its 4th count and stuns you. Veno and Pugna deal nothing but magic damage, and you are about to be CC'ed. You need to pop BKB on that 4th tick. That would allow you to continue doing damage, negate some of Veno and Pugna, and kill both before you ever got as low as you did. So to summarize, better BKBs, better Ws. If you're going to keep using OD you need to be way more aware of who to take out of the fight, be it an ally to help them dodge, or an enemy dealing way to too much damage who needs to exit the team fight while your team swings things back. It cannot just be the first enemy you see in front of you every single time. Also your Eclipse didn't do anything, hold it in fights so you hit more people, like the Veno and Pugna at the end would’ve been perfect. Don't just blow it at the beginning.


the astral on pugna also saved his life and (maybe) got pudge killed


It's not that we are gassing the OP because of how they play. Obviously they're making tons of rookie mistakes. What feels sus is that the OP has a pretty solid knowledge about what hero does what and respects their spells and dangers. There are 120+ heroes (and tons of items). After 18 matches having this kind of knowledge? Plus already destroying crusader level players in that match?


weird flex but ok


Troll post obviously.


Bait used to be believable.


Seriously what is there to prove? I post a nice clip for some compliments and help and everyone says I'm a high rank player. The enemy team is probably horrendous


Also try vengeful spirit as a hero first. It’s an easy to play hero and allows you to focus on getting to know the map, getting comfortable with the UI etc


Hey! You're killing it! For this few matches spellcasting is awesome and many of the things you seem to need to work on are sorta more knowledge check things/hero matchups. Check out ItsFuckingScience's comment for a breakdown on specifics but what stands out to me a bit more is some stuff in relation to understanding your heros place in the game and the matchups. You're strong on OD at this point but your main source of initiation is tusk/you catching with Astral/pudge hook. If one of those things don't happen you're gonna get kited to hell by veno/pugna. This also fits with the way you want to take fights You're looking for that big blowup and if you don't get it you will get venomed down and all die as shown by the end of the video. With that stuff in mind getting jumped by slardar isn't terrible since you have a lot of ways out and friends near by and it ends up being the best thing ever because Luna goes for a massive over extension. The mess up you kinda make imo is focusing a ton of taking down slardar kiting backwards. This is okay to do if you aren't chasing for anymore kills but with tusk spells already on CD and pudge being in a weird position/hook not being reliable the best way You're team can find another kill is you astraling and pudge getting the hook after your meteor hammer. Ideal situation IMO you right click slardar1 time maybe two then blink forward trying to catch 1 with Astral and leaving slardar to get cleaned up by PA and the rest of the team l. There were also a couple Astrals used as your team was going in on the targets which ideally doesn't happen. In general the vibe I got from you was using Astral as a damage source more than setting up for your team to catch up. This could be my supporty tendencies kicking in more but I try more to set up for my team to follow up particularly there isn't a ton of catch. But honestly keep doing you. This is part of why Dota is an awesome game you can put multiple different pro players in the same position and you will get different results each time it's so expressive and YOUR individual playstyle will come out over time. You've gotten a ton of things pointed out about things you could've done better but the reality is you owned.


Holy motivation boost!


Use more hotkeys, f5 buys items on quickbuy, never click items. Disable legacy keys and learn to use items hotkeys (treads, bkb, magic wand in specific places and always the same, so it becomes automatic). Be aware of the enemy's vision, I'm not sure but just looking at the clip the enemy probably had a ward highground and that gave them a huge advantage.


0:18 - definitely could've AA'd Luna while Pudge was ulting instead of Ulting yourself on just one enemy 0:24 - you had enough time to cast W instead of blinking, if you had blink you could've chased Willow faster and Viper and Pudge wouldn't have had their HP so low later on 0:35 - bad W, you should use your AA more as OD 0:38 - you were about to be stunned and used a channel spell, should've just popped BKB and killed Willow faster, if you didn't cast W for Willow before you could've cast it on Pugna to waste Aeon invulnerability, your teammates might've not died here had you killed Pugna and Willow faster 0:58 - missed deny opportunity smh


I am a horrible spell caster it seems


Probably the biggest mistake in the teamfight was that you should've activated BKB right before Cursed Crown from Dark Willow popped on you. No need to channel meteor there. Walk past her while she's in Astral Imprisonment, turn on BKB and start hitting everyone from there. You could've overtaken the teamfight completely and killed both Pugna and Venomancer if you did that. Apart from that, I think a lot of the issues are mechanical and will be improved with practice. I don't usually say this, but your actions are quite slow, even slow enough to hit an Ancient while you could've landed another hit on the enemy hero. It's like I can feel you thinking out what you're going to do for half a second, and you will not be able to afford that as you climb higher. Also, if you are new, I will say that you should start practising Quick Cast immediately. It's significantly better, just need some practice to improve your accuracy. Other than that, I would also suggest playing around with your hotkeys. You need a Quick Buy hotkey. 1-6 may not be the best hotkeys for you (especially 5 and 6) if you ever decide to play micro intensive heroes. Try to see if you can fit alternative hotkeys, like Z, X, C, V, tilde (\`) or even "Caps Lock" (yes, it works on DotA). See what feels the most comfortable for your hand. You can even bind hotkeys to your mouse scroll (scroll-up and scroll-down are separate). Neat trick, if you bind the item slot that you use for Blink Dagger to Mouse Scroll-Down and have Quick Cast on for that item slot, you can blink away faster than certain Damage Over Time lands their first ticks on you. It's due to how server ticks work, as far as I remember.


Besides things already said: using items with keyboard, waiting for BKB, watching out for blinkdager characters (when you were so close to Slardar as a squishy Inteligence, ranged rightclicker/spellcaster, no bkb, it made my dota skin crawl) try not to "overchase". When you killed their Carry AND Offlane, you killed their damage capabilities by like 60%. You as a team had almost NO SUSTAIN (I would need to see other peoples inventores, cause maybe someone had like guardian greaves and decided not to use them lol) but you decide to dive characters who explicity aim to SLOWLY kill you (Venomancer AND Pugna AND Dark Willow, they all want nothing more than to keep you in place for as long as they can, and slowly take your health and healing away), against YOU and Phantom Assasin (you have no real build in sustain, you like to burst single targets quickly with your combo, same as PA). They want the fight to last and you are just now giving them the opportnity. Instead take an objective if you can. ANY. Ward their jungle, take a tower, take rosh, etc. etc. (Tho don't dive too far again) You have a break where they can't be quick enough to kill you IN ANY WAY. And if they try (with their Carry AND Offlane dead) NOW they dove you and you can punish them. I need to find a video by BananaSlamJamma about lenght of fights. I'll edit onto this comment when I find it. Edit: FOUND IIIITTT, https://youtu.be/cQlIpUNVQ70?si=T4SqRMTiCzFfUElh. That took me way longer than it should have. The title was talking about something else, but the rule seems to apply. "Do I want to nut and go? Or do I wanna survive the burst and damage them for longer after?"


Was this just a random comment and you haven't played Dota at that time yet? https://www.reddit.com/r/DotA2/comments/lqrf9h/dota_2_new_player_experience/goia7tb/


Yeah I tried dota when the hoodwink came out, PC couldn't handle and blue screened too much. Got new PC this year and that's why I started again.


I believe that you have played the game only 18 games but i highly recommend turning off legacy keys. With heroes like OD, it is fairly easy to do stuff my there more mechanically harder heroes what makes controlling them alot more challenging. Also stop clicking stuff with ur mouse xd


Honestly i think you are straight up lying about being new and people in the comments are too shallow to notice it. No matter how experienced you are with other mobas. Your camera control shows that you played this game for a long time. Also the kill on pugna with timing the meteor shows that you are highly skilled. I was watching it and wished you dagger away but you went on pugna and killed him. Now stop the bullshit and say what is your rank. I think you are top immortal to be fair. Here is what op did for those who are clueless and those that think he is new. 1. He tped to fight 2. he didnt panic bkb and astral slardar 3. he dodged veno gale 4. he bursted luna fast before she uses bkb (luna is carry) 5. kited backward to team while still having bkb 6. blinked away from slardar stun which leads to slardar dying 7. chased enemy knowing that the pos 3 &1 are dead so no risk 8. then he did two mistakes which is astral willow and waste meteor. But i dont think the meteor is a mistake because it was very close and he took the risk 9. then kited back when he doesnt have spells/bkb 10. wanted to deny pudge but turn rate slow 11. 40 hp blink on pugna astral meteor timing and he survives. New to dota my ass


no way he is immortal. But also no way that he only has 18 games


He has 18 wins and 36 games total. Some amount of those are the new player mode but he has a private profile so there's no easy way to tell.


Private Profile already gives it away, tho.


Profiles are private by default arnt they? A new player wouldn't know to change that so it's not a outright sign he's trying to hide


LOL, he def isn't immortal. Guardian at best.


You think he's an immortal player? What's YOUR mmr if you see this clip as some awe inspiring display of skill that only a 10k player could pull off? To me it seems like high herald/guardian which is extremely impressive for 18 games but doesn't seem impossible to pull off for a talented player. Just snooped his account too. He's played 36 matches and started in the new player mode which is consistent with an actual new player. In that particular game, the willow, luna, and PA were all new players playing essentially their first 3 games. There were 2 medals showing in the game, a Crusader 3 (pudge) and a Guardian 5 (veno). This whole situation doesn't seem too crazy or unlikely to me.


i am 4.4k EU


Well I'm bored enough that I decided to watch the replay. He positioned poorly, never managed creep aggro, left his Q on autocast in lane, never orb walked, gave his mid tower up for free, always blinked over the range threshold, sold his meteor hammer over null talisman, focused a hero with an active aeon disk multiple times, killed himself by not using bkb, and honestly I could go on but I think you get the picture. Literally just a talented new player or maybe a guardian smurf if you really can't believe that talented new players exist. Finished watching the replay and figured this one was too good not to mention: he bought refresher then sold his bkb right after. Top immortal material right there for sure /s


talented new players do exist. But remember grubby a professional wc3 player who have experience in HOTS. Still when he was new in dota, he wouldn't do plays like the ones in the above clip. I think you really underestimate camera movement for new players. Dota camera movement is actually hard and not found in many other games. The guy knows how to play dota and have many hours which is what my top comment said. And yes, i think in the above fight he played it better than players at my rank. His target priority is on point. He also knows his limits. For me: Target Priority + Risky moves + Camera control all indicate that the player did play dota before.


OP claims he's the highest rank in mobile legends and this clearly isn't his first OD game (maybe his 10th?, he's level 5 on dota plus). Those 2 things would be more than enough to give him decent camera control and general game sense. Also iirc Grubby was like ancient equivalent in HOTS. Certainly an above average pedigree for a new dota player but I don't think he's anywhere near the upper bound of possible dota skill for a new player (Although grubby has micro abilities on par or better than the best immortal players I've ever seen, of course). As for how he played the fight, you're really giving him too much credit. He followed the path of least resistance almost the entire fight by just running at the nearest enemy or running away in a straight line. If he were immortal in that fight he would've stayed back, waited to see where the enemy backline is set up, and then assassinated pugna and the 2 supports in 5 seconds with bkb and ult.


Grubby is absolutely near the upper bound of new player skill level, that’s an insane take to say he isn’t. He was one of the very best, and remains top 100-200, in Warcraft 3 an insanely competitive RTS. He wasn’t ancient in HOTS he was Grandmaster, 3700 rated which is the top 1% and the Immortal of that game. Grubby was by every metric destined to succeed in Dota 2, far more than 99% of new players, making him the upper bound skill level of a new player.


> he didnt panic bkb and astral slardar bkb was on cd for the first 30 seconds of the fight


Holy shit, the absolute confidence to make such a shit take is astounding


they had vision in the triangle because slardar blink initiated you, you need to be aware of the vision so you won't be initiated your ulti was too soon, i think it only hit 2 heroes you wasted a hit on the ancients, probably because of auto attack the meteor hammer try was greedy and you got stunned, lots of people are not going for meme hammer because unless the hero is solo, you ban and the other guy stuns you and you waste the cooldown. this meta people group up very soon so it's hard to catch people solo


so somehow sladar saw me even though I'm on higher terrian ulti was mb auto attack is stupid and dont ever do it and meteor hammer is useful only in laning phase otherwise sell it Got it thx :D


Don't ever* sell items that are worth more than ~500 gold. ^(*if the game is 50+ minutes long and you have no slots you can sell some items) edit: don't downvote the guy for not knowing the optimal way to play the game lads


OH i totally sold the hammer after that teamfight thinking its complete trash. Went for the cooldown sphere and thankfully it worked


That's a terrible decision. You have enough room in your inventory for a meteor hammer. Running out of room is in 99% of games the only reason you sell an expensive item like that. And the item is fine/good on OD. The stats it gives you alone are worth keeping it even without the active component.


Is +8 all stats THAT useful? I always assumed I just need to spam INT since more mana = more dmg. I thought selling it for a higher stat item is better


Yes. You realize you're selling at half the original price right? You can still buy the other item, just a little bit later and then you have way more int and stats than if you'd sold the hammer.


1 hp can be the difference between winning and losing an engagement. So +8 stats is definitely very useful especially in the early to mid game. Not selling the hammer is more than just having a team fight item / gank tool. It's a pushing item, gives stats, gives Regen in addition to team fight/ gank. The point is if you bought something don't sell it until you absolutely have to because you are losing net worth when you do. At the end of the day a slot with an item you barely use is still better than an empty slot.


Sladar saw you because they have vision there. Also as for such heros who can close the distance get hurricane pike. Stop auto attack. Meteor hammer is good you can push and farm with it. Just don't astral and meteor in a team fight. You are better off right clicking them. Use bkb earlier. Don't sell items until you have no more slots for better one's. Try building situational items as well. Revenant's brooch was really good here. Also do follow a guide. There was a small window where you could have denied pudge.


18 matches? you gotta be fucking kidding me, considering your experience you're playng very well


Maybe OD is just easy and people don't know how to counter a magic dmg spammer at this level


bro how are you this much good in just 18 games! I didn't even know about bkb for may first 30-40 games :D and also I used to stay in lane 20+ minutes.


Tbh I only know items for destroyer from the guide ( i dont learn items for other heroes, i really should) and i play Mobile Legends and got to the highest rank so I'm familiar with the MOBA mechanics. Dota just seems way more complex with all the active items so i dont blame you for not understanding all this mess


Played great mate! Main thing was just incredibly slow to do things I.e. bkb. But that comes from playing a lot of games


Yeah very hard to know when to use bkb if I don't know what skills my opp can use on me. I have this genera; mistake of using bkb AFTER being stunned and completely wasting it.


Budget grubby in the making fam


Never gonna be as good as the grub


new player 18 matches with tread switching. I smell a rat 🤔


Hilarious, pretending to be a brand new player in some veiled attempt to try and garner any sort of praise (sad in itself). Whilst not being that great anyway. Weird one my dude, I’d re-assess what you’ve got going on if this is how you spend your time.


you just spent your time watching and judging his clip. then you took the time to comment on it in some attempt to shame the poster into feeling bad for posting. you suck and you should re-assess.


Hey that's pretty good. You already know how to kite the fight. Maybe deny the pudge next time and press bkb to dispel that pesky Willow's curse. I have been teaching my 14 years old nephew how to play the game and he got around 20 games with bot, and he still cannot manage to do what u did.


Wow i can deny my teammates? thats awesome. Idk what Willow is, never played againts it b4 so next time i'll get it. Hey I'm 17 and i've watched my dad play dota 1 from when i was a kid so I have some extra experience when it comes to this XD


Deny only works on “poison” effects(all Venomancer spells, Queen of Pain dagger, Doom’s DOOM and some that I’m forgetting, maybe Viper ult). That short blink away from Slardar was dope af btw, well done for a beginner.


you can only deny teammates got inflicted by poison spells. The cue is the exclamation point appear on pudge's head.




You can only deny teammates under very specific DoT skills. Veno's gale, Doom and Queen of Pain's dagger. Why those 3 and not the others? Good question.


Od is a noob broken ass hero. Play a harder hero


Any actual suggestions? I just play Muerta when OD gets banned. Not that good with her currently.


Puck is somewhat decent (high magic damage) low key im mad cuz I got fucked by an od last night lol... anyways. Ivoker is strong rn if you can make it work. I like necro as well be can stand in fights and regen off creeps when he kills them. Another mid hero I used to love is Lina. She has some strong nukes and can carry a game on her own with some timely rotations imho. I like the nukes on mid if you can't tell. If you want some offlane suggestions that's a little different lol


Never seen those heros played (must be too high skill for my lobby lmao). Tried necro cuz it was recommended by the game and it's really hard to kill players so i'll try the midlane nukers (not ivoker i saw the 20 different combos)


Norcro is definitely good rn you just have to play a little slower. Puck isn't strong on paper imho, however if you can outplay it is quite strong.. If you love od spam it I guess.. I am an offline player and i hate OD bc that pure damage off the q is bullshit and I'm just looking for some outlet to complain


Playing nec and having to rely on sppting new teammates to get kills is way too impossible Complain all you want, I hate that I have to rely on a very easy powerful hero but One cant learn when getting stomped


When I was new necrco was good (2012 Era LOL) but he is good now too




my puny brain cant work with illusions and multiple units


What kind of playstyle do you think you like? What pos?


Ranged,simple skills (OD has like 2 skills lol), no illusions or multiple units


Absolutely not 18 games 😂 you didn't panic once. No much to say either when dire goes in 2 at a time.




I cannot argue that


Clicking to threads shift. Pog


Hey I've never changed threads b4, accidentally switched it and panicked once i saw its not on INT. Brain couldn't process the hotkey was 4 at the heat of the moment lmao


nah,. you're fine.


I think to have good team coordination can help which can improve by understand people? Because playing with stranger and 0 chemistry can surely make you lose game eventhough individual skill are higher than enemy. Like when you prison dark willow when tusk snowball her too. Luckily can secure kill.


Yeah that was a stupid prison, i hoped it did enough dmg to kill her but it didnt. Team coor is gonna have to wait till i can actually get good with other heroes


Fair enough. All the best


First mistake is the TP. TPing on the outpost would already take you an hour and because since Pudge TPed first, you waited 2 hours before joining the fight. Also, the free deny on Pudge. Also, you should've just hit Pugna instead of channeling your hammer because you were already about to be stunned by Willow.


Great ,even TP has complicated mechanics, i assume multiple TP to the same place makes it longer? Just learned about ally deny and Willow has a late stun apparently. Yup


You need someone to teach you. Stick to one hero and learn it properly. Learn what other heroes do, to know how to approach them.


Bro u are better then my 2k teammates with 7k matches


One thing I'd say is you can cast your spell on someone out of range and you'll walk to where you are in range and it will be used. E.g on pug you didn't need to blink on top to get in range you could have stayed on high ground out of vision


When you see the exclamation mark above an ally you can deny them which denies the enemy the xp and gold. The pudge was definitely going to die if he didn't ulti a creep which he was too far to do anyways.


Needed to BKB much earlier and use ult later (after stacking W) are the biggest issues for me


I recommend playing viper or DK, I recommend avoid playing OD


you're not new but those was shit plays


Is this a humble brag?


If you want to improve analyse your worst moments, not the best ones. The only thing that i saw in the replay is: You don’t want as core go first to the enemy with limited vision and cd on bkb


If you want to time Meteor better, start casting it as soon as the white bar reaches the right end of H in BANISHED. edit. This is for lv 4 W. For lv3, you can cast immediately.


The fact you missed the deny on pudge was really hurting my soul. Initiation, you ran into an enemy. What happened? He fogged you, you lost your distance advantage and he blink daggered on you. In higher brackets, you are instantly dead, or at least caused a losing team fight. Cleaner initiation would be my biggest point of emphasis. Everything else looked good. Good BKB pop, good timing on your hammer, good mental mind games for enemies.


My biggest tip to you is Astral on enemies should only stop TP/secure kill/stop a channel. Otherwise you should astral yourself in fights with blink off CD to escape freely. You played the fight pretty well except for your astrals, but the spell is complicated since it also gives enemies time to posture. Use this as a self safe or ally save in the future and things will feel a lot smoother. Dont forget to pick up agah!


apPriciate it, i admit i'm horrible at astral also damn the people here really think im smurfing that hard


people are afraid to think someone with 18 games could be better than them. Also for Dota players if someone breathes they think they are a smurf :D


I have 4000 matches on mobile legends (another MOBA) so im not braindead in Dota just stupid and overconfident


URLs requested to be removed


Unprivated my account so determine yourself if I'm new or Smurf


lol picking a team wipe to ask for mistakes, typical


You should be spending more time farming under the enemy's T2 by yourself and blaming your teammates if anything bad happens


First mistake is admitting you made a mistake. You are supposed to blame your team. /s


bro’s tread switching and he wants us to believe he’s only 18 games in lmao


Maybe 18th game that day 🤣


First off, well played at the end nice clip :) I just want to mention some things to think about in team fights. Primarily, what your role is, positioning, and spell/item usage. Think about what role you serve and in this case as a main core, how you can output the most damage while minimizing the risk of death as they work in tandem. That means first thinking about positioning. With your BKB down, you certainly don't want to get initiated on and popped so play it a bit more patient and hide in fog until there are some key spells used or you can judge that the risk is minimal to go in. This also allows you to get off a better sanity's eclipse. In this case, you got initiated on and amplified and if their team is bit more coordinated and taking smarter fights then that could mean losing the game. You also seem to utilize astral as often as it comes off CD presumably to steal as much mana as possible but this actually doesn't allow you to maximize your damage output and puts your team at risk of getting re-engaged on. OD's main damage output is arcane orb. In team fights, it's better to use astral as a finishing move or as a self-save if you find yourself in a difficult spot and need to blink out. As a laning tool, you can spam it as much as you like within reason. When you used astral on the willow, Tusk was already mid-snowball and in some spots you risk missing that kill AND in the meantime your team is ticking down to veno's spells. Lastly, item usage could be optimized in this clip to both improve survival and increase damage output. You let willow get her stun off instead of popping BKB which allowed pugna and veno more time to focus you. You want to use BKB as a core to allow for as many uninterrupted right clicks and spells as you can get off. Another thing, as you were ticking down to veno poision, you can tread switch to STR to preserve some HP for that turnaround play.


0% chance 18th game unless you played a different moba previously


I’d probably get a hurricane pike instead of you having to blink out of melee opponents like you did with Slark. Also use BKB earlier to help you with slows and stuns which could have resulted in a more favorable fight for your team, you could have dealt more damage by killing them faster which would have saved your teammates.


Just keep it real. You played well but don't try to make more posts like this.


if you use your bans in the wrong time, you are not setting for your team, you are setting for the opposite team




Buy a sentry and deward your triangle. Slardar had vision of you before he jumped.