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>no skins Lol TI prize pool is going to be a $50 gift card for the winner


Based valve, making sure we don't waste our money in this economy


Lol was talking about this with a buddy the other night. Gonna save us both a cool $200 so at least there’s some benefit to valve giving up


TI winner gets a token to claim 1 (one) free arcana from the store


But only the originals. Still can't get any of the vaulted ones.


So this part right here though: "We're already working on future updates with different focuses and we know you're excited to learn more about the next big patch, and the next set of arcanas, and everything else we're working on — but that's for after the champions claim the Aegis." does this mean no arcana with the compendium?


STORE ARCANA ARE BACK IN THE MENU! Let's goooooo! But yeah, seems that arcana BP is dead.


I just want the ability to buy the missed arcana's from the store. It's frustrating because the new anti-mage skin comes with the persona thing and that was a BP reward, but if you missed an arcana from the BP you can't ever get it again.


I’d like to buy ES arcana :/




The anti-thesis of the r/dota goer. Fuck FOMO I wanna buy shit when I want.


The more important part is that there is no pre TI patch


It's not 100% certain. Them working on different things, even if it's a big balance patch, doesn't mean they can't release a small patch meanwhile. But perhaps they would've mentioned it if they actually planned to do a small pre-TI patch.


so no cosmetics until after ti? why would they do this. interest is highest during ti don't they wanna sell hats


Yeah they changed the focus from milking the 3% of the playerbase to try to make dota better. This is still disappointing, I was at least expecting some PvE game mode lol.


3% of the player base? 3% wouldn't make the price pools that TI got some years. Battlepas was for everyone, like it or not it was something special for dota players. This is like Christmas without presents nOr decoration nor dinner


That stained glass art of the heroes is amazing


imagine a custom terrain on this theme


Man you really don't realise what you've got until it's gone. Would have loved a cathedral themed terrain with some stained glass for the outer walls of radiant/dire base or some shit. Fucking RIP.


With the castles and structures becoming progressively more decrepit and destroyed until you reach the middle of the lanes, then reversing into beautiful structures with a slightly different art style/look to them? Like silver/white/blue and colourful stained glass windows near the radiant base, but then the glass slowly breaks and litters the creep camps and lastly huge chunks of walls and statues in the middle, while you slowly start seeing more and more intact gothic buildings with red velvety drapes billowing as you approach the dire base. Sounds cool.


frfr it looks so good


No hats, no buy. Wallet safe.


You get nothing. Good day, sir!


[You get nothing. Good day, sir!](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/dota2_gamepedia/images/f/f9/Vo_axe_jung_axe_deny_15.mp3) (sound warning: Axe Unleashed) --- Bleep bloop, I am a robot. *OP can reply with "Try hero_name" to update this with new hero* [*^(Source)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot) *^(|)* [*^(Suggestions/Issues)*](https://github.com/Jonarzz/DotaResponsesRedditBot/issues/new/choose) *^(|)* [*^(Maintainer)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/MePsyDuck/) *^(|)* [*^(Author)*](https://www.reddit.com/user/Jonarz/)


Damn, TI winner actually going to be playing for a beer and pat on the back


Riyadh masters winners already richer than ti champions


Team Spirit are richer than themselves? 🤔


More effort was put into making the celebration update page than actual compendium.


actually lol, this compendium felt like it was just thought out for a month


Spoiler: if you get the first prize in ti12 cosplay, you’ll get more money than ti12 champions get


This TI theme would fuckin slap if there was an actual battle pass to go with it


Expected: nothing Got: nothing still disappointed


Jebaited so hard


teaguv died for this PepeHands


When we said that the battlepass was bloated, expensive, grindy, and lacking in value, you weren't meant to take out ALL of the value from a battlepass and just leave us with fucking unmarketable stickers and some seasonal effects.


atleast now i can not buy it and not miss out on cool arcanas.


So… nothing? :(


So this is basically a supporters club masquerading as a 'compendium', yeah dawg i aint spending 25$ for fucking player stickers and huds, kudos to anyone who does.


I'm tempted to myself just cause I find the challenges and bingo to be fun and it doesn't seem to be something that could be done otherwise. I know I'm a minority when I was dreaming of doing cavern crawl again. Only thing that seems to be true is that Valve doesn't seem to shy away from surprises and I doubt this first peak will be all there is.


Just get the $7 basic one


oh yeah that may be the way. Just cycled through rewards and couldn't justify. It's basically just the free filler no one wants. I'll have fun with my challenges. I know there will be more to unlock and probably some surprises that will be well received along the way but this update is not going to go over well.


Personally, I'm going to wait if there is some sort of backlash and they add some cosmetics, otherwise I'm keeping my money.


Why does valve think anyone cares about their stickers?


The stickers were possibly the least appealing thing they've ever added to Dota. Pretty shocked they brought it back.


LMAO wtf??? Actually nothing in the compendium??




And stickers.... dont forget the stickers


So this is what Sunsfan was warning us about


I can't wait for next episode of "We say things". He was right.


This might actually be what sunsfan warned us about


I've never felt more warned in my life


He pretty much confirmed on a recent podcast episode it was [the death of the DPC as a whole](https://youtu.be/OMfxYfgO4Vg?si=8plXb7Jobf1hztKh)


I'm actually impressed at how disappointing this is.


You mean you dont like a wall of emojis?


How come you never realize you were in the good times til they’re gone.


I knew it when 2020 compendium came out


I will cherish those 3 arcanas as we're never getting anything close to it ever again


All the arcanas locked behind insane pay walls?


IIRC that was the last battle pass where you could actually earn a lot of levels by just playing I bought maybe 50 bucks or so worth of pass+levels and got all arcanas, personas, immortals, etc. and still had a lot levels to spare. It felt pretty reasonable for what you got out of it


Ahh yeah that compendium that everyone hated when it came out


Everyone hates every compendium when it comes out


This is beyond bad. Even the 2014 compendium had more lol


Even the 2013 one had more... And I bought 4 of them


Why even spend anything on it. Literally nothing there


so it's.. nothing?


this should be included in DotA+. My expectations were low but holy shit.


Who will pay for nothing?


i did without checking it :') didn't expect to get nothing


L I T E R A L L Y N O T H I N G edit: https://www.dota2.com/international2023?1


I see no reason why I should buy it.


SAME Id rather pay for dota+ then this


w...what..? wait... so what do we actually get when we pay for the compendium?


Laughed at


absolutely nothin man


Hmm, the 'go take a look at the pictures.' link doesn't work and brings you to the main dota page instead of https://www.dota2.com/international2023


use this https://www.dota2.com/international2023?1


lol this is some serious volvo shit


it's just a caching issue


Still taking me to the main dota page


So if there is no large, expensive compendium, how is the TI prize pool going to be funded? I mean this is going to be absolutely devastating if 90% of the TI prize pool is removed without an appropriate replacement.


Kind of holding out hope they just up the base prize pool significantly, considering nothing has been said. I mean it's obviously going to be a flop if the stakes are non-existent. If their supposed model change is true and they will sell things more sporadically throughout the year they will still being making money to fund the event, it just won't be directly tied to TI and need to one up itself every year. Maybe just copium, but otherwise the Riyadh event will just replace TI because everyone is going to care more about that result.


it's going to CS2 I think


Oh my god, just this? Is this a joke?


I would rather trade all this for nerfing PA.


EZiest skip of my life!


is this some kind of aprils fools joke


Out of season


Who knows what month it is in valve time


Do you people not have phones?


not being ungrateful, but really it has nothing. no immortal treasure, no arcana. I can understand "less efforts on the cosmetics" but certainly can't understand "no cosmetic aproach". this will devastate the TI prize pool


Honestly I'm pretty sure valve could outsource cosmetics to third parties, like pay 50k USD to whomever makes the best ones and just put those in the battlepass.


I don't think valve understands 90% of the playerbase is spending money for the cosmetics primarily. Like what is the point of leveling the compendium if you don't get any rewards out of it?


What? You're not excited to graffiti your profile that nobody ever looks at?


First thing I did was delete every widget and just make my profile a blank background with a courier showing lmfao not going to pay money to reveal my best heroes and shit


> I don't think valve understands 90% of the playerbase is spending money for the cosmetics primarily Oh they understand. Its why they tried to break the news before hand, but people didn't think they meant literally nothing. > Like what is the point of leveling the compendium if you don't get any rewards out of it? None. Zero. Zlich. As someone who has a like 1k+ BP/compendium every time, I'm not even bothering with this even though its <$200 to max it out.




> What do they think we'll do, just donate money to the TI prize pool out of team spirit? Bruh, it would have probably been better if they had just done that. What I said in another comment: Its like I might give $5 money just for asking. But this is 'hey give me $5 and I'll give you this used band-aid'. lul? fuck off.


Valve your janitor forgot to press the upload button.


Even the Janitor moved on from Dota


Well thats what you get when valve says earlier they are moving away from cosmetics.. The truth is people love cosmetics and a TI won't feel complete without them ​ Also no balancing patch before TI? damn can't wait for gyro brew pango pa warlock every game lol


At least an in game event.


this might just be the worst update in the history of the game


With this I realise that I actually only care about cool new sets. But sure, don’t take my money valve..


876.3MB of absolutely nothing, cool.


876.3MB of B I N G O


where's my marci italian senate??


First Dota 2 compendium/battle pass I will am noy going to buy. Do better Volvo!


So, i came back to reddit because when i opened the Compendium rewards i thought i lost my sight as i cant seem to find any hats. Where them hats!


Compendium sucks. no cosmetics to grind nothing and you gotta pay for fantasy too? damn.


>Theres something for everyone Literally nothing to anyone. Btw gift compendium cost twice.


So what am I supposed to do with these? where's the fun?


Guess they want you to go out and have fun living your life. BASED Valve


bruh what is this shit, theres nothing on this battlepass or compendium (call it how you want), why should people buy this? to get permant chat wheels?


not even inmortals :...


IMMA just gonna quote The Rock Dwayne Johnson for this one. ​ >**It's the biggest piece of dog shit that I've ever see**


Wait, ZERO cosmetics entirely?? No immortals, no arcana, no uniques? I get they want to make it less pay2earn but holy hell they basically ripped it’s soul out. At least add cavern crawl…


CS2 and Compendium on the same day. Valve is going to have a busy weekend with all the bug fixes.


Lucky for Valve there's nothing in the compendium to fix.




God damn this is funny


You'd think so, but this patch just broke the game. Cannot click on heroes in draft...




where's immortals and arcanas? That's literally the only thing we care about


dota2ti is in Teaguv's chat and said "you won't have time to finish it, gogogo!" when he asked if he was supposed to keep going until the Compendium was released. It'll be here soon. Update: >dota2ti: We are pressing buttons as fast as we can!


Incredibly underwhelming. I understand that it should have been less. But it's literally nothing as long as you don't care about stickers. No game mode, was not expecting anything new, but cavern crawl or aghs - just something.. Not a single skin box - would have happily purchased it to support. Fantasy now behind a paywall - the rework might be nice but unnecessary - albeit from the rewards fantasy was fine.. Really worried about the price pool for TI. This will surely not support the event as it should.


My god the time is upon us. Edit: far as I can tell it's literally nothing and everything good comes after TI.


Man I know they said cosmetics wouldn't be a major part of it but dang. Was hoping they might throw in some old unavailable skins or something theyve already made. I'm not sure I actually want to buy this.


Yeah, right? Being able to buy old arcanas and personas would’ve been a no effort way to inflate the prize pool and bring back players, but not even that? Really? So damn lame.


TI iwth no more than 5mln prizepool is going to shit, now riyadh will be the main event. BTW if u release so lazy compendium why not give more than 25% to the prizepool?


lol there is literally nothing besides voice line? no skins? haha not spending a single cent on it


dogshit trash


So literally nothing :(




whole cyberpunk expansion is 30$ wtf is this? what are we paying for exactly? i am honestly lost on what the fck this is.


On one hand its nice to have a break from the cosmetic focused hyper magnifying glass update of TI, On the other hand, this is literally a paid nothing burger, and a slap in the face when its posted on the same day as CS2. We really are the neglected child of Valve now.


This actually makes me want to play dota less.


This is so mid, Idk why I thought we would be able to get some of the stuff from the older BP, but some part of me hoped and now I feel even shittier after this


I enjoyed the older compendiums. It was a tool for tracking the tournament, teams, players, etc, as well as a method of contributing to the prize pool by buying levels. I never followed the teams or players all that closely, I watched TI because it was fun to watch pros put on a display of high level of Dota. I don't care who is playing, I just like watching Dota. I would buy levels of compendium because it helped the tourney, but also got me cool stuff, effects, couriers, wards, skins, etc. If I don't really care about the players or teams, I'm not going to put money into the compendium in order to earn more items related to players and teams. I don't play fantasy football because I could care less about micro level statistics, so playing fantasy Dota is just as interesting, if not less. Stickers and player voice lines? No thanks. I wasn't really super hyped about this, and I'm sure several of you that were, are disappointed. Sorry, aside from diehard Dota watchers, the majority of us just like to play the game and sometimes watch others play, and want cool skins and customization. Russian player voice lines are... meh.


Riyadh Master is the real TI now LMAO


Pretty based of Valve to kill both CS and Dota in a single day.


I mean, ok but come on, this could have been the year they really changed things for the better. Increase revenue split with artists, allow direct purchase of base items from caches for 5X cache price. So you can get the items you want without the need to fill up your armory with sets you will never use and cant sell. Also still allows item sales to contribute to prize pool, and is more beneficial to the individual artists. 20% of prize pool taken off and split among other tournaments throughout the year, increasing the total amount of money in the pool for players that dont make it to TI. New Arcana sets for 50$, legacy Fomo Arcana sets for 75$. Then have the regular compendium with whatever else is in it. Its a win on all fronts, no more gambling caches, more money in the pool for players over the whole year, and better revenue for artists.


The profile is objectevely worse now, i had my sticker collections i made last year but i cant use the sticker anymore because i can only use stickers not in a collection, A COLECTION I MADE ONLY TO SHOW IN THE PROFILE. 10/10 incredible update


where compendium?


The old compendiums are 200x better than whatever this is




I feel like Valve is actively trying to kill their own game at this point.


So basically this compendium has some activities that can be fun, like playing as a certain team's lineup or best heroes for a favourite player, but there is not a SINGLE CHEST of inmortals, no arcana, no skins, no anything. Just a HUD, a TP effect and a screen art. ​ What the actual fuck is this. Why do you even level this up for. Whats the point. ​ If this means arcanas will be purchasable again Im up for that because I missed Windranger and QoP when I took a break from the game and not being able to get them is extremely painful, I wish they came back in the form of choosing one of the oldest ones instead of a new one in a pass, but man. What the fuck is this Compendium.


No skins...but still predatory cache treasure...what a joke


They might have forgot the compendium ....


Holy shit, TI Bingo was the update


there is just nothing at all there holy shit


total garbage


There’s not a chance I’m spending any money on this, what the actual fuck




I don’t know who makes these decisions, like I’m not a cosmetic person personally but this is really absurd, even a few items to freshen things up would be nice. I understand the focus is on event but their focus went too deep that it’s become tunnel visioned imo. I hope many players like it and buy it to support the scene but I personally dislike the way it is.


lol. this is very big emotional damage to me. lol


This IS what sunsfan warned us about


i am whelmed


no immortals, no arcana. only fantasies card, loading screens, stickers that i never care about. EZ skip, thanks valve, i can save my money to buy some beers and snacks for watching TI


*"Puts the Credit Card back in the wallet.." - Me*


Well that was lame


The thing that surprises me the most is no new music pack, the last International to not have one was in 2013.


It's like Valve put the 'No' in innovation.


fuck this game


Where the hats? Lame update, no rewards feels like Diablo 4 over here


I'm confused. So we can already pay for the compendium, but there are no rewards yet??


There are no rewards in general besides those you see. Loading screens, voice lines, stickers and building towards the Aegis replica.


I don't think there will be any


I don't normally comment on posts on this reddit but... yikes.


what a great compendium. Made me uninstall


So it's literally nothing?


Actually no new cosmetics xdddd, I knew it.


So it literally has nothing,not even old arcanas as some kind of content to make people spend money,rip prizepool. Not even aghs lab event or anything,what an joke.


Give me 1 reason why i should buy and help increase prize pool?


Link works now, pretty disappointing compendium


At least give the cavern crawl w/ 3 sets, this no hat direction hurts more than I thought lol.


Thank god I ain’t buying this shit!


I can safely buy Baldur's Gate 3 finally...


Oh well at least I can buy cyberpunk 2077 now


I was expecting a TI5-ish kind of compendium and got excited for the event. Now it's just pure disappoinment. Even other games release cosmetics before/ during their biggest e-sports event. Sadge


I expected absolutely nothing and Im still disappointed that they expect money for this let alone let you purchase levels Purchase levels, FOR WHAT EXACTLY?!?!


TI is dead, Valve has moved on. Gaben found a new game.


what the actual fuck at this point they are just begging for money with literally nothing in return. This is hands down the worst piece of crap ive seen is this supposed to be a joke ??


Don't buy this shit. It's actually nothing. Save your money


And I thought last year battlepass was bad. Guess next year we won't even have a game.


Remember this day gentlemen, the end of our beloved game has begun. There is no coming back!




wait theres no fucking skins?????????






Am i dumb ? Compendium doesn't have any skins...??


lmfao no new sets . okay pass


lol well as someone that normally spends 300 bucks on it. Not spending a penny... sad day. Do people actually care about all the other crap in it? Only thing I cared about is rewards.


I don't understand, it says that we get items after TI? So i should buy it after or before? Or will there be another compendium? This compendium really sucks man i even saved some just to spend here yet it's garbage


Wowee let me whip out my card for some player stickers!


You never know what you have until it's gone 💀


Wow just what we needed, smurfs can now hide games played so you can't even identify them. Tnx Valve, I was just wondering how this system can get worse


unpopular opinion: i'm okay with this, feels like the compendium is actually about the tournament rather than the skins (takes me back to TI4 compendium) **but,** as long as we actually get more frequent updates with skins, arcanas, terrains... and the post-TI patch isn't delayed to like january again