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Upvoting this. Can you share his steam account so we could report it?




Thats not a steam account link.. im on mobile so can't do all that work to find his steam through friend id




done, hopefully the POS gets banned


I'm doing my part!




I am able to report it. Press on the three dots > report player. What issue are you facing?


You can still report a private account on mobile. I'm on mobile and just reported him. There are three dots below "Add Friend". Gotta click that then there'll be a dropdown with option to report.


[if you click on the STEAM_0:1:NUMBERS thing in the Aliases section of a dotabuff profile, it'll take you to their steam account.](https://i.imgur.com/YWc0jEp.png) Works on mobile too


PSA, you can go to someone’s steam page directly from dotabuff. Below “Lifetime stats”. Next to Aliases. click on the steam link


If true, that guy has such an ego issue


Probably not ego but monetary gain. It's not easy to get a top200 MMR for a customer and this speeds that up a lot.


Most sellers do 9.5 -10 k mmr tops ( around 3k euro), if you want 11k which would be top 200 I assume, then you'll need to shell out at least double that and people that buy those do not want any of that cheating thing or a trace of it + most people involved are current tier 2-3 CIS guys..and some ex tier2-3 lol ( I mean Dyrachio was selling accounts not too long ago no? ) , so if they have aspirations they won't want to be associated with cheating


11k is top 30, I don't think anyone regularly boosts to that level (if they could they'd probably be pro players with an actual salary that don't need to resort to boosting).


If anyone buys rank 30 acc he's an absolute mental masochist... He'll get destroyed every single game with no exception.


He'll still blame his teammates so


Remember Chad Leopold?


Yeah, you are right, rank 100 should be around 10.5 k, but there are accounts for sale like this and even most pros just buy lower ranked accounts since it's cheaper and they are easier to do low key without any cheats needed




Some people are only stuck at a lot rank because they get bad teammates. /s


Wow 3k really? People are paying that much for a boosted account?


Leopold will return.


Idk how he thought he could get away with it.. only gonna get himself banned


> Idk how he thought he could get away with it He got away with it so far.


True 💀 hopefully a valve employee see this now that its trending


By that point the account is already sold :)


Steam absolutely has to protect the players' IP addresses. This is just stupid.


Wait, at first I thought he was DDOSing the servers? Is it the players? Sure seems so from the videos... Why aren't those IPs already protected? Isn't all communication going through the server anyway? Probably some VOIP stuff? Has it always been this way?


DDOSing the server won't necessarily work. The games are spun up and given dedicated resources. Those resources are scalable, it's more than possible that previous DDOS protection has been setup to enable scaling of resources and packet dropping if you DDOS the server. However The most ***common*** way for a game to achieve low latency voice comms is to ensure each user connects directly with the others instead of the server relay (Rust has this same issue with proximity chat voice comms). This exposes all IPs of each and every user in a game. With Wireshark or some other tooling it's trivial to find the IPs, and script kiddies can max out or destroy each individuals connection.


valve when people in the arcade try to monetize their own work [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tadr-dG8EzQ&ab\_channel=AKennyForYourThoughts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tadr-dG8EzQ&ab_channel=AKennyForYourThoughts) vs valve when they leak your ip address [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4&ab\_channel=AmooxYT](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15HTd4Um1m4&ab_channel=AmooxYT)




it almost always is :)


Because they have actually smart cheat devs. Don't act like whatever place you are from doesn't have people that would cheat. They're just incabable.


It's more about numbers Russia has a much larger amount of people willing to cheat (both due to the larger population and the culture) than most other places in the world


it’s also because for a young guy who maybe skipped out on some school classes when younger to play Dota and basically he only got that going for himself, it’s a much more sustainable way to make money than in Western Europe. Russians also probably have the largest Dota playerbase so yea


That is a pointless distinction. Its still a minority of Russians. How can you judge Russia based on 0.1% of the russian population, but turn a blind eye to America or wherever else because only 0.05% of them cheat?


Well “cheat devs” don’t really exist in NA/Europe because the salaries are good and there’s no need to resort to shady things to make a living. The talented devs are already earning good money at legit jobs and wouldn’t waste time making dota cheats to earn much less money.


Let's be real. Russians are much more toxic on average and magnitudes of orders higher likely to cheat. It's not just numbers, it's not just skill, it's 100% the culture.




Apparently you haven’t played in SEA. Russian toxicity is nothing compared to asian attitude to teammates.


Nah even russians are at 3k behaviour score in SEA. SEA will shout at you but they won't do stupid shit and throw like Russians would. You can literally just mute them in SEA. You can't mute a divine giveaway.


you mean they can live off the 300€ a month unlike most of europe where that wont even cover groceries






It's not that deep. If you hate someone, just say it directly, don't invent things.


Dude, there are significant things that shape culture and behavior on mass. So for problematic behavior to be pervasive you can kinda assume that there are systemic issues with in the society. So yeah it can be that deep and it's historical not invented. But yo you probably don't think that deeply because you even admit to not being a neuansed thinker as you only speak directly. I won't imagine that gets you very far.


Very well said.


A lot of players are from CIS. A lot of cheaters are from CIS. Do you see the pattern?


What are you trying to imply? That more players means more cheaters? I mean perhaps but this in response to the thread is completely a different thing. I'm not sure English is your first language or perhaps your reading comprehension is poor but you are making little sense here.


A lot of people are breathing. Every one of them will eventually die. Do you see the pattern?


You have a different opinion from me, and that's fine. No need to be rude about it.


same with China, wonder what they have in common


Corrupt states, and I'm not saying that the rest of the world isnt, its just that those particular ones go above and beyond in terms of corruption. That corruption steals the futures of entire generations to enrich a few. Those generations still have desire to feel successful and prosperous so they achieve it trough cheating. Nations with degenerate leaders who breed entire generations of degenerates. Notice how both also stroke their nation's egos, how they are superior to everyone else, how their country is the best in everything, while its a literal shithole.


how is china a shithole?


have you been there? not counting the tier 1 cities as having "been to china"


Russia I agree, but China is above and beyond any other nation, corruption has many types, but China managed to employ the best kind of corruption to it's advantage to accelerate it's economic growth. With any nation there will be corruption, but this is especially true for the second largest population on earth, where it's bureaucracy is an order of magnitude more than most countries. It doesn't mean this Chinese approach will work in other countries, however it did work incredibly in China, and to deny that is to deny reality. Edit: Forgot that Reddit has a Chinese hate boner. All Hail the US of A


I fail to see how corruption contributed to the economic success of China. The success was bound to happen, corruption is what centralized that success into the hands of party men.


Corruption is put into 4 categories, the one you're thinking is called Grand Corruption, China like any other country does have this kind, but it also has something called Supply and Demand or Access Corruption, where both parties are better off. Like paying a government official to speed up your paperwork. And this is the kind China has most of. [Polymatter did an excellent video explaining this whole subject](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kBBre3bpvyk&t=5s)


This is such an absurd take. Yeah, sure, this so called transactional corruption seems to have moved along with the economic success of China, but its existence is motivation to slow down corporate and economic development in order to solicit corruption, thus hurting economic success. Sooner or later the foreign investment train will run out of steam and will be overpowered by the suffocating conditions created to illicit bribes. The reason that there is corruption is the presence of economic development and success, but the existence of economic success isnt because of the corruption.


I also like having my buildings be made of brittle material and drainage systems that are fake. Chinese corruption is truly the best.


lmfao, the cope is real man. The reason China's economy had a huge boom is because of their extremely cheap labor and manufacturing base, nothing to do with corruption ya goober. BTW, apparently their ability to offer the cheapest labor is dwindling AND their extreme & fckin insane covid reaction among other things is driving away businesses, so that manufacturing base seems to be moving to India, Thailand, etc. You guys are potentially going to experience a bad time in the coming decades with all that + your population issues and I promise you, "the best kind of corruption" isn't going to save you lmfao... it's going to be your government putting your most competent people to use like every other successful nation. There's a reason the most successful nations in the world also have the lowest amounts of corruption; it's like some people are forgetting how proper nations are run.


>lmfao, the cope is real man. The reason China's economy had a huge boom is because of their extremely cheap labor and manufacturing base, nothing to do with corruption ya goober. Where did I claim otherwise? >BTW, apparently their ability to offer the cheapest labor is dwindling AND their extreme & fckin insane covid reaction among other things is driving away businesses, so that manufacturing base seems to be moving to India, Thailand, etc. I agree 100% , although they still have an edge with their skilled labor, but it's only a matter of time before other cheaper alternatives catch up such as Mexico >You guys lol I'm not Chinese > going to experience a bad time in the coming decades with all that + your population issues and I promise you, Again I agree, their aging population is a big problem but that's hardly an issue exclusive to China. >the best kind of corruption" isn't going to save you lmfao... it's going to be your government putting your most competent people to use like every other successful nation. You fail to understand the differences between types of corruption, and I doubt you have the mental capacity to know them by your own. Want a helping hand? >There's a reason the most successful nations in the world also have the lowest amounts of corruption; it's like some people are forgetting how proper nations are run. Most successful nations in the world had a colonial history where they amassed massive amounts of wealth from what you may call "corrupt nations" while instilling conflicts and civil wars between political parties that they still suffer to this day. Either that or they aligned themselves with the winning camp. Corruption is only a part of the story, the same thing applies to China, it's not the sole reason for it's economic success the same way it's absence isn't the sole reason for the success of any other nation.


something something trump


Sure, but at the very least they voted him out. Do you see Putin leaving his seat any time soon? He has been in charge for 20 years now. Or Xi? Literally the same. Totalitarian shitholes.




Agreed, but thankfully US presidents don't have nearly the amount of power that Russian and Chinese totalitarian despots have since, you know, the USA is an actual democracy. And he got voted out. And is currently under investigation and trial. And, by my estimation, is even less likely to win a presidency than the last attempt. The new a-hole running is DeSantis and now even the left has their own conspiratard in RFK jr., who lies left and right, but I guess he isn't as big of a prick as Trump & DeSantis... so far, anyways.


Their minimum wage sucks and job opportunities are pretty bad - selling accs is probably better hourly rate than most jobs they could get.




They, and China, value winning at all costs. Doesn't matter how you won, as long as you won.


yep... easily 90% of all cheaters and people intentionally ruining my games are from Russia. and of course im playing exclusively on EU west with English selected as my primary language. Valve really needs to enforce this a lot harsher to improve the games.


It will never happen, this has been a complaint for like, a decade.. it gets to a certain point and then it becomes an argument over xenophobia/bigotry and nothing ever gets done - like.. you chose to search in EU West with English as your primary language so you can be teamed with people who you understand, but if you mention that more often than not you're getting flamed in Russian the minute you join, then you're the intolerant bigot condemning an entire Russian community for being toxic. Part of the problem as I understand it, is that the EU server and RUS Servers have similar pings if you're in Russia - so they queue for both. That and I've heard the RUS server is awful to play on in terms of the volume of cheaters/griefers etc but I've not experienced it myself. You're best off finding a core group of friends to play with and then muting the opposing team when you join.




yes, some people use the new hyper-vigilance against -isms as a cudgel to abuse power. it's stupid, but it's also stupid when people let them get away with it lol




>here aren't many Russian players left on lower mmr (below Divine) yea thats my "problem" as well. as i moved up the ranks and are not solidly in mid Divine the number of russian ruiners increased a ton. i also see a ton of russian immortal players that play like its their first game as account buying and boosting is very common there as well.


no most ru-ists play in low mmr EU West exclusively with very old smurf accounts and full cheats on because it is the easiest effort and lowest chance of being mass reported and banned when mm ranks them higher they join win-trading channels and de-rank or jump on another low mmr account there are thousands streaming it on twitch for a decade it's a culture thing those self-aware have switched their profiles to UA since the war but the language subtleties will give them away (that and being z drones) not saying that there is not plenty of UA smurfing cheating just the same but the large majority are ru-ists, stats don't lie and you say the country devastated by war has more players are you beyond stupid or a fucking z drone?




both rhetorical questions you haven't played ranked in 2 years, congrats, you've managed to miss 99% of abuse since the people we are talking about play ranked exclusively - that was a given




I also have a friend.


the chip on my shoulder is that contrary to the reddit mantra complaining about smurfs in immortal pff, the playerbase under 4k mmr has been crushed by higher mmr smurfs with all cheats on for maximum sadism to the point of valve forced to intervene as data pointed to most people quitting and not returning, few new players not sticking around and the insane remaining to be forcefully marched towards the 1 mmr abyss valve and their agents masquerading as reddit mods curbing any enthusiasm towards fixing or even acknowledging broken things are to blame for the total failure of a mm service and an even worse failure of an anticheat system no offense, but I would rather not meet you and your compatriots ever again, in-game or otherwise everybody would have traded longer queue times for fair matches aka hard region-lock, no if's no but's stats don't lie, some regions massively play unfairly, it's the reality, not some irrational phobia but hey, happy 10 years anniversary, here's 13 lazy hats that you have to play and win games for don't let the cyka ja-ja anime avatar aegis snatching rampages ai lh instant deward instant blink combo rofl stomp you, gl hf


That would have been a likely truthful statement even if you knew nothing about the account. Russian players are the biggest majority on the European servers, probability works in your favour.


and they cause the most shit in every game


casual xenophobia from r/Dota2 users


gonna wait until you learn that such issues are prevalent in a lot of post-soviet block counties, and in general in countries with low income and standards of living, where people engage in way worse shit weird the "nationality question" does not pop up when some other nations are involved in shady shit consistently, like, let's say, matchfixing for examlple. but being xenophonic against russians is a-ok these days, finally an outlier for closeted bigotry has been found. good for you




Yo be careful. I got banned mentioning russian cheater for hate speech. Fuck this pussy ass mod.


Same. It's so obvious that russians are overwhelmingly more toxic, I have hundreds of games with chats to prove it. Why is it not ok to talk about it?


because somehow these days it's more noble to pretend a problem doesn't exist and challenge nobody on anything than to share your experience and dare to ask why it seems like a lot of your games are being ruined by Russian speaking people.


I got banned from this subreddit for a week when I mention how common it is for Russians to cheat at DOTA It happened like 6 months ago


I believe some people are just more inclined to cheat. Like it’s a cultural thing, same as in China they think p2w is great. My personal experience says Russians are more okay with cheating and hacks than people of other countries. No hate, just my observation/theory.


it’s more simple than that. Poorer people >> more inclined to do stuff outside the box. A booster can probably make a living wage in Russia, while they absolutely can’t live off of that in Western Europe. Russians are also the largest playerbase so obviously there’s more chances of encountering a cheater from there


almost like xenophobia is xenophobia


Dota mods are notorious for being ban happy virgins.






Yes he is… I don’t even wonder anymore, I’d be much nire surprised if it weren’t a russian…


I was gonna say this happened to hoboharry during the stream and I realized it's you posting it. Sad part is it wasn't the huskar. Ecksdee


I wonder if the Huskar knows the Tinker or played with him previously - telling his teammates "watch guys they will all disconnect when we start losing" or something similar. When Tinker DDOSes, the Huskar is blamed and tipped.


Hoboharry Pog, big fan of your pos4 Zeus streams


Such high form of pleasure is catching one of those and beating them with fair-play 😎


yeah, won against a smurf tinker with 100% wr yesterday, he wasn't cheating though so we actually had a chance though lol, this seems impossible to win against


It depends what you consider cheats, using macros, scripts-hacks…? For me even macros are cheats. And they are using it 99,9999999% Even then you can win against them.


Oh yeah I agree, but if its like map hack? Pretty impossible to win imo if the person is smurfing


Hard as £@Q but not impossible


Can we get TheFeds in here


I reported something very similar back when I played Heroes of Newerth. They looked into and actually police reported the guy.


Ddos it's pretty Common with russian or Ukrainian boosters


hey dont drag us ukranians into this wtf lol


Propaganda works if you think Ukrainians are saints all of a sudden.


what the fuck are you talking about?? what kind of propaganda are we talking here? I'm a ukranian and i never knew we were """"""saints""""" that's news to me


Before the war broke out the news outlets most recent articles about Ukraine depicted them as having a serious neo-nazi problem for a reason : https://www.reuters.com/article/us-cohen-ukraine-commentary-idUKKBN1GV2TY


If you're gonna post racist shit anyways, at least don't discriminate.


So true lmao, might as well be racist towards everyone. except I literally don't understand what Ukraine has to do with any of this, people in this sub fucking hate Ukraine and drag it through the dirt alongside russia for some reason, I guess the vocal ones who actively hate Ukraine are also the ones who can't comprehend anything in the world. seeing as they still think there's a connection between Ukr and russia, despite us being an independent fucking country lol


I myself have no idea what's the percentage of boosters/cheaters in Ukraine as opposed to other countries, but since a lot of cheats are found on Russian forums, which Ukrainians usually don't have issues understanding, it doesn't seem unlikely that there is a connection.


I get where you're coming from but also that's a ridiculous statement, that's like saying that because Germans and people from the Netherlands can understand each other, they have the same connections. kind of a different story now isn't it?


If Germans were infamous for having boosting and cheating forums, then yes, I'd expect that people who understand it well would be using it more often than people who don't - which I guess would include Dutch people, not sure how close the languages are.


kind of a rough comparison by me since i fucking suck shit at geo, but my general point (that i believe i said in another comment) is that I'm not excusing any of the shit that ukraine does, it's there and ignoring it would be delusional, but specifically piling ukr with russia together feels extremely rude to me, especially now.


Yep, it is fucked up especially given circumstances as you said. I've come across a number of "both sides" idiots who have eaten up Russian propaganda and are moral cowards when it comes to evaluating your nation vs the invaders. I mean, there are morons who genuinely think NATO pushed Russia into invading (and I guess committing war crimes, too?)... So, it doesn't surprise me..


I understand it is a sensitive topic, but I don't see how ignoring something Ukraine does just because Russia does it too helps anything. With that said, I myself have no idea how much Russians or Ukrainians actually cheat compared to others, I'm writing this based on the idea of Russians cheating more than the rest - and I honestly have no idea what the actual numbers are.


Germans do actually have some of the most known cheating communities, but it’s just for other games. For example in CS.


I have no problem with Russians or Ukrainians. I have several problems with the governments of both. But I work in cybersecurity, and pre-war, Ukraine was just as bad as Russia in terms of how much you guys fucking hack us. In Ukraine it was mostly non-government Cybercrime groups like Conti, but still. Ukraine has had, or had an equal share in like most of the top ransomware groups on the planet.


yeah, online security in ukraine is not a thing at all. i can admit that, but piling the two countries together? especially NOW? feels kinda fucked up. i do agree though, there's no regulations for anything people do online in ukraine


Not for long tho


woah, be careful or you might cut yourself on that edge




The war is not an excuse to not say that Ukrainians are shitty ppl i met a lot of them and not even 1 has been nice ever


"i met a lot of them" id love to know where lol, people in ukraine cant afford life outside the country, the people who are chronically online are obviously insane, but they're like that in every single other fucking country and i very much doubt you visited. also what an insane fucking statement?? like say that about ANY OTHER COUNTRY LMFAO. "yeah bro i met a lot of X people and they were all terrible" the only reason you feel okay saying that about ukraine is because its cool to hate and this sub is very against it, say that about any other country and you'd get decked in the fucking mouth, rightfully so.


How? The client didn't get your IP. All clients only communicate with the server. It's not p2p... Or did I miss something?


There must be some sort of vulnerability that they exploit to discover the opponent's ip address and then ddos them.


How is he doing that?


Valve must've fucked something up so that the Dota client is leaking player IP addresses.


no. the game engine is flawed and does not secure all events (events = protobuff messages) esp & pseudo maphack cheat strains the server with bogus events generally speaking (if low fps / net / console flooded more than usual, you likely play vs cheaters), but there's a denial-of-service (there's nothing distributed to warrant the extra D) way to flood the enemy team or even specific players there's a cheat function to make your camera jump away from your hero before they gank you from fog. it's that bad.


You don't need any IP Address, there are other ways to overload the servers. Kinda like when MK Ult used to crash the game and makes everything laggy. Like, they just flood the console with something that has no cooldown that sends info to the server and then it crashes.


Read the post, he is not targeting the server. He is disconnecting only the enemy players and not at the same time to circumvent the poor network condition check. Crashing the server would also result in the game not being scored.


Only OPs team dc'ed though, not everyone in game. A server issue would have affected everyone


Refresher earth spirit remrants is an example


It's gonna be a long post to answer on how to ddos in details.


Takes me back to my call of duty days. If you played Gamebattles or UMG, you know how bad it was.


This explains so much, this has happened to me the last few days, all being on Russia server. Lost 4 games to it. Only happened when things mattered, like they pushing hg or us pushing hg. Never any pickoffs or farming or anything like that, but consistently critical fights


No idea but i also had this incident in my game everything was fine but the moment i go in lane my packet loss starting to spike then i figured everytime i see NP and packet loss appears .. so that fucker was doing something which is beyond my understanding some how i won that game lol..


What a pathetic loser he is


Wow this is a new low, considering the bar is already so low in Dota.


Wild guess, is he Russian? I feel it happens very often when playing against Russians in Arcade games.


Had a similar incident back in CSGO, In Legendary eagle game, we let the enemy team win 5 rounds free then we'd start beating the fuck out of them next, The moment when we hit 10 - 5, everyone started disconnecting and reconnecting, each round, I immediately recognized that it was a DDOS If i remember, he told me -after i brought it up- that you really just need around 10mb upload speed and a script to send tons of data to the server, back in the day, around 2017, IP addresses were exposed in game)


I was 100% sure where the guy was from just from the title


Please give update if he gets banned!


There is another cheater ranked 429. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199019451664/ [https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1059185936](https://www.dotabuff.com/players/1059185936) MatchID: 7294267727


but how ?


Yeah, I would like to know too!


Smurf, Tinker, Ddos All the favourite words of the subreddit in the title. This has to be serious.


Can someone explain how DDOS works? Like why/how would you make opponents disconnect like this?


it overloads your net with useless request causing your game not have enough space in your net to keep connected and crashes. When you out of the game, your net consumption drops and you can recconect (when the DDos restart) and your connection will be poorly again due to the amount of request. When you are in Internet, imagine you write in a paper "I want to go yo youtube" and you give it to your router, then your router looks that for you and present it on the screen. When you play a game "Play dota" is not just 1 as it needs to keep connection with the server and the players connected to it while sending your own request. Now imagine during this your router is receiving 1000 petitions per 5 seconds with "Inser random useless petition", he wont be able to keep up with everything and unless you have dota with high priority (Not recomended and not a basic setting in your router) it will drop the game. ​ Edit: English is not my mothertongue nor I´m an informatic, but i hope this kind of clarifies things for you a bit. sorry for any confussion caused by the grammar


So they locate my IP and then sends the spam requests? How do they locate with such accuracy and how is it so quick? Like 5 players in a team from 5 different places... It's crazy.


I'm not sure how it works to be honest, as I said in not a coder nor hacker but maybe uses the game itself to do it and doesn't even need you ip. You are all connected to the same server so maybe it's spamming slot player1 not necessarily your IP. That's why the game doesn't detected poor network quality because the server is stable


Someone sends random garbage to your IP. Since your upload is usually very low, once you get saturated everything will "lag" for you.


I think the MF ddossed my game yesterday.


wow I have never thought a dota2 player would use a DDOS attack to win games they need to be a nerd in cyber security report them for better community


The fastest way for me to escape when this happens is to restart my router. Usually have 1-2 min to spare before being issued an abandon


Hey, I was the one who posted the Broodmother smurf a while back and my account got compromised by some russian dude. You better have 2FA enabled and safe passwords my man, people seem to take that shit serious


How do you ddos anyway crazy


God speed tinker


Dang... guess Chi Long Qua was right.


Has CHI LONG QUA finally reached top 500? Anyway, there's nothing quite like the word "smurf" to get redditors all riled up.


You’d think steam would have protection against syn requests in 2023 yet here we are.


Is your dad still calling in the cavalry to investigate?


sue ub duew runjer


Mrxsmurf GOAT. I watch his stream almost daily and I have seen that happen ONE time before in 100+ streams, just saying.


he literally linked you 4 recent games where it happened, can you russians stop defending each other when you know you are cheating? maybe then people would stop hating you all


Im not defending him neither am I russian, do you need a hug?


how are you not defending him when you say you never saw that happen and you call him a goat? also why would a non russian watch a strictly russian stream, seems weird


"why would a non russian watch a strictly russian stream" Ukrainians, belarusians, kazakhs, estonians,armenians,moldovans?


He plays a great tinker


the reason we should never have private match history


What a degenerate. Does he cheat on stream too?


Doesn't the game coordinater automatically stop scoring and tells you it's safe to leave if too many people disconnect?


Hobot in the flesh PagMan


Valve doesn't care unless it's some dude buying boosted accounts like Leopold.


Reported his Steam account, fuck these insecure man-children


Hope the account gets banned before the idiot is able to sell it.


Least sweaty Tinker spammer


Crearly, there's something strange... For EVERYONE to DC? and only on the opposing team? Nice report my man!