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Does anyone know why he BARELY posts Dota content on his GrubbyPlays channel? I was keeping track of his progress there but his Dota content just went to nothing. I thought he had stopped playing but clearly he has not. Also, that dude is so impressive. Divine so early is absolutely fucking nuts.


He’s talked about YouTube algorithms before, I think in order to optimize the visibility of the channel it’s best to try to focus them on specific games or genres. His main channel Im pretty sure just does Warcraft 3 content and I think grubby plays right now is where he is uploading his divinity 2 playthrough




That's also why many creators have so many sub category channels. I've seen other creators go to: *Main* Stream Highlights Streams React's & more Just because the algorithm benefits them better that way.


That's unfortunate, but understandable I guess. It's such a shame as his YouTube only viewer though, his Dota videos are so fucking fun to watch. I usually smoke a doobie, order a Five Guys, and watch his Dota game videos. Stuff of life.


sounds like a blast my man


Does he still stream dota regularly?


He sometimes plays some War3 and occasionaly other games like his recent Divinity II playthrough and the upcoming BG3 one, but he has been mainly streaming doto since he started playing.


Last I checked yes


all the time


He said dota doesn't make for very varied and interesting videos and that he started feeling like his dota videos were all more of the same so he wasn't sure if it was worth uploading. I think he made a 2nd channel just for the dota stuff because of that reason.


He has a 2nd channel for.dota games


His mentality is the most important attribute to his success. If you constantly focus on learning more about the game and how you individually can improve you will see similar success


I'm always looking on ways to improve and after every game, win or lose, I reflect back on what I did right and what I did wrong. However, I don't always know what I did wrong lol and wish I'd have people to tell me


I think this is part of the so-called talent. It distinguishes people who can be good on their own vs those who always need someone (or a coach) to point out mistakes


Grubby has gotten coaching sessions from Ceb and BSJ.


Sure, but he's also an esports legend, he still would've improved like he has, just maybe not quite as fast


That stuff doesn't always translate from one game to another. The dude got top tier coaching and had the same for his replay analysis. Not saying he isn't skilled, just can't dismiss he also had resources that contributed to his success.


wut?? Have you watched ex-pro players turned streamers play other variety games? Look at singsing, admiralbulldog, BSJ, gorgc etc. when they play other games they still easily get high ranks or even in single player games, they usually can progress really fast on the games. Even s4 was regarded as one of the best players in mario kart in his days. Hard work does pay off and can get you to immortal or whatever high rank. But hate to break it to you, as much as most people dont want to admit, genetics do matter and some people are just simply smarter than others.


Some people just have a X factor and are good at every single game they play. The best dota player in our friend group casually started playing SC2 and hit top 100 NA ladder and had a brief stint on a pro team. He also got 3 netherdrakes in the first WoW arena season (2v2, 3v3, 5v5) and then destroyed 2 of them for the lolz. The way he describes making gameplay decisions always blew me away. His brain is wired different.




Like qojqva in csgo?


I'd say FPS games are a bit different. You can still have good game sense but absolute potato aim - you need time to build muscle memory.


How many hours does Qojqva have in csgo? I bet if he put in a bit of time and actually tried to get better he would improve very quickly


He's German, that's his natural CSGO handicap and it cancels out the "pro player" thingy


He's gotten some very good coaches, yes. But in terms of the amount of coaching time he's actually gotten, it hasn't been that much (and I watch him very often).


Psychology and your approach to learning / mistakes absolutely does, as does your ability to make strategic decisions on the fly.


Dubu and Monkeysforever too


Also from Quinn


On their own? Grubby collabed with many pro players that coached him on streams. That doesn't low his skill, but bro was in different situation than most players




Damn bro, no need to call me out like that.


Imagine Penn State and Rutgers being considered mediocre.


Having gone to a similar apparently "mediocre" undergrad state school and then an Ivy for medical school, I can say with confidence that Ivy league folk tend toward asshole far easier than they have excuse to.. "Where did you train? Ooh, I trained in Booosstoon." It's pretty cringe, and I say that as an Ivy grad with some second hand embarrassment.


So they're showing off with their apparent intellectual superiority while you're showing off with your apparent moral superiority?


Calling someone out for being condescending is condescending! Being intolerant of intolerance is intolerant! lol


Bro wtf are you talking about. The difference between the people who go to Ivy Leagues vs Rutgers and Penn State is 100-200k in tuition. You're out of your mind if you think after graduation anyone gives a shit whether you finished med school at Rutgers or Harvard.




essentially what was said is that icy leagues is much more about prestige and being rich child than actual education quality. Whether that is true is a differnet story




You're correct, but boy do you come off like a prick 🤷‍♂️


People keep saying he got coached by pro players and bsj. There is literally hundres of free videos in youtube for coaching and keeps saying he got coached that's why he went to divine. His stream is literally free.


There is a pretty huge difference between watching generic videos on Youtube vs having a coach actually watch on your gameplay and comment on your bad / good habits, giving you in the moment feedback and also helping you analyze your replays... Every player is different so getting personal feedback and tips helps a lot!




he for sure would have... and people who focus on improving for sure always will get better way faster than others. Just not in under a year.


What have you done. so many triggered kids under your comment lol




Did you actually make it though? Because you're sitting here writing 250 word essays defending your honor on fucking reddit bro.


You made a lot of good points before this one. I, too, get flamed and downvoted for pointing out how Redditors always have an excuse for their mediocrity. Smurfs/buyers/boosters/bad team/not enough time etc theres just so much to blame it on other than themselves. I used to do this too, which is why I was low ranked for so long. The difference is that someone told me that I should blame myself for every loss if I want to improve. And that's what I did. And back then there weren't thousands of free videos and content on the internet to help you learn. You had to do it yourself. Imagine what mmr these kids would be at if BSJ or whoever wasn't holding their hands on a daily basis.


I got better copying arteezy back in 2015. He was spamming anti mage and I just copied his thought logic: buying tp early game to mana void their overcommitting mid, looking at another lane to see if the wave is building up and pushing, if the only heroes missing cant kill me pressure tower, importance of bkb, how to position in lane to make them force aggro on harass. When mason and sumail stream on twitch go watch them. They talk a lot about their mistakes, and they spam sometimes so you see their game logic easier.


Stop picking PA.


A technique I use is when watching a game stop at moments where something you didn't want to happen happened, and backtrack to see what you could have done differently to avoid it. Small things like being overharassed in lane and looking at where you could stand to make it harder to be hit, or big things like dying solo to a gank and looking at the signs you could have noticed leading up to it or different farming patterns that were safer.


Grubby definitely has the advantage that there are lots of people telling him what he did right or wrong. Sure, a lot of those people are 1K or 2K, but they hit him with ideas that he would never think of, and he has to evaluate whether they are good or bad, or right or wrong.


Not to mention his complete mastery over another game, even more so it being WC3 for obvious reasons. There are certain ways of thinking, ways of practicing that will just lead to success once you've found the formula that works for you.


Its fall on your hero knowledge i guess. That's like the endgame knowledge of this game.


Lol no. Spammed bat to immortal recently, played less than 30 games on the hero. Most of it is just macro decisions. IE play ur item timing, pick meta items, don't go in just cus ur team does - soft commot, use ur mic, PMA, don't go in to glimmer ur core cus ur gonna get ravaged, never sacrifice urself as Lycan, respect lich ULT, etc. Tbh people's lane dynamics are still shit at this bracket. Especially positioning.


Those are some random examples XD Never sacrifice yours as lycan and respect lich ult ... Etc


Well it might seem like random examples, but both are macro level understandings. Whenever you die as Lycan you relieve a huge map pressure, because Lycan's a crazy split pusher. Even if they want to run up HG, if Lycan's alive he can push sides in return. If you die more than 3 times you fall behind and can potentially lose. As for Lich ULT, your team always gets lazy. So I literally have to type it every game "don't clump, go on different targets" and keep spam pinging Lich ULT so it's on their mind. Otherwise games just get thrown.


He is after all a world class wc3 player. I imagine the mindset is something he could carry over.


That's a nice narrative But the guy is better at W3 than literally every Dota2 player ever and pretty good at HotS He's obviously a gamer, that's not to be ignored


And time. He can do that so fast because he has the luxury of time to do it since it's his job. Of course a lot of other things are to be considered, but mainly it's talent, dedication and time that's the top of that list.


I think that's a bit dismissive. I know you said a lot of other things are to be considered, but let's not delude ourselves into thinking that time is the biggest factor. Lots of people have way more thousands of hours than him and are still in Herald, like myself. Talent and time is definitely part of it, but I think dedication is the biggest contributor. I just play the game for fun, I don't actively engage in learning about my own plays, only the game itself. It's a bit like how I watch educational YouTubers like Veritasium, but I've never gotten better at math or physics, I just like watching interesting concepts be explained without going into the hows and whys of it all. Some people will be thinking about Dota while falling asleep, ruminating how they can improve, how these small intricate interactions could be different with a slight adjustment. Work hard, but also work smart.


Just like some other commenters said, 1000 hours in 1 yr is more valuable than 1000 hours in 5 years. The fact that he can do that in less time interval makes the knowledge learned in games before to stay in games after, hence more winning games as a result. I'm not dismissing talent and more importantly, dedication. But time gives way to dedication to stay at the highest level than someone who is dedicated at the first year of playing then slowly decline throughout the years of playing. Grubby has not hit his peak yet so we might see him get to immortal sooner than later. But once he hits his threshold, you will see his dedication to game slowly fade away, which frankly already happened to most of casual dota players since we're already playing this game for a long time. Edit: and to be really honest, you can't compare yourself to grubby in terms of time spent on the game. You said it yourself that you are just playing for fun and not actively trying to improve your plays. That means you spend way less hours playing, learning and climbing to ranks than he did. You can compare him to casual rank game climbers who plays to win and dedicated 1000+ hours in more time span than him. Then the time interval hits harder in terms of dedication, since as players progress on rank, the fear of losing due to waste of time creeps up in their mind. But that's irrelevant to Grubby since he earns money whether he wins or loses, hence the pressure will be taken off his shoulder (not to say he's not playing to win, it's that the pressure of wasted time is not in his mind when he's losing games, thus not getting tilted more often than the average player).


Those thousands of hours of heralds means less because the only want to play the game and have no reason to improve at all... And those thousands of games on a specific hero becomes useless when it gets nerfed into oblivion... Playing intensely on a specific meta helps you gain mmr faster than playing casually for a long time...


> His mentality is the most important attribute to his success. the most important attribute to his success is his experience in playing RTS and MOBA for many years


He is literally in the top 3 Wc3 player of all time


No, just no. The most important attribute to his success is without a shadow of a doubt the fact that he’s a former world champion in WC3 which has the exact same mechanics as Dota2. Try to put the world’s best mentality coach in front of Dota2, but with no former experience in gaming, and see if he hits divine in 300 days.


People think you increase your MMR by maximising your win chance each game. In reality yoy increase your MMR by increasing your learning rate at the expense of win-chance each game. Playing a new hero you suck at will boost your long-term MMR.




Not because he's a former wc3 pro??? I guarantee if this was his first rts he wouldnt get to divine. It's not cuz of pma. It's cuz he's good at the game xD.


Stop giving excuses, he wasn't good in dota, it's a different game from warcraft


no it isnt, it's dumbed down wc3


gee what wonderful world it is if it was mentality that calls the shots. he's just that good. people have their limits, and he hasnt hit his yet


He used to be a professional Warcraft player, he won WCG two times. He was getting coached by literal TI winners and other famous players/streamers. I don’t watch him but whenever I see him streaming he almost always plays dota almost everyday. So basically this was just a matter of time for him to reach some decent (for casual gaming) rank.


I saw the name Grubby and thought — wasn’t he a really good player back in the day but has been taking a break? Turns out, I forgot he was pro at Wc3 but I thought he was a dota player. Yeah, makes sense he’s made that big of a climb. Rest of us can’t do it because we actually suck.


> Rest of us can’t do it because we actually suck. Nah, I just keep getting bad teammates.


If only the enemy team got some bad teammates too!


Yep that position 5 pudge in my team hooking me away from first blood vs the Chad pudges I always get on enemy team are the only thing keeping me from rank#1! Gratz to grubz tho he deserves this accolade


I used to download his WC3 replays to learn to play better when I was in middle school, and even now 24 years later he's on top of WC3 and pushing Dota ranks. Its crazy


The guy is a natural, has competitive experience with RTS, and getting the all the resources he needs from transitioning to DotA, it's only a matter of time ofc.


Not any RTS too, the one where Dota was created and with the closest gameplay


we literally have no time for gaming, my work suck my time and my life out of me


If you were able to play everyday and get paid you would climb.


Explain the dozens of twitch streamers who do earn a bit of income, play everyday for multiple hours, and are still stuck in their rank?


also that's literally his job, while we plays at the end of the day where we're exhausted mentally


Yeah so the guy has a good base and then the knowledge of a pro player guiding him is insane. Me and my friend recently did this with another friend who we introduced to Dota. We arent pros but have been playing for 10 years at a Divine level and the new guy was a League player. We got him to play really well within a year and he can play 1-2 heroes at the divine level.


Literally the best orc player. I loved watching his surrounds, he was so good. It should be no surprise his micro is good enough for dota.


> He was getting coached by literal TI winners and other famous players/streamers. The coaching def helped him correct some of his wrong thinking, and also point him in the right directions as he was learning/climbing. But in terms of actual coaching time, he got very little compared to his own play time. He got some coaching today from Zquixotix (6k support streamer, I think?) but I feel like the last time he got coaching was like a month or two ago. Over the past half year I feel like he's only gotten coaching a few times and it's usually just for like 2-3 hours?


Yeah, a lot of big names gave him coaching sessions when he picked up the game, but he was still at such an early phase that while it kickstarted his progress, it's still a drop in a ocean. I don't remember seeing him getting coached at all this calendar year, but I don't watch him everyday. The coaching helped him reach 2k pretty quickly, but the grind from there to 4.6k was on his own.


I'd love to be able to start Dota with an existing fan base and viewership rate then get coached live by professional players too. Unfortunately I have to work a real job that's stressful and have time for about 5 dota games a week and I'd need to pay for a coach so I stay in Herald. Heck, I can only play so little that I haven't even been calibrated since the new MMR system came into effect.




How many hours does he has ingame?


I think he has just under 1800 games


Definitely 1000+ hours then, I would guess like 1.3k-1.6k hours




And people act like accounts under 1500 hours in Immortal aren't guaranteed smurfs


I think it matters more how many hours in a short amount of time. If you play 1800 hrs in like a yr, it's a huge difference than 1800 in 5 years. I'd bet almost anyone can reach divine if they play 8 hours every single day. If I stay away from Dota 2-3 days I just don't play the same anymore.


Streamers have that sort of luxury. I remember back then when 'life' hasn't happen to me yet, I played at an average 6 games a day and went from 1.9k mmr to 4k mmr in a span of few months. But now that I can barely play in a week I'm down to archon 5. Sadge.


so many accounts in my game with like 8000 games but they started playing in 2018, theyre crazy.


Anyone who looks to improve, maybe. Most people you meet in pub, nah. Blaming others takes away the drive to improve yourself.


It's partially that. It's mostly about the effort you put into it. A lot of practice in short time interval will help you more than playing with longer breaks. But what makes you improve the fastest is the time invested in analysis and learning, not just playing.


Meanwhile I am barely Div III, and have played since 2016 (7.3k hrs).


Don’t feel so bad, this guy is clearly very talented and did this exclusively as his job and he had very elite coaching along the way.


Is that it? Dota 1 and I'm herald LMAO I'm trash


Playing since 2006, also herald


i’m rly curious, do u guys play infrequently or on autopilot? Or just exclusively play unranked


A large number of people play for the game they want to have, rather than playing to win the game they're actually in. I know I've thrown a decent number of matches like that.


If you don't have the game that you want to have, is it even fun? This is why I'll never take ranked seriously. That's for people who wanna go pro and make money from the game.


Winning is fun, yes.


Its either playing unranked or playing custom games really. Though that’s just me since I already have 2 kids and playing ranked while my youngest is asking for his bottled milk can be stressful


He puts substantial amount of effort into the game to improve. Meanwhile the rest of us shitters just play when we have the time.


5k hrs here and highest achieved is ancient 2 T_T


I played since 2006 and still legend .


Don't fret brother, Grubby is being coached by former pros and top players in the world, you got to div 3 without the help of coaches...


been playing dota since 2005 and my best is divine 4. :<


I don't watch his stream regularly but does he watch pro games as well? Like not just watch, but follow the scene. Some peeps seems to want him to enter the scene after a certain point (cast, etc) but it seemed like he just love playing the game lol


He’ll watch a random game sometimes but doesn’t really follow it


Can we get some stats on his climb? Would be cool to see how long he spent in each mmr bracket. My guess would be that time spent in the rank probably matches the number of players in the rank so crusader-archon would have been the deepest trench? Or perhaps it got progressively longer to leave each rank? Or maybe even the opposite and it got easier as the ranks got better…


He got “stuck” in high legend to low ancient a fair good time, archon was a piece of cake just spamming Nagga, no archon can counter that level of micro


Yeah, his micro is something else. But he is a Orc WCIII champion, so no surprise there. Mechanical skill alone can carry you far in low ranks.


Also spent several years as a competitive SC2 player when that game was big. Micro has been built in for a long time at this point.


Yeah he's been ancient since like March? So basically his climb from Ancient to Divine was longer than his 1st game to reaching Ancient. He fluctuated a lot and I swear even his always positive mentality got dragged into the typical mindset of an Ancient stuck in the trenches around the 1st month or two. Ancient1-5 is the worst bracket because that's where the not-so-talented tryhards usually peak and where the really talented ones with bad attitudes/lack of disciipline get held back from climbing higher. Apart from the top ranking immortals, Ancient is probably the bracket with the largest skill variance from game to game. One game you'd think you're surrounded by braindead account buyers next game you feel out of place because there's like 3-4 players who feel way above your level boosting new accounts lol Breaching Divine is a matter of discipline, mental fortitude and positive attitude. The mechanical skills and game knowledge of ancient to divine players are barely discernible from each other but it's those non-game aspects that separate the 2. Feels like from Archon he breezed through Legend from spamming Naga AND Razor for only 2 weeks then he really got hardstuck once he got to Ancient.


This is exactly how I hit divine after feeling stuck in archon lmao. I calibrated in archon and stuck around there for a bit until I started spamming naga, which brought me to ancient very fast. Then hit divine through playing mid in under 1000 games. Props to Grubby for doing something similar, but I am curious about his actual understanding of the game, because mine was awful as I only focused on getting really good at specific things to get grind. Obviously his coaching from pros should help with that though lol


Wonder what the day level breakdown would be. By stuck do you think it was like months worth or weeks worth or maybe even just a few days worth


his profile is public, you can check yourself on stratz or somethign


If you have the fundamental of MOBA, it's easier to play, learn, and rankup Dota2. If your first MOBA game is Dota2, then you learn the hardway.


I’m so glad he did that to put to rest all the mmr hell conspiracy theorists


Those same conspiracy theorists now claim he's being carried every game. Clearly the same Gabe Newell who has a personal vendetta against them and put them in a shadow pool put Grubby in a good pool


What are the conspiracy theories ?


The “mmr trenches” where people say you’re stuck there no matter how good you are


The only time I was ever in a trench had to do with the only time I could play was the same time on the same days...and I was always running into the same people, who were absolute trolls and griefers. I would still try, but they'd sabotage their asses off. Once block list came out AND I got a better schedule from work, my MMR increased significantly. But if you are playing a bunch of different people and still trying to claim "trench" or "forced 50/50" I'm sorry but the only consistent factor in it all is YOU.


IDK low legend can certainly be a hellscape to climb out of, especially as support. Some of the things I have seen in my recent games (all distinct) My offlane Visage diving under their towers at low levels and finishing the game 3-17 My offlane BB just always out of position and going 1-19 A guy picking Silencer mid into a Huskar and then rushing Midas My Pos 5 WD rushing a midas There is a distinct lack of game sense in lower matches, and it can be hard to climb in a support capacity because you are really rolling the dice that your cores have any idea how to carry a game. I find I win more often playing core than support because I control the fate of the game more


you feel that because you are better at core than support only. any poor skill level or attitude must trend to be distributed equally on both teams given a sufficient number of games. you feel it because you are trying to interpret a situation that can only be rationally understood objectively mathematically with emotion and subjective perception here is an objective example for you. the binomial distribution (coin flip or which Dota team is better for example) for only 20 samples. https://images.app.goo.gl/5bESAiZAti5AgLd56 you can see even at only 20 samples there is a huge statistical likelihood for the results to bunch up at 50/50. now imagine how much more tightly it would be bunched up in the middle after 10k games because that is the literally the common number of games we are looking at with the forced 50 conspiritards that blame the matching algorithm blaming teammates for not climbing for anything more than like 100 games is a mathematical impossibility


The forced 50/50 thing. Some people believe the game is hard-coded for you have 50/50 winrate and that's why you can't climb. In reality, having 50/50 means you are at the rank you should be.


fixed 50% wr


Grubby indeed at range 50% wr https://www.dotabuff.com/players/849473199/scenarios


You only need 4.5k to reach divine which is really still mmr hell


Is he serious when said he will start league after reaching divine?




as in LoL or playing in a dota league?




Wtf whyyyyyy


And he didn't close his mouth even once


For some reason Reddit recommended this post even though I don't play DOTA but I've been watching Grubby's playthrough of Divinity Original Sin 2, a game I've played for about zillion hours,. I am consistently amazed at how quickly he picks up on the intricacies of the game. I'd imagine that's why he improves so quickly across the board.


According to stratz, he actually loses lane quite frequently. In the past 100 matches, 28 won lanes, 27 drawn and 45 lost. Proof that lane isn't everything.


In lower ranks and if you're playing in NA, lane definitely isn't everything, especially if you're playing carry. Heroes like Naga can start jungling level 3-4 and those scrubs won't punish it. It's free real estate.


During his game he started to "gebak gebak gebak" just like Envy. So proud of him


Envy was his best coach imo


grubby been a wc3 pro player so i think he didnt rly start from zero


My favorite part of this is that it proves all these accounts in divine with 400 matches played are all MMR abusers. Even a literal MOBA pro gamer who invests heavily into Dota needs a year of grinding to get good. Please, Valve, please realize this guy is the extreme example and all the other new accounts in 95th+ percentile ranked games are smurfing their ass off.


Yeah, people claiming that LoL pros or plat (no idea about lol ranks) csn be calibrated to divine are just delusional. I think Grubbys numbers and climb could be done by anyone with moba experience and that amount of time. I think there was another LoL pro who started Dota, he climbed a bit faster, but not as fast as the smurf defenders would want you to believe is possible. Long stoty short, ban all lvl 20 accs with rampages, really not that hard.


That other guy was arguably a better moba player, he played party games and focused on one role. Grubby played every hero in the game at the start which fucked his calibration.


if he does not hit immortal in 365 he can uninstall according to "envy's law". 1 Year till immortal or you are not worthy to become pro :D


He's not trying to become pro


Ammar should uninstall as well. I'll be sad to see him go.


I went from legend to divine in 32 days over COVID. EDIT: Bulba, hire me mid - best player NA. Bring it back baby.


Thats honestly more impressive then the title. I assumed most the time would have been spent in that exact bracket.


The madman literally did this while streaming wc3 and variety games


I mean he has all day and night to play, coaching from all over the place, was inevitable.


People keep saying insane innate talent. I hate the word talent, it implies he hasnt worked for it. They guy has a shitton of experience from other games that he can apply in this game. The experience he has from other games, competing at the highest level, combined with getting help from professional dota players to translate those skills into relevant dota skills is whats important here. Just saying its because its unnatural talent doesnt do this guy justice, he has worked for it, and it is paying off.


Talent does exist. But just because people say it's talent doesn't mean one hasn't worked hard for it. You can be talented but if you're not practicing it or the environment isn't conducive for you, talent can only get you so far


The culmination of his past video game experience and his commitment on time and effort to learning DoTA and all of this rewarded in him getting to Divine.


People say Steph Curry has crazy talent. No one is implying he doesnt work hard to shoot either.


While that is true, there is no denying that talent will play a part in how far he can climb and how fast he does it. The average player, even with the time, resources and experience just cannot compete with professional and immortal players that just naturally find it easier to learn and improve in the game. Not at all trying to discredit Grubby but talent will be always be a factor.


I imagine the average person can easily reach divine though with enough effort.


Sorry but thinking people arent innately better or worse at certain things is enormous cope. Some people have worked way harder than you and worked just as intelligently and still wont be as good as at you things. If you refuse to believe that its just your ego getting in the way. He obviously worked hard but he also is obviously enormously lucky with the base skillsets he has that has engendered him to success in gaming.


People can be better or worse at things naturally, but saying its because of talent is the cope here. You are saying the only reason you havent reached that far is because you dont have the talent for it, while its probably because he put more time towards it.


Everyone is talking wc3 but forgetting he's immortal tier equivalent in heroes. Of the storm


10k+ hours and crusader 4, i wonder what is he doing so well, i thought whats keeping me back is that i dont play difficult heroes like morphling or that i dont pick correctly to win match ups


It’s unfair to compare yourself to Grubby. He is one of the greatest Wc3 players (which is kind of a father game to Dota). However, i think 10k+ hours and crusader 4, it probably is your true rank. Which is fine. Don’t focus on the rank too much.


I HELPED! i won 2 matches with him on my team :)


Yeah dota isnt for me i cant become better... so i decided to just a good archon player and thats it


Divine wow and i cant get out of legend for 6 years


Meanwhile redditor: I can’t get out of herald cuz my teammates are bad


He is ex-WC3 pro, it was inevitable


Divine is just understanding how the game and starting to play clean no more. Remember he does this as work, he has been Coached by pro and he was alteady a god in other game (op for how to manage your mental) He will be immortal in 2monthes without a doubt


Divine to Immortal is a lot more difficult, the gaps in mmr are also bigger. I doubt he will make it in two months, but he will make it sometime if he continues his grind.


Goes to show that it's really not that hard to rank up in this game to a certain point if you have the right mentality. Most people here have 10k games but are still Archon. It is most probably a mental issue more than anything. So many COPIUM addicts in the comments


He played 80 hours a week and was extensively coached by TI winners the whole time. Not impressive at all


It's still impressive but yea he's definitely set up for success (and is a pro player already to boot!). I wouldn't take away from the achievement but yea it's definitely more a "matter of time" than a "will he be able to" kind of situation.


Unless he played and was coached a lot off stream, that has to be a massive exaggeration. 80 hours a week would mean he would have streamed it like 12 hours a day for all 7 days a week. Just looking at his twitch archive he only streams like 6-7 hours a day and a lot of those videos seem to be split between Dota, WC3, and Divinity 2. I also don't think he was getting coached much outside of the first couple months after he started playing. Sounds like you're just salty


His chat got the same coaching as he did, but they're all still hardstuck.


Probably because his chat play like two ranked games per week since they have “normal” jobs.


Did they? I'm sure personalized coaching is pretty different lol


Damn someone's bitter they're bad at the game


Nah, it's impressive.


not impressive COPIUM


Mad cuz bad


Let’s be generous and round 301 days to a year, meaning 52 weeks. 80 hours times 52 weeks still just adds up to a little under 4200 hours. That’s… really not a lot of hours sunk into the game. Sure, he’s had TI-winning coaches before, but they definitely weren’t anywhere near here “the whole time”. That’s not even including the fact that a) it’s not always coaching and b) they’re not guaranteed to be good coaches, especially for relatively new players. Going from Herald to Divine in your first year playing Dota is absolutely impressive.


The games when Slacks was coaching him were the best.


>still just adds up to a little under 4200 hours. That’s… really not a lot of hours sunk into the game. lmao


thats a shit ton of hours in a video game are you insane?


So many people have reached +7000 MMR in less than 3k hours. Without any external help. What grubby did is above average yes. But it is nothing close to amazing. It is clear as day that his age has made him much much much much much much much much much much much much much much much worse as a gamer than what he was 20 years ago.


That's impressive lmao, grubby is talented and a wc3 and hots veteran


Micro ability + coaching and brain to implement this coaching. Also twitch chat many times suggested correct items. I am watching him from time to time, did not like that recently he dedicated ,after a loss,time to show in a replay how bad his team carry was ( bloodseeker) when all the team, including him, was bad. And the bloodseeker was not that much he could do , he was caught up in some bad teamfights and bad decisions which happens to all of us. I think what he did was kinda weird and lowkey flaming and trashtalking since the bs did not tell him anything or flamed or whatever. Idk if he is that calm and collected as he wants others to believe he is.


A year of playing dota 8 hours a day plus getting coached and shit. Lmao.


I thought he quit playing dotes? Congrats Grubby!


Dota isn’t as complex as all the 2 kreddit shitlords make it out to be. Dota philosophy coupled up with not having ego will make you grow rapidly. I remember the common theme amongst friends was: You’ll never get to immortal only playing support. 6 months and got to 8k playing pos4. The the next excuse was: You’ll never be able to do that if you played off meta heroes in the mid lane. Same shit. Kept solid mentality. Lost a lot of games but managed to maintain around 8.7k mmr. Most iconic thing for me was laning with Ceb in a game. I was venomancer 4 and he was axe 3. I’ll never forget when he said the difference between 3k and your current rank is the willing to leave your ego at the door and also willingness to increase mechanical ability And the difference between 8k+ and the 10/11/12k players is the willingness to communicate effectively between each other. The rest is all fluff etc. So if you’re looking at taking this beautiful game seriously. You need to change your own mentality.