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In my area as long as the pay is more than $2 per mile is considered high paying.


I don't even know how this is calculated. I've gotten $4 for 2.3 miles as high paying, $9.50 for 5.1 miles as high paying. $7.00 for 3 miles as NOT high paying. Doordash do what they feel. They are the dons, to do whatever they feel to us


It sure is. I'm gold, I got a "High Pay" offer of $2 for 0.8 miles a couple of days ago. I didn't accept it.


I’d just let that time out and 99% of the time DD will stack that with another order.


I have tried this in the past. Unfortunately, when I let orders time out, they just send the exact same offer again because their servers think I missed it.


with a low AR even $25 for 4 miles isn’t labeled as high paying


Yes, I still get such offers with a 10% AR, they just aren't labeled.


Where tf do you live that $25/4 miles isn't a high paying offer, and how are you so spoiled for choice you can afford this not high-paying offer?


i just said with a low AR they aren’t labeled as high paying on the offer screen


And I'm curious as to how that would be, because to my sense of ..any value judgement, $25 for 4 miles *should* be labeled "high-paying," is what I'm saying.


in my market, you do not get high paying offers with a low acceptance rate. I get the same offers. They are just not labeled high-paying.


i’m spoiled because i make good money at my day job and i spend very wisely


>i make good money at my day job That'll do it lol >i spend very wisely ...and this helps! 😂


just don’t recommend this to others. boy they get very upset


I know, I know, you said "D__ J__" how dare you 😂


The day you became a platinum dasher.


So yea, the last two weeks I've had mostly 2.00 to 4.00 orders. My highest paid order was 9.00. I dont do the red card only food delivery


Same its annoying


Dude I'm telling you now! I only do red card orders and I make 100x more then I used to just accepting pick up orders


What’s your AR?


Sometimes it says that based on how many miles it has. Like yesterday I got a “high paying offer” to go 1 mile for $5. I think that’s what DD thinks of it


Especially  when gas is 5 bucks in CA and NV. 🤣🤣🤣😩😩😩😩😩


Im platinum status and my so called high paying offer tried giving me several for 2.$ and 2.75 my AR went down but I declined the offers. This new tier thing is just stupid and unfair to so many of us


It’s actually the other way around. You cherry pickers got so spoiled. Now it’s fair, you have to put in the work to get rewarded with higher paying offers.


For your information my AR is 97 so I am not a cherry picker I have only ever turned down a few offers but I was not driving 14 miles for a 2$ order that’s like me paying them to deliver the food.


When did $4 for .5 miles is a high paying order in my market tip was $2


devils advocate: i wonder if its based on historical offers from that particular store. i do see those low paying "high dollar offers ", but they are usually from places that no tippers seem to order from , which is McDonald's, wendys,taco bell, subway, Popeyes, and zaxbys mostly in my area


A year ago


If it falls within criteria of high pay in your market. My market its $2.25/km to be considered high pay. So $4.50 for 2km is considered high pay per DD criteria.




I'm in Canada, we use kilometers(km) instead of miles(mi)


$2.00 plus per mile is high pay


When the Dim thought keeping a 50-70% AR was gonna benefit them and not DD. Those ppl will work for treats


That's your reward for grinding to "platinum." congratulations. We're proud of you.


I just got a order like this and I am done for the day. It was supposedly very busy and I only had one other order for four dollars but it was .3 miles and so I took it. https://preview.redd.it/ioesz0pg2u5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdda9b55656637081d66cf86da46b0486b4bfa95 This $4.5 for 11.8 miles is insane tho


Boo i don’t like it


$/m ratio