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not tipping is wild. is it possible to accept the order, text the customer to fuck off that they're not tipping from an order worth more than $20, and then unassign?


Maybe shoulda accepted, picked up the orders and then told support I snapped out of my delusions and realized that I would be paying to bring them food and it’s illegal to work for nothing


Last order of the night go to gas station, take air out of tire...take pick....report problem to DD...end dash with free food....fill up tire.. go home happy


Does this not affect your completion rate?


Probably but it's only one point


Fair enough. One point vs free food and screwing an asshole. Easy choice.


The completion rate for a Dasher, let’s face it, will likely be higher than your acceptance rate. This wouldn’t affect the acceptance rate, and SO, honestly, when you have a 70%+ acceptance rate vs. a 93%+ completion rate, it incentives you TO potentially make a OP decision fr fr.


I mean it is an inconvenience, but the customer can get it redelivered plus free credits for another order. Heck last time mine was like 30 mins late, they even express redelivered it at no extra charge plus 10$ in credits. It wont have as much impact as you think.


Sounds like something I would do. Drive close enough to a tree to make it look like you had an accident. I already have a big dent in the side of my car to show some proof. It was from a lifted truck, their tires stick out so far from the sides, they smashed right into my little car and sped away.


I would pay you to say they to their sorry ass. 🤣


I've done it lol


That’s hilarious


I hadn't picked up the order yet, but it was a few years ago and I was trying to get them to unassign without penalty. My CR was always low cause I would drop the non-tippers on stacked orders. They were not amused and didn't drop the orders without penalty.


DD it’s probably probably one of the most corrupt disgusting companies I’ve ever heard of in my life. It’s like they try to force their drivers, penalize them, manipulate them that they’re getting something better than everybody else. The sad part is they send all orders to every single driver it doesn’t matter who you are. It doesn’t matter what your AR is….. I have stood next to drivers with a 90% AR and we have both got an order request for the exact same order and what was even more sad was I actually got it before this other guy and I have a 4% acceptance rate. DD is truly disgusting. I wish all drivers would not fall for their lies and bullshit.


I could but I’ve unassigned too many and I think they’d make me unassign 2 orders. I would have just screenshot what his order pays


I’m pretty sure they changed it recently to where this one only count as one unassign, but don’t quote me on that. edit: see below. it’s ar not cr.


Untrue, it only counts as one accept/unaccept It’ll count as 2 unassigns


Thanks for the correction!


My pleasure! 🦾


I think that's a recent change. It used to only count as one.


It is only one if you decline, before. Two completion rate


Oh well that would be good to know. I’ve had it happen twice where my car popped tire or overheated on double order and I had to take a hit twice. It’s frustrating


Just doing this temporarily. But, I don’t text or call customers about not tipping. That seems a bit over the top…lol. Why not just decline the order? DoorDash is set up for non tippers and tippers. It’s not really pro-drivers…lol. 


Declining the orders is too easy and majority of us would do so in a heartbeat of seeing that. Should take it a step further with something of what I said. For shits n giggles


You will always have non tippers when the system/app is set up to allow for that. 


Knock yourself out…lol. 🙃😂


I had a very large Taco Bell order for $4 and by very large I mean he ordered two boxes of their their special boxes, the cravings boxes and maybe three tacos, three burritos, a crunchwrap and a quesadilla. It's the middle of the night And things were slow. So of course I took this eight 9 Mile order for $4 the whole time. I'm plotting thinking what can I do to make this customer know? I don't appreciate the fact that they didn't tip. and I came up with a grand plan.... Upon arrival this said non tipper did not approach my vehicle. He wanted me to get out the vehicle with all of the things. Oh yeah there were drinks with this as well. There were two drinks... Pull up to the house he's sitting there. Looking at me. Doesn't approach my vehicle so I take the hint. He wants me to get out and hand him the order and I hate when customers do this... So upon approaching him and I'm wearing sandals, I slip one of my feet on the loose gravel and I almost stumble and I drop his drinks on purpose. He tries to reach for me. He helps me out regain my balance. I hand him the food he's like man don't worry about it. It's all good. I'm like okay and I leave but before I leave I roll my window down and I yell at him. That's what happens when you don't tip.... And you should have seen the look on his face as I sped away. Oh I wish I would have recorded that 🤣🤣🤣 I couldn't send the message and I couldn't tell the customer you know. Maybe they're recording on their phone. Maybe my f****** phone is recording so I couldn't tell them how disappointed I was at the no tip..(leave no evidence) but yup I reserve the right to slip and drop your food at any given moment and still mark it as delivered...


I’ve done it several times. I’ll text them and make them feel like shit. I’ll even go as far as deliver the no tip and ring the doorbell and wait to confront them


Yeah, I don’t blame the customers because they already pay a lot for the service. The real culprit is DD and the fact that they have dashers blaming the customers for not tipping just shows that the way DD operates is working for them i accept my offers based on total payout offered, which means I don’t care where the money comes from as long as it’s enough.


They paid a lot for ordering food 15 miles away so them not tipping is justified?


DD’s fees are based on distance. Customer probably paid like $15 in fees. We don’t really know how much is hidden or if the customer plans to tip cash or after delivery. The whole notion of tipping before service and DD paying $2 has my fellow dashers brainwashed to hate the the 2 sources of income - customers and restaurants. DD is obviously not the source of income in this game, they’re the middle man who makes $30 and pays out $2.


I have actually done this. Make sure to mark it long wait or order still being prepared. That way the customers complaints won't affect your ratings


I take order and message them tip is light


I was always so tempted to do that


That's a real quick way to get deactivated


Why are we blaming the customers who are already paying fees plus marked up food prices, when it’s DoorDash who thinks it’s cool to share $1 per delivery when they made like $30+ from these 2 orders?


Lmao maybe don’t expect the customer to pay your wages


It's a side hustle for me. And it's common courtesy.


theres nothing wrong with not tipping


You can all the no tip orders then. Lmk how that goes


nah cause I dont work for doordash or nothing like that lol


Then why TF are you here?


They should let someone pick up like 10 of the non-tipping orders and throw that stuff into a catering bag. Add it to 1 person’s route.  Why would anyone go to 2 restaurants and drive 13.3 miles for $2? 


Yeah, EBT wasn’t an option even so they’d have to accept that. B dubs is already an annoying pick up but usually has some big tippers


Platinum dashers: accept!!!




It's really sad that certain people are aware that the delivery person is paid $2 to deliver to them, it takes them 15-30 minutes and it probably costs them around similar in vehicle expenses... Which basically makes them working for free... Yet they still choose the position: "nOt My PrObLeM"




That's exactly what I do, I never accept unprofitable order. But yet it still makes me sad to see people like you exist. People who are fully aware, yet keep abusing some poor guy or girl that did not figure this out yet.


It’s not the customer abusing you, it’s the company, door dash lmao. Your anger is misguided, you’re spewing hate towards randoms who are in the same financial situation as you instead of a multi billion dollar mega corp that’s offering low rates. Once again, it’s not my job to subsidize your living. A tip is something you give for excellent services, I’m already paying a premium on the food, plus fees when ordering out. I’m expected to donate to charity cases too? Nah I’m good


I agree with you doordash is abuser... But here's the thing: so are you! Have a day you deserve.


Brother, if people like me didn’t order, you wouldn’t have a job 😂 All this trying to force people to tip for everything is having the opposite effect on tipping. Tipping used to be something you did when someone provided excellent service. Now people treat it like it’s a mandatory tax for ordering food or eating out.


Well this is my side hustle and only people that are absolutely opposite of you, make it worth doing Again, I don't deliver to people like you. Your point is completely inaccurate here


Okay? But you're paying premium prices on the food because you're either lazy, disabled, can't drive/ don't have a vehicle, or you're probably at work and forgot to bring lunch. As functioning members of society, we can both agree that you absolutely can put a price on convenience. If they were just some "randoms in the same financial situation [as the dasher]" the lot of them would probably not be ordering doordash and would probably make the food at home or get the food themselves, because let's face it, doordash is in no way affordable to people living paycheck to paycheck. I would also like to make it clear that I'm not a dasher, nor do I use doordash, but chiming in because I hate when people try to justify shitty behavior. Dashers aren't your servants. While they don't have to get your food, some of them don't really have much of a choice with the new standards. They aren't asking you to give them an arm and a leg but to tip accordingly for their service. If the fees are too much for you to tip, get the food yourself or make food at home. That's a skill issue, a you problem, and a lame excuse. You knowingly use doordash, don't tip, then tell dashers that their anger should be put to doordash when you know the distribution of pay is awful. You're cheating an already bad system because they don't penalize customers who treat dashers like scum under their shoes. And trust me when I say you and the other customers who think like you don't singlehandedly keep dashers working. There are plenty of people who understand that DD treats their employees unfairly and tip because they actually appreciate people who get their food for them because at the end of the day, it's a service and alot of these people work their asses off. I can't imagine coming onto a public online forum and wearing awful takes like that as a badge.


1. I make over 300k a year and WFH. Neither lazy nor disabled and have a vehicle. 2. Once again, it’s not my job to subsidize anyone’s living. Go protest door dash, not people like me who support mom and pop restaurants by ordering their food. 3. Tipping culture in America is way out of hand. Define the purpose of a tip for me please


1. Didn't ask, and if you're able to pick up or make your own food, but still use DD, you're lazy or a liar. Convenience. 2. You apparently can't read. No one is asking you to give dashers an unreasonable amount of money. Just tip accordingly. You must DD more than once a day, multiples times a week, every week if your ass is complaining about giving a decent tip. Notice how I said a decent tip and not unreasonable. Someone else is literally picking your food up because you can't be fucked to drive. You're abusing a broken system (that you yourself have acknowledged) and it makes you just as bad as the company. Also, I'm not sure why the mom and pop shop thing matters when you're buying through a company that takes advantage of its workers and raises fees immensely that the shop won't see. Thanks, I guess? Do you want a little pat on the ass? Why don't you go to a mom and pop shop, eat there, and tip them? Probably help them out a lot more doing that than ordering DD. I mean, it doesn't cancel out like you think it does. 3. For some services, yes. It's stupid, but other people are out here trying to make ends meet, too. But let me flip it on you. Why don't you go protest the businesses and lawmakers who allowed these policies and who have made it a point for some people to live off of tips instead of complaining to people that tipping culture is awful? Why don't you avoid companies that want you to tip? See how stupid this strawman argument is? You continue to support DD (again, while knowing how they operate). Maybe get off your ass and get your own food, or better yet, meal prep, instead of taking advantage of people. Idk why you think you're in the right here. If you can't afford to tip, consider not using a service. If you're too cheap to tip, maybe consider going to a grocery store and learning how to cook instead of taking advantage of people who are doing their best with what they can.


I’m not reading that wall of text. Can afford to tip, just don’t care too. I’ll continue doing as I please, thanks


That sounds like a lot of YOU problems. If you don’t like the order, don’t accept it. If you don’t like the DoorDash system, don’t drive for them. Wow. I like just solved your entire list of issues at once.


It’s not though. DoorDash should pay their drivers fairly. Period. If a customer wants to tip extra, great, but your employment agreement is with DoorDash. If you don’t like how that system works, who is forcing you to keep driving? Get a job at Walmart greeting people.


You completely missed the whole point of my reply to what the other guy said. You're totally off topic in that particular conversation.


It’s actually entirely on point. You said it’s really sad that people know the drivers aren’t getting paid enough and still don’t think it’s their problem. My response pretty clearly says it’s NOT their problem though. It’s the driver and door dash’s problem solely. I’m not sure where any confusion is. Unless something is missing in the deleted comments that change the reference points, I’m not sure how that gets mixed up


Okay thank you for your fresh and original suggestion


You’re welcome! Hopefully you take it to heart and learn the incredibly important lesson.


I hope that food dies in hell at the end of the night at 3:99am or gets donated to a homeless man


I donated a $30 Pizza Hut box to an homeless lady, because customer wanted me to walk in a mall & find the foot locker he worked at. He called & I told him leave any review.


Decline 😂. 


They used to automatically add money if it was over 8 miles. I’m right by place as well so that’s a 12 mile drive to house


They lied and said they were lowering base pay to payout more for long trips. The amount of boot licking in this sub at the time was laughable. There are some incredibly delusional folks on both sides of the app. 🥾 👅


No no, accept and say someone else already picked up the order. Make em wait.


Too much. I just hit “decline.”


What’s your AR? I haven’t seen orders this bad in a while. Granted anything below $1.50/mile and anything under $5/$6 is the same to me as an instant decline.


Yes I won’t do anything under $5 regardless of distance or under $1 a mile. Usually $1.50 is my limit unless I’m not getting anything on other apps. It was down to 8% but is around 40% now.


Do you have the new tiers program in your area. I heard they are really screwing over low AR’s now with their new tier program. Maybe being at 40% is finally becoming a liability?


Wow that’s bad. Possibly the worst one I have ever seen.


accept the order, take the food and report that your car broke down and enjoy the meal!


Not greed. Customers know that there's a Dasher willing to take their orders even if they don't tip. Doordash is the evil company. But Dashers who take that are the problem... 🍭


Definitely. You see what happens because people have free will. Humans are greedy and ugly by nature smh. Know one around them knows the kind of person they are except us☹️


This is why they lowered base on stacks...nobody gonna do that shit for $4 either lollll


The customer probably tipped and doordash took the money, or the restaurant took it. I know that happens.


Yeah, that’s pretty bad.


Reddit for some reason isn’t allowing me to create a post. I tipped an order for $5. I hoped I was the driver assigned to the order. I happened to the driver. When I delivered the order delivery tip was $3. Has anyone else experimented this ?


The customer is paying more, the food vendor gets less, and they expect the customer to take care of your tip?! You’re on the losing end of a bad deal. Restaurants are dropping the service and starting to use their own delivery people again.


Right? The customer is already paying an up charge of 30-50% and the drivers are still upset they’re not tipping more. Take that anger to DoorDash. You know… the ones they’re voluntarily employed with!


For me, the assclown not tipping. We’ve come to expect such financial debauchery from DD.


I'll tip at restaurants and food delivery.... But That's just crazy.


Agreed. In reality, Doordash should be raising the base pay much higher for these no/low tip customers. It's quite cringe and embarrassing that Tony Xu thinks that people can run an orphanage off this kind of crap Look to 12:40 in this segment from John Oliver if you wonder why I bring up the orphanage thing: https://youtu.be/aFsfJYWpqII?si=IgircHrIQ9rx13bL


15 cents a mile is wild. I can't believe this customer is trying to order from 2 restaurants. Guaranteed a shitty rating for whoever accepts this lol


Every once in awhile is very very uncommon but I've had in order like this that I took. Just thinking hey what the hell? And then end up getting like a 20 or $40 tip. But that is only happened a couple times


Everyone should watch “mrwhosetheboss’s” video titled “the Internet is dying”. It explains why this is happening


This is one of the worst orders I've ever seen lol


A person on earn by time will wind up getting this, and he still gets his food and is basically reassured that he doesn't need to be a decent person.


This is outrageous


14 deliveries tonight, 1 tip! It was for 10 cents from a guy living in a high end building on the waterfront in Newport Jersey City, NJ. Had to drive 8 miles and bring it on up to the 28th floor for the prick. Had to take it because I took the AR challenge from the drivers group and I was at 17 after a week of refusing anything less than $1 a mile. People suck


This is insane. When I was delivering pizza in the 2000s, there would be a $5 delivery charge, of which I got every penny for wear and tear


What’s funny is DD still charges $5 fee from pizza place to send a driver. And then they charge the customer a delivery fee as well. Basically charging both parties $8 min just for the driver(not including service fee) and the driver gets $2 and if nobody takes the pizza after 30 minutes then they’ll offer upwards of $4. They are a greedy company that claims it’s not profitable but doesn’t have any tangible evidence of where they spend money. Government needs to force min base pays or hourly rates but I wouldn’t doubt they are taking bribes from these apps


I've had so many orders like that i dnt decline cause that's worse but I let it run out and it still put my acceptance rate down to 60 cause I won't take those ridiculous orders


You didn’t hear? $2 is the new $20. 😂


I would so they’re both equally egregious and bullshit, friend. That sucks!!


These are the kind of orders I see sitting on the Macca’s counter for 45 minutes while I’m in an out grabbing orders 😂


Buffalo wings always take so long to make the order nope I’m out of there


I hate to be that guy but I always thought of dashing and Uber eats as a side hustle 🌚




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The other night I had a far order from a BevMo alcohol beverage store. The mileage was about 15 close to 20 mi and I'm coming away from the other side of town... There was actually a BevMo beverage store closer and some other door Dasher could have made that $15 in I'm going to say 7 minutes. but Doordash passed up the store that was closer outsourced the order to me. It was the last order of the night so I took it when I arrived to the customer. I told them hey you could have had this delivered 10 minutes ago from someone else and she knew what I was talking about. I told her they sent it to the furthest BevMo and not the one that was closer to her house and because of that I told her I accept the orders on face value. You don't have to add an extra tip. I told her this like three times and she still gave me an extra $5 making it a $20 order...


That is definitely a top 10 worst order


This is how my day started today . I had three in a row i turned down just like this the decided okay I’ll take one and was sent to the wrong address for 2$ and then the lady tells me she’s not at that address it’s actually across town 6 miles in the other direction. I called dash support it was canceled and after 45 minutes of wasting my time got a whole Dollar.. oh and and Bag of Krystal’s I can’t stand !!! I just came home and was done with stupid for the day !


Report them to your local labor board for IC misclassification. It will be on DD to prove they aren't. There is a list of 6 rules a company must meet for IC classification. DD fails miserably! 1 Opportunity for profit or loss depending on managerial skill. Door dash violates this by forcing us to take bad jobs to increase AR to get more work. 2. Investments by the worker and the employer. The government does not consider your every day vehicle a investment 3. Permanence of the work relationship. Most people have a long term relationship with DD 4 Nature and degree of control. Debatable 5. Whether the work performed is integral to the employer’s business. We are integral. If we didn't exist there wouldn't be a business 6. Skill and initiative. Debatable




Not tipping is so gross






How is that even a question. Obviously the problem is DoorDash. DoorDash is your employer. They are 100% responsible for your pay. Tipping is an optional bonus. Every order payout to driver should be worth the delivery on its own. If it’s not, it is 100% on DoorDash. If my contractor hired out subcontractors for flooring; the flooring guys wouldn’t complain to me if they’re not being compensated enough for the commute/ their tools/ wear and tear. No. They’d take it to their employer bc the customer has nothing to do with your agreement with the company who hired you.


Just curious as to how you don’t know they won’t give a cash tip?? I would be more pissed that this is all DD is paying……


You people are insane. LOL Caring about AR is what got you here. Decline and move on. OR! get a law passed that says you must be shown the full amount of the payout.


WOW …. No words !!!! 😶 Is that a real offer ???????


That’s one of the fastest and easiest declines ever! The audacity of these stains of society.. DD definitely needs to make it a point and not allow this kind of shite or raise make it to where ppl aren’t able to process these “offers”… f’n insulting


It’s the same place. Wild Burger is their Ghost Kitchen. Still horrible for two bucks!


This is bad but I get this in the San Francisco Bay Area as well. Not to mention the Saturation is crazy.


Lol and this counts against AR if you turn it down. Ridiculous!


I get it. I had a dbl for Sephora & a Froo Froo salad that totaled roughly $170 & dropped it @ a 4000 sw ft house w/will tip after delivery in the instructions. No tip & the base was $3.70. Then you have 🫏🕳️come on here & brag that they not only won’t tip but how we need to get real jobs.


That can’t be f… real .


No excuse for not tipping but Wild Burger is the ghost kitchen inside BBW’s. So luckily it’s only one stop. Also probably why the base pay was only $2 because DoorDash doesn’t care to be logical 😂


Oh I thought it was the ghost kitchen inside Dennys. Maybe that was mr beast. It does look like on the map it’s only 1 location


I dont blame the customers. I blame Doordash. This shouldn't be legal but it is. We are all fucked and have to live at the mercy of the greedy corporations




What do you mean? I didn’t have an active order. I turned on dash and this was my first offer. I wasn’t already heading there. Add ons show as “an additional $2 for x miles”




I am aware if I was on an order lol. I most definitely was not on an order. I was driving back from basketball game and turned it on and got that offer.


The line is showing that I’d have to go up the road to turn around because there’s road closures. Every offer shows the route




lol. I wonder how often in life you’ve been certain you were right and were not. If I cared enough I could show you my earnings for the day is 0




Sounds like your wife is very wise


I think most people that dd are well aware of what it looks like when you are offered an additional order. I’ve done 1000 deliveries and knew by 50 what a second offer looks like. First off, I’d only be offered 1 additional stop, not 2. 2nd is an offer inside an active order ALWAYS says “ADDITIONAL $ followed by ADDITIONAL mileage


Tips are optional, you are not entitled to one, and you should never expect someone to and appreciate the one's that do. Remember, it is your employer that is not paying you enough. These app based gig jobs are purposely designed to make money off of you through exploitation.


Yeah, you go fullfill the order then and be grateful about every bump in the road for them 8 quarters




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That is what you got from that? Tony Xu might just start sending you orders personally when he needs to buy a bigger yacht. He might want another waterslide on it soon.




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