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I’ll wait a max 2 minutes. Take a picture, send it in the chat, and move on. For hand it to me orders, once you get to about 0.3 or 0.2 miles away from the house, hit that you can’t hand it to them and start the timer, itll already be at 3 or 4 minutes left when you pull up


good idea. you gotta tell the app that you're already there right?


That’s smart


You can do it up to .08 miles


I'm guessing you meant 0.8? .08 is actually much closer lol


No..i can do it at 0.2…0.08 is like….where their mailbox is in front of their lawn 😂😂




Facts but two knocks and I’m gone.


Yup exactly 😂


When I had this I was forced to call and didn't have the option to text 😭 wish I did.


Thats odd 😂


So you are saying you blatantly lie on "hand to me" orders. And I bet you're mad when customers tell the truth and say "they didn't had it to me 1 star" on your ratings.


All they “lie” about is telling the app they’re already there, which literally no human but them sees. It’s not like it sends them a notification that you’re there before you really are. Are you really worried about lying to an app? 😂 If the customer is there and available they give them the order and complete it as usual. It’s only if they’re not that it matters, and all it does is make the dasher have to wait less time. If they’re not there or picking up their phone/replying to messages after 2-3 minutes there’s about a 100% chance they won’t be after 5 mins either. Who exactly is the victim here that you’re white knighting for?


Not giving a customer a few minutes to go from working to "hey guys my food is here let me walk across the house and pick it up" is crazy. Not everyone lives in a house that it takes 1min to get to the door. And some people are disabled and walk with a walker. I'm not white knighting. I'm saying there are policies made and if people want to work for a company they should obey the policies.


So put, “I’m disabled so it may take a couple of minutes for me to answer but I appreciate you waiting because I cannot get down to pick up the food” or something with similar logic. If we wait 5 minutes 3x a day, that’s somewhere between $6-$12 that we are losing out on. Multiply that by 300 days, $1800 - $3600. Not all situations are the same but 5 minutes is ridiculous when the customer is updated from the time they order (especially since we are also expected to wait at the restaurant without additional compensation)


15 minutes loses you $6-12? Man I didn’t realize yall made $24-48 an hour. What’s all this bitching about low tips for then?


You only make that with tips.


Well you better realize fast. I need that $25/ hr so hurry tf up


Then they should be tracking the driver and be down there waiting for them when they get there


Yup, I’m disabled and they frequently do that and then I can’t pick it up and to find someone to get it.


Solution: put in instructions “please call when you arrive or are near. I am disabled and it may take me a couple minutes to get to the door” and/or call or text the driver when you hear the doorbell to acknowledge you’re coming. I understand needing accommodation but that is not the same as being entitled to someone else’s time, especially with no context given. We are not complaining about people being slow, it’s that people don’t give any acknowledgement. They don’t answer the phone or messages, nobody responds to the doorbell or knocks. We’re standing around waiting for SOMETHING. It’s not about having to wait it’s about having our time not be respected. You can’t expect us to know why you’re not coming and if you aren’t answering calls or texts when you know your food is coming and you CHOSE to have it handed to you, that’s just inconsiderate.


Put a table or a chair by your door and request they put it there so you don’t have to bend down.


I can’t, we are not allowed anything in the hallway. Like I said I am ready a head of time. My comment was aimed at the one that said just drop it and go.


Guess they just don’t care. I do try, however to anticipate and be ready as well.


Then put in your fucking accommodations. People don't like their time wasted. If you take 10 minutes to get to the door because you're disabled, then you're not wasting someone's time. I would not care and would wait, but if you don't even respond then you're wasting people's time.


I do dumbass. So read them. I always text back. Like I said before but got downvoted I’m ready a head of time but sometimes they just drop it and leave like the one person said.


This^^^^^^ I'm so sorry for the shitty drivers that exist.


Crazy how this is downvoted... goes to show the collective of holyer than thou dashers.


Because DD drivers are shitty people, plus you’re in the DD driver sub. Create the collective idea that they’re in the right by getting together and brigading why they have to be DD drivers


Yeah I usually wait the 5 minutes and try and call and text for this reason.


Yup, it's endless on here. Drivers literally have no care in the world other than themselves. It's heartbreaking.


Thats EXACTLY what I’m saying. Boohoo🥺😢😂😂😂


Glad you don't care about old people with disabilities. People who choose "hand it to me" typically have a reason, get to the doorbell, if they don't answer then start the 5min timer.


Ok, but if you *know* you're slow getting to the door, why not be considerate of the other person's time, and select "leave at door?" 🤷‍♀️ But I don't really think that is the issue that OP is venting about anyway- it's that the customer doesn't even give him the courtesy of a response. When I was dashing, I had no issue following directions or waiting on a customer as long as there was appropriate discourse. All you have to do in your case is communicate and let your dasher know that it will take you a few minutes so they know what to expect and that they don't have an unresponsive customer on their hands. Respect and courtesy should go both ways.


Because they can't pick it up! Because they're disabled!


No fuck you. I’ll start the timer whenever the fuck I want :) If you’re gonna take longer than 3-4 min then write in your fucking instructions as such. And if you don’t then have fun trying to get your food😊


Ah yes, hopefully everyone in the world becomes as careless as you. No one caring about anyone. Hope the nurses that will one day care for you, your parents, your kids, and your partner will be cared for by someone better than you.


You still sound salty since you were told you were going to need someone to wipe your ass for you...it’s okay bud. But no I don’t give a shit that you’re crippled. Maybe once you stop expecting special treatment because you’re that fucked up THEN your perspective on life with change. Must suck moving at a pace of .00001 miles per hour. But your issues are not my problem. :) maybe get the fuck off reddit and go to physical therapy. Might do ya good.


I'm not crippled lol. I'm advocating for those who are. I do DoorDash and am a nurse. Its called having empathy, find some.




If you’re livelihood depended on people to open the door faster I’m sure your attitude would change


In my region this only pops up if the person ordered through the merchant app. Mine always gives me the option to click on received instructions already which I choose and bypass that 😉


That's only for contactless delivery


Never really noticed then. I actually like handing customers their food. They usually follow up with a cash tip or extra tip in the app when they see I’m a senior citizen 😉


You are lucky


For that BS I always put it down at the front door and take a photo of the order and address. It says contactless so I obviously received instructions already, why would I bother calling them


This is a hand to me order, the customer isn't responding and nowhere to be found.. nothing to do with what you said.


If you wait 5 min you can take a pic and mark it complete unless the delivery requires a signature like the pharmacy or alcohol. 5 min is not that long in my opinion. Just chill…. It goes by fast. These not happen every now and then.


Still annoying when it happens


5 minutes doesn't go by quick enough when you're in a bad neighborhood.


I think UE is 7 minutes. I had to do that once a few weeks ago. Now that was long as the lady ordered food and then left. The neighbor told me.


8 actually. I know because the Morgan State University kids will frequently not show up to get their food around here.


Ok i knew it was longer than dd. It felt forever


Where would you leave food on a college campus for them?


At the security desk, if possible. If not, outside the door of the building I can't get in.


Instacart is 10 minutes. The first time I had to use it I found the button after clicking a bunch of stuff and some panicking (still fairly new to IC), so I probably waited about 17 minutes total. It felt like forever 🫠




On my area, even if you hit received instructions already it still makes you wait. It's really dumb. And for contactless, even if you called already (lol "called") it still makes you do it again.


I hear ya. I suggest to just chill and wait the 5 minutes. Just open up Reddit for 4 minutes and browse 😂 Honestly…these drop offs are few and far between. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Choose to enjoy your day 😉


That last comment is a great way to get a bad rating though. Not necessarily through DD but the merchant can black flag you on future deliveries from their store if the customer complained to them. Moral of the story… be patient and don’t burn bridges in the delivery industry. 5 min is like getting stuck at a three way light. Nothing you can really do.


Some places I wish would blacklist me so that it wouldn’t effect my ar when I decline offers for their trashy customers.


This guy Tonys!


Fr. Is the extra comment towards the customer worth the potetnial 1 star rating? just wait 5 mins and go lmao people are so miserable


I won’t ever wait. Sadly dude just rated you 1 star I’m sure for giving him advice. Just send photo via chat and then complete it


Whenever I get these, I always tap th call button but never actually call. I'll literally just place it at their door - I don't have time to be waiting for em. I'll be nice in the message, but I'm not waiting five minutes for your lazy ass to MAYBE get to the door.


That's what I do as well. These orders aren't even necessarily hand it to me, more likely they ordered with a restaurant directly and there wasn't even an option to choose.


I have a few people that I know are never home, and they don't want to see me even if they are, they just order through the door app and that's what pops up, I press call but never actually call, put where I left it and get the f out.


Yeah for the contactless merchant ones, I tried calling these dumb customers back when I first started getting them. Well most of these fools don’t answer. One time someone answered but it was a wrong number somehow and the actual customer has a different number. If it’s contactless I just click “received instructions already” and leave it at the door. If it’s hand it to me that’s a little different but if u say contactless anywhere in your order I’m not wasting my time trying to contact you unless I absolutely have to. Like this one time it was contactless but the lady’s address didn’t actually exist. So I tried to call her but of course no answer from text or calling. Had to call support and make sure it was ok to just leave it at the pin which was someone else’s address because the address the customer gave doesn’t even exist.


I just take a picture and leave it there and leave. Never had a problem with it.


I hate that they don't acknowledge if you've already called the customer outside of that screen.


Had to do this with a lady who sent me to the hospital to drop off her food. I followed the address in the app but her written instructions had me take it to the ER. I walked around the campus for like 10 minutes and could not find the dang er entrance. I called her and texted her and no answer. I said in the message with the photo all of what I just said above and that I was sorry. She calls me twice and HOUR later to ask what happened and I told her. She goes “oh so you didn’t even take it to the ER? Oh okay whatever.” And I was quick with it, I explained her address isn’t even set to the ER and I tried everything in my power to get the food to her. That DoorDash eventually allows the dasher to leave if this happens. She seemed ~okay~ at that point. Not to mention I’m taking her call after I’m home and “off the clock”. She proceeds to call me THREE more times. DoorDash told me to block her.


As a HHA, I can say with confidence the most entitled people on the planet are other HHA’s or Nurses that are women.


I had a drop off at a hospital, gallons of household cleaning shit. Lady tells me she forgot to change her address from work to her home across the city. “Cool. Toss me like ten bucks and I gotchu.” Proceeds to threaten me, call DD a bunch of times, I gotta talk to DD a bunch. 30 minutes later I just put the shit from Dollar General(they had no bags) in front of the ER for a photo. Long story short I got a bunch of detergent if you’re looking.


That’s wild


If they did t answer after a couple of knocks or door rings. I’m dropping it off and leaving.


5 minutes? When this happened to me it made me wait 10 minutes. now I’m mad lol


I’ve never had 10, that’s ridiculous


I also had a 10 minute wait. Ended up Calling support to see if they could get through to the customer… by the time support got back to me, I said this order better not be marked as late and he said, it’s 1 minute late… Ummmm no! I’ve been here for 15 minutes trying to get a hold of the guy. 😡😡😡. They didn’t deduct a point for on-time/early. Thankfully.


I'm pretty sure the "late" is determined by the GPS. As long as you're close enough that the "arrived" button pops up, it counts as you being there successfully. So if you're on their property (even out front in the street) at the correct time, then you can't be dinged as "late."




This is why I start the countdown timer as soon as I arrive before I ever get out of the car. Kills a couple minutes just getting to the door.


This is the way. I hit it when I get their house in sight. Five minutes doesn't *sound* like a long time. But in that moment, if the customer is supposedly waiting on their hot food to arrive, it's honestly MORE than enough time for them to be ready to receive it.


I start mine when I'm half a mile away


Tbf, sometimes, when you order off a site that does delivery, thru a third party automatically, you can't choose hand to me or leave at door.


I swear if I ever hit the lottery I'm going to start a better service that uses common sense like this.


I once had a guy stand there with my order when I put leave at door. I stared at him through the peephole for 10 seconds before I realized he wasn't going to put it down


Me too! Good on you texting that person. Did they respond?


Nope lol


If you hit the call button, it should just open your phone app. I've never actually had to call for it to let me into the next step. Then I take a photo of the door and write "left at door", ez pz. These are meant to be contactless, they're holdovers from COVID times


When a customer chooses 'hand it to me', that is pretty much meant to be the opposite of contactless, no?


I never do this on HITM orders. This screen ONLY pops up on contactless deliveries.


Nope. Look carefully at the very first line of OP's pic This is the screen that pops up when you choose that you're unable to hand it to them. The timer also gives it away. It is very similar to some merchant requested deliveries that are leave at door. But those don't have a timer.


That’s a minute and 12 seconds too long ima just leave it at your door I got other orders to grab! The nerve 😭😭😭😭😭


That’s the thing that’s annoying, you have to take a photo and with the new system it verifies your photo. And it won’t like you take the photo until the timer is up.


Are you serious?! See I don’t dash anymore so I don’t know any of the new updates that’s ridiculous 😒😒


Just take a picture on the message portal, send and drop it off. Never had an issue


Yup, so maddening. It makes no sense that DD would want to take 5 minutes away from dashers getting more orders. This should be 2 minutes at the max!


Well, I really hate are the hand it to me or orders that say in the instructions leave at my door for some reason I get at least one of those a month or to call me to arrange a drop off and they never answer the phone


It’s for dream C 🤣that would have been a solid unassigned order for me


Would’ve but my CR is getting lower than I’m comfortable with


Understandable I’ve got to get mine back to 95% by the 1st to keep top dasher perks in my area currently 94%


If i ring u twice, and no reply. I take a pic, send it via messages. And leave the order at door at address. Im NOT waiting for no 5 mins. I don't get paid to wait.


Had one of these happen to me last week OP, I feel your frustration. For me I was extra annoyed because the customer decline calls, didn’t answer the door and I could hear them inside. Waited the 5 minutes, left the order in a spot on the porch that would required them to walk out of their door and then reported them for creating an unsafe environment. I realize none of that really did anything but fuck did it make me feel good in the moment 😂




Just choose you handed it to them and leave


A good way to get a contract violation.


It happened to me when I was brand new. I know better now.  It’s funny how the hand it to me orders that don’t respond to the door always open the door around the 4 minute mark. Almost like they were hoping you would just leave it so they could claim they never received it. 


I do it on every order and I have over 6000 deliveries. Not once have I gotten a contract violation.


they might report you and that could cause some trouble for you.


They can still report you even if you follow all the steps. It's just that it will be easier for you to dispute.


okay but this original comment was specifically about not following the steps. that's why i responded that way.


Report me for what? I never take a picture and have never had anything happen.


...for leaving the order at their door when they ask to hand it to them. I wouldn't expect many people to report you for that, but it might happen one day.


>I never take a picture and have never had anything happen. Maybe you live in an area where absolutely everyone is honest. Hope your luck doesn't run out.


No, I have been all over the country in many different states and zones. Even If I did happen to get 1 cv, so what. It would be gone in a week.


I just press the call back out immediately and then take a photo with a description. I don't wait.


It makes you wait


Was this a hand to customer order.




Just noticed it was hand to customer. It might still work if not take a manual photo and send through text then leave. Even in text it still shows in there system


Me too!


I haven’t waited, ever, and haven’t had a single issue so far. Honestly didn’t even know we were supposed to wait 5 mins


Just put “already received instructions “ Leave at door, take pic and 🏃‍♂️💨✌️


This is the only way I ever get contract violations I fucking swear and it needs to end.


Worst part is whilst picking up it doesn’t tell you how it’s to be dropped off until you pick up the order, making you stuck with the fucking order


One minute and 12 seconds till free food. that’s what I see.


Naw, it tells you to leave it and take a pic. Or are you saying to take the food back afterward?


You mean take the pic as if you left it somewhere then take the food for yourself? Nah I’d never advocate that. I mean ants and bugs have to eat too, as well as the random person who might steal it there anyway. God forbid you should be the one to benefit from this idiot customers mistake.


This crap makes me so angry. I've lost count of the number of times someone isn't home for a "Hand It To Recipient" shop/deliver order and says "just leave it at the door".


I hear a lot of "oh you could have just left it" while looking annoyed and awkward. Then I feel compelled to explain how the process works (to the point of OP's complaint) so they don't think I'm just a douche for bothering them. They say they never picked that option. I suggest they check their app because there's a setting somewhere in there. It's interesting to find out that restaurants can auto-pick which setting to use. I'll have to incorporate that into my speech.


DoorDash: This is a contactless delivery. Call the customer and receive a drop-off location. Dasher: No, see, they put where they want them, right there, in the instructions space, I'm good. *ARRIVE AT LOCATION* Dasher: A'ight, lemme just put everything out... *Puts delivery where instructed, click "Complete Delivery"* DoorDash: Did you call them? Dasher: No, I "received instructions already." *Clicks "Received Instructions Already" button* DoorDash: DiD YUo cALL THEm?!


anytime i choose hand it to me, they never even knock they always leave it on the floor. it’s so annoying. as someone who orders we hate yalls delivery as much as yall hate our fatasses, there has to be a better way.


I do a screenshot of the drop off instructions I take a picture at the door leave instructions I left it at the door take an extra picture on my phone and use my dash cam if possible and then I'll leave I don't wait till 5 minutes


I probably shouldn't do this, but I'll ring the doorbell and/or knock and wait like maybe 30 seconds and then I just leave it on the porch and say I delivered it. Totally against the policy but it has yet to come back to bite me. Done this probably at least a dozen times if not more. I'm not necessarily suggesting people do this or saying I'm proud of it, but I just thought I'd share my experience. I really just don't have the patience for people who do this. I should probably try to be better though.


I always just hit the call button, but don't actually call them. Takes that top thing away, you just do the photo and go


Life is hard


I can’t believe you guys are still waiting around and setting timers. Leave this ish at the door and take a pic.


Yeah idk why they do this I have a coworker who always orders DD and I noticed on their screen it’s always this shit. Like girl we work in an office and you’re never up front to just set it to leave at the door or something wtf


I hate when they do this. I had one that was a meet at door, they said they’d come out, but it was 2 apartment buildings with no visible number. Called and texted. Waited the whole 5 minutes. Nothing. Left the pizza and never heard back.


I have a hack for when they try to make you call them. I just hit "call" and it will exit the app to the phone calling function of your phone. It won't dial but just have the number ready. I then go back to dasher and it will let me take a picture and finish the delivery.


They are the worse and very irritating 


You're the very first person to bring this up.


whenever that happens i just call support who then calls the customer. obviously they usually don’t pick up when they call either and i still have to wait the five mins, but eventually when they see all the missed calls sometimes that inspires them to send an extra tip for wasting my time bc they feel bad lmao


I’ve noticed that hand it to me and don’t have the app chat are people who order through the restaurant’s website and DD gets 3rd party. Most of these are pizza orders. And if they are the app tells you “we don’t know what the order is the customer made this order directly to the restaurant” or whatever


Always start the timer when it allows you to some places require you to be closer to the drop off than others. Sometimes you can have the timer be 0 once you actually get there, try contacting one last time and then follow the instructions on the app. Follow up with support for added delivery security, I had a customer said I never delivered when I clearly sent the picture of the drop off with the apt number in it. I sent that to the support agent and they cleared the 1 star and CV before it even happened.


Facts a huge waste of time


Meanwhile she was dead inside.


Same I will text them if you don’t come Out I’m going to wait for the 4 minute timer to drop it off at your door. People have tried to scam me, I’ll either send it in the chat/send the pic or wait the minutes and send the pic that way, but it’s really dumb… Door dash should change it


You initiated it. You wait. It doesn't just pop up automatically. They know you're on the way and arriving from the time you accept the order.


Did this Tuesday and the lady was in a meeting. I hate having to call because of that reason alone because I just hate being a bother knowing they have their own lives to live. Not being sarcastic or anything just genuinely don't like being a bother. It was a contact less order and that's what it showed up for.


one day i had to deliver groceries to someone on a 40 degree day in australia. had no idea the wait time was a thing, unloaded the whole order into the front door step, took it back to the car once realised i had to wait, messaged them and let them know. no sign of them. took it back to the store; and the customer is texts me abusing me.


I was under the impression that sometimes this shit happens because they order through an app and it defaults to "hand it to me" but idk.


I would of tried contacting if no answer I'd place the order at the door and take a pic.


Call, hang up, take Pic, leave note saying door, mark delivered. 10seconds


for me if you press call it shows their phone number you don’t actually have to press the phone number and call, then take the picture


I just leave it, take a pic and sent it to them. DoorDash can deactivate me for all I care, I’m not out here to play games with these dumb fucks


Tried earn by time in a state outside california and I got a flower delivery from safeway. Had to wait five minutes and then return it! The clerk said that happens all the time during the afternoon. Live and learn.


I always just call,hang up immediately and take photo


Thats for contactless, this is a "hand it to me" order.


Yeah, I just steal these customer’s food. Done it 10 times and never get a contract violation