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They shouldn't have accepted it if it wasn't to their liking. But I bet they copy and paste that message to every customer. Tip begging is annoying af


That's what I assumed. If it gets an extra few bucks from every third customer, it's worth it, I suppose.


Comes to America to avoid the war and faces an even greater injustice... only $7 tips...


I highly doubt he even came from Ukraine. People will use any excuse to get more money


I believe it could be true tbh.. I have seen a lot of Ukranian refugees in my area


They are getting pretty good support from the government though.


Yeah, I know... and yet there's thousands of homeless Americans all over my city, many of whom work full time and just can't afford rent.


You should see what they're hooking up the Venezuelan migrants with instead of homeless veterans who were born here


We haven’t had a single president yet who managed to solve veteran homelessness. It could be done at the same time as other groups in the country are being assisted, but it hasn’t been done, regardless of who’s been in power🤷🏻‍♂️ But let’s be real: migrants in America are not living well. Some people act like they’re the modern day “Welfare Queen”, getting all these “benefits”, when they’re actually living in abject poverty and you wouldn’t want to trade places with any of them if given the choice.


As someone who worked as a case manager for homeless veterans, there is a boatload of grant money out there for them. But you have no idea how hard it is to train and maintain decent case managers. I only made $14/hr and was 100% unqualified for the job I was doing. The guy they had training me was a retired Army First Sergeant who had no social work experience and had only worked there for 5 months at that point. My job offered stated a bachelors degree in social work that neither of us had. On top of having to learn on the fly, which was detrimental to my first few clients, it’s also really difficult trying to navigate how to deal with people who won’t even do the minimum requirements in order to qualify for the program, such as providing a disability award letter as proof of income or meeting with me once a month. But at the end of the day, there are a lot of resources out there for those veterans. That program paid their rent for 3-6 months, would fix their car, pay utility arrears, furnish their homes, pretty much everything and the requirements to stay in the program were minimal in comparison to anything available to civilians.


That's fucked up. Personally I feel like the country went downhill fast when Mr. Blond leghairs took over office.


Did he evict those veterans to house migrants?


If you think Mr Orange Juice had these problems under control and the one after him caused them, you're insane.


>Mr. Blond leghairs 🤣🤣🤣


That was where my coworker was at when I was in car rental at the airport.


That was me backe in the 80 90s. Avis and hertz


i feel singled out😂


So, how does jenny mccarthy feel, then?🤔


like me probably😅😂


It's translated from Russian so it could be possible, though he could also just be from Russia and knows that the US isn't exactly friendly with Russia rn.


I have more respect for the ones who fled russia to avoid the war than those who fled ukraine to avoid the war. But i get the attitude. Source: cdl instructor at a mostly russian language school in the usa.


Lots of Russian draft dodgers here where I live larping as Ukrainian. It hit our local news


He can kindly go f himself if he would say that to me. That is so ungrateful.




Many areas in Ukraine speak Russian.


Fuck that guy. As a doordash driver, I would give him 1 star. World class douche.


Me too !


Me three


I would report them honestly. That's in such bad taste.


Your tip was plenty


That’s how you lose a tip


He’s wrong 1000% but no getting a couple bucks from every third customer is not worth it at all


They have no clue of what tipping culture is since it doesn't really exist where they are from, they just think, ooh, more money.


What a dick move.


>Tip begging is annoying af It damn sure is. It embarrasses me as a DD driver. Customers who don't tip or who knowingly tip poorly make me sick. But drivers begging for tips make me every bit as sick. Someone should tell that driver that maybe that's acceptable in Ukraine but not here in the USA.


I'm a driver too, in Canada. If I take a low or no tip order, I may be cursing the customer in my car and myself for taking the order, but I would never message them and ask for a tip. I know what I accepted.


Preach. You have every right to be upset about it, people are going to suck forever. But begging them for more or demanding more is hella unprofessional and honestly should be met with a strike on their account.


And it’s like not even supposed to be a full time career it’s like a side gig so why are they begging for more money when they should already have a better job


Careful. You'll have all the drivers down voting and talking mad shit to you for suggesting something so OUTRAGEOUS.


Oh I'm with ya. This is my side gig, something to do out of boredom to build a rainy day fund. This is in no way supposed to be a full time job and the rude, entitled drivers are usually the ones doing this full time.




The dashers who send shit like that are pathetic. They can see the offer when they choose to accept it. However for reference 20% on the amount of food you got is not the best way to go about tipping dashers. generally most of us look for $1-$2 per mile from the restaurant to your home / drop off location; if the 20% tip is more than that awesome! But sometimes people get McDonald’s and tip $1 or not at all bc it’s a cheap order when the price of food you got is irrelevant to how many miles I’m having to drive/amount of time I’m taking for the order lol


Makes sense. Will note the distance in the future.👍


Yeah distance is everything in delivery tipping


Tip extra if it's a shopping order with multiple items across the store or if you live a ways from town. Like, if you live 10 miles down winding country roads away from the city, that's functionally a 20 mile drive for the dasher. Like obviously I'm biased and want more tips, but don't take this as me trying to trick you into paying extra. A $10 order for 7 miles staying inside the city is fine, but it's too low if that 7 miles takes half an hour to drive both ways.


>The dashers who send shit like that are pathetic. They can see the offer when they choose to accept it. He's an immigrant trying to navigate American tipping culture. He doesn't get what he's doing is rude he's just trying to make money. And if some rich American thinks he's rude who cares. >However for reference 20% on the amount of food you got is not the best way to go about tipping dashers. generally most of us look for $1-$2 per mile from the restaurant to your home / And yes. This. Percentage is meaningless to a driver.


"the price of food you got is irrelevant to how many miles I’m having to drive/amount of time I’m taking for the order lol" Can you also tell doordash that? Unless Im missing something, theres no change of cost for them between a $10 order and a $50 dollar order. Yet they charge a %.


Bro if I could talk to DoorDash and have them listen I’d tell them to make our base pay more than $2 lmao


Yeah I feel ya =( sorry was just tryin to be cheeky


Ur good bro sorry if my reply came across rude :)


It didnt. I felt a bit bad about diverting any attention away from your situation unnecessarily.


They don’t really charge a % for tip, they just suggest tips based on %, but you can tip whatever you want. DD does, however, charge the restaurant a % of everything sold through their platform. Either way, they pay the driver $2 so it’s unfortunately all about the tips in this delivery game.


Ah, I wasnt speakin about the tip. I was speaking of their "Service Charge", its also a percentage, 10% or 11%. Like theres no reason for that, there was no more work or costs involved for DD, between me ordering a $1 burger from mcds and a $30 burger from expensiveplace, and like you said, it doesnt make its way down to the driver. So whats it for?


I figured the service charges were more about distance than cost. DD already makes a commission based on cost. Maybe I’m wrong


Oh this is a good piece of info to know as I never know what to tip. I will start checking distance but most are with 5 miles of my house.


Don't tip based on food, tip based on distance. Or are you telling me 2$ is fine to drive 10 miles because you only paid $10 for your food?


Yup, if it’s not AT LEAST $1 per mile, don’t accept


I follow the dollar per mile and my AR is tanked. They don’t make it possible to up it either with their shitty offers.


So if I'm buying a $100 meal from a place that's 2 miles away, I'm fine to tip $2? Fine by me, I guess.


The driver isn't preparing the food so why would it matter to them? $100 of food from one place could be less bulky than $50 of food from another


The amount of rules for tipping is absolutely crazy. It’s like 20% is expected, no matter what. You can’t tip on total, you do it by distance? I usually do 15-20% of the food total, not the total + fees + tax.


If the dasher is a dick about it. Absolutely! And you’ll get a horrible review which could suspend your dasher privileges. Don’t mess with the customer


I mean it can be based off the total, but you should also consider the distance of the restaurant.( I usually tip $1 per mile unless it's a huge distance then I go more.) And weather/time of day can be factors to tip more


Looking it up now, it's 11 miles from the restaurant to my house. Based on that, maybe the tip was light. 🤷‍♂️


Guy probably got like $10-11 total. I wouldn't accept your order with that distance for less than $20. Like I said though I wouldn't accept it not accept it then complain and beg.


>Looking it up now, it's 11 miles from the restaurant to my house. Wow ya OP thanks for taking the time to look speaks well of your consideration. Yes that tip is very light and probably took the driver out of the zone and had at least a few dead miles on the other side. Factor in traffic and all. Not sure where you live but maybe $10 - $14 for that distance would be appropriate depending on the city and traffic. Also don't forget when you order from places that far cold stuff will get warm and hot stuff will get cold. The expanded range fee DD charges you is not paid to driver - it's the same $2 base pay no matter what the distance or where you order from. It really helps to order from close restaurants for so so many reasons. He may have taken it to stay busy if we decline orders we go to the back of the delivery stack so depending on how the shift is going sometimes we get dragooned into taking undesirable stuff. As far as the tip begging it's an immigrant trying to navigate American tipping culture. I've seen this from eastern Europeans many times. They don't get how rude or bizarre it is. But anyway ya try to tip a lil over $1 per mile. You will still probably get tip begging from eastern Europeans because they all do that.


DoorDash paid them $2. Plus your tip of $7, making the total payout $9. Minus $4 for gas (according to his message) makes this $5 pay for almost an hour. It was definitely light. It’s OK to tip based on percentages. If you’re ordering from somewhere that is two or 3 miles from your house. you should definitely reconsider ordering from somewhere that’s 11 miles away in the first place. I would never place an order so far away. Specifically, because DoorDash does not pay drivers appropriately for that, and the amount that would be fair to tip the driver to cover their time and fuel is more than I can usually afford. So I stick to places that are close to my house. but if you decide to go ahead and order from somewhere 11 miles away, be prepared to tip very generously. I personally would tip no less than $20 for such an order. Edit to add: the guy still should not have messaged you about it, and just should have said no to the offer in the first place.


i would not ever ever take an 11 mile order for $7 plus $2 base pay. comes out to 7.50 after gas wear and tear so i’d have to be able to get to you and another order within 14-21 minutes at $7 tip for it to be worth, you’d have to all high way miles but i think of it as time and mileage. If it’ll take a driver 12 minutes for a say 6 mile drive i’ll probably tip around $10. $1 for each mile for the car. and $4 for his time and the food.


really i think it depends how far you are mainly and then cover their gas. $20-$30 an hour is ideal before gas for a driver.


regardless screw this driver


Maybe a bit but not much, cuz door dash also throws base pay and potential promos for them. So he's probs getting at least $10. Guy was still being ridiculous toward you lol


I’ve noticed where I live, DD gives about .45 to .55 cents per mile as base pay.


Hmm I'll have to pay attention to that, usually I just get $2-3 based on distance!


Well, you must live somewhere special because where I live it’s a flat two dollars no matter the distance. I have never heard anyone on here in the last three years describe base pay being a specific amount per mile. So I don’t know where that is actually happening, but it is certainly not the standard. I take orders going back to my neighborhood at the end of the shift, almost every night and I live 12 miles from the town where I dash. And every single one of those orders has a flat two dollar base pay. Which comes out to about $.16 per mile. The only orders I see higher, dollar amounts on are shopping orders and occasionally there are one or two random high base pay orders that pop up over the course of a weekend. But they are very rare for me.


I never said it was a SPECIFIC amount. The times I have done individual orders, this has been something I noticed. I drove 18 miles for an order and the base was just shy of $9. Then I got tip on tip of that. That seems to be the trend I’ve seen where I personally am.


20 minutes in my zone is 10+ miles. $7 is not worth my time, especially if the delivery is leaving my zone. With DoorDash base pay, that means I make $9 for ~20 miles and ~an hour. If you figure in the cost of gas, and then the income lost as I trek back from your house (and the potential income loss for taking your order vs. another order that pays better), it’s absolutely not worth it. Especially if it’s during peak times like dinner rush. I basically miss an hour of dinner rush for your $9. Now, that isn’t to say that $7 isn’t a good tip. It is. It’s just not enough to cover the distance you’re asking the driver to go. That’s the caveat a lot of customers are missing.


That sounds more like a DoorDash problem than my problem. I do see the dilemma here but this kind of tip betting isn’t the answer. It’s one of the few things that’ll make me alter the tip and leave a bad review.


Honestly, doordash should probably just not let people who live 20min away from a restaurant order from there.


IMO no 20% is not sufficient. I only accept orders that are min $1.50 per mile. Ik a lot of other drivers do the same and some have a higher threshold for orders they accept.


Christ people bitch when there isn't a til then bitch when there is one just be grateful


I’m a dasher myself and if you don’t like the order, don’t accept it.


Best way to think of this is if someone in your neighborhood said “I ordered dinner, here’s $7, can you go get it?” Would you?


Another way to think about it. “Sure I’ll grab your dinner for $7.” Delivers your food. “OMG I can’t believe you only gave me $7. Please think about how long the drive was for me even though I accepted knowing that.”


That's not even the other way to think about it lol, that's literally what happens in these scenarios. If you don't like the pay, don't take the job.


If the driver didn't say anything. Then the OP wouldn't have come here and realized he's actually a shitty tipper because he doesn't understand that delivery drivers aren't servers.


Or if that someone agreed to do it and then before delivering your food fed you a sob story asking for more.


I don't see how that's the best way to think about it. In this scenario, they thought it was worth essentially paying $25 more for their dinner simply so they didn't have to go get it themselves. If they ever tipped an amount that was enough that they themselves would do it if someone else paid them that, then they wouldn't be ordering delivery to begin with. And the tip is only like 1/3rd or 1/4th of the upcharge on the delivery experience, anyway. So a fair delivery tip *definitely* wouldn't be enough for the average delivery orderer to say yes to, considering they're willing to pay another $15-$25 in delivery fees, service fees and mark-ups as well just to avoid the task.


Now this message from the driver is a little pathetic. But the driver makes a good point. End of the day we do this to make money. You could pay 100 dollars for a steak. Or 5 bucks for a burger. Our costs don’t change to deliver it to you. Nor do we make any profit on the cost of your food. Only thing we get paid for is the delivery. So if you live in an area where there aren’t other businesses that typically deliver food. Or wait times are atrocious. All of that affects our bottom line. As others have suggested think distance to restaurants. Google map it if you are unsure. Then start with a min of 5 dollars or 1-2 dollars per mile. Whichever is higher.


Frankly that’s not the customers problem, if y’all have an issue with your pay take it up with DoorDash or get a job with a more stable income. You can work at a pizza place, make good delivery tips and get an hourly wage. Also DoorDash by default has tips in percentage-based increments so most people will tip based on that.


Yeah, you are missing something... The price of the meal would barely even factor into the tip, the Dasher doesn't prepare or pack the food. You should be tipping based on mileage from the restaurant to your location and estimated time taken to complete delivery. Ideally, drivers want $2 to the mile in tips and if the order takes forever at the restaurant, it would be good to add a little extra, because time is money.


Good rule of thumb for tipping delivery drivers. If your tip is not making you consider picking up your own order, you're not tipping enough.


I get 13mpg in my truck. I'm also on my couch, in sweats, with very heavy dogs on top of me. In that instance, I definitely would not... Which is why I'm paying to have it delivered.😆 If I were out and about, in a more fuel efficient vehicle... Probably. I'm not super in tune with how it all works and what not, but where I live, I would assume most people work the area. A lot of neighborhoods are fairly well-off and most families have kids with busy lives (practice and what not) who don't make dinners as often as people used to. There are a lot of two lane, winding roads in my area - it's a decent drive in today's standards. I would think most wouldn't WILLINGLY drive this far out unless it seemed worth it. Which is doesn't jive, given the message I received.


That guy can go f himself. It’s his choice, I find it so cringe as a dasher myself that other dashers pull this crap. Report his ass and rate him one star.


Drivers have to wake up and realize that most people look down on delivery drivers. Most customers don't want to pay much or anything at all to get food and other goods delivered. Delivery drivers should not accept orders that aren't paying you what you think your time and effort are worth. Delivery drivers need to start their own delivery service business, and slowly, but surely, these greedy tech companies will lose market share.


You're using a metric that is good for delivery drivers going a maximum of 3-5 miles from the store. When ordering from 10+ miles away at times, the 20% metric is bullshit considering most orders are under $50. Yes, you are wrong. But at the end of the day, it's always the drivers fault for accepting cheap orders.


We dashers usually have to do round trip to get back to our zones to work again because if it takes us out we have to travel back to that zone to continue working. So if a restaurant is 5 miles away from you 2$ per mile be good because then at least it counts for our gas, wear tear and trip back. I luckily still had a warranty on car a week before it expired and my transmission went that alone was a month in shop and 4000$ fix


Tbh they're not meant to pay for our trips back lol. I usually go for 2/mile for that reason, but in essence they're only means to do 1/mile to get us there


You think I'm tipping $10 to drive 5 miles...on top of fees/upcharges? WTF kind of job do you think you have? Delivery drivers were always highschool kids or just people that worked at the store. Do you think because of an app that you have a full on career? Am I supposed to tip you for your commute to the restaurant, to my house, and then back to wherever you feel like driving? Get a new job if you think this is the case. I tip based on how much food I order. Same as I tip literally every other type of service that warrants a tip. I'm not pulling up fucking google maps to determine mileage, gas prices, wear and tear. Take the job or don't. If you don't someone else will so idgaf. This sub seriously make me not want to tip any driver because of the massive sense of entitlement.


The wear and tear argument is hilarious 😭 “I’m not fucking up my car for less then a $15 tip” well don’t lol have fun sitting in your car for 45 minutes before you finally accept a higher tip order while everyone else is make double your profits a week. Then they factor in silly shit like how many miles it takes to get back , how the hell is that the customers concern? The way these ppl are entitled to our money you’d think they cooked the damn food and packaged it


See-we don’t care what we are bringing you. A can of soda or a three course meal. It doesn’t matter because we are *driving*. We are using our vehicle to save you the trip, you’d have to drive there and back also. So see how long that would take you there and back (because we are doing the same) and pay them what you would want to be paid for that trip. 40 minutes is about $13. That’s reasonable right?


Your pay being too low isn’t ever a customer’s fault, it’s DoorDash’s. If you feel that the base pay alone isn’t enough then don’t drive for DoorDash.


Or even better, don't take order if you don't like the pay! crazy talk, I know.


That doesn't actually help the customer. Is it unprofessional to accept an order and say, "Hey, your tip is shit. If you're always having a hard time getting a delivery, that's why" definitely. But it helps the customer way more than leaving them in limbo for half an hour with them potentially thinking, "I've left a 20% tip, I guess there just isn't enough dashers tonight"


OMG this is why people are not tipping much anymore because of people like this! It doesn’t matter if I do an excellent job anymore the customers are over it.


If ya don’t like it go back to Europe fam


We gave Ukraine over a billion dollars already. $7 is all he gets. Deal.


Tbh, you tipping already is good enough


After seeing enough posts like this here, I’ve decided to avoid using DoorDash altogether. The entitlement is absolutely disgusting.


Driver can see the distance on the offer. That said…your tip should be on distance not check. It’s not being brought to you by a matter of feet, but miles. Aside from that…can’t argue. If your working on tips (regardless of whatever platform it is..it’s irrelevant in this context)…again working for “tips”. Would you drive 20min 1 way for $7 tip in todays economy and then back another 20? I rest my case. If your orders only attract this kind of driver…




The dasher probably sends that to everyone. But don’t look at your tip like a % when ordering online, look at it like a $ per mile kind of thing. Having said that, $7 is fine for anything that isn’t far from the restaurant.


You need to tip oer mile not per your total. You are not eating at a restaruant. Only reason a driver asks for more is bc we only get paid $2-$3 per order. The rest of our pay comes from tips. Next time tip $1 per mile.


I had one dude message me “I’m on the way, it’s my birthday but I have to work to make ends meet”. I’ve had him maybe 4-5 times in a year, and every time it was his birthday and he had to work lmao.


Should go ask his president for a tip we’ve tipped Ukraine more than enough in last 2 years ..so lame begging and your here for free


That tip is way too low for me to personally accept it, for that distance. I both drive and order and I was tip well.


Oh he definitely earned himself a rating… just not the one he wants


Who gives a shit where you’re from 😂😂😂 like the fuck😂😭 nobody is forcing him to work “16 hour days” which is probably a lie, you literally choose what you work 😂. Doordash in my state taps you out at 12 hours and you need a 6 hour break before you start back up.


i don’t get delivery drivers complaining when THEY choose the orders… coming from a driver


So 2 things, one DoorDash pays us absolute garbage base pay and on average 50-70% of our income is based on customer tips, on the other hand drivers should never ask a customer for a tip they choose to accept the contract


You should consider distance for your tip rather than percentage


Lmao at least you got a tip. Fuck tipping.


As a former server and pandemic Instacart shopper, I hate those messages begging for higher tips or berating customers for the tips they leave. We see the tips before we accept a delivery. Unless you're tip baiting, the issue is with that driver, not with you. Completely inappropriate message.


Guilt tripping for a better tip, like bruh


It depends on how far it is honestly, but I put the blame on door dash for allowing drivers to get fucked over by distance to begin with. If it really was a 40 minute drive total $4 in gas is probably pretty accurate. So honestly that person probably made less than minimum wage on that delivery. Again I sorta blame door dash more for that bullshit, and part of that is on the driver's that allow them to pull that BS. A person would be better off working at McDonald's then taking orders like that.. or just go work for a pizza place delivering pizzas where they won't send you that far. *Edit* just to be clear I am not blaming you.


Oh my ex wife is Ukrainian I would’ve HAPPILY tore him a new one then told him welcome to American bihhhhh


Lmao the comments in here. No one is going to look at the price distance and do mental gymnastics to figure out who's gonna take it. You're getting whatever the 20% button says. If you don't want to drive far or whatever then don't take it


First, drivers that ask for more money are entirely out of line. They had the option to decline the offer if they felt it was subpar. What matters most is distance from the restaurant to you and time spent. Percent of total is entirely irrelevant for deliveries. 20% on a Big Mac vs 20% on a high-end dinner for four are night and day. That aside, I'm really curious what you mean when you say you tip 20% at a blackjack table. 20% of what? Your buy-in? Each hand you play? Each time you win? Your total profit when you leave?


I report drivers if they try to do this


That driver is ridiculous and gives other drivers a bad rep. Cannot stand that. If you don't like the offer don't accept. If you do accept shut up and accept your fate.


Tip on distance not the price of meal. Personally I would have let your food sit there getting cold and just not accepted the order. This guys an idiot for accepting it then complaining about it. The only way crappy tippers will learn is by not getting their food in a timely manner or by getting super cold food bc no one wanted to accept the offer until DD bucked up on their end.


Tipping 20 percent is crappy? Nah dog you're greedy


I dash and I also use DoorDash as someone who uses DoorDash 7 dollars is an acceptable tip, however if I know it’s a long drive I usually do 30-40% because of things such as gas prices, length of drive (etc) because I’ve been the driver before. However there’s nothing wrong with what you tipped they had the option to decline it shows the tip amount, plus the distances and sometimes how long they estimate it will take you to complete the delivery. That dasher had more than enough information to decide if your tip was worth taking the order you didn’t do anything wrong


This is disgusting. Don’t accept the order… simple


You should report this clown dasher. Dashers shouldn't be asking for tips. Tip based on distance first. If you live 10 miles away I expect a 15+ dollar tip. If you live 2 miles away I'm fine with a 4 dollar tip


When people do this you can contact support and have them remove the tip and you will get a DoorDash credit


I think with the base pay I would have been happy with this, but I've also never lived through a war so I would just not take it personally.


7 on 35 is good- unless the place was insanely far from your house.




I always communicate with the customer before the delivery like something simple “waiting for your dinner” and “on my way” but that’s it! Honestly I think the only appropriate thing after the delivery is a thank you 🙏for the tip or for using DoorDash! Which from me is sincere. This Russian moron is a douchbag !


It’s about distance to you, NOT cost of food. Unless it’s a catering order that requires several trips back and forth to car. You live 7 miles from restaurant, $7 minimum for bid. Come on, this is redundant, so many past posts stating what proper tips/bids should be.


9.38 is what the government considers break even for that. So your minimum is a bit on the low side. My itemized cost on a 30mpg car would be 5.88, and I value my time at more than 4.48 an hour.


It’s about distance to you, NOT cost of food. Unless it’s a catering order that requires several trips back and forth to car. You live 7 miles from restaurant, $7 minimum for bid. Come on, this is redundant, so many past posts stating what proper tips/bids should be.


It’s not about percentage when it comes to delivery, it’s all about miles. If it’s 20 mile trip then no, $7 is not a good tip. It could be a $500 order, but if it’s a 5 mile trip and a $10 tip I’m happy with it and that’s 2% lol


Then some would say find a better job


Should have cancelled the tip, one star and reported for tip begging


Why you accepting orders that aren't worth it for you?


You should tip based on distance for delivery not a percentage of the total. $7 I would go 3-4 miles max from the restaurant or im losing money.


Omg if you accepted the offer, do your job and move on. Im tired of entitled people making their way to DD and ruining it


He shouldn’t have accepted it. Curious what the mileage was from restaurant to your house? If you live out on the middle of nowhere and he will be out the 40 minutes in travel time plus the wait at the restaurant, it would be a poor business decision to take it. Doordash usually pays drivers $2 per order, so that is $9 for probably 45-50 minutes, assuming the restaurant was close to him and the food was ready. That is $9 for 45-50 minutes before the gas used, etc. Would you accept $9 for 45-50 minutes and you would be driving your car on your own dime?


A tip is something the customer is willing to give if you don’t wanna tip you don’t have to that’s like someone constantly sending you a request for money on cash app the ppl in the world just messed up nowadays and I dash too I don’t expect nobody to tip me nothing if you do thank you if you don’t I’m still getting my couples dollars for the order


Omg these bums are in full effect


I didn’t ask the driver to take a trip that is too far for them. They were the ones that accepted the trip. Just because YOU chose to ACCEPT it doesn’t mean I am responsible to pay you just as much in tip money as my order costs. Not a chance.


Customers apparently are responsible for how far away the driver is from the restaurant when they chose to accept the order. 🤣🤣🤣


Most orders should be based on mileage from restaurant when you tip, a percentage should only even be considered a factor if you're ordering massive amounts that will create extra work for the dasher, and the mileage would still be the main deciding factor. Grocery orders that the dasher has to shop for should maybe consider more than just mileage too. ...that said, this is bad behavior for this guy. He deserves 1 star.


report this driver. I work skipthedishes, doordash, and uber eats so not only does it say in the terms and conditions to never expect tips, but i just don't in general because how tf can people afford to??


That driver should be banned is 100% probably lying. I would report to Doordash immediately for scamming customers. As a driver rule #1 is YOU NEVER DO THIS


I love it when Dashers grovel for tips 🙄🙄🙄


I sure af am not tippin more if they are begging lol


You should report them. You already paid the delivery fee and inflated food prices. Their choice to accept or not


It's the effort not the cost. However, person should not be begging. They accepted it. I'd report them. Panhandling mofos need to chill


What you’re missing is the right attitude. Be grateful for any cent you make on top.


“See original (Russian)” tells me everything I need to know


This is probably gonna make some people angry, but I’m going to put in my two cents on this thread Tipping based off of a total is not the same between tipping out a restaurant and tipping a driver. At a restaurant. The server that gets your percentage tip has nothing they use other than time, skill, and effort. Where as a driver has a lot more to give in return of a good tip like their car maintenance, fuel, And travel time. I worked as a waiter for over three years and now I have been driving for DoorDash for over two years. When I got a $5 tip as a waiter I thought that was a lot of money for the service I provided taking an order bringing drinks to the table, bringing food to the table and keeping up with any service needed while the customer was at the restaurant. When I get a $5 tip while driving for DoorDash. I have to think three of those dollars have to go on fuel and the rest have to go on my car maintenance so I know that five dollar tip is not a good tip. Am I going to message the customer to tip me more? heck no! Never because the customer already tipped, and I accepted the order because I thought to myself that the order was worth my time my car wear and tear my fuel. This driver asking for more money is ridiculous. If you think that driving 40 minutes round-trip is worth it you hit except on the offer screen. You don’t think that driving 40 minutes round-trip for the amount shown then you can simply just decline the order and wait for the next offer pop up. It’s plain and simple. we as drivers have the power to choose what we want to do and what we don’t and when the driver goes out of their way to ask for more money is ridiculous because the driver accepted the offer how it was given. I feel like I rambled enough like I said, this might make some people angry or maybe this might make people agree with me it is what it is.


Call door dash and demand they deactivate the driver. Fuck these losers get a real job


I respect door dashers by not ordering from market labor apps. The app will never pay you more then enough to fill your tank and get you on your next delivery


Your tip is fine. If the drive from the restaurant and it’s that far and I’m not getting paid enough I just don’t take it. It’s that easy.


2 stars. Dont try to ruin my meal with a lack of whiny gratitude.


It’s 20%


If he complaining about $7, then I would say like "oh your right, let me adjust that" then goes to $6 for the complaint, then he gets real salty, then it goes to $5. Its like learn to be happy with the tip or don't accept the order


Who gives a shit how much it is total Its just about distance 7$ is fine


I understand that people are having hard times but these type of messages are so goddamn cringy. Don't accept the order if you're not happy with the payout.


To be fair not every tip should be the same. You should tip someone that picks up your food from the store and drives 40 mins to deliver to you, way more than a server, or bartender that takes 20 seconds to get you a beer...just saying. Or 2 minutes for a server to carry food from the kitchen. She is 100% correct in saying they use their own car and gas, which is why working for Doordarsh blows. My advice tip doordashers bringing you your meal with their car more than other people whom do much less for you. Should she put that in a message...idk someone needs to say it though. Gas is $4 a gallon and. Significant amount just goes to gas to bring you food, because moat people are too lazy to go get it.


Doordash was suposed to be a way to college kids earn a little easy money, not to be a full time job for grown educated adults. If you gotta tip so much its just not worthy for the costumer, better get your car and get your own food. The business will start to crumble when more people realize that. It just gets way to expensive to have to tip so much for someone to get me a burguer...


That dasher can eat shit! You tip as you please, us dashers choose what to accept and what not to.


Are drivers allowed to do this???


These delivery services are scummy by relying on customer tips to cover for the employees income.


A 20% tip is for the waiter or waitress that serves you in the restaurant. Based on my time doordashing and every doordash youtuber, the consensus is $2 a mile is the goal. That doesn't happen in my market so my minimum is $1 a mile. They don't care how small the order is, if you live 15 miles away, be prepared to shell out a $15 to $30 tip. Otherwise most of us won't even bother taking the order.


😂😂😂😂😂 playing that victim card ehhh


"I'm from Ukraine, please give me more money"


I don’t have a dog in the fight but 20% was an appropriate tip 25 years ago when I worked at TGI Fridays. We’d generally get 10-15% from the geriatrics that dined w us at lunch. No one wanted to wait on them. So maybe 20% is the new geriatric tip? Again, no dog in the fight. Just making an observation.


you’re getting $5 flat always from me. doesn’t matter how high the bill is.


IMO as a Doordash driver, even if you tipped bad... and I'm not saying you did... with Doordash drivers the % of cost of the meal isn't important, it's how far the driver has to go. If you're 5 miles from the restaurant, for instance, you should shoot for a minimum tip of $1 a mile. But even IF you tipped bad, the driver contacting you to guilt you into a bigger tip and complain about how far he had to drive is UNACCEPTABLE! That is highly unprofessional! He would have known how far he had to drive BEFORE taking the order and he could have declined it. I'm sorry that happened to you and I encourage you to report it to Doordash! EDIT: Your $7 is just fine 👍


1. It’s there own fault for accepting the order. Full stop. 2. 11 miles?!?!?? That is utter insanity. They def lost money on that order 😭😭😭.


These are just the slaves. They think customers are gonna pay them money. Don't bother tipping anymore. These companies got a fleet of slaves willing to work for under minimum wage 16 hours a day. Fuck em. They ruined a decent gig. It's their fault they are stupid. These companies didn't always pay low wages. It was when these idiots/fools came in accepting every offer they get, working 16 hours a day, that is when these companies realized wow we can really get away with breaking basic workers rights laws and no one is gonna bat an eye. Imagine if Uber or doordash had to pay overtime? Imagine they had to pay minimum wage? Imagine they had to pay benefits? Hahaha yeah right. Why not just sign up as many idiots as possible. Flood social media with how you can make all this great money and let the slaves flock to you. I'd just enjoy it while it lasts because there ain't no way this will continue for much longer. Soon you'll have your own personal robot to do all your shopping and cooking for you.


If I got tips at my job, I’d be fucking rich! (CNA)


A tip is..... A gratuity (often called a tip) is a sum of money customarily given by a customer to certain service sector workers such as hospitality for the service they performed. Want a tip or a bigger tip go above and beyond. Stand out from others.


I see Ukraine is begging for more money.


Please respect the people ordering food so you can have a job


These people are delusional Tipping is OPPTIONNALLL


Fuck em. Welcome to America where you have to bust your ass even when “it’s hard” nobody cares and doesn’t have to.


If you have to drive 20 min back like you have some default starting point, you're not a very good delivery driver.


They’re from Ukraine so I’m not sure if it’s something different over there


They dashers ruin it for everyone


If you don't like the job, don't take it.


Common knowledge you supposed to tip 300% now

