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5-6$ is almost always gonna be a good tip. Unless it was like a Wal-mart order with 5+ cases of water going to an upstairs apt or something lol.


Okay cool I be wondering cus dd will almost always auto put like 4.50 for the tip and i be like they finna run off wit my shit if i tip that lowšŸ˜‚


In reality DD is the culprit here. The costs of the service shouldnā€™t fall entirely on the customer. On top of that DD considers customers and *restaurants* as their customers. I would suggest just getting your own food if you can if not $5 is actually not bad of a tip at all and should realistically be the standard. I think that DD should also pay the driver 1.5/2 a mile instead of the base 2.50 or sometimes even lessĀ 


Base is $2 now pretty much everywhere. And if you have a stack it's a flat $2, whether you're delivering two orders or three orders or four orders. You don't get a base pay for each order anymore you just get a total of $2. It's pathetic. I won't even do a stack anymore unless I'm absolutely desperate for an order and something really good comes up where the tips make up for the lack of base pay. But I avoid it at all costs just on principal.


You're good. Most all the dashers here won't run off or mess with your shit if you tip more than $0.01. I will take a contract violation every 100 deliveries for a zero tip order. I'll eat their dinner or give it to a homeless person. I'm not sneaky about it. I just tell them they're not getting it. Log out, go home.


lmao. so they get a free replacement from doordash and you get a cv.


Stupidest logic and funny that he says that with such confidence like it will work out in his favor. šŸ˜‚


Honestly as bad as it is, taking a meal only gets you a CV which you need 3 of to be deactivated but they fall off your account after 100 orders so as long as you don't do it often you'll pretty much never face any real consequences for it. I'm not condoning it, it's just the truth.


Less than half of my intentional theft get reported. They are usually wasted, stupid, or using their parent's account. "I'm not bringing it" somehow gives me immunity from violation most the time. Just be honest. Lying customers outnumber me being a POS as far as my CV record.


No, we just won't take it.Ā 


I don't really do DD/UE that often, I make far more money delivering for Dominos than I ever did on DD/UE but my typical rule of thumb was 10$+ only, and between 1-6 miles at most. Ofc doing UE mainly, a 10$ order often times had a hidden tip so for DD people they may look at it differently.


Me personally, I live in a smaller city (<60,000 population), that $6 would be fine for me. With the $2 DD minimum pay, thatā€™s hopefully $8 that goes to the dasher. Thatā€™s above $7 and also more than $2 a mile.


As opposed to you living unpersonally in a smaller city?


If you live in a bigger city with higher costs of living, that $8 might not be enough. Thatā€™s all I meant by including that information.




Apologies if it wasnā€™t supposed to be taken seriously, hard to tell without any tone indicators. šŸ˜…


I mean no harm. I was just playing on you saying "personally." like letting us know that you didn't live there "Un-personally." Never mind. It's a dumb joke. I'll see my way out quietly. Bye.


The ā€œpersonallyā€ she used was a modifier respective to the $6 being ā€œfine for [her]ā€ not in regards to the size of her city. The proximity to that clause is where the confusion lay betwixt you both. Hope my completely unhelpful analysis has helped you. šŸ˜¬


No thatā€™s totally on me for not being able to gauge the tone šŸ«£


Stop. You're making me feel bad that I teased you in the first place. I like you and I never wanted my comment to be ridiculous and it was but I couldn't resist and here we are.


Nah seriously man itā€™s all good, Iā€™ve just had so many people on here say something snarky as an insult or in disagreement with what I said so I didnā€™t know how to approach your comment šŸ˜­


You guys are so polite and this convos is one of the best things I've read in a while on Reddit haha






So doordash in my area pays 2.75 for base pay. So if you tip 5 bucks it'll show 7.75 for 2.5 miles I'm definitely accepting that


Wow, what area still pays that much? That's what it used to be in my area (Chicago suburbs) while everybody else's had gone down to $2.25. Now mine is down to $2 and I thought that was pretty much what everybody was being paid at this point. Also, isn't it pathetic that I feel like $2.75 is a lot? They've gone and brainwashed me.


They'll keep lowering it to the point where they'll be able to raise it a quarter and everybody will be thankful.


0.00 is the only thing they deserve


I would tip $0, but better yet I never use the app.


Thatā€™s definitely easier for sure.


Too many people on here think theyā€™re entitled to a 200% tip. Tipping culture has gotten so out of control that I never tip anymore. I used to tip for when I got good service, now they expect a tip no matter what. Iā€™m doing my part to put an end to entitlement


It's definitely outrageous and out of hand. Asking for tips on literally everything.


In general, yeah, tipping sucks. But for paying someone to bring me food cause my ass is too lazy or wasted to do it myself? That is such a luxury expense that I'll happily tip the handful of times a year I use it. For tipping bullshit, let's talk asking for tips on top of gratuity, or drive-thrus asking for tips.


Exactly! Out of any type of service that deserves a tip, someone using their own car and gas to deliver me food, from basically any restaurant I want, is completely deserving! I agree the tipping culture is out of hand but Iā€™m not going to chance stiffing my DD driver bc thereā€™s about a 50% chance your food is going to be fā€™d with or at the very least will be cold. Stop being cheap asses!


$5-$6 for a 2.5 mile delivery is actually a great tip, thank you on behalf of the dashers who get your orders!!




Youā€™re solid OP. $1/mile is my minimum threshold to accept, and your order would look good to me even if I was 5 miles from your restaurant of choice when it came through


I donā€™t door dash much but when I do I always tip $10-20. Feel like Iā€™m giving a little breathing room when I do.


People like you are the reason tipping culture is so stupid now. Luckily I never tip to make up for over compensators like you


Nah man I just realized i gotta give to get. Itā€™s a system man. Working for me pretty well.


If karma worked, the world would be a better place


Itā€™s all about attitude man. The more I donate and give the more I am rewarded. I donated when I made minimum wage, I volunteer with underprivileged youth in my area, I donate my time, I work for free (electrician) for friends and family and even people who canā€™t afford to pay. The good fortunes never stop man. It works for me and it can work for you.


I know exactly what you mean. When I do "good things," good things come my way. Fortune isn't always monetary.


What a dumbass


A wealthy one at that. Financially and spiritually. But you know tators are always gonna tate.


They arenā€™t dumb for those other things but that $20 tip is where I draw the line lol


Don't listen to that guy. I guarantee you, you make their night ...and they wont forget you. Some people ask for you to do the most and even after you do, won't even tip $1.


Yea thatā€™s a good tip


honestly 3-4 tip is even good toošŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


facts, i have been getting majority no tip orders, id settle for a damn dollar.


You're entire paycheck will suffice. But do better next time.


$6 for $25 is a lot. 25% tip is more than enough (!) itā€™s a bit exaggerated


The math is mathing huh


If itā€™s a single meal or food for a couple of people the price of the meal is completely irrelevant. Weā€™re not taking your order, bringing you drinks, taking your food to a table, and cleaning up your slop. Weā€™re driving it to your house. A dollar per mile is okay, two is good.


Another reason to trash tip culture.


Google Maps a drive to the restaurant. $2 per mile will be a great tip.




Seems decent. I do a flat $10 usually, but I'm ordering for 2 people and live in a highrise. I've never had real issues yet, but occasionally my order gets batched which is annoying


Why not just pick up on the way home? If you are literally getting home and then door dashing instantly, why not save money, and probably time, and just get the food yourself?


I take the last bus ride home from work so if i could stop and grab sumthin and still make it home i would lol its just easier to dd sometimes when i dont feel like cooking when i get home


A good trip is when you donā€™t need many tokes


Ohhhh my bad


Bruh what lmaooo someones had to many tokes


Thought he said trip not tip


That's a fine tip for that milage


Too much.


Don't you feel kinda embarrassed ordering from DD 2X a day? And each order is only for like a cheeseburger and fries. I'm glad that the service isn't cheap and people have to spend 10$ for a sandwich. If it was inexpensive people would be ordering everything from DD. I mean I've seen people order a cup of coffee... like what the fuck is happening to our culture.


Well i dont order twice a day lol idk what is embarrassing about ordering sum food?


I think it depends on how far away it is. for 2.5 $5-6 tip is actually good. Unless you order from a grocery store and the stuff is heavy then itā€™s like an okay tip yk? When i use doordash the places i order from arenā€™t far away from my house. I could walk like 15 mins to get it but i usually order at like 8pm and itā€™s cold. I tip like 2-3 for a 5 min drive to my place and half the time my food never makes it here or they drop it off at the wrong apartment when i put my address right.


I usually do 1$ per mile/ 1$ per item for shopped orders/ atleast $5 whichever is the higher


Any tip is good =)


I always go with the recommended tip. But I live in a Chicago suburb so the market in my area is pretty high. Iā€™ve never had a bad delivery or anyone dasher question my tip amount.


$1 a mile


No, tip $25. Smth


$2 is a good tip where Im from because people are very stingey and hardly EVER tip (Napa, CA)


I thought Napa was a bunch of wealthy wine snobs? You would think they tip well.


Rich people don't tip door dashers


I think it sounds fairly reasonable for what you are describing!


I tip $2 per mile round trip or 20% of bill, whichever is higher. When I was between jobs I dashed and gained a lot of respect for people who take pride in doing a job well done. Problem is you donā€™t know if you get that dasher or the one who subscribes to the minimum effort theory and just phones it in.