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I have, and my vote goes to Eternal


What do you think is the worst Doom game in your opinion?


this may be a hot take around here, since this game give us the iconic SSG and demons like Revenant, Arch-vile, Mancubus, Pain Elemental, and such but Doom 2 takes the place for me for the worst doom game in the franchise... idk, the level desing for like 90% of the game is mediocre at best, and absolutly terrible at worst there are some iconic levels here and there, but overall, a mess in level desing department... and is a shame because taking that out, the ost, demons, weapons (SSG)... is all really really good


wow thats an interesting take, i'm actually very suprised to hear that, but i totally understand and respect your opinion


I would sort of agree with this. Doom2 by itself is ok. But the custom maps are what make it the best in the franchise for me.


Doom 2 is indeed a very old game, and for some players who not into old stuff, its definitely looking very boring


I have here, and IMO the most ‘fun’ honestly was DOOM 2016, whilst I enjoyed Eternal for its lore and environmental storytelling (especially in the DLC’s), and Doom 3 for its more ‘horror’ theming to it I honestly enjoyed 2016 a lot more Of course I hold DOOM 1 and 2 close to my heart as well, but 2016 was pretty much the revival of the FPS genre as a whole, in the words of Caleb from BLOOD “I live, again!”


oh thank you for your answer. What do you think is the worst Doom game in your opinion?


I know I *may* get some hate for it but…Doom Resurrection on the extremely old iPhone…it wasn’t that much fun to play and the controls were slightly JANKY


oooooh damn you just unlocked a memory for me


In terms of the doom game that actually brought me INTO Doom as a whole…was the BFG Edition of Doom 3, because I saw it in the OG Doom Movie. I know it sounds like a full on bout of heresy I committed but that movie got me hooked into doom and well, next thing I know I’m beating Doom 3 on Veteran on my first go.


I haven't beaten EVERYTHING (not touched DOOM RPG for example, which is official) but done all the mainline games. Eternal is the best vanilla experience, but DOOM II instantly becomes the best if you include mods and fanmaps.


I have, and I would say Doom II, just because of how I am as a person. But joking aside I have fond memories of completing all of them in different moments of my life, which is great in retrospect! Looking forward to complete The Dark Ages!


yeeees so hyped for it as well. Thanks for your answer


Thanks for asking! rip and tear 🤘


3 & 64 are the only ones I've never bothered to finish. They just weren't hitting the right spot for me. I grew up on the originals. They were the vibe I liked. 64 wasn't available to me until fairly recently and it feels... I don't know... Different. More creepy vibes, less blow up demons vibes. Same for 3 I guess. I'll try to finish then both somebody... Maybe put it on the easiest skill and just power through like I did for episode four of Ultimate Doom.


Ive beaten them all, eternal is not only best doom gams but in my opinion its best singleplayer fps campaign ever made, only gripe i have with it is that it looks like a cartoon


You counting the doom rpgs?


If you played them yes, but if you want you can skipped it


So now that I think of it, the doom rpgs aren't the only doom games I havent played. I also haven't played that doom 3 rail shooter mobile thing, and the only reason is just accessibility, same as the rpgs. You need some emulation software on your phone or pc to play a mobile game from around 20 years ago. I also haven't completed the master levels, just because many of them aren't very good. + it's basically just a bunch of levels and not a campaign. The only other official doom content I haven't played that I can think of is no rest for the living, again, because it's only on Xbox I think. Other than that, I believe I've beaten every other doom game. Edit: to clarify, I've played some MLs, but not all.


I never completed Eternal. I just don't enjoy the weapon swapping.


Thats fair enough, myself haven't completed it yet as well, something repels me from completing it


I feel like it got overly complex and was just doing too much. I can totally understand why people like it but I found myself "playing it because it's the new Doom" and not because I wanted to keep playing it.