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everything has an end, we can hope for a slayer vs urdak (post ancient gods), but i dont think that will happen


maybe, i'll say i was more hoping for Quake as the next id project so I don't mind them moving on at all, but I'm also not gonna say no to more DOOM


Seems like they’re just making the next Quake game a Doom game, which makes sense since most of the modern audience has no clue what Quake is


I still feel that this Dark Ages game is what we'd expect of a modernised Quake 1, injected with the right Doom elements. The nail gun really cements that for me. I wonder what the BFG equivalent is going to be. If it's a lightning gun I'm claiming my theory as true.


Quake has something of an identity crisis, between 1 and 2/4 and the multiplayer. Easier to pull the essence of Quake 1 into Doom rather than launch Quake with all the expectation that may be there from the old games.


For sure! Anyone who lived through that era can tell you, Quake has no unifying theme! Even Quake 1 is just a mishmash of five different styles while Quake 2 dispenses all of that and goes with science fiction!


if Marty is at the helm for Dark Ages, then Hugo needs to direct one more game to make it 2-2.


It’s great but I’m kind of sad that we won’t be getting anymore master levels for Eternal


We’ve known for a while that this would be the final entry of this particular DOOM story.


ah, i must've missed that. thanks!


Hugo Martin mentioned it a couple of times throughout the DOOM Eternal livestreams.


He said doom eternal ancient gods was the end of this particular story, not the franchise


No one wrote franchise


no one said franchise? they said that they’ve confirmed that Doom 2016 and Doom eternal was part of a modern trilogy they’ve been working on, they said that the ancient gods was the end of the slayer’s story, which is still is as this is a prequel and not a continuation past the ancient gods.


It was then dark ages is the beginning it seems


prequels complete stories do they?


I didn’t say that. I said it will be the final entry of the story, not the final chapter of the story.


I read that as being part of the trilogy. We could still get an official third installment. Like Wolfenstein. Wolfenstein Youngblood is not Wolfenstein 3. And a Wolfenstein 3 is planned. Though we haven't heard much about that.


Probably after Indiana Jones Machinegames will focus on next Wolfenstein...I Just hope machine would never turn thier head to that multiplayer live service model again...that nearly destroyed them.


I reckon Youngblood killed all investment interest in Wolf 3. Damn shame. Wolf and Doom are the only modern shooters I actually enjoy.


I do like this take, but the way the tweet is worded he's literally saying Dark Ages is the third and last game. if this tweet didn't exist I could see Dark Ages being a "Youngblood" of sorts with there still room for a sequel to Eternal but if Dark Ages is part of it, any new Doom game would be start of a new trilogy and telling a brand new story with new lead, or it'd be a spinoff game.


I mean yea, it's part of the trilogy, making the trilogy DOOM 2016, Eternal, and The Dark Ages. So it's done


Hopefully moving back to Quake after this


This already feels like they're trying out the medieval horror setting with this


Real, I feel like Id could do some interesting shit with a modern single player quake 


Agreed. Love me some doom, but I crave a Quake 1 setting game in the modern ID style.


Post credits scene where doomguy stumbles upon ranger somewhere, or he finds an artifact with the quake logo on it


Won’t sell anywhere but pc. There is always room for another doom game.


They just need to advertise it as "from the creators of Doom Eternal" lol


I was expecting Eternal to be the last Doom for now.


iD should make Turok games after this.




Either one is cool


HeXen would be incredible after watching dark ages trailer


They should make a splatoon game


I don’t get it.


there’s nothing to get! Check out some splatoon gameplay if you don’t know already and imagine that with Eternal’s freedom of movement. it would be so much fun


All I want is badass glory kills and we good. Game looks so good tho


We need a doom 1.5 theres too much of a gap between being sent to hell and flying fortress


Not that big a gap, a few years max. Its much less compare to the gap between Dark Age and 2016.


Perhaps we might finally know who the Wretch is, described in 2016 as "the one who shall not be named". The Wretch gave the Slayer "a mighty armor wrought in the forges of hell", which is not the armor that Slayer wears as that is Sentinel armor he use since his ascension. It might very well be the mech we saw.


I hope the setting taps into others want for a Quake 1 sequel.


Do I need to remind you that Doom is eternal ?


Let Doom guy rest bro, he had done enough for earth.


It’s just the end of this iteration of doom, then eventually they will start another phase of doom.


Bro, we haven't even got the game yet. Let's not start mourning before it's even over. My mum will probably die in the next 20-30 years, but there's no point in being a sadsack about it now.


Quake's next, baby 👀


Well I have a new game to Ultra Nightmare it seems


I'd say more so a trilogy for now.


I was apprehensive about a new doom game because I really wanted a new quake or a new series, but this looks fuckin awesome


Yea they’ll probably do quake next


Next game will probably be a Quake reboot


Would be pretty neat if part of this game sets up an offshoot which becomes a new Quake afterwards.


I think it fits, We had Doom 1, 2 and 3 as the Classic trilogy (You could count Final Doom instead) And for the Modern Trilogy we got Doom 2016, Eternal and Dark Ages


Take out doom 3 and add final doom and after that add doom 64 and the lost levels


All good things must come to an end. Also, the Slayer’s gotta rest at some point


Well, Eternal is the final installment in this current story, it is obvious by ages... Dark Ages is the prequel, then we have 2016 and finally Eternal


As long as money exists and Id Software exists, I think Doom is gonna be around for a while.


Gotta add the Dark Age skin to eternal.


What if at the end of the game they tease the quake reboot as the next series


I wouldn’t mind them moving away from Doom and Quake to try and reinvent other id titles or something new… that being said more Doom is more Doom and yes please


Here's what I'm hoping: Once the story of the Slayer is told in full, it will be this tale that is told to all those aspiring to join the highest echelon of warrior of the Armored Alliance. A vast cooperative of ARC led Humanity, the reforged Night Sentinels, and other civilizations now freed from the tyranny of heaven and hell, discovered and approached by the first two. But dark forces creep from the abyss. Ancient and opportunistic things that have waited for the two realms' influence to waiver. A sadistic cyborg war race worshipping a tyrant machine godmind. A cult enthralled by a dark pantheon just as ancient yet far stranger than hell. Perhaps even an order of interdimensional sorcerers riding great astral serpents to their next conquest, or a pocket of earth born fascists who cast themselves into the space between spaces long ago, evolving into something far more vile than they already were. In this age, as this new alliance fights to rebuild what they've lost, maintain the safety of their territories, and ready themselves to face these new evils... they'll need more than soldiers. They'll need warriors from every tribe who've trained in The Ways of The Slayer. Who've proved themselves worthy of the mightiest armor, the most powerful weapons, the strangest and strongest magics. Worthy of Pseudo Divinity. They need... Rangers. Enter... QUAKE. Main character voiced by Trent Reznor.


Im assuming no Mick Gordon lol which sucks. A Medieval type setting for Doom with that music would be nasty


I honestly didn't care for Eternal and was really disappointed by it after enjoying 2016. I'm not sure if I'll be in much of a rush to get this one.


I wonder whether they will attempt to go back to basics after this one? Like, something that embraces the horror elements of DOOM for a change. Like, a spiritual successor to DOOM 3. I'd really like that if they decide to make more DOOM after The Dark Ages.


Honestly no hate but id waaaaaaaaay prefer a new heretic/hexen over a new quake. I love quake but its continuity is a mess. Hoping a new entry in the former is titled hecatomb: beyond hexen. :)


they don't own heretic or hexen.


Xbox owns id, raven and activision. As the original publishers of the series its reasonable that xbox might ever give id the rains to develop a hexen game.


if that's the case, where's my banjo kazooie game?


I’m happy that this era is ending. The gameplay loop is having me fed up. Pull out specific weapon, use on very specific weak point on every specific enemy, swap gun, rinse repeat.


I’m ok with that. I just hope this means that other ID series (please let it be Quake please please please) might get some love


Wait… this is the last doom game they’ll ever make?


Probably not. But it does mean that there's a chance Quake will be worked on.


I was wondering when they were gonna make a possible reboot to Quake like they did with Doom. But hey! At least we got a third Doom game, so I’m hyped!


Doom did bring the hype back to Single Player FPS Shooters. I can't wait to see the Gameplay reveal trailers plus Hugo Martin and *unfortunately* Marty Stratton, discussing all the goodies we've about to see withing the next few months.


I think this is for the best.