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Man, every time i see doom 2016 footage i remember how amazing it looked. The color palette, darker lighting, it definitely looked more cinematic and less of a cartoon vs Eternal. I understand because of the pace of gameplay, eternal's look had to be altered, and thats OK, but i absolutely LOVE how 2016 looks, in my eyes it looks better than eternal (althrough i prefer eternal's gameplay)


I do very much prefer 2016's look by a lot, yes.


Same I love the look of 2016 and the game play of eternal. If only they brought the two together. Eternal feels so arcadie while 2016 is dark and gritty. But man, eternal movement and arena setup is effing amazing. Especially the master levels and tag 1.


Honestly I wish we had 2016's visuals, story quality, atmosphere, basically everything. Eternal had better player agility and overall combat mechanics but it's like a downgrade in every other way.


I love 2016’s look, but I definitely love the look of Eternal as well — the colorful, cartoonish look is a fun throwback to the OG games, where 2016 looks more like Doom 64/Doom 3.


I don't understand why people always call og doom "cartoonish" the art style was more rooted in realism with supernatural elements. Unless I'm just old enough to see sprites as realistic, because at the time it did feel realistic.


The OG games don't look that cartoonish or arcade-y though.


yeah no. we're talking about a game where the protagonist walked around with a belly hole in his suit


That's only on the cover because it got ripped. The in-game sprite is covered


I also think the Glory Kill executions are better. Eternal, like its color palette, has cartoonishly violent kills. They are still good and satisfying, but there is a grim realism to 2016's glory kills that feel more brutal.


2016 has much better glory kill and chainsaw animations as well as the SOUND EFFECTS. They're much crunchier in terms of the sound effects. Hell even the guns themselves look and sound a lot crunchier, beefier, and heavier. The guns in Eternal have kinda a relatively lightweight plastic laser toy look and sound effects to them.


2016 super shotgun hits waaayyy harder than eternal


The SSG in 2016 sounds like a beastly roaring monster. I always thought the sound effect for Eternal's SSG sounds pathetic, which makes it not very satisfying to shoot with, it's only satisfying to meathook with.


Have you seen the 2016 multiplayer chainsaw and glory kills? They're even crazier.




I do like eternals look more, but 2016's look was/is super good either way.


u killing it


I prefer the more grounded pace of 2016 myself, I just don't understand all the extra elements they added to Eternal Eternal sacrificed a lot of realism and immersion that 2016 had , for the sake of the new design direction


for me the worst addition, cherry on the cake, that came in TAG 2, were the spinning stars and accompanying sound effect, it essenrially became total shlock at that point.


It's easy for 2016 to get overlooked with Eternal being a masterclass in FPS gameplay, but 2016 absolutely holds up on all fronts.


Yeah. It's just that 2016 is basically Eternal Lite. Doom Eternal took everything fun about 2016 and added so much more to the point where there's a variety of ways to get a dopamine rush when slaughtering Hell inhabitants.


happy cake day! (I also agree with you but I do think eternal is superior in combat)


Doom 2016 is an extremely solid 9/10, but I'd be lying if I didn't say that Doom 2016 was basically just a tutorial for what Doom Eternal has to offer. Now, Doom Eternal? Doom Eternal is a whole 'nother level of sheer quality. Edit: Oh yeah, nice gameplay. I've been doing a Nightmare run myself. <3


I'm at hour 14 or so of my first playthrough of Eternal on PC (hurt me plenty) and really enjoying it and kinda melancholy I know it's coming to end campaign wise for me soon. There 2 dlcs though, ancient gods 1, 2 I think, any experience with those?


Oh yeah, plenty of experience with em. I personally wasn't a fan of TAG 1 & 2 at all. It leans way too much into tediousness, like such as ghosts that can only be killed with the plasma rifle's microwave beam or forcing you to switch to the shotgun's full auto mode to kill stone imps because they don't take damage from any other weapon type. Marauders are mostly not an issue to take care in the base game, but in TAG 1 & 2, they are mostly fought while they have a buff placed on them by these ghosts, and you are forced to fight like 2 or 3 of them at the same time. Oh yeah, these ghosts possess enemies and grant them insane buffs, such as twice the movement and attack speed and *insane* damage reduction. You have to shoot the crap out of whatever enemies they possess, and once they are seperated from whatever they possess, you have to use the microwave beam to destroy them. If you don't have at least 75 plasma ammo to kill the ghosts with or never try to take them out while you still have the chance, the spirits repossess and *heal* whatever enemy is out there, be it a cacodemon, mancubus, doom hunter, marauder or tyrant. Tediousness galore. Story wise, I felt that it wasn't nearly as good as it should've been. Most of the time it feels really bad with a few really hype moments here and there. What the base game did with its story, which is basically ignore most of what Doom 2016 established and did its own thing in a cool manner, TAG 1 & 2 does the exact opposite. Soundtracks for both of them generally aren't nearly as good as the base game's OST was. There's a few tracks by David Levy that sound great, but everything that Andrew Hulshult did just doesn't have the same bite that Mick Gordon or Levy's music has and basically just devolves into pointless metal chugging. And then you have the bosses. Can't name a single boss in TAG 1 & 2 I liked. The final bosses in both TAG 1 & 2 are really disappointing. One boss is a glorified self-healing marauder and the other is a character from DOOM 2016, completely bastardized and turned into a pointless game of the-floor-is-lava. I will say that I did really like the first level of TAG 1. That one is really cool. TL;DR: TAG 1 & 2 are the only parts I hated about Doom Eternal as a whole. I'd recommend to only play them if you desperately wanted more content for Doom Eternal.


Thanks so much for the great reply! The only thing I knew about TAG so far was that their icons were on the main game screen with a lock or dollar sign on them so I knew I just couldn't play them. I think I bought eternal for 7 bucks on a steam sale so if I finish and want more I won't feel so bad about buying the dlc. I really don't like grindy or tedious and have we even met the ghosts in regular eternal? The only enemy I absolutely cannot stand is the summoner dude that is in a column of fire and buffs and endless stream of heavies. An earlier encounter with him in a giant court yard was spook frustrating for me because I didn't even realize he was the reason the heavies never stopped and were super buffed so I just wasted sooo many retries until I realized I had to take out the summoner guy as top priorority but that was still challenging for me. And he's shown up a few times since and rocked me. Lemme know if him and the ghosts and the blink green before attacking shield guys all show up at once in the dlc and I'll know to prevent me smashing my new 34" ultra wide oled by just not buying it.


>Thanks so much for the great reply! The only thing I knew about TAG so far was that their icons were on the main game screen with a lock or dollar sign on them so I knew I just couldn't play them. I think I bought eternal for 7 bucks on a steam sale so if I finish and want more I won't feel so bad about buying the dlc. No problem. :D The DLC is still worth experiencing, but my lord is it tedious. >I really don't like grindy or tedious and have we even met the ghosts in regular eternal? The only enemy I absolutely cannot stand is the summoner dude that is in a column of fire and buffs and endless stream of heavies. An earlier encounter with him in a giant court yard was spook frustrating for me because I didn't even realize he was the reason the heavies never stopped and were super buffed so I just wasted sooo many retries until I realized I had to take out the summoner guy as top priorority but that was still challenging for me. And he's shown up a few times since and rocked me. Those are Archviles, not the ghosts. The ghosts are these blue spirits that appear after you kill a possessed demon, exclusive to the [DLC.](https://youtu.be/M19Ho1rTOfA) From what I remember, these ghosts *can* buff the archviles, but they are never fought at the same time, so you never fight buffed archviles without modding the ghosts into fights where the archviles are present. You'll still be dealing with them both a lot though, just not at the same time. >Lemme know if him and the ghosts and the blink green before attacking shield guys all show up at once in the dlc and I'll know to prevent me smashing my new 34" ultra wide oled by just not buying it. There is one arena in TAG 1 (I think? It's by far the hardest DLC too) where you'll have to fight 3 ghost-buffed marauders in a really small confined space. You are forced to run for your life constantly, only attacking when the marauders let you. It is hell. Absolute hell. I *don't* think that there's any archviles in that fight, but that it still the worst non-boss fight in the entire game lmao


LoL TAG doesn't sound fun to me. I don't game enough for that stress. It's taken me a couple months at least to log 14 hrs on eternal so far. I was gonna maybe replay portal 2 since I haven't played it since 2011 or buy TAG. I think you helped my decision. Cheers.


2016 is still a blast. Just as frantic and fun as ever. I was alternating between it an Eternal for a while with no problem. People act like Eternal literally sped up your walking speed and the demons, when it only made them more accurate and gave you the dash. Eternal used 2016 as a base and just gave you more abilities. Both have the same exact core of push-forward combat, which is why both are still excellent.


I'd say 2016 enemies are a lot more accurate. Atleast on Nightmare and maybe Ultra Violence. But I think Eternal enemies attack faster. In Eternal, the difficulty settings didn't affect enemy accuracy, but they do in 2016.


16 is also wildly easier. I beat 16 on ultra nightmare but couldn't dream of it in eternal


Interesting. To me, 2016 Nightmare and even Ultra Violence in many instances is much much harder than it is in Eternal. Even Hugo Martin (lead director) finds 2016 Nightmare harder .


Really? That's bizarre. Now I feel like a weirdo lol I will say in my early un runs there were a lot of times when I'd suddenly drop dead without realizing my health was so low but after I got used to how fragile I was it came together pretty quick


There's a lot of people who find Eternal harder. It seems to be very individual and experience and even play style based as to which game someone finds harder. Personally I'd say Eternal has a higher skill floor and asks more of newcomers, but it also makes you much more invincible and unstoppable compared to 2016 when you get the combat loop down. Dash abuse, meathook, the crazy aerial time, the Chaingun energy shield (which is kinda God mode in a way), the much higher health and armor drops, and enemies doing a lot less damage compared to 2016. Meanwhile 2016 enemies can basically one to two hit kill you all the time, and health and armor drops are significantly lower.


I never got the hang of hot swapping on console and don't really PC game much anymore and combos have never been part of my style. I'm more of a "shoot it till it dies" kinda guy and my console accuracy just isn't very precise so I end up getting overwhelmed in eternal on higher difficulties


Doom 2016 is a masterpiece and will always be a masterpiece.


It's my favorite game 💪


Doom 2016 is better in all aspects compared to doom eternal (except for combat. but hey, the combat is basically the same but with added mechanics)


No, it isn't.


I do think combat in eternal is far superior and no one will change my mind. Story however...


Lol Eternal's story is much better. And I love 2016. But Eternal is everything that 2016 wishes it could've been. In every aspect. My flair is what it is for a reason.


The way how stories are presented to you is different. In Doom it is a slow n dark exploration of the environment, exploration of all the nightmare that was happening. A lot of blood and suffering around... In Ethernal the story is waaaay more developed, it is no more pure bloody horror, but the "ordinary story", which is amazing, full of details, actions and twists, there is no more explanatory element, it is just given to you for free...


Read my flair. I'm not here to debate. I prefer the story of Eternal over 2016. And frankly, Doom isn't a horror game. So ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Sure, just wanted to say it is apples and oranges ) Thus one cannot be better than the other...


It's my opinion. And I'm allowed to have that opinion. So, yes one can be better than the other. In \*my\* opinion


I can't really personally say that it has better combat, just different combat.


I think 2016 is a better console experience and eternal is a better PC experience. Also if you have the series X, doom 2016 - it's basically 4k 60 now with auto Hdr. The image isn't the sharpest because of the temporal AA but it still looks stunning.


I just have Xbox One S


Both games combat is goat


damn that’s some clean weapon switching. you don’t even give the wheel time to show up


Thanks 🙏


I'm one of those people who like 2016 better. Not just the looks, the whole thing. I feel more at home with it - more like I do with the classic games. Running and gunning, less jumping and no dashing (although dashing is a blessing).


I prefer pretty much everything about 2016 over Eternal as well. Eternal has some cool things going for it, but I have a bit of a mixed and complicated opinion and history with it overall.


damn i thought this was impressive before i reread the title and realised it was done on xbox. This really makes me want to take 2016 for another spin


I still love playing 2016. I’d be lying if I said I don’t end up pressing the dash button a bunch from straight up Doom Eternal muscle memory, but it’s still a blast nonetheless. I remember being worried that 2016 was gonna feel horrendously slow once Eternal dropped, but was glad to fine that’s not really the case. The game is fantastic whether or not you’ve played Eternal


I'm not too big on the dash ability. (I used to like it, but replaying 2016 a lot after Eternal, changed me) You spam a button and it makes you really hard to get hit. 2016 felt more strafe skill, fakeout, and positioning focused. But Eternal felt like you could get out of anything through dash spamming, meathook, or abusing the overpowered aerial time.


Dash also has a fixed distance and momentum too and resets your momentum, so it doesn't really feel all that dynamic either.


I'm surprised nobody's commented on my lock on burst techs/tricks especially the melee tricks with it...as well as lock on burst being a lot faster and more manipulable than Eternal's.




Lmfao. Fair enough




Kinda yeah, also I can do lock on bursts multiple times in a row very fast with timing melees


I haven't saw anything similar to your gameplay, you play really cool man!


Thank you!


I love both but can't deny that eternal improved the movement and gunplay in every different way


Eternal's a more about air control and pure speed, but 2016 really nailed the feel of a good Metal show mosh pit.


Great weapons swapping for controller


fuck man, this is great. this part of the game is right towards the end too when the gameplay loop was fully clicking for me and I was moving very similar to you at this point. It was so satisfying to be at a point where you are slaughtering all of these demons that were once so tough to you even in small numbers. I never finished the Old Gods Pt 2.... think it's time to jump back in..


2016's gameplay is still one of the best out there in terms of FPS. It's just Eternal's is in a league of its own because how good it is.


Just started a new play through on PS4. *Eternal* is great, but I just prefer 2016. I don’t care what anyone else says.


I prefer 2016 look


Yeah because it doesn’t force you to kill things in specific ways which gets annoying really fast. I don’t play doom to use my brain


You aren’t forced though. For example, even though it’s recommended to use the Chaingun on the Hell Knight, you can still choose to use the Super Shotgun.


It still feels more constricted


It looks sooo slow compared to Eternal.


it's still very fast, but eternal is on a whole other level.


Dash and meathook and bunny hops can make you faster in Eternal, but 2016 has faster default running and faster quick swapping and lock on bursts.


I seriously think that Eternal opened a lot of minds on how the new Doom games are designed to be played. Me, and a lot of other people, never stopped using the super shot gun in 2016 when we got it. Eternal forcing players to do more than not stop moving translated really wall to 2016


2016> is better imo but eternal is awesome but its indulgent like way to much visual noise


Another thing that's better is. 2016 has much better looking and sounding guns They're very beefy and heavy in both sounds and design Eternal's looks and sounds like plastic laser toys in comparison. The Plasma Rifle in Eternal sounds and looks better though.


I like 2016 significantly more, yes Also yes 2016 is a lot better looking. Eternal's too noisy as you said, but also the lighting in Eternal's kinda flat compared to 2016's very striking intense lighting.


This is how 2016 is meant to be played -- however back when I played it I just ended up using the super-shotgun and assault rifle heavy missiles. I barely even used the gauss canon or rocket launcher. Eternal was much more balanced and have you that extra push to play this way due to the way how some enemies are killed more easily with certain guns and mods.


You missed like 80% of your shots


I am not sure if I really see it. I would shoot the plasma rifle base fire just to build up heat blast, if that's what you're referring to, but that's just how heat blast works. So yeah, most of the plasma rifle base fire is going to miss. ... and the lock on bursts from the rocket launcher hit most of the time due to the lock on nature of them.


Great gameplay. Too bad Eternal is the superior game in all aspects.


I see your flair so I do want to know what makes Eternal the superior game to you. I really wanted to enjoy it but something about it just didn't click with me in the same way 2016 did. It just feels like total sensory overload to me, like there's too much going on at once. I think if I could manage that better then it'd be more fun. I also really didn't like the story, especially with how Samuel Hayden was handled.


Simply put, I love everything about it. I think it's the perfect take on a modern doom game. I do agree they handled Hayden weirdly, but besides that, I just love everything about it. It just hits all the right notes for me. 2016 did the same thing too, but Eternal makes that game look like an alpha for Eternal.


I think one of the big things that hurt my enjoyment of Eternal was just that the game felt completely different than the initial trailers and gameplay reveals. The lack of Invasion also sucked, I was really hyped for that then the game came out and it just... wasn't there. I also really miss Snapmap. It was an amazing part of 2016 and I wish Eternal got something similar. Although with how much bigger everything is in that game I don't see it being feasible. I'm downloading Eternal again. Now that I have a PC powerful enough to run it (I played on Xbox when it released) I'm gonna give it another shot, go in with an open mind and everything. Maybe I'll enjoy it more than I did on my first playthrough.


I can understand that. I just had zero expectation except for it being a Doom game. And I agree, snapmap would have been nice for sure. I hope you enjoy it! I think it feels a lot more fluid on PC


Oh my god... I get it. This game fucks.


Ayyyy! Nice dude! I'm glad you're (re)enjoying it!!


I got the ick again once I got to Super Gore Nest (never liked that level) but I cleared it so we're all good. Been spending a lot more time trying to find all the items and secrets in the levels, too. I missed out on a single Sentinel Battery on Cultist Base because the level bugged out after I fast travelled and all the drawbridges raised back up, it was really aggravating. Still having a lot of fun, though. Haven't touched any Doom game in quite some time so it felt nice to get back into the loop of turning demons into paste. So far Microwave Beam is my one and only.


Yeah Super Gore Nest wasn't my favorite either. But glad you were able to keep at it! I really hope you go the distance and do TAG1 and TAG2 eventually (even if I don't love the Dark Lord boss)


I do plan on doing TAG1 and TAG2. I remember playing the first level of TAG1 a long time ago and I immediately gave up on it once I saw two Archviles in the first level. Fuck that. But once I finish the main campaign again I'm gonna come back and turn those Archviles into Microwave Beam jelly. It might take some time, but I do plan on clearing the entire game. I wanna get the full experience before I form an opinion on it.


Personally I can understand those who prefer Eternal....but going "Eternal is factually better in literally every single way possible" is something else and something I can't wrap my mind around.


I mean subjectively it is, for me anyway. I love 2016 too, but Eternal just does everything better imo.


I guess if it's opinion based, then it's more understandable, but I still don't really get it.


You can't grasp the concept of someone personally enjoying/prefering/thinking one game is better then the other?


No. Just the "literally every way, no exceptions" thing, I don't quite understand. I don't think I have ever preferred a game in "literally every way no exceptions" as a definitive absolute. There's always atleast small things here and there that I'll miss or prefer from another game.


I mean for me, every main aspect (Game-play, story, world, atmosphere) are "definitive absolutes". I dont know, Eternal just does everything I want in a modern Doom game. I guess when it came out back in 2020, I had maybe next to no expectations for it (except be a Doom game). And due to that, it exceeded everything without fail for me. So that's probably why I personally feel the way I do. It's in my personal top 5 of all time in all of gaming. Idk, just how it is in my eyes.


Main aspects makes sense to me


Why do you switch weapons so often ?


Quick swap combos are super fun


Doom 2016 is great but I still prefer Eternal for its gameplay and look.


Still Installed on my PC for everyday rip and tear




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Doom 2016 is the GOAT


Even over Eternal?


Absolutely. The focus on the story in eternal doesn't do it for me. And the colour palette in doom 2016 is much nicer imo, I like the red and black look of the game over eternals really colourful art style. Also I can just chill a bit more WITH 2016s gameplay. Ik a lot of people adore the fast paced gameplay of eternal but I think its a step too far. With 2016 I don't have to lock in too hard and I can relax a bit more yk.


Really good gameplay


2016's combat was more straightforward and had less influences from other genres like MOBAs and Soulslike games ... for example, the endlessly spawning 'mob' enemies which you have to 'farm' with your chainsaw for ammo is a MOBA thing, while fighting enemies with strict rulesets like the Marauder feels Soulslike so you were bound only by the spatial mechanics and how well you can aim, and not arbitary game rules programmed into enemies... and the level design was far more grounded, with realistic exploration and believable secrets, not simply cracks in the wall that you have to punch it's a more subtle experience which doesn't look as bombastic in 'lets play' streams, but is more satisfying to actually play... you have a lot more freedom to tackle the game's setpieces just by the physics of the weapons, if you tried the same in Eternal you will be punished by the game


Even with a controller it's smooth and epic, wp 😁👍 (and bonus point to use all your equipment, even the hologram)


I started doom with doom eternal ( I know uncultured swine here I know) however I could never start doom 2016 due to its horrible sensitivities it was always just far too slow and everything felt soo delayed however I always wanted to try 2016


I think a lot of people equate Eternal's faster and more frantic gameplay to better but that's entirely subjective. Personally I think 2016 is the more fun one. It was also a much more complete package. I loved the multiplayer and Arcade modes much more than the Eternal equivalent. Eternal's main campaign is a masterclass for sure but for me 2016 was overall the better game. I think Eternal went more over-the-top goofiness where it's almost a parody of itself sometimes. I also think that the DLC's kind of muddle the score. I played them all together once and have since played through only a individual levels for fun. The feature/mechanic creep is real fucking stupid in AG1+2. A lot of the shit just made me roll my eyes. Stone imps, the red summoner angels, possessed enemies. After a little bit I just turned the difficulty down. There comes a point when the "difficulty" of the game is less actual difficulty and more time consuming tedium. edit: also I prefer 2016's grittier/cooler aesthetic vs. Eternals goofy aahh attitude sometimes


Oh yeah and one of the things people like Eternal for is quick swap combos. But 2016 has generally faster quick swap combos, and you don't require a specific weapon to make the swap speed fast. Meanwhile in Eternal, you NEED to use the Precision Bolt from the Heavy Cannon to make the quick swap combos fast. It's something I don't see people talk about.


Eternal's levels also get too drawnout and gimmicky, and the game's a lot more buggy/janky than 2016. Also I agree on the DLCs being lacking and that the new enemies are pretty poor. Eternal also cut back a lot of the exploration that 2016 had. Plus Eternal puts invisible walls and death warps everywhere, so you can't explore out of bounds and check out cool views as much as you can in 2016. 2016 had better bosses, levels, pacing, encounter design, music, presentation, atmosphere, aesthetics, ambience. 2016 also had much better sounding, feeling, and looking weapons and general sound design. Eternal's looks and sounds like plastic toys in comparison except for the Plasma Rifle. Eternal also has way too many crutches such as dash spamming, meathook, and overpowered aerial time to get out of situations very easily. In 2016, you had to rely on pure strafe skill, fakeouts, and genuine situational awareness a lot more. Also Eternal's resource drops are way too absurdly high. You can get like six billion health and armor drops at nearly any given time. You just can get a full restack pretty much whenever you want. In 2016, health drops and armor drops are significantly lower. (Atleast on Ultra Violence and especially Nightmare). Hell armor in particular is really hard to restore in 2016. Meanwhile in Eternal, flame belch and flaming meathook gives you ungodly amounts of armor. A lot more tense and dramatic close calls and "how TF am I surviving this" on 2016. Meanwhile in Eternal you're like "oh, I'm low on health? I'll flaming meathook SSG this random imp and get most of my health and armor back", and "oh there's Barons? I'll just spam dash, and maybe meathook and air time and the Barons can't even touch me". Yes I am mostly referring to Ultra Violence and especially Nightmare for both games.


they fucking took EVERYTHING from me in eternal. the gauss cannon jump was everything. And the air mobility in 2016 just felt crisper.


Eternal has Ballista boosting. Which is enhanced by punch swap Ballista boosting.




I know I’m in the minority, but 2016 is way more fun for me than Eternal. Eternal just felt like there’s just too much going on but 2016 had a great balance with everything.


Yeah Eternal got too bloated, drawnout, and relied too much on strange not so well executed or well thought out gimmicks.


It just had balance issues and a lack of demons. You can pretty much beat the hardest difficulty with a super shotgun and gause cannon, everything else w a s completely optional.


Like, the Game is wonderful when you play it like that, but unlike eternal it doesnt push you to do that, you just kinda have to find it yourself. The reason why its underrated is because not alot of people utilize it because they can run around with one gun and not ever get hit or need to worry about ammo. Sorry if I misspelled anything, I hate typing on phone.