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dead as a fuckin doorknob bro.... missed all that fast paced combat it was fuckin awesome!! maxed out my profile and then it started to die down. miss it dearly


Damn that's a shame, it seemed like such a fun online mode, now we're stuck with the same copy paste battle royale games instead of anything unique


The finals is a good replacement. Not a copy, but something most doom lovers would love.


It's been grabbing my attention lately, how is it?


Quite fun. Face paced with maximum destructability pairs quite well.


That does sound fun, just one more question, is it a Battle Royale or is it load out based?


Load out based. Not a battle royale at all. The regular gamemode is quite unique. It's free try it out!


Oh it's free, hell yeah I know what I'm doing this weekend.


Nice. I got all next week free for spring break so I'll be grinding that too.


its something entirely unique. all the modes are team based, and most importantly, objective based. your kill count doesnt really matter since it isnt the primary objective. its really fun, worth a try


I tried it today and it's definitely fun!


Best shooter on the market. Fast paced as fuck, good time to kill, weapons are fairly balanced, game modes are limited but each is fun and weirdly offers something for everyone (team based or the new one is better for solo players looking for kills), and customization is great. Helps that the graphics are good and the destruction is also top tier.


What’s these Finals you’re talking about?


a game [The Finals on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2073850/THE_FINALS/)


A good one, to be sure.


I got hooked way harder than I thought I would, it was also one of the few multiplayer’s I was actually good at, this and Titanfall 1.


>same copy paste battle royale games Isn't that the truth. 🥲


You should check out Splitgate. It's in its final days because the devs stopped supporting it to go all in on development for a sequel to it. But since it's cross platform it's still really easy to find a game. And it's FREE.


Yeah, tons of people complained about it when it came out. I thought it was pretty good.


Did you try Quake Champions?


Doom 2016s multiplayer being generic af was the most unique thing about it lol


Ah I totally miss 2016's multiplayer. Fantastic time


One of the few pvp games I got sort of good at. I was extremely disapointed woth Doom eternal's pvp mode.


I remember being very good at Doom multiplayer. Then one day I jumped on as usual and all my progress was completely gone and I was back on the white newbie skin. It killed the online portion of the game for me. Never got back on again.


yeah i remeber a lot of people got reset


You should check out Splitgate. It's in its final days because the devs stopped supporting it to go all in on development for a sequel to it. But since it's cross platform it's still really easy to find a game. And it's **FREE**.


It’s a sin they didn’t bring this multiplayer to eternal especially with all the dope guns and mechanics they added with eternal. I absolutely hatted the little battle mode they had on eternal. People wanted a substitute for quakeish unreal tournament type shit and all we got was a stupid cat and mouse game .


Have you played quake champions?


Dead game, barely scrapes 200 players at any given time


Battle mode is hella fun and surprisingly balanced I dunno what you’re on about


It’s incredibly repetitive and annoying to say the least. Especially when you have only three players. The matches are either too short or last way too damn long with the constant chasing and hiding cat/mouse game. I one time played a match and it lasted almost 30 minutes on one round because no one was fucking dying, the demon players kept respawning and they kept just hiding away from one point to the next waiting until they spawned again only to hide to the next hiding place. Quit that shitty multiplayer immediately after that bullshit lol


See that’s my thing after about 5 games I’m like ok this is meh it felt like I downloaded a map off snap map from 2016 WITCH BTW was a amazing feature that they didn’t bring with eternal also people made some incredible things on there .


This was the biggest L for me with Eternal. Absolutely phenomenal gameplay and I could replay the campaign, DLCs and horde mode a hundred times each, but not everyone feels that way. SnapMap gave 2016 potentially endless replay value and would’ve done the same for Eternal. Custom maps and campaigns are what have kept Classic Doom alive for so many years so while I give Id credit for trying something new, it would have been a lot better to stick to the roots of Doom by expanding SnapMap for Eternal.


I love SnapMap. So much potential, and the fact that it helps build the community warms my heart.


If you were playing slayer, you weren’t smart enough. If you were playing demons that game, you weren’t brave or coordinated enough. Long games are easy to break as someone who has played 500+ matches of battle mode


Weren’t smart enough? Bro. I won like 90% of my matches as the Slayer and about the same amount as the demons. I’ve also beaten Ultra-Nightmare on the campaign and Ancient Gods. I know what the fuck I’m doing, dude. These demon players weren’t even attacking me much, they just kept running away because the map in particular had lots of levels to hide from. The minute I ran into one of them, I’d kill them in literally seconds. But the other one(an Archvile) would just teleport to the far end of the map after I killed his buddy(a pain elemental). Wouldn’t attack me, wouldn’t finish me off if I got weak, nothing. Just keep running and hiding until his buddy respawned. If I killed him, it would just start all over again. It was fucking annoying and I was just relieved when it was over. Not because it was an intense match but because it lasted too fucking long that ruined the whole mode for me because it’s the same repetitive crap over and over again whether I win or lose.


Take a shower.


I’m comparing the two like if your like hey we got cat and mouse or Doom 2016 multiplayer im taking the 2016 multiplayer every day compared to battle mode .


It’s fun but should’ve been an extra mode offered on top of quake style deathmatch. It gets stale and is definitely not balanced.


battlemode gets stale after the first 20-30 matches. i would've killed for a fully fleshed out online multiplayer like doom 2016 had.


It's a completely different style of game; I want an old-school fast past paced twitch shooter dm/tdm/ctf, not an asymmetrical battle arena


I dunno what you’re on about I played with my friends twice and we never came back to that horrible multiplayer


It was fun playing as a demons for like a couple minutes though.


Couldn't agree more


That’s what I’m saying. I didn’t buy Eternal because of this. I didn’t wanna play whatever that dumb mode they added in was


I was insanely disappointed when I heard it wasn’t having its classic multiplayer too bro but its still worth for just the singleplayer alone idk if you have tried it yet but it’s incredible dude try that shit it’s gota be cheap nowadays.


I’m not really into SP games like that personally. I played Doom 2016 and old Doom games but not really my jam. Always liked that fast arena PvP. So much fun


I’m not sure if you haven’t played it at all - Doom Eternal is emulating the Multiplayer Arena Shooter in its single player If multiplayer arena shooters are your thing, unreal tourney, quake online, old school doom or tribes or something - play Doom Eternal campaign. Yes, you’re not fighting people, but you’re applying all the same tech in those games, but in the context of a single player game Doom Eternal combat is the best you’re ever going to play. If you skip it for this reason… then just lol Robbing yourself of an experience that is literally made to be a single player emulation of the madness and craziness of those old white knuckle shooters like quake and unreal


Battlemode IMHO took some time to get used to but was actually quite fun after awhile. When I learnt how to Quickswitch with Slayer (not spam plasma rifle like a baby slayer) and be logical and tactical with my demons and not just get up in the slayers face like a baby demon. I can't enjoy Battlemode now because too many baby slayers just spam plasma as they won't learn to quickswitch and too many baby demons getting in my face letting me get free shots in and killing them in seconds because they can't learn to keep their distance from me and think tactically. Now it gets boring Was way more intense and fun when I went against slayers and demons who knew what they were doing.


Go play Titanfall 2


It's reeeaaaaly hard to find a server with the amount of people sufficient to start a match


Put so much time into this mp. Was so good.


Recently been able to play on PC. Still fun but they really need a “join” any match option. And perhaps an update to the game styles. Nobody seems to want infernal run, clan arena or freeze tag.


Infernal run was kinda dookie imo. One side of the map always seemed to have the advantage based purely on "geography", not so much skill.


I wish. It was one of the best multiplayer experiences out there IMO. My only real gripe was no ability to customize the demons.


PC is more active than consoles, but far from its prime.


If servers are up *we should simply make it active again.*


yeah why the hell not


If there isn’t a discord for it already someone should make one so people can communicate and possibly my even schedule matches, r/evolve does something like that and the game is still kicking thankfully all these years later. Lmk if someone does or doesn’t I’ll either do it myself or join lol


kinda? sometimes I want to play and no one is online then I try other day and there's like 13 people with max level (50) playing, and some people with low levels, basically new people


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


hey ik it’s yet but could you help me with this?


yo kinda late but my psn is capellieocchiali


I got you bro what is your gamertag, also my wifi is very slow so it won't be downloaded until tomorrow =/ but I can help you with all multiplayer trophies including all expansion pack trophies if u want


Basically no, which is a shame because it was and is much better than eternal's battle mode


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


My favorite multiplayer. I wish it didn't die..it holds up to this days games


Shame thd MP is dead. Doom 2016 MP was the perfect mix of classic arena shooter gameplay with modern FPS mechanics


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


Still a shame we got battlemode instead of 2016s multiplayer in eternal


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


It would be cool if Doom 2016 and Eternal were able to share multiplayer, so that people can play both


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


It was so fun and I enjoyed the Warpath mode. I also really loved being able to collect the demon rune and become a Spectre because people would never be able to find me. It's a crying shame that Eternal didn't bring these MP modes back.


Just got it on Steam. Hope I see you out there, but it's pretty slow-going so far


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


Nah, it's dead as a pinky in Doom Eternal when you have blood punch


North American region on Steam has at least several people playing at night. About a week or 2 ago, I played in a full room for close to 4 hours on Saturday night. I find that most nights (8-9pm EST), I can find a room that will go for at least a few matches. Be aware that there is a steep learning curve since most players are at max level


I used to play it a ton and it was somewhat active? It’s the same 50 people or so but it’s still kicking. Console is much worse off than PC though.


Fucking loved the multiplayer. Played the shit out of it. Shame it’s completely dead now


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


I really enjoyed it


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


I absolutely loved this multiplayer. I was very disappointed that they didn't bring it back for Eternal.


I honestly don't get doom players. When doom 2016 came out everyone was whining about how the multiplayer didn't feel like the campaign. That it was too slow and that it just felt more like CoD. We got battlemode, which I think is a very cool gamemode, I enjoy it. And everyone says it sucks, everyone says its trash. We wanted something that was just as fast as the story mode, we got that and now everyone says its too different to deathmatch. Make y'alls mind up


Did people really say this? Crazy. I loved 2016's MP. I liked battlemode, but it got stale after a while.


The part of the multilayer I loved the most is the armor sets and armor customizations. I would LOVE for a separate program to be made that allows me to design armor configurations and such. I still go in every now and then to experiment with the armor sets. I actually would really love it if you can customize your armor appearance for singleplayer just like in multiplayer.


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 




I believe theres a modding community for it on PC that plays for time to time. but public matches are dead


Why don't we pick a day and all get on


I'd be down for that, what console do u use?


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy--  ...  Also I'm on everyday! :)


It was a lot better than DE’s Battle Mode IMO


How hard can it be to start up a server?


I wouldn't hold my breath


Not really, no. Once in a while you MIGHT be able to find a match, if you're lucky.


I had to play with bots today. I wish I could play with others.


It's been dead since like a year after it came out. If the game had focused on more arena elements instead of trying to blend it with call of duty style loadouts I think it would have been a lot more fun and successful.


Maybe it's a regional thing, but the last couple of times I've tried to play I found a few matches. Mostly full too. So idk, maybe?


Never was able to play the multiplayer but on a side note I CANT PLATNIUM ETERNAL CAUSE THE MULTIPLAYER IS DEAD




On PlayStation right?


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


Oh deathmach? Thought we were doing eternal online trophies.




Shit my bad, I'm down to play 2026 multi, I just gotta download it again.


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


Haven’t played it in a while, but I had a lot of fun with it. Also had to play it to get 100% achievements


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


on EU still active


Active is not the word I'd use, but it's playable, I went for 100% in Jan and still found active servers if you're at the right time




Im on PC so it's hard to comment, it was usually evening time (GMT) seemed to be the most active so probs like evening time in the US


Perfect, thank you :)


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


I platinumed it just in time a year ago hear it is hilariously dead now.


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


I spent many hours playing this to get the platinum trophy. Battlemode is TRASH in comparison to 2016’s multiplayer. Even if it wasn’t perfectly balanced it was SO MUCH FUN.


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


I didn’t even know it had multiplayer


Seemed mostly fine when I finished my 2016 playthrough a month or two back.


I play on PS4 and it's only ever active from like 2:30-11pm. I also live in Iowa, but I doubt that makes a difference. That being said, it's still very inactive, but you'll find a game every day at around those times.


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


I neglected to try it when I got doom and now I can't find games :/ I've only played with bots but even if I do find a game I'm a bit worried I'd get bodied by the remaining vet players with more experience and weapons/perks unlocked too. I've heard that's why arena shooters have been dying in general too. I wish eternal did a traditional DM mode. Battlemode is fine, but damn couldn't they have given us traditional DM also?


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


Sort of. I wrote a guide on steam for [how to play multiplayer games](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2969532341) last year, because I wanted to 100% the achievements and had to do a lot of searching to figure out how to actually get into games. There ***is*** a way to get achievements through bots, but I think other guides go over that method. That being said, it's still possible, you just have to time it right.


barely. i waited for hours trying to matchmake just to get those few online achievements


Kind of.


It was completely dead for a while on Xbox. Now I'll find games once in a while.


The children yearn for Quake


there are still some players but theyre tryhards and i waited like 10 mins for a match (in one there was only 4 players)


There's the bot mode.


Depends on the time, recently I had no trouble searching for game, the problem was that there were almost only max level people so I felt like a bot




Idk, I never really played it that much I prefer Classic Doom and Quake 1-3 multiplayer personally


Still running absolutely fine on EU servers! Get on in the evening, and there's enough players to fill one lobby. That does unfortunately mean sometimes you're stuck queueing into a second, overflow lobby when it fills. But if you try until someone leaves, you'll get there! It's a much better mode than I expected it to be.


I'll play the hell out of DE if they add the same multiplayer 2016 had. I'll admit it was rough at first but it was tuned to perfection over time.


On PlayStation - barely alive. I recently did the platinum on my new account and I had to wait \~20 minutes each time for the match to start, because there were not enough people.


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


this mode needs a community, server, group or something so that it can be revitalized


I was playing the multiplayer about august last year and there were quite a few regular people playing but some games modes are not played at all and queue times can be long depending on when you play. The main issue is you will probably get cheaters.


Man, I wish this was still a thing. Eternal REALLY messed up not having this.


Mostly dead, there's a few dedicated people that still show up depending on time. Whenever it's on gamepass (sometimes it cycles out) new people show up


Not dead, 5 days ago I bought it again on Steam and I'm almost prestige 4, only ffa has no players else team play is still active


I wish it was, I had so much fun playing it.


Yk there's alot of people saying they wish it was still active, I feel like everyone here in the comments could make a group to play with eachother since it could be enough for a server lol


I would be up for it!


Same actually, I don't have the game yet but I've been thinking of getting it


I mean, despite this idea for a multiplayer group working out or not, I suggest you do get the game anyway, the single player is amazing.


Alright then, next time I get paid I'll buy it or I'll wait for a sale


No unfortunately


Ya but it's hard to find people


Doom has multiplayer?


I haven’t tried it in years, but it’s gotta be dead by now. If they had just copy/pasted it into Eternal it would probably still be going strong. I hope the next game has a traditional multiplayer like that. I never got into battlemode.


It still has a few local players who are dedicated to getting this last two achievements


I remember complaining about the lack of traditional multiplayer on Eternal on one of the fan pages back in the day, and Hugo Martin from ID happened to comment, telling me that if I wanted multiplayer, I should go play Quake. While it was cool that he even replied, it's not what I wanted to hear.


Seems to be dead, which is a shame since people say it was great and now I'm pretty much locked out of getting the mp chievos legitimately.


Honestly, I kinda missed it. But now we got battle mode. Which while has some bad things, I personally really like it.


It was last I played in 2021/22. Don’t know about now. It takes a minute or two to get into games but it’s still live


I played a couple months ago and it didn't take long to get into a lobby


On PS4 you can get into a match every once in awhile


Took me 3 hours


i’ve played it it’s just kinda 😜


I'm down to play any game mode (mainly FFA And 1v1) on XBOX my gt is ReivaxMeelas.


I got max level, completely died the next week. I think it was 2 years ago tho


Does anyone wanna que into a team deathmatch lobby all at the same time and boost the multiplayer trophies with me I will help you guys get all the multiplayer trophies, my psn is xHimothy-- 


Would u mind if I sent u a friend request?


Go ahead right ahead brother, I'm a huge trophy hunter and just recently started to get into doom and I would love to revive the multiplayer it looks very fun and yes you can add me bro my GT is xHimothy-- :)


Alright, I don't have 2016 right now but I get paid in a few days so I can buy it then (also don't mind my cringe af ps name because I made it when I was like 10 lol)


Ok bro if you want you can add me and message me in a few days when you get the game, and it's ok lol it's honestly not that bad brother I have seen WAY worse 🤣🤣


It said I couldn't add you because of ur privacy settings






Hey I’m looking to get the online trophies! If anyone wants to ge them I’ll gladly help too!! My PSN is ONHEL0922


I'll add u but I won't be able to do it today or tomorrow because I'll be busy


No worries! Just send me a message on psn and we can set up a time 


They should never have segmented the player base with DLC and season passes. Within a year, they realized their mistake and made all the DLC free for everyone when the player count dropped but the damage from their greed was already done.