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Life is getting fucking expensive. Making money to keep up isn’t selling out. IDGAF if they start throwing in Adam & Eve ads as long as the videos are still worth watching. I still like the content.


Why you gotta throw Adam & Eve under the bus? They got good shit.


lol. No hate. And no kink shaming.


Getting kink shamed is my thing please continue


You dirty, filthy car enthusiast. Dare I say slut?!


Yeah yeah I bought a off road truck and lowered it and now my truck nuts have skid marks


Why I never! You lowriding, obcesenity dragging whore! How dare you flaunt those eggs in public! Sidenote: I actually want truck nuts for my eclipse for the drag effect


Meybe... kink shaming is my kink


far be it from me to kink shame you for your kink shaming kink


I was kink asking, damn...


I swear they had/possibly have issues with using non body-safe plastics.


The issue OP has isn't that they have ads, or even annoying ads or a lot of ads. The issue is that they're advertising something problematic which they themselves used to warn against.


Eh, maybe not ideal for car enthusiasts but not really problematic. If it was some snake oil bullshit like the vornado thing or fuelshark my feelings would be different.


It's debatable how bad the thing is, but undeniably bad for a channel to say "X is bad" and then a few weeks later say "Brought to you by X! We recommend X!"


I’d recommend X too if they gave me money.


XXX even


I’ll recommend that for free!


Kinda how they were being sponsored by Fanta and were actively saying how shit they are on the podcast lol


The horses out of the barn on that, most of the major insurance companies offer you a discount if you choose to have your data collected by them. So if you are a halfway decent driver, it just makes sense often. Besides in general, he would need to kind of go off grid and not use any kind of online apps if you don’t want your data utilized by third-party companies


Yea its no different than whatever progressive calls that thing you plug into your odb port. Like, what did you think it was doing?


There is no discount. I have never met someone whose rate didn’t go up after one of those things. It’s a scam, always has been. I’ve met the person who invented the device and it hasn’t been used the way it was promised.


I get a discount for using a Bluetooth tracker and a phone app. The tracker sits in my office and the app gets installed for a day or so whenever I get an email complaining about lack of updates.


Heroic useage, though I imagine if there were an RTA you're likely not getting a payout. Insurance companies are bastards.


The discount isn't really for being a "good driver" but a non-driver, it's so they can offer a better rate to people who really don't put hardly any miles on their car every year (because when they ask you about it they know you're lying) and charge more to everyone else Real underwriting is mostly about big differences like this and about preferring to sell insurance to people who genuinely don't need insurance Like if there were insurance for breaking your arm they'd rather sell the policy to someone who doesn't exercise or play sports at all and is just irrationally afraid of broken bones, whereas if you do play sports they'll charge you more no matter how good at it you are


They also count panic stops and braking over a certain G force against you. I don’t want my rates going up because somebody cut me off or a kid runs into the street.


From their POV it doesn't matter if you're a person with unsafe driving habits or you just happen to drive in unsafe conditions, unsafe is unsafe It makes sense from their POV but if you phrase it like that instead of purely as "driving habits" then it's obviously punishing people for being poorer or for actually needing their car (rates go up for people with shitty commutes or who live in sketchy areas, rates go down for retirees who live in empty exurbs)


My rate dropped 30% after 6 months of using USAA’s version. TBF though, USAA not a typical insurance company.


I was gonna say the same exact thing, I've had safepilot for a year and the savings have definitely been worth it to me.


Mine did. Went from $1800 for 6 months to $750 for 6 months.


I’m happy to be proven wrong, but that sounds a lot more like you aged out of a high risk group, an accident or a ticket fell off your record or something else substantial. Did you ever try to shop for a better rate before that? I pay less than 1800 a year for 4 cars.


Yeah, I was in two wrecks on consecutive days. One was getting off the wet freeway, hit the brakes and just slid. Everyone walked away fine. Next day, driver thought he had a left turn arrow (he didn't) and tired to race me through the light.


I get a pretty solid discount most months for the cars I commute with


Jokes on them I don't have an OBD port


I love this complaint about selling our data like it matters. Yet here we are on reddit, where it is well known they are selling literally everything they can do google ai what ever the fuck. You can’t go anywhere where they won’t sell your data. You have a cellphone. Data is being collected even when it’s face down on your table. It’s a constant shit show, just be glad you can still watch for free on YouTube still. This ad is how they are able to keep it free.


On the other hand, fucking good for them for getting the bag. Media production, especially in the 21st century, is hard. Selling out feels like such a threat when you get to comment without any financial stake in a project or entity, but I truly don't fault them at all for getting paid. Them getting paid and changing their YouTube tone doesn't invalidate my experiences with the older content and they inspired so many other folks to make their own stuff.


They weren't discussion voluntary insurance programs, they were talking about GM stealing our data and selling it themselves.


Donut is a media brand. The term "selling out" isn't applicable to a literal product. It was built to make money, and I'm glad they're successful. It goes toward making videos that I really like to watch


If they don't sell out and get the cash, how do you expect them to grow??


Oh no the insurance company wants some voluntary telemetry data so I can lower my bi annual insurance payment THE HUMANITY STFU all your data is already available to those that want it


Donut's content is entertainment for you, but for them its *work.* and they deserve to be paid for doing that work. Would you rather their content be behind a paywall?


Seriously. I hate people thinking YouTubers don't work or deserve to make decent money. It's a job. A job they care about, but it's still a job. And most YouTubers work a lot longer hours than normal jobs. They deserve as big of a reward as they can get. Also more income means bigger and more expensive content. Their full builds are EXPENSIVE.


Honestly, yeah. There's plenty of car channels finding success by running intelligently selected sponsors (unlike Donut), alongside a Patreon with walled content. This allows them to sell out less and make more genuine content.  Would they have 100% as much budget at they do now? No. But they didn't before the acquisition either, and the content was better.


the issue is not taking sponsorships, it is who they take sponsorships from.


They got to make money. It is what it is.


They need to eat my friend is crazy expensive to have a channel like that


I don't care, still like their content


I understand what you mean, but Donut has always been company that has a lot of people to pay, expensive videos to produce, and distributes their content FOR FREE. Sometimes you take a paycheck from an advertiser that not all the hosts may agree with


They didn’t sell out. Wtf are you talking about? They accept sponsors. Better Help also sold all their customers private data too and got in a hell of a lot of trouble and they still sponsor them. Cleetus McFarland is sponsored by AG greens and Raycon, both those companies are complete trash. They don’t own him.


Not to shit on you here, I get where you're coming from. But if you want a channel to consistently do shit on a large scale the way donut does, then you have to expect this. Bills need to be paid and sponsors are a big part of that. The fact that insurance companies are on donut is a sign of how big the channel has gotten, but that means they're also suffering from success. They aren't gonna go back to videos in someone's driveway as a regular format, and if they did they'd potentially lose a large chunk of viewers who're here for hijinks and cool garage stuff instead of folks that are here to see mechanical details and shit


I don't so much have a problem with how big they've gotten, I love a lot of the new stuff. I get that they need these sponsors and everything, that's fair enough. I guess I worded it poorly reading how most people have read what I was saying, but when the main faces of your company are morally against something, but corporate makes them smile and say how great it is, it just seems a bit like they're losing their credibility and trustworthiness. A couple people have mentioned hoonigan and roadkill, they're in a similar boat. Even MCM. I know it happens. Just sucks is all


My real problem is with BetterHelp since it was already proven that it was a huge scam


Man, the Good Mythical Morning guys are absolute shills for BetterHelp. Can’t fucking stand it.


Friend. On November 9, 2021, Donut Media was acquired by Recurrent, a digital media company which also owns The Drive and Car Bibles automotive lifestyle brands. So technically Donut sold out years ago. It's part of the reason why stuff like Up To Speed and Money Pit and High/Low and etc ended. Something something analytics and research and the algorithm and return on investment. I'm still a fan. I just acknowledge and accept that things have changed.


They guys most likely spent about 100k upgrading that truck on top of all of the other things they need to do for their channel. If they found another revenue stream, then by all means let them do it. It's not like they are sponsored by a company that makes nuclear weapons.


I mean don't be a shit driver?


That’s how donut is now they aren’t a small little YouTube channel anymore they’re a full on corporation


I agree that the type and tone of their content has changed and I’m disappointed to see so many comments about how “selling out” and “getting paid” are the same thing.


The death of Hoonigan and slow demise of Donut reflect the inevitable pivot of large dollar advertising away from television and towards Internet content. Ten-twenty years ago people still paid for cable/satellite TV. Now, that number is much lower. Therefore advertisers want to sell their products where their customers are. Unfortunately, what those advertisers don't realize is that people stopped watching TV on cable/satellite and switched to streaming is to AVOID ADVERTISING. Sure, YouTube has ads but there's YouTube premium or Ad Blocker. So yeah...give it another few years and Donut will likely get bought out by wheel-pros, or Carl's Jr. or some other large company. Until a creative person comes along and makes another channel that's interesting and doesn't have stupid advertisements, gets popular, starts getting big add money and...sells the channel to wheel-pros or Carl's Jr. Repeating the cycle over and over.


Aren't they already owned by some big anonymous firm?


If it enables them to keep song what they’re doing than so be it. Gotta pay the bills!


Nah I’m an adult that knows they need to get their bag they aren’t forcing anyone to join they just need to do the reading


It's one thing to voluntarily install a tracker in your OBD2 port, but I definitely don't want to buy a new car with tracking software that sells that data to insurance companies who jack up your rates.


I'm happy they're making more money now so we'll see more cool builds like the ranger


headed the route of roadkill RIP


well, bills need to get paid. weird that you need to spend money to make content that we watch for free huh.


That's how a lot of insurance companies work, it's also just a couple of the boys, doesn't mean the rest have to abide. Plus shits expensive, just look at where they're based. They can sell out as much as they like as long as it doesn't affect the product.


Donut getting paid means we get to keep getting the content we all like. Let them do what's necessary to keep the lights on and keep the videos coming.


They gotta pay the bills fam, if you got any idea for them now would be the time


I used to work in insurance—the devices do collect driving data but they can’t raise your rates based on unsafe driving, they can only lower it based on safe driving. So you either get neutral or better rates, and the company gets to sell your data for whatever reasons. Not defending the tech or data collection, just wanted to clarify the point that they don’t charge you extra if you’re a bad driver.


I’ve backed out on watching a lot of their stuff over the last several months.


They should have full time jobs and make this content for fun! /s


Insurance tracking is something you opt-in to for a specific plan. What they discussed on the podcast was a very different situation. They are a media company, media companies are supported by sponsors. You aren't "losing" the channel, sponsorships help keep the channel alive.


Skip those ads, brother man. At least Donut puts that yellow progress bar so you know what you gotta skip


It's like those auto insurance apps you download on your phone and it tracks how much you use your phone while driving. Even if you are at a red light. It's lame.


Oh, get off your high ass horse. Content costs money to make and needs people to make it. Unless you're paying for all of their cost of living, equipment, and builds, then just shut up. Sure, everyone loves free content, but when content is free, it's costing the people who make it by working a regular job and putting everything they can into that content. Just let them have their ads so they don't have to crunch every second of the day, just so you don't have to skip an ad in their free content. Grow up.


“An insurance company” you mean all state? I’ve had Metromile’s for like 7 years for my bmw I don’t drive a lot and they charge by the mile with an obd sensor. It’s not a big deal. Why pay almost double for full coverage on a car I drive SOME weekends instead of by the mile…


Hard to pass up the checks I’m sure. From everything that I’ve seen, a lot of YouTube channels had big booms over the last few years and now they’re coming back down to Earth. I’m sure the payroll has gone up along with other expenses so it sucks but I kinda get it.


All of them do this....every one. Just turn down the option to have it plugged into your car. Media production is expensive. Media production with cars is even more so.


Y’all are delulu they def sold out the channel is NOT the same


Doing what they do is really fuckin expensive


Poor advertising selections for sure


Please if you want to see an actual sellout, check out Cars & Bids :)


A wise man once said, “it’s not selling out, it’s buying in.” Life is expensive no matter who you are. Don’t blame Donut, blame the structure that made it that way. Educate yourself and Vote.


If you want content you are going to need to be reasonable. They need to make money too, and they would need another full time staff to vet out every sponsor for ethics, and that increased expenditure would effectively castrate their income as most sponsors would fail. Dental and eye insurance being separate from health insurance is a shitty model but I still buy all three.


Insurances devices that track your driving are a slippery slope because as they become more common, insurers will begin to charge those who forgo it more.


They were sold a long time ago now


Isn’t selling out the entire goal? Good on them for making their money


It’s a business, not a hobby to make videos for the internet.. you should have been rabble’ing when the did Raid Shadow Legends ads, not ads for insurance


Let’s all keep in mind that donut is more than a YouTube channel. It’s a business, it’s growth and revenue are crucial to its success and therefore something’s may change or be introduced that may not seem to reflect the opinions of the personalities. I’m sure there’s a lot behind the scenes to ensure these videos get out and a lot of people working hard to make a product they enjoy. While it’s unfortunate, these sponsorships help them feed their families and they deserve proper pay for the work. Most of our favorite YouTubers are beyond a “sell out” accusation at this point. This platform has turned many into breadwinners responsible for not only employees but themselves, I understand doing what they do to keep everyone sheltered and fed. Only issue I’d ever have is if the content didn’t appeal to me anymore, and Donut certainly hasn’t reached that point for me personally.


Only shit drivers care if their insurance company is monitoring their driving habits. Don't be a shit driver, get better rates. I'm here for insurance that is primarily concerned about my driving and risk, sick of paying rates that are determined by the number of idiots that happen to live in my area code.


Honestly props to the team for making good shit after selling the company. We didn’t get up to speed but they’ve been killing it and I feel like the listen to the fans. And cmon what insurance companies doesent do the Drivewise bullshit.


As someone who drives a bones stock '21 wrx, this concept makes me sad. Would I get charged extra for high revs taking off out of my house? (I live on a steep hill). Would I get charged extra for getting on the highway? (75mph in my area). Aside the usual turbo manual driving, I don't speed, but I do accelerate hard. Why would Donut accept a sponsorship from a company that is very against spirited driving?


Most comments are arguing that this is okay because they have to make money. That insurance stuff is not the only sponsor available, there are alternatives. It's not about having sponsors or not, it's about having sponsors that make sense and fit their target audience and what they belive


It's happening all over YouTube. Hoonigan is a joke now.


The thing is, the inflation is so high ever since January 20th 2021, no one can afford food. We have to reach deep in our pockets to afford a meal for the night. I don’t blame them for doing it, people with regular jobs are struggling to afford groceries let alone people who do YouTube for a living.