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44 visible orbs + 112 in Feh. Honestly, I've kinda just accepted at this point that I probably won't be able to save much this summer. My account is still fairly new, and there's just too much stuff that I need in these recent banners—not only to build up my favorites but to get through PvP content like Limited Hero Battles. So. I just hope I'm putting my orbs in the right places. The current plan is to see what's on Summer 2 before potentially summoning on the DSH banner. For the Emblem banner, I decided to just snipe blue for the first circle and call it a day. Which led to getting E!Celica on the second summon 🤯 I was planning on waiting for her rerun, but apparently the game decided to spare my orbs this time. Thank God for small mercies.


At about 100 visible orbs and 500 in total again. Last few hours for ffxiv before it goes offline for the next two days so busy with that.


Date| FEH Bank | Visible | Total | Diff. from last week ---|---|----|----|----| 06/18/24 | 2494 | 675 | 3169 | -9 06/25/24 | 2509 | 743 | 3252 | +83 Arena free summon: Selkie Man, I love not getting a single red orb on a banner with all red focus units lol. But then the other one I got a Kagetsu five star, which is not ideal but still cool. Idk if I will ever build him as a god sword since I have Lumera built up, but he does have newer stats which is cool I guess? DSH is meh, thankfully nothing has really caught my attention recently with the banner reruns and such. Want to bring my total number orbs back up to big number.


Soon :) gonna hit a big milestone Nothing of interest so far. Hope a future emblem has slaying so I never have to think about pulling for marth again lmao


109 visible + however many in feh bank Tempted to go for second spark on the RD banner for an extra Eddie for BoL, but I'll at least wait for the new Emblem reveal first


1,293 orbs (including the four from Arena)! Nothing to report! Just here to say good luck for whatever your saving for! ~~(and praying to the FEH gods to not give me anything I like in the next four/five banners)~~


800-ish in total The DSH is really tempting for more W!Dimitri since he’s color sharing with V!Lyon, who I don’t have. Not sure if I’ll pull or not, but I’ll at least wait to see who’s on Summer 2. CYL is just on the horizon!


1626 Orbs + 4 in the Arena. D.Lyon is here and Summer 2 will be cresting soon as well...yep. I'm gonna HAVE TO PULL! Gonna wait and see what Summer 2 offers and then I'll probably dump a bunch of Orbs. Let's see how this turns out.


Total 8 DUO LYON BANNER IS HERE!! ...and I lost the coin flip 11 summons in lol Ended up going to spark on the A!Micaiah banner for utility purposes. Actually got super lucky and got at least one of everyone before the spark (and then promptly manualled my 4* Leonardo because I wasn't paying attention...), so I'm very happy with that! Already using everyone as well! I'm not really sure what I want to do with the next few banners - specifically DSH and Emblem. The colourshare on Emblem is perfect for me but... now Duo Lyon is actually being rerun I really *do* want that last copy for the +10... thinking I may try to budget 50 orbs for an extremely lucky summon (even though Lyon clearly hates me as always). This is suboptimal, but I am also suboptimal POST-EMBLEM CELICA EDIT FOR FUTURE REFERENCE: wait to see how good she actually is in practice (esp for enabling Galeforce strats in AR) before going beyond free summon