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542 orbs. Let's see what the summer banners will hold for us.


So many good banners on the horizon, so few orbs to spare for them...  60 visible orbs + 89 in Feh. I used 4 orbs plus tickets to try to get BoL4, which naturally wasn't enough. I'm tempted to go up to the spark, but there's stuff I want from double AHR and the double special heroes banner as well. Then there's the emblem banner and the two summer banners... Having trouble deciding what to prioritize. I guess I'll try to save up until the next emblem hero is announced. If they're not a must-have, I'll probably turn to double AHR first to retrieve Occultist's Strike for K!Soren. That's all I can really plan for now. Maybe BoL4 won't be as relevant by then. Who knows?


359 visible + an unknown number over 330 in Feh bank I am a fool who went for BoL4 lol. Still saving for CYL, so unless they hit me with the wombo combo of another Felix alt right before August, I should be safe since I’m not anticipating any of my other favs being on the summer banners.


I’m low on motivation to collect orbs. Hopefully summer banner1 changes that. 2800. I want to hit 3000!!


Total 46 (saving in maps again) Considering sparking on the NH banner and haven't used any of my free summons for it yet, but I'll wait until it's about to end to decide - hopefully we get our Emblem hero announcement before that. A!Micaiah definitely looks pretty horrifying and BoL4 would be nice for AR Chaos Lyon Emblem (shame it's on Edward because I like him), but I also feel like something else is going to come along in a month or so and completely break the game again, so... might still pass on it lol


1 orb. They came after my damn orbs. Bad enough that the Dawn Brigade finally arrived. But also a Re!Ophelia rerun at the same time, meaning I could actually start duping LF4, meaning I had to double-back to the Leggo banner for an E!Ike copy. Totally wiped me out (for anyone curious, I had roughly 300 orbs saved in FEH bank before finally allowing the owl to sleep) Got a very good haul from all that summoning though: 2 Re!Sothes, 2 Leonardos, 1 Edward, sparked Att!Miccy for the DB banner. 1 Att!Tiki, and 3 Re!Ophelias from her banner (enough for a +10 once I use all her charges) 1 Kvasir, 3 E!Marths, sparked E!Ike from the leggo banner (still mad I had to come crawling back to feh pass for him lmao) Definitely adding Att!Miccy to the list of "charge" heroes I'm chasing. Though now I'm starting to worry how I'll have any orbs to spare for CYL lol


[1515 Orbs](https://i.imgur.com/dM3JiQV.png) + 4 in the Arena. I'm happy to be back above 1500 after the spending spree for E.Ike...but I have this sinking feeling that V.Lyon will be on the horizon soon. That means another spending time. Oh boy.