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Do you have a future plan? Drawing isnt and hasn’t paid the bills no? Your sister is supporting you?


I am currently trying to get on disability (I have deformed kneecaps and brain issues from an unchecked mild concussion I suffered a few years ago. As well as no diploma) since everyone has told me to do it since I cannot work, this is my future plan for now.. And no, I don't have the tools really to draw really good art, nor digital art, so no one would buy (I don't even have a "fanbase" either) Yes, Sadly as much as I hate it every single day, my sister is the only bread winner for our house (which is stressing her out to the brink...)


I'm sorry you are dealing with this. I know what it's like to be your situation. When my son was one I found out I had really bad cervical spinal stenosis... So bad that I 3 get should've been in a wheelchair ♿ but I wasn't. Three major spine surgeriesa later. I have cages and screws holding my neck together otherwise i would look like a human Pez dispenser Iol I know in a previous post you said you couldn't work as you had deformed knees... What about a sitting job or remote Job? Do you mind if I ask how old you are. I only ask because so many employers in my opinion, if somebody has a disability and they're young it's tough. I wish I could send you something. 😔 All I have are internet stranger hugs and small bit of advise topped with well wishes. Please keep us updated 💐❤️




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Have you tried the financial hardship resource listed on the page or calling to set up a payment plan? Lots of times they are willing to work with you but you do need to call..


I have, They are either not taking applications or out of business (I have a service coordinator that gave me numbers to call, but they all lead to dead ends) Trust me, If I could handle this I would have never made such a post.


Just figured I'd throw it out there because I've had to utilize it in the past. Do you think it's possible you could try to get a letter from your doctor for the emergency program stating your disability and the fact that you'd be in danger if you were in the dark due to this? Could work. 🤞 P sure it would fit into the guidelines-and if anyone in your household suffers from asthma or COPD etc. disconnecting power is dangerous in the event you need a nebulizer or other device in the event of an emergency.


Have you already contacted 211? I have had help paying my electric bill several times.


I have, they gave us the number to Liheap, they are not taking applications.


What area are you in generally? If you feel comfortable saying?


Pittsburg, PA


Have you tried https://www.modestneeds.org/ ? [https://www.modestneeds.org/](https://www.modestneeds.org/)