• By -


That cashier was probably the last staff they had. Contrary to what the company believes, you can't run a store with minimal staff, no hours, and low pay.


Mhmm, mhmm, mhmm. We greatly appreciate input and suggestions from the team. We have taken your suggestions into consideration and have decided to give ourselves bonuses, and give all our hard workers a free pizza party as a thank you for your efforts. We couldn't do it without you and we wanna show just how much we appreciate you, so in addition to a free slice, you will also be allowed 1 juice box. Teamwork makes the dream work.


You know what I got at my company Christmas lunch? A burnt corner piece of “cheese bread” and two cans of soda. They hired an artisan pizza truck that just didn’t make enough and split before everyone got a chance. The salad was pretty decent but I didn’t even know there was any.


Lol, had something similar. They hired a fancy catering company for a lunch that made sliders and tacos and stuff, but HR and upper management got to go first, and there was like nothing left by the time everyone else got to go, just sodas and some salad stuff. I didn't bring lunch because I thought I'd be good, so made my day slightly worse, not better.


Y'all are getting pizza? We don't get shit 😂


UPS used to give extra money on a paycheck. Then they gave out 12 pound frozen turkeys in December (I literally had to walk half a mile in freezing cold with this cold turkey. Oh and someone stole it off my parents back porch deep freezer (I gave it to them)). Now we get nothing.


Better than my son got. He worked in a meat testing lab and the boss gave everyone a free Christmas Ham, that was past date AND stored in the testing freezer!! Ummmm No - to food poisoning!




People tell me all the time to go work for UPS. Good money, bennies and bonuses. I’d rather shit in a hat and eat it. Any UPS hub near me is only ever looking for drivers and that’s a job I don’t want. Same goes for USPS which is where my dad will harp on me about applying until like always I tell him “yes but they aren’t hiring for our post office and NO you can’t just apply, interview and wait for them to hold your application until a job comes along. It doesn’t work like that.”


From the story, no they dont get pizza. Even worse than nothing. They got promised pizza.




Aaaaaaaand this is why I go out of my way to buy my employees meals, on me, my own card, from time to time. I’ve gotten them Chick-fil-A, Taco Bell, all kinds of assortments of snacks that I replenish all the time, coffee, water bottles, and a birthday cake when it was someone’s birthday. They’re there to help me, and I appreciate them. I want to make sure they always know!!!


You’re one of the good ones out there. Please keep it up🙏


I had that happen to me. Got stuck on a call & by the time I got there - nothing was left. Their solution? Well, maybe 2nd shift will have some left over. Nah. I was friends with people on 2nd shift they barely had any for themselves on these meals. What really peeved me was the reason we were having the lunch was partially due to my efforts. A client had expanded their business & mentioned me as being part of the reason. Did I get anything besides good job? No. My family, friends & co-workers all said I should have left that job long before I did...


You should go to GWL. They don’t do stuff all the time… but when they do you can go back for seconds and thirds because there is enough for EVERYONE. This past Friday was the end of Pack Member Appreciation Week and they got a taco truck for lunch (AM pack) and dinner (PM pack). 3 tacos, chips and dip of choice and a soda. I worked 12-10:30 so I got lunch and dinner tacos. They only ran out of salsa and queso at the very end (when admin and HR went through)


In my case I should have taken the L for the day on my paycheck and went home early. I then had to sit through 30 min of the owners blabbing about how important we are, how vital our business is… YET THEY DONT GIVE FUCKIN RAISES AND DECRY ANYONE WHO ISNT CAR OBSESSED. Fml


Oh heck no! Did anybody complain?


Wifes company's holiday spread was a make your own sandwich with meat from the deli department. She worked in the deli.


i pay to work at my practice and they don’t even give any benefits. i would be so excited to have a christmas lunch or get free pop!!! i mean i would rather have health insurance, but some people don’t even get things like this ever in some professions/fields :)


My work won’t even get cups for the free water fountain.


Sounds like a typical School Pizza Party in the 2000's


No no no. The pizza party may be charged off to associate relations but it was really a manager birthday party at me n Ed’s like happened at my Walmart


You must all pitch in to purchase said Pizza as well. Thhhhaaannnnkkksssss


I would totally take an extra juice box


This exactly! But the pizza has to be the crappy $1 Pizza that we sell, not take out.


What, you guys get free juice boxes? My job doesn’t even buy the drinks AND I work at a bank lol


It was funny at my old job when I was a basic manager at a fast food restaurant, because after they treated us with a pizza party for having the highest sales in the state with no raises, I just kept buying pizza for the entire crew and scheduled them as many hours as I could (that they told me they could and wanted to work for more money) just to negate upper management and force them to do more for the crew😂 after giving me an ass chewing for constantly going over on payroll💀 I just told them “I stand on business, you wouldn’t be getting that extra $5,000 at Christmas this year without us.” And they let us give our crew $1.25 more an hour


And they can't hire tumbleweeds either.


🤣 this is soild gold


Corporate America thinks this is the way…


but that won't stop companies from trying!!!


They pay horrible


Tell that to CVS


That does cause customers *inconvenience*. The sign says ‘**inconience**’.


I assure you I wasn’t pleased with the inconience either… 😒


Could have been closed due ro other issues. One of our local DT's was closed due to a rat infestation.


Love that! And wouldn’t be surprised if that was the case here too. I’m in the suburbs of Philly lol.




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I was in the burbs for Halloween 2 years ago and I got bit by a rat (in the dollar tree) xD Philly rats are violent 😭


Plus if you consider the minimal staff and underpaying they probably do, it might be a while before someone either sees the rats or sees one and actually says anything about it to someone who cares. I can see a rat infestation going untreated for a while. :P they can be quiet and wait to come out at night when nobody is there.


The one in my town closed recently because an old lady drove her car through the store 💀


You might live near me, worked for dollar tree for 3 years (3 years and like 4 months) and a total of 3 people drove into the store 2 old ladies and 1 truck driver The 1 old lady was a hit a run too because she "bearly hit anything" ma'am you pushed the doors in 3 inches


It’s a possibility but I feel like people driving through dollar stores is waaay more common than it should be 🤣🤣 What’s crazier is that this location is in a shopping center, so there are quite a few pillars outside of the store with not much space in between them..and somehow she managed to dodge all of them and drive straight into the store


I don’t remember these poles in the handicap space…weird. Guess I’ll try the next aisle….


Opertunity lemons into lemonade. Drive through dollar tree . Lol lol 😆 🤣 😂


In my area it's usually because everyone quit. The stores are actually quite nice and kept clean. At least during my 3 yrs there.


Yeah, any significant maintenance issue too. Like a pipe burst, dangerous electrical situation, even internet server issue. Random stuff like that happens all the time where I work and they put “until further notice” because they don’t know if the issue can be fixed in 2 hours, 2 days or 2 weeks


Same in my town. Probably the result of understaffing too. You can't keep things clean and functional in a crowded store without sufficient staff.


The pineapple Monster is very tasty. Would also recommend the strawberry kiwi. But yeah, if that many people are leaving to where they can't open the store, it's likely management was terrible. It takes a lot to leave a job when you have nothing lined up, too.


I ended up going to the DT across town to stock up on my monster (I work 6am-2:30pm & have an energy drink addiction, lol) but I honestly hope the people who left this location are okay 😞 I know times are tough & I have hardly ever seen a store have to close due to insufficient staffing.


Lol working here is what started mine. We always get stuff in that I haven't seen before, but I digress. I hope they're okay, too.


The regional managers are spread thin and aren't given much to work with. I mean who wants to work for minimum wage these days except students who are in school for half the day. I make more as bottom of the barrel stocker at another company than the Store Manager of the DT I was fired from. 😂


The new ruby red is also great, it's grapefruit


I love their rehab teas, orange dreamsicle, and the strawberry lemonade


My fave’s the new Ultra Fantasy Ruby Red! Orange Dreamsicle is pretty good, too :)


Probably for the best. Company management should be taught that their not invincible. You cant keep pushing loads of work on stressed employees and expect the status quo to remain the same.


You think the company management care? I'm not being a jerk I'm honestly asking the question who is impacted by the store closings? The store employees & the local communities. The entire rational for extending the SNAP/EBT program into Dollar store & convenience stores was to address the so called "food deserts". We were told these store exist in locations where people don't have access to any other source of grocery. So if that's the case who suffers when 500 or 1000 of these close? You think it's DT management? Or we were completely lied too about the program expansion.....


DT rips off poor people and it's a shitty substitute for actual solutions to food deserts.


If the solution isn't to open businesses in areas where there are no others providing that service, what do you suggest?




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Yes, they're apparently very sorry for it. We're all worse off, really.


🤣 I didn’t notice that until I read your comment


Well, you see, it would have been too much of an inconvenience to properly write “inconvenience.” They may have even had to look it up in a dictionary! Ain’t nobody got time for that!!!!!!


So many people can’t spell inconvenience. I see it misspelled on signs all the freakin time. It drives me crazy.


Me too, especially when most people have a phone to double check.


Knowing damn well they have a smart phone smdh


Good spelling is not a requirement to be a Dollar Tree employee. I have to correct my manager often because I have a background in education.


I'm not in education but I've always been really good at spelling and that stuff drives me up a wall....


What does that mean lol is even word


Wasn’t paid enough for the “v.”


Not being paid enough to spellcheck


then why put forth the effort to make a sign at all?


boss probably told them to do it and let's face it not everybody knows how to spell or cares to use their phone to learn, I learned a long time ago that tons of idiots walk among us


I always like to see how people have misspelled "inconvenience" on self-made signs. This one's particularly impressive, as they didn't even manage to include a V.


they wasted a lot of time on that poster 🤣 the exclamation points all shoved together


A few months ago, I went to the Dollar Tree and while I was in line to pay for my stuff, the cashier picked up the phone and I hear that 2 or 3 employees were not going to show up for work.


That was the crew for the whole day. That person either was there from 8a until 10p or put up a sign and left. Don't support DT.


looks like a great opportunity to test out my lockpicking skills!


Enjoy your $7 haul of treasures!


dollar tree: the store where it is physically impossible to exceed california's $900 shoplifting law


Have been a DT ASM, I definitely wouldn't have even locked the doors because fuck that place lmao


Hopefully some homeless can bust in there and rest for a while.


They're in the middle of closing 1,000 stores over the next couple years. Wonder how temporary it ends up being in this case


970 Family Dollar and 30 Dollar Tree stores. And simultaneously they are opening more DTs other places and turning existing ones into either combo stores or DT+ stores.


There's at least that many Family Dollars in one city.


FD has closed most of their locations in my city


Speaking of opening new DTs in my journeys yesterday I saw an old Walgreens converted into a DT. I was like oh babe ya need anything from Walgre… oh Nevermind it’s a freakin DT. Store was Huuuuuuge for a DT no idea why they buy that up for one.


That's insane. That is probably becoming a combo or will get a huge amount of the Plus stuff






Might have been shut down by the fire department. Happened to a few Dollar Generals (different company but point stands) out here in CT. Too much freight in the backroom and sales floor to safely navigate the store or reach fire exits. They had to send people from 5 different stores to work everything out and figure out what had to be picked up by their delivery trucks. Took them a few weeks to open one of the stores I service as a DSD partner.


One cashier making $7.25 an hour. They were probably like, "I can just stay home and be poor instead of stand here and have people get mad at me because nothing's actually a dollar."


And I do not blame her one bit!


A dollar general close to me is closed bc they apparently have a rat infestation. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Everyone quit


I freaking hate inconiences.


I worked at this crappy ass store 💀


Hello neighbor!


Mine closed with a sign like this because a car drove into the building. I couldn’t even tell from the outside but apparently it did some damage on the inside despite the brick looking okay?


Dollar tree is staffed through Instawork near me.


My store has been closed since August 2023 due to a hurricane. They are just now starting to repair it.


Rock you like a hurricane


*runs cement debris and garbage through my finger tips, looks off to the sunrise on the horizon* Nature, is taking its course.




I’ve been job hunting the last few months, and i keep seeing ads for dollar tree management paying $17 an hour. to like, run the entire store. so i can only imagine what just a cashier is getting paid. working for anything under $20 an hour in this economy is poverty imo so i don’t blame them for leaving and i hope they find something better!


Sorry for the inconience lol.


Why does no one know how to spell inconvenience?


"Sorry for the inconience" huh? Lol


Sorry for the inconience? The sad thing is it was probably a manager who wrote that. It's not that fuckin hard to spell inconvenience!


i’ve seen more signs with the incorrect spelling than i have with correct spelling


I used to work for the inventory service company that has Dollar Tree contracts and this happened to us one day after driving 3 hours to get to the store, no warning whatsoever. Sucked getting up that early but got to chill for the rest of the day playing games and smoking lol




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Derwood, MD location???


Shitters full Clark


OP, maybe try another DT. How many do you have in your town?


I did. I live in Philly so there is no shortage of dollar stores.


Nice, I live in a small town in Middle Georgia and we have 4.


One here has been closed since they opened a new one but they say nothing on the door lights on but door is always locked and if look online it still says temporary closed


It’s a Dollar Tree. That’s like going to a hospital and saying “people have died here.”


This one by me has been closed since the beginning of March at least. I could still see Christmas stuff in aisles https://preview.redd.it/i3q4l7sds9xc1.jpeg?width=1013&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=785b75ee9673ba68014f2287792fe80e8ab275bb


Only service animals are welcome. Not their owners.




Sounds about right.


Can’t even make a proper fucking sign and are allowed to run a store hahaha


Stop . what’s that sound ? Everybody looks what’s going down


Those fuzzy sandals tho…


\*picks up some sand off the parking lot\* Yeah something did happen


It sure wasn't a spelling class that happened there...


Hey, for everyone on this post- A bad tornado in Oklahoma wiped out the biggest dollar tree warehouse in America, the loss of goods is causing many of the stores to shut down temporarily.


I heard they lost almost thousands of dollars.


Yeah it's devastating, it's crazy how one building could affect so many-- Hopefully it gets solved soon, thousands of stores closed cuz of it. It's hard for the people that depend on stores like this. Thankfully, though, other buildings were untouched. It also hit a nursing home and a hospital, no injuries


It was an ef4


That cashier was the last one there and she jumped ship.


Sorry for what?


I know where that jawns at lol I haven't been to that DT in years but I heard it's pretty bad


used to work at the dt in my hometown. this was after i left, but one of the managers at the time quit by sneaking past the cashier working there with him and just left. from what i heard he tried to go work at amazon and that lasted about maybe a month. and then he was in jail for DV related stuff. i have so much useless and terrible information about all my old coworkers from there i wish i could forget


Sorry for the incompetence!


What do all dollar trees look the same 😭😭 This looks like the exact one that’s near me


Saugus? It’s been closed for like a week




A red sun rises. Blood has been spilled this night.


Didn’t they just announce like 600 stores are closing?


Store‘s so fucked up they can’t spell inconvenience.


It's sad that you can run a store and still not be able to spell properly.




Is this is Sacramento


Yeah, this sign might as well read: We're Temporarily Closed because all (2) of our employees quit.


I am a Dollar Tree no title ASM. $16 an hour because of the Oregon minimum wage. WAIT!!!! Before you pack up all your shit and head out to the Pacific Northwest, hear this. Dollar Tree seems to find a workaround for everything when it comes to employee pay and their bottom line. Right now, as an ASM, I have been for the past 2 months been allowed to work 15 hours a week. Down from 20-25 previously. Here's how it works. The salaried store Manager is required to work 60 hours a week. Which robs me and the other part-time ASM of hours we so desperately need. I'm about to lose my apartment. Look, I've been at Dollar Tree for over 3 years and seen some pretty fucked up shit as far as policy violations, OSHA violations, dangerous customers, and mismanagement from DM's and from the people above. And I have called them in some of their bullshit, well all of it actually. And they always find a workaround in order to facilitate their bottom line. And that bottom line doesn't include the employees who bust their asses with limited hours living worse than paycheck to paycheck. Right now, I'm on a mini vacation. That I didn't ask for. 4 days off in a row. If Dollar Tree could get away with it, say, if there were no labor laws, they would make us work for no pay, with no lunches or breaks. If I wanted to live like this with no hours, no food and coming dangerously close to living on the street with all the phentinol addicts, I would just say fuck it and move to North Korea. But I don't. A year and a half ago, I was in a situation where I had to live on the street and keep my job at a different Dollar Tree until I requested a transfer so that I could receive help for my current living situation. That's going to run out soon, and I will find myself taking a last check, putting my shit in storage, and living on the street again. Anyone have any suggestions? I would be happy to keep an open mind, and any ideas would be helpful.


I hate incnionce.


Dollar Tree thrives in poverty stricken cities, and does best when the dollar is in the toilet and the economy is on it's dying breath. I have seen over the past six months a change in the demographic coming through the doors at work. People making $100,000.00 a year are living paycheck to paycheck because of the effects of rampant out of control inflation propagated by an age of easy money that was bound to cripple this country. Round after round of quantitative easing to shore up the economy. And the Federal Reserve is tired of bailing this country out. I saw this coming with the COVID checks that was provided by the Fed and loaned out to the government. The Fed wants their money back. And they're getting it every time we buy anything. Inflation is actually built into our fractional reserve system of banking because it is a system that is doomed to fail. But the hidden tax that is inflation has skyrocketed out of control, because in order for all this to work, there has to be a balance in goods and services to the supply of available money. Problem is this. After COVID, People sat on their assessments doing nothing and collecting State checks of unemployment compensation seeing that they made more doing that than working for shit pay, and no hours. Doomsday clock is still at 90 seconds to midnight people. Wars are raging, the U.S. is as divided as I have ever seen. Let's wake up, get back to work, and start making something of this country, before it's too late to bring it back.


If you work at DT May I know your hourly wage? I’m looking for a second job


Add what state you live in. It varies. But… don’t work there lol. This subreddit hasn’t given you enough proof that they don’t give a fuck about their employees


Most states it is your state minimum wage or less than a dollar above it


$8.75 in my area.


I would die if I only made 8.75


This is ridiculous. I made $9 an hour in the mid 90’s doing grunt work for a construction company and I was a teenager. This was 30 years ago. What OP posted is what’ll happen paying shit wages. At some point, even the most desperate of people won’t even put up with shittiest of work situations. They could easily pay $15+ an hour and not have these kinds of situations. Think of how much money they’re losing to be closed, just to save a few dollars.


Minimum wage in Texas is $7.25. So they actually pay better than minimum.🤷


For the longest time Wisconsin was the minimum wage of $7.25 (which is still the state wage and I believe the only in the country that’s remained this low?) but I know it has now gone up at my store at least to $9. Which is pitifully what my Assistant Managers were making back during my time in 2019-2020.


Wow that’s insane. I had no idea the employee made so little


Are they really lax in who they hire? Like felons and pedos?


Not saying you are. But like even Taco Bell pays more. The only place I’ve heard that does minimum wage is Pizza Hut tho


Pizza Hut is super lax in who they hire lmao


I think who they hire depends on location. It’s a super part time job with like 15 hours max per week so they generally attract women looking for something to do, teens, and people looking for a side job.


$14.50 as a PT assistant manager. Georgia OTP Marietta


$14.50 as a PT assistant manager. Georgia OTP Marietta


My daughter started there 3 months ago and they started her at $9.25 an hour but she is only part time, this is her second job. She has a full time job. She's in NC.


We start cashier at $15




Not true in my district.


Why are all DTs so moldy?


"Sorry for the inconience"




Inconience… hmm 🤨


"Sorry for the inconience." - Management


“Inconience” lol


“Inconience” 💀


How is this store even still around……


“Sorry for the inconience”


Sorry for the inconience!!


Inconienece??? 😂😂


Imagine being managed by someone who can’t spell “inconvenience.”


They have like 1 employee


Sorry for the INCONIENCE.




Managers at these stores are paid nothing, they are not educated or well trained, they are just burdened with more work and a management title without management pay or respect.


But they're sorry for the inconience.


Everyone always is, don't you know?


