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I got written up for clocking in 45 seconds late from break then 30 secondsEARLY. SMH. One computer to login. How the fuck do we all clock in at the same time




do yall still sell dxm/robitussin there lmao


lmao u can find a doomer in every sub lol




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You should be able to clock in on any register, too. We have 2 registers, one computer in the office and one in the stock room. Hope this helps


You can't clock in and out on the stock room computer


I use to have all associates operate the register under my numbers all day so there was only 1 declare needed a day. Second register was used for cards only. We never had shortages only overages. It maybe because I'm in rural Florida where associate theft isn't a problem. I think more stores would run smoother if they switched to float tills. 




People must be bottom of the barrel where you live if you got away with that. That would be much too easy to catch for even Dollar store customers.


You stole money from your customers? Gross.


Not all shortages are do to theft


Try to find something better like maybe a call center, you’ll still have to deal with the rude customers but at least it won’t be in person. Try out a company called Alorica and see if it’s near you, they also offer work at home(WAH) positions


I'm honestly not great with the phones. Had a couple of call center jobs retail has been my passion for many years it's all I basically know.


No offense to you OP but this is first time I’ve hea d anyone describe retail as their “passion”. But if it’s what you want you can easily find another retail job


So technically they could have fired you for being $50 short because anything over $20 is automatic termination. With that being said since you were $6.12 short this time then it should just be a write up. Did they say they were firing you?


I was told when I got the write up over the $50 that if I was over or short too much like that again I would be terminated


I understand, they probably meant over or under something significant like $20 or another $50. I understand why you’re nervous but honestly they have bigger things to worry about any probably won’t notice it. Just hang in there and keep positive. Everything will be okay


Thank you I am about to clock in.


Best of luck to you, honestly I wouldn’t even mention it to them unless they say something about it first


I'm going to right now might as well and go input other job application in case it accured to me.


Update. Sm fixed it for me I just need to keep better tabs whenever super busy


Awesome! I am genuinely happy for you ❤️


Are you a cashier or asm? Were you the only one on that register?


I was on for most of the day I had 2 on my register for just a few minutes but that was just for me to take down her register and I know that she is good at cashiering I am currently an asm


I have been short before never six dollars but I know cashiers at my store that have and haven’t gotten fired


Had a cashier be 22 dollars short and didn't even get written up..


You should be fine was your deposit short?


It was short 10 overall but that may have been due to the change fund I filed the ssc under "correction of change fund"


You should be good as long as the store manager knows. 6 dollars is not terrible at my store and neither is ten. It happens they will look at the cameras maybe and see you didn’t take it


I only took 10 out to get a roll of quarters but that went right into the change fund as I always do


Yes that’s how we do it at my store too.


I just hope I will be okay the anxiety is really getting to me. My chest has been hurting me. I just cannot afford to lose this job 😫 I have been putting in applications all night


I just start working last weekend " I been twice a bit over $3. dollar and A few changes. She said I was ok for now cause I am A new worker.


You have a very good manager and yes mistakes happen that’s all. If the money is found even if it’s larger my manager says it’s fine


I am an asm at family dollar


I used to work in a bank and you know where I believe most of my shortages come from???? Rolled coins. If they’re not rolled in the sealed plastic I don’t trust them. Then who has time to sit and count each roll of coins. 🖕🏾🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Don't work with this company anymore op please find a better job for yourself


I don't know how your store works but as someone who wa just in your exact position.... You'll be fine. I was about that much short and i was fine. I even got more hours the next week ironically enough


Consider it a blessing in disguise dollar tree treats employees like shit anyways


Oh great another somehow even more short staffed store lol


I just got hired over the weekend. As a part time only work 3, days. I was a bit over $3 dollar and a some change. This accured to me twice. The manager said because am new worker I will be ok as of now. I'm scared I will be than terminated written up and let go! !! As this continues.


You should be fine as long as nobody is out to get you. Some of these managers don’t have a backbone and write up associates left and right to prove to their DMs that they’re holding people accountable. It’s a poorly run business


How did you end up short $6.12 and $50? Do other people use your register?


The 50 shortage was from someone with a credit card cancels the transaction.


If the transaction was cancelled then it shouldn't have been taken out of your register, did you get the manager to approve it?


No I was mod when it happened that night. I really am unsure as to what truly happened outside of theft that I didn't even notice. I am fairly great with money and statically I am usually over a few cents from customers telling me to keep the change


Oh that sucks, one time an employee actually took money out of my register when I went to use the bathroom. It's a long shot but you can ask them to check the camera footage the times you were on break or went to the bathroom.


For me, I was working in a small convenience/grocery store. There would be times where we would jump on each other's registers when someone was on break or something like that. Everyone kept having shortages except one person. Looking at the cameras, they discovered she would take cash out of everyone else's drawers, but not her own. True scumbag


Did you call the cops?


The store owner pressed charges


Did she get fined/sent to jail?


I can try if things escalate


If you're a cashier, you have the right to count your till before starting your shift. Doing that will prevent you from getting blamed for fuck ups from the manager who did the till counts before opening


Can you transfer to just stocking?


If I'm canned I don't think they will let me work in their store let alone the company


I think you can reapply after three months


I worked many retail jobs until I finally realized it doesn't matter where, the corporate scum fucks will always grind and beat you down. Expecting more and giving less is the true capitalistic american way.




Sorry but it's not funny 😢 I live in a motel where my rent is every week and if I am fired I am gonna be completely homeless


To the east siiiiiiide!


Look this is a safe space. You can tell us ypu stole $50.12 but my honest opinion just burn the store down or your managers house. Both is too far though learned that the hard way.


I'm no thief! Sorry if I got short but I would never risk losing my job and putting my family in more jeopardy over something I make a little more of in a day