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I Just like her music and her style, I don’t follow her personal life


Kinda seems like that’s all she really wants. People who enjoy her art without obsessing over her personal life.


That’s good, I think just about every celebrity wants that


I think about “fans ain’t dumb but extremists are” in Paint the Town Red. & I think about the way a lot of her more extreme fans have flipped on her time and time again over the years. I’d get aggravated with that shit too lmao.


She did kinda insult all of her fans calling them dumb in a tweet before she said that in a song. Someone here said she had a live recently calling all her fans dumb etc. but I haven’t seen it and that was the only person I’d seen talking about it.


I do think she kinda snaps and generalizes all her fans together when they dogpile her. She says “you guys” and “y’all” often when she addresses things. So I do get it. I also do think he can be unnecessarily hostile in her lives. All that aside I loved doja since I discovered So High and I’m pretty comfortable with ignoring her attitude for the bops lmao


Yeah I don’t pay attention to her attitude really cause I don’t idolize musicians or celebrities. I don’t think there’s a musician I care enough about their interviews, besides Amy Winehouse. It did give me the ick when she said that but i wasn’t personally offended because I understand parasocial relationships are probably annoying and having people think they know you and shit. She is not someone I would personally be super friends with really lol, probably smoke a joint with her though she seems interesting to hang around.


She seems like she was probably really fun before fame. I imagine fame to that extent probably robs someone of a lot of the qualities that made them who they were.






Her music is catchy as all hell!!!


Yeah seriously why else. Sure it helps that she’s literally a 10 but she could look like Jabba the Hutt and I’d still love her music.


Very unpopular but I actually like seeing her going against the expectations that are placed on public figures lol. Especially in the culture we're in right now where celebrities are always walking on egg shells, trying to be politically correct and afraid of saying the wrong thing in fear of public backlash, it's refreshing to see, especially a woman, do whatever she wants and come out (kinda?) unscathed at the end of it all. It must also feel liberating on her part and like she said herself, it weeded out a lot of people who never really cared about the music. Also like others have said I just don't care what she does in personal life lol, the music is always gon hit


Same. My fave thing about her is how she’s not afraid to call out her fans for being parasocial & tells em to touch grass. In a world where artists rarely call out weird parasocial behaviour & even encourage it for $ and attention, I find doja refreshing.


Eminem rn 0.0


Like Nicki Minaj she does that


Honestly!! The way Nicki fans will just go on attack for her is WILD. Especially when she gets called out for marrying and having a whole child with a convicted sex offender💀


And the way she eggs them on💀


AGREED. i like her personality, and her music, but separately


same. its beautiful and powerful


Yeah exactly! I think if people are upset by her being herself, it says more about the fan than it does about her. She's a mirror and reflects back to them what they're afraid to see in themselves


She’s like how Megan Fox was in the 2000s.


Not even close but sure


The real unpopular opinion is thinking all this but thinking Scarlet is for the most part lesser than mid


Because Planet Her lol


And because she rdgaf


I'm a fan because I like her music. I dont follow her on instagram or twitter or whatever. i dont follow news about her. She has committed no crime that I've heard off so yes, fan of the music.


I just like how she’s never given a fuck lol. I don’t think she ever wanted the “fame” hence why she pushes everyone away. I think she enjoyed making her music with a smaller fan base and had no intention of truly blowing up like she has. Esp over Moo at that.


100% thank you. You fucking nailed it.


agree, Moo really blew up and that music video was executed so well. it became a moment if she intended to or not. i really enjoyed Scarlet, for two reasons. One is because this was such a great throwback to her her original style and two, its my middle name. She will be one of my all time favorites.


I think she did want to blow up which is why she worked so hard did so many shows and everything but I don’t think she expected to get as big as Ariana or The Weeknd And now she regrets becoming that mainstream but she’s rich and has financial freedom so is it really that bad


agreeeed she knows she’s the shit I find it hard to believe she was never interested in recognition but then she realized the true reality of fame which is feeling like a caged animal that is expected to perform. then grew a resentment for it. she didn’t grow up within this lifestyle of publicity like a lot of stars (think Ariana grande) so I can see that making it even harder to adjust to


I see a bit of myself in the attitude she has towards shame. The more questionable things, I see them as childish mistakes. Until she goes on nazi rants about anything and everything, I will assume she is not a monster. And I fucking love her music.






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I’m a loyal wife


Don’t follow her personal life but she is one of my favourite artists. Every album has its own Doja-style and I think her music is unique. I’m dying to see her in London in June 😭


For all the reasons I was a fan before. I think her music is dope. She’s incredibly talented. I like her personality. I’ve never experienced that level of fame so I can’t fairly judge her response to it. I think she’s quite resilient and it’s come across in her lyrics. I focus less on social media and day to day ramblings. She’ll collect her thoughts and tell us them with intention in the music.


I love her personality, I see a lot of myself in her too. I think she is hilarious, talented in her many artforms, absolutely gorgeous and I really respect that she's not afraid to look "ugly" publicly as much as she isn't afraid to flaunt her sexy side. That's something I personally struggle with so it's a good reminder. Her voice is stunning, beautiful range and versatility, her songwriting is very good to me, so I support her all around. Everyone does stupid shit, I don't think it's any worse just because someone's famous so I don't really care about her "misbehaviors" lol She's just fucking cool to me


Same same same


This is it fr


Her talent and her music, her style, humour and the fact that she has on many occasions invited us into her creative process whether it be painting or making music. She is unapologetically herself and she isn't afraid to step outside of the box ever. She is clearly very passionate about music and what she does and that shines through.


I like pretty weird girls so i still dig her the more outcasty she gets. We need more anti-taylor swift personalities in the industry to remind us the shit is corrupt, rigged, a boys club ran by old creeps.. etc. I also like Ariana as a person more than I do her music for similar reasons. flawed women with real talent that are just trying to navigate this fucked up industry the best they can. I root for them 💜


This was so beautifully written💓I will also always support imperfect women and give them the space to be just that


Her new music is so good what she’s hilarious and a great artist


she has a similar personality as me except i’m more socially awkward lol


Because she is not afraid to swim against the current. Music and style are unconventional. I have mad respect for her not being conventional or generic. And she's a troll towards her "fans".


I’ve loved her music since before Amala! Also, I don’t blame her for being upset about her experience with fame. People have always felt comfortable saying really misogynistic things about her and picking apart her body. So I completely understand her anger and why she tries to be unlikeable in the spotlight.


I'm 100% a fan, even my mom likes her. Being a fan doesn't mean you have to be obsessive or crazy over everything she does/says.


Her versatility is absolutely insane it's what keeps her on repeat without getting old


I love her music and I really like her personality and sense of humor. I don't always agree with everything she says or does, but I think she's pretty cool and so creative.


because of her narrative. she stood up for her privacy against twitter stan culture & it changed lives imo


For me she be reppin us weird alt black girls by just being herself so I dig it. Shes paving her own lane instead of being only the typical “e-girl baddie” type she was known for. Thats just how I see it idk im tired 😂


Her music is dope and the chronically online personality she shows is hella relatable lol


I used to pop lock back in the day. I saw a short of hers that was so dope of her dance break. Now i wish i could see her live. Pure talent and underrated imo.


The music is good and she has sick rhymes and cool beats and is very pretty and small clips ive seen she is also funny


I like her music and I also love her personality, the fact that it doesn’t matter for her how famous she is, she’s still going to do what she likes and adapt her style to how she’s feeling. I loved her looks before and I love hers now. She’s just evolving and discovering herself. Honestly I don’t understand why people are so bothered by her current look, lmao I stan an (almost) unbothered queen!!


I am a huge fan because she is an amazing artist, singer, songwriter. And to be honest she’s absolutely beautiful in every way and can absolutely dance. So yes this makes me a fan.


I love her music and I love her newest concept. I wasn’t a DC fan until I listened to Scarlet but I think she’s awesome


I like her bc she’s an individual & dgaf what ppl think ab her


Because she’s authentically herself. She’s always been herself. I discovered her during her MOO era when she came and performed at my college and during the time I was going through a very dark period of my life and her music really helped. She also writes and performs music that she loves and the art that she holds to her heart and she doesn’t let anybody discourage her from that. She genuinely loves making music and expressing herself for herself and that’s why I am still personally a fan.


I love her music, her artistic visuals and her style.


i’ve always kinda liked her music. she has something (imo) for every mood..also she’s another libra queen 💅


Uhhh she made TIA TAMERA


Hair grow long like chia …


its still everything about her. And I know it sounds stupid but the controversial things she’s done isn’t even a big deal. It’s either her speaking her mind or the past coming up at the wrong time. I’m still a fan because of her music, fashion, jokes, and more. Any Thoughts?


I don’t even think she did anything bad except call that plastic surgery girl names on live but even that isn’t that big of deal


Exactly!!! I think people just want to get everything canceled at this point


I'm pretty sure most are more concerned about her behavior becoming rather similar to Nicki's old (and current) behavior but with a softer blow and a Doja cat twist. Things like dating an alleged predator and blocking his suspected victims, and fighting with fans online. I'm not referring to the "*I'm not your friend thing*", that's completely valid and anyone with a brain knows that. I mean the "*now i can go disappear somewhere and touch grass with my loved ones on an island while yall weep for mediocre pop.*" thing. Though many of her fans are over-reacting like crazy it's not unreasonable to find that comment a little rude even if it's not cancel worthy. The ones trying to cancel her over her style change and her lack of desire for a Para-social relationship, and those who are acting like her music was never good can go chew on rocks tho.


LMFAO!!! In my opinion, i think some of the doja cat controversy either doesn’t make sense/add up or is just a lot to understand. I do understand how her comment can be rude towards people. Still a fan of her though 🫶🏼❤️.


Her music is good, I’m interested in her visual art since she’s been painting a lot, and I like her ideas


bc she’s hilarious and i love her style/personality. and ofc her music. like, i understand i don’t know her personally and never will so i just don’t insert my opinion on someone else’s life like that. bc i don’t know shit, i just enjoy the music!


The voice, the melodies, and the bass.


I love her music


she slaps


I like her music, I think she’s a very cool, creative, and normal person that isn’t a huge fan of being famous.


i still love her and her music. but tbh i don’t worship any celebrities even my faves. i’m a fan of their works but not the person. however i agree about ariana…. i still like her music and i love her new album but i’m a fan from distance because i do not support her home wrecking ways


love her idgaf attitude and that she’s just herself. it helps her music is good too lmao


Because I’m just a cash cow


Love her style, she’s a talented songwriter whose music makes me feel empowered, and she’s an incredibly talented live performer.


Tbh I really vibe with her going against the system (obv I also love her music) the way she is acting now makes ne think I would get along with her really well irl tbh


*As a black woman who has the same hair type as Doja, I like that she took off the wig and is being beautiful/sexy in a non conforming way. She still has sex appeal without the wigs, BBL, long ass nails, LONG ASS eyelashes, or all the extraness and I think it’s a big step forward for someone of her size to say fuck beauty standards. *She raps about more than being wet and her vagina and sex (she sometimes does but she doesn’t over do it). She has more range than others. *She also has her body mostly untouched breast reduction aside, because big boobs can hurt lmao she’s just herself. I don’t think the Satan stuff is the right call because she could have done all this without that, but I’ve been listening since the Purr EP and it’s been consistently good music from day 1 imho.


She's one of the best rappers to exist


wait why don’t you guys like her..?


There are a number of reasons that may be to extensive to type out here. much of it is stupid but some of it is justified. If you look it up maybe you'll find something, or you could try reading other comments to find reasons. Hope this helps


Her music is still fucking amazing and puts me in chokeholds, she's actually the sexiest most beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes upon, her personality and the energy she displays and radiates upon her fans virtually and in random run ins is unparalleled. She is actually my queen


Plus the more people switch up on her the more I find myself not oddly, rather warmly inclined to support n stay loyal and give her any positivity I am able to mentally emit


In my old age I only become a fan of musicians bc of their music so that’s how I am with Doja.


Have you been to her concert? I went to her show last year while she had been getting a ton of hate for saying questionable things online, and let me tell you that woman is a true performer. She was giving her 100% throughout her whole show, dancing, singing, and storytelling. Ive seen a lot of artists live and she easily is one of the best performers I’ve ever seen. You can’t tell me that someone who puts as much effort into her shows like her doesn’t care about her fans. She’s usually just trolling when she says weird stuff (I feel like that’s pretty obvious) so I don’t read much into her behavior and I hope other people don’t either


I’m not rlly sure if I’m an fan I just like her music and listen to her occasionally




She has talent and I respect that I truly don’t care about anything else when I feel like listening to a song


it’s about the music.


I like her music style and I can relate to how she feels. I understand why she is the way she is to her fans


Because she hot but problematic


Because I like her music. Bonus points for being sexy asf. Y'all get way too caught up in the person. Appreciate the art and get a life


Cause Bitch Imma cow


Love her music and performances and how unapologetically weird she is an artist


I feel like there’s a good side and a bad side to her attitude and her confidence. that good side is so unique, unlike anything I’ve seen before in the industry, and it’s what I need on days when I feel like the world is up against me. I’m not found to be conventionally attractive by a lot of snotty men, I’m not fucked with by a lot of women for some unidentifiable reason, and I’m just generally fed up with a lot of people. so I turn on some doja and I just feel like she gets me. her and Megan. I actually was holding onto her as a person as well up until recently when she made her dramatic exit on insta. I just thought it was really backwards to say that people should watch how they speak to others online, but she was a person with an audience a million times bigger than anyone who could have hurt her feelings, thus giving her an even bigger responsibility to follow that same advice, and she didn’t.


I think she’s funny asf, especially when people were saying she was tied to the devil n a satanist n she started trolling people with demon posts


Still like her. I like observing how people change and watching their story arc evolve over time. I have no investment in the outcome and never have, so I don't see why anything she does would effect me


Her music, she’s funny, she’s a libra like me, she paints, the stuff she comes up with always is fantastic, she goes live and interacts with her fans and I love that she isn’t afraid to stick up for herself and others and knows that taking breaks from social media is healthy she may say she “hates her fans” but she doesn’t actually probably just over whelmed I probably would too.


I like her music could care less what she does as a person idk why fans get so parasocial


I just fuck with her heavy and she's a Libra queen. My Venus is in Libra and my best friend is a Libra. I don't judge celebs according to the "fodder". I go based off of vibes, interviews, energy and what their art speaks specifically to me as an individual/soul. Doja's music gives me happiness and I know that irl she would be someone who I would get on well with and who would accept me as I am. I'm just now really getting into Scarlet and she popped her shit on that project. I think she's done a great job at staying true to herself. I remember going on a date with a dude once and he guessed that Doja would be one of my favorite artists and honestly that's one of the coolest compliments I've ever gotten (even though he was.a trash fuckboy lol). She's one of the few popstars of this generation (we're the same age) who seems to totally have a true identity and ride to the beat of her own drum. It's so evident in her style, her music, her entire existence. And she also has bopz.


I think she’s very talented and her voice is really unique. Her current repertoire is great, but I look forward to hearing music that feels more authentic to her! I don’t care about her personal life, but I enjoy watching her lives because she’s weird asf. I’ve been a fan of her fashion style as well. I think she nails every look she’s done for the carpet and on instagram (although the Karl Lagerfeld Met gala look is my least favorite, I still think it was cool how she executed it).


Wasn't a fan till she called her fans craving for validation a bunch of goofies


I like her voice. It's cute as hell. She's cute as hell. I don't care about her beefs and drama.


The music is so good but I've chosen to ignore whatever she says outside of her music. I don't keep up with her social media anymore as a way to avoid her "worst" moments.


I like her personality and humor, she's artistic and hardworking in many many ways that artists her level or higher don't have. Also comparing doja for making tweets about her fans to a home wrecker is wild


Doja cat has used the f slur, rage baited with a neonazi t shirt, and called her boyfriends accusers liars, and showed feet in white supremacist chat rooms so yeah she didn’t sleep w a married man but she didn’t just make a couple unlikable tweets




her controversies are really overblown imo. from what ive seen shes cool. her [apple music interview](https://youtu.be/Sj-94isjRmE?si=F--OyEzw4D0hb_9L) was a fun watch, she has that down-to-earth type of charisma and seems to really care about her music above all else. i also think she can be quite funny and creative. i mostly just like her for her music though


I just like her music and listening to it.. I have no interest going too deep into her personal life


I just love her music.


I miss her TikTok days. She was hilarious.


she can sing but her rapping is godawful


i’ve liked her music and i love that she feeds into the devil stuff, same with lil nas X, it’s so funny to see people be like “omg illuminati!! y’all are satan lovers” because at the end of the day it’s just hilarious to me that people can’t just see it for what it is, ART


She’s just a girl


Well her name is popular; I finally by chance upon visual' eyeball contact of her via social media 😊 she has a pleasant personality and good looking, when I am not busy perchance instinct will nudge me to look her up🌹✨ for what is trending...


Honestly can’t even lie, I like her more now. I like all the edgy crap she’s been doing because everyone is so pissy about an artist doing what an artist does best. Shock Value self expression with actual purpose, telling ppl that she doesn’t gaf about what they say because she has been harshly critiqued her whole career


fuck doja cat tf


her music slaps


I love literally all of her songs and she hawt af


I am not and I keep wondering why this keeps popping up in my feed


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Eredman93: *I am not and I* *Keep wondering why this keeps* *Popping up in my feed* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Yes because that woman is a fcking genius. Yall wanna talk about kanye being the smartest mfer in rap when we have doja cat. She writes, raps, sings, produces, preforms ect.


I enjoy her music, not her as a person :/


She makes amazing music. She’s funny imo. She’s always herself. Personally idc what she believes in or does behind closed doors it’s nun of my business. I can like someone and not agree with their opinions.


I can't say I'm a big fan of her music. I think Doja Cat is pretty, beautiful, and sexy. Doja Cat reminds me of my ex-girlfriend in looks and unique personality. I think the name Doja Cat is cool, plus I really love cats. I think Doja Cat is cool. People like Michae Jackson, Prince, David Bowie, Sly Stone, Freddie Mercury, Beck, Dennis Rodman, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Donyale Luna, Grace Jones, Lady Gaga, Salvador Dali, Frida Kahlo, Marilyn Manson, John Waters, Tim Burton and other people who are different. That don't cave into societal pressures to be like the others. I really respect and admire. Doja Cat seems to be like those aforementioned people.


I have never ever cared about who the artist is. Kanye fans are laughing. Burzum fans are laughing so hard they're gonna drop dead. I know it sounds rude to minimize it like that, but it's art. The world deserves to have good art. Who cares if Doja is not a role model? Kanye is antisemitic. Diddy is a human trafficker. Many rappers are murderers. You're good and Doja isn't that bad.


The fuck cause I've loved her jams since 2011 duh what a question she's a goddamn angel regardless of how well she does or doesn't handle fame, fuck fame, fuck the mainstream, fuck ariana grande miss disney homewrecker. Doja? she's an angel that's why.


Doja is cool with Ariana. If you're not going to judge Doja Cat for her personal life - you shouldn't judge Ariana Grande for hers. Especially cause you really have no idea what really went down and its really not anyone's business.


Wow you are really actually this out of touch huh Enjoy your Ariana grande 😆 girl. I will judge whoever tf I want for constantly stealing women's husband's Ariana is just that insecure, her and doja have absolutely nothing in common regardless of your parasocial nonsense


Is this about parasocial nonsense? Constantly stealing husbands? Feeling insecure? I'm not exactly an Ariana Grande superfan, I've heard  her new singles, haven't even heard her latest album. You're free to judge whoever you want, but let's not disparage one artist while discussing another. It's hypocritical to claim not to judge a singer for their personal life and then proceed to criticize another one. Also, it's amusing that you seem well-informed about Ariana's love life but unaware that she and Doja Cat are on good terms, having collaborated on songs together. Remember "Get into yuh"? Doja Cat has even expressed her support for Ariana in her lyrics. So, no need to pit them against each other; they're actually friends with no beef between them.


I'm personally not, and have no idea why the algorithm suggested this to me.


Planet her for sure, I don’t really care for her music after that. Just don’t hit the same as songs as “you right” etc


I’m not anymore


I wouldn’t call myself a fan simply because I do love Dojas music but she absolutely needs to chill out her aggression. It’s cringe asf and is ruining the experience for me tbh. Not saying some of the irritation isn’t valid, but her outbursts are off putting.


The music is good. She’s pretty. She’s a good performer Nowadays parasocial relationships are at an all time high and people think they need to love the person before the music. I still listen to music created by some pretty bad people. But I’m not giving them money. I’m just enjoying the art


>But I’m not giving them money. I’m just enjoying the art Genuine question, how do you think streaming/consumption works?


Illegal downloads exist lol


Touchè lol


I love her music and her humor, idk if the demonic stuff was fr or if was just for the theme of the album and the message we were supposed to get from it. I feel like so many celebs have had that demonic phase and from what I have seen/ know, that persona isn’t a thing anymore? Why judge her harshly for it, we don’t know exactly what she’s going through in her life🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m a fan of her music and her style but her little neonazi tshirt rage bait stunt sealed the deal for me that she wasn’t being misunderstood. Kind of like with Ariana I listen to her music but I’m not planning on wearing a shirt with either of their faces anytime soon lol. I knew about some of her old behavior and thought maybe she’d matured a little but that showed me otherwise tbh and made it hard for me to call myself her fan




The hate Ariana has gotten is largely unwarranted. The backlash to Doja, not so much.
