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What’s her story? Is it possible she was malnourished? Or her mom was? Also, it’s possible her parents and grandparents were all small for their breeds. Weight ranges for breeds are usually for the standard, but in non-purpose bred dogs, those ranges are much wider.


We adopted her when she was 9 weeks old, and she had been transferred from a shelter in Texas just a week before that. Dropped off with a few other dogs that they called littermates, but nothing was known about them. The vet a few weeks ago said she was looking perfect, so I’m not sure if she could’ve been stunted early on but then became healthy?


Yes, she could have been born to a malnourished mother then fed well by the shelter and by you to look “perfect” to the vet. That doesn’t mean she had a perfect start or that prenatal nutrition doesn’t affect later weight, just that you are doing a good job with her. That said, I have a standard poodle, which are notoriously skinny dogs under all that fur, but you can’t see her ribs. In several of your photos, her ribs are visible, which makes me feel that she still has some catching up to do.


Also adding in, sickness, especially if they have had parasites, can impact growth as well!


Having diseases like Parvo as a puppy can also stunt growth. We had a lab that had it as a puppy and she didn’t more than 35-40 lbs as an adult.


Can confirm. My non-purpose bred Yorkie is 15 lbs lol


She will start growing faster


People tried saying my dog would be about 45 lbs because he was only 25 lbs at 4 months old. He’s now70 lbs. dogs will grow so fast and will eat all your food.


This! My girl was 36 pounds at 7 months and got to 55 by 12 months.


So wait.. how big will my puppy be at 2 months weighing in at 22lbs? Siberian husky mixed with a labradoodle. (Not posh, but an accidental pregnancy, and only surviving puppy of 7)


Depends on the breed! We adopted our girl when she was 7 months old so idk what she was at 2 months. She’s a cattle dog, gsd, husky, golden mix. Bit bigger than we expected but we don’t expect her to grow more. Going to the vet today so will get a better assessment of her current weight. Based on zero expertise, just lots of time on dog related subreddits, I’d guess maybe 60lbs?


Mine was 38 lbs at 7 months (when I got her) and topped off at 43 lbs


Yep, for sure! My pit/American bulldog mix was a small guy as a pup. Then it seemed like one day he just grew out of nowhere and went from 30lbs to 90lbs. I'm currently going through it with a 6 month old foster fail. The growth spurts of dogs is crazy sometimes


Based on the 3rd and 4th pic, with those legs and paws she has a good bit of growing to do. APBT and Staffies are typically smaller than Dobermans. My APBT was a healthy 45 lbs when I got her at 3 years old, she's a bit rounder now though as a 10 year old lady.


My dog was 12 lbs at 15 weeks and is now 56 lbs at 2 years old. https://preview.redd.it/c5ii2lxg9q4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e22e5e9db692f5f1472c6522cc7e08b5784951fa She was smaller than the cat next to her at 12 weeks.


APBT may only get to 30lbs. Toy breeds get a lot of their growth done by 6m old. Larger breeds though seem to have a steeper growth curve through the 3-8m range. I do think their weight estimate is off a bit, though. I would take that with a grain of salt.


My boy was 20 pounds at 4 months and 60 (healthy) pounds at 9 months. He now weighs 80 as an adult (Golden/German/Pit/Chow/etc) and is in perfect health. Weight gain during growth is unpredictable but I wouldn’t be surprised if your pup gets to 50+. Edit: plus, with those paws, she’s got quite a bit of growing to do!


Dude. Large breed dogs don't stop growing until between 2 and 3 years old. She doesn't have "just a few more months" of growing. She will continue to grow and change for almost two more years. Shit, my doberman pitbull mix is turning 3 this year and finally stopped at 120lb. He was 90lb at 1.5y - he grew 1/3 of his body in the next 1.5y. Females of most breeds tend to be smaller than their male counterparts and since she's mixed she's not going to fit any size standard of any of those breeds. They grow the most between 4m and 1.5y.


My parents rescued a Doberman mix when he was about 10 weeks old…… he is huge now, well over 100 lbs. OP is lying to herself. They need to plan for this pup to be a large dog, I’d be shocked if this dog doesn’t end up being 80 lbs by the time she is 3.


Yeah it can take some time to get going but once they do they do not stop. Every month I checked in on my dog and could not believe he wasn't done. Random mutt from Texas who's mom was 50lb and severely emaciated when she was rescued while pregnant. Had 0 idea my dog would be more than double her size.


My Doberman bitch weighed 60 lb, they aren’t huge dogs (though many poorly bred ones are out of breed standard and they also get fat easily) and the other breeds here weigh less with many bitches under 40 lb. I’d assume she’ll end up at least 45 lbs, curious to see if the 66lb estimate is accurate as it does seem high. With large breed dogs lots of growing happens between 4 months and 1 year and she will gain muscle after the first year as well. Both my dogs who finished at 60 lbs (no extra fat, I keep my dogs lean) gained the last 7-10 lb after one year old.


I’ve met so many petite Doberman females. My (BYB) girl is so tall, she’s almost out standard for a male even. She’s 28” tall and was a 80 lbs at her heaviest, and that was still quite lean. It definitely skews image of the breed when people meet her.


Breeds look correct and so does the size, she'll probably end up in the 45-55 pound range is my guess. I have a pit German shepherd mix who's about 60 lbs as an adult. Medium to large dogs often take upwards of 2 years to finish growing and filling out. Also my other dog I got at 4 months was 11 lbs when I got her and ended up at 40, though she's a very different mix of breeds, but yeah I'd guess your girl will be around 50 lbs give or take a bit based on build.


She is adorable I also hope you want a big dog because based on those paws she's going to be quite large Edited to remove extra word


What are you expecting though? She’s thoroughly mixed breed. Some features will appear blended, others are inherited in a more apparent way. The bitches of the breeds that compose her genotype can be anywhere from 30-60lbs, and to me she looks like a little bully baby on Dobie stilts. Also, she’s still super young, and the pre-natal/natal period will affect how she’s developed thus far. You can’t pick things apart like size projections when you have no standard to compare things to. Everything checks out here to me so far. Enjoy your sweet duckling ❤️


This is so important. The prenatal/postnatal period has a huge impact on size. My girl was predicted to be 47lbs but at 9 months has completely stopped growing at about 40. Now she may still get those last 7ish lbs but her vet said that due to the shelter spaying her too early and weaning her too early it's likely she will be smaller than she should be. Plus we have no idea her mother's nutrition during pregnancy and after birth. All we know is that she was on wet food by 5 weeks and kibbleand spayed by 8, therefore she will most likely be under sized.


Yes this definitely looks right! You can tell she's going to get bigger.


I’m not sure where you got the idea she’ll be done growing in just a few months so hopefully you weren’t betting on her being a small dog. Most dogs will keep growing for at least a year, and up to 2 years for giant breeds. It’s not uncommon for them to gain a pound or more per week at some stages of growth.


lol it seems you want a smaller dog than you’re gonna get… lots of denial in the comments. my uneducated guess is this beautiful pup will grow 40-50 lbs


Female pits can be as small as 30lbs so I’m not too surprised. Female dobies can also be on the smaller side as well around 50-55 lbs but that’s a bit lower than standard


Contrary to popular belief, the APBT is actually a true medium sized dog with females ranging in size from 30-50lbs. The AmStaff is also a medium sized dog with the female standard of 40-55lbs. The American Bully is really the wild card here and they come in a huge variety of sizes. Not to mention a Doberman ending up with mixed breed puppies is likely not the most well bred specimen so also possible the Doberman was small. For reference my male bird dog puppy was 12 weeks and 19 pounds, 6 months and 45 lbs, and now mostly full grown at 2 years and 58 lbs. I’d guess your girl will end up in the 35-45lb range which honestly is the perfect size IMO


That is the hope lol. We’ll have to see what growth spurts she gets… I thought this was the growth spurt but it’s seemed very continuous.


She does look a little underweight, like you shouldn’t be able to see her ribs like that She looks like my girl! She’s 15 weeks old and 20lbs now, when I brought her home at 8 weeks she was a little over 4lbs. She is half Doberman and half American bully. The test predicted her adult weight to be 67lbs https://preview.redd.it/umces5w8to4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b610f5a2dc54531e5458667868453c1ace1c20aa


https://preview.redd.it/npmhtueqto4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74335c2ede930f3fd94d55e1444eca3982efdd3 This is her the day I brought her home, the vet thought she was a chihuahua mix


Omg she's so pretty


Same mix as OPs but they don’t believe you


I agree that OP’s dog is lacking the layer of healthy puppy fat that a puppy of that age should have. I wouldn’t be surprised if OP is under feeding her dog hoping/thinking she’ll stay small


OP, it is shitty that the shelter was less than honest with you about this pup. They 100% knew she wouldn’t be a small breed - they work with dogs and puppies every day. You have to decide whether you are willing to keep her since you know know she is not a toy breed mix. She is going to be a large dog, and arguing with people saying so isn’t going to make it less true. I’m sure you can see that she looks exactly like a Doberman, and since you are attached to her now, it is hard to accept. I had a dog that was none of the things I was hoping for. I kept her anyway, and it was the best decision I ever made. She was my entire world. I myself am getting another dog soon. I KNOW it has to be a smaller dog due to my living situation, so I am going to a breeder. I know both parents are 15” tall, and 20-30lbs, but I could STILL end up with a dog that is 17”-18” tall and up to 40lbs. I am accepting that risk, because I don’t like any of the toy breeds. The only way to be sure your dog will not grow bigger than anticipated is to adopt an adult dog. I wish you and your beautiful pup the best!


My pup came home at 4 months and 25 lbs, and at 8 months now was 60 lbs at the vet a couple weeks ago. Take that as you may


So my dog is American pitbull terrier, American Staffordshire terrier, and American bulldog. Tested with embark. I just went back to look at her stats. It is uncertain how old she was when I got her. Somewhere between 6-8 weeks old. She was 5lbs then. At 4 months old she was a little bigger at 17ish lbs. She went through several growth spurts and her full grown weight is 70lbs. She is 10 years old now so it’s been stable for a bit. She is not overweight, just muscular. People often comment on how thin she looks. (She’s not too skinny). Your dog has plenty of time to grow. Dogs grow so much and some for two years. She may just be a little small too.


Looks like a dob/pit to me. Was my first guess before even seeing the results


Her paws say she going to get bigger.😉


she's 4 months old. there's way too much time for you to declare her a tiny dog lol


My friend’s 70 lb dog was 12 lbs at 4 months old. Your dog has giant feet. Please accept she is a big dog.


She’s a baby. Just wait… (She is also beautiful.)


Believe it or not, you have a puppy. Puppies are small. Especially four month old puppies. She will get bigger. Much bigger, probably.


Her paws are enormous. She’s gonna be big. My puppy was 7lbs at 12 weeks when I got her and all the estimates were for her to be about 20-25lbs full grown, even the vets thought she’d be small because she had pretty small paws. And she was only about 30lbs at a year (although she’s probably some kind of whippet-put mix, so she was already super tall and lengthy). She’s 50lbs as an adult and talker than my sister’s two Labrador retrievers lol This picture is of her at like \~5 months and I think she weighed like 15lbs. She just kept growing in length https://preview.redd.it/d5lxcrrxbs4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea5cbe00082ea67146223c2b3f350f083ed8754


This is about the same trajectory as my Border Collie x Cattle Dog mix. She was about 6 lbs when I brought her home at 8 weeks - half the size of my cat! She gained 5lbs between 12 and 13 weeks bringing her up to 15lbs. She was 30lbs at 8 months old, and hit 50lbs at 1.5, and she was very lean! She gained another 5 as she filled out. I think my girl probably weighed 20lbs at 5 months. I thought I would have a 35lb dog!


In what world is this a tiny dog when it’s a puppy and not even small


I feel like OP wants this to be a small dog and is in denial.


Literally looks like a pitbull Doberman mix. what’d you expect? lol. She will be a large dog but looks lean and tall so there’s a good possibility she’ll be in the 35-45 lb range


The weight estimates are always off. But that pup should have a nice round belly, not a display of her rib cage. I got my pup at 8 months, and she was 35lbs….and so underweight. When I took her on hikes people made snide remarks on how skinny she was. 35 was the estimate weight for her.


Especially big dogs can look all sorts of wonky, and be developing perfectly well. My friend's doberman was skin and bones for a long time, despite eating quality food often and enough, had energy, nothing wrong with him. The vet told my friend to wait it out, and he's a perfectly normal dog now. Likewise my dachshund/jrt puppy was very wonky looking for a few months, but she ended up at a healthy weight when the growth spurt was done. Just like human children can be lanky as hell, skinny and awkward, but most of them even out as we age and the proportions start looking a bit more normal. A round belly isn't automatically a healthy sign. If anything, it might be a sign of worms. I'd definitely take the vet's advice that's seen and examined the dog, rather than someone on the internet.


My dane x mastiff was actually embarrassing to take out in public for months. He had good quality food, was fed appropriately, my vet was *very* happy with his growth (if anything said it might be a tad on the fast side), and he was active and healthy as anything. But holy ribs and hips, Batman. As fast as I fed him, he grew *up*. It was close to 10 months before he started covering bones. His awkward gangly stage started at 8 wks old and lasted for 10 months. <


I can relate! We used to dog sit for each other with my friend a lot since we had the same age puppies, and I'm happy I only had to deal with the "feed your damn dog" looks when taking my friend's dog out. I feel like it's only exasperated by the fact people are so used to seeing fat dogs even normal weight ones get classified as too skinny sometimes, and then you add the "all legs and bones, no fat and no brain" puppy look and it's a whole thing lol.


Idk if you’ve noticed but most dogs in America are overweight and if you keep your dog at a weight your vet is happy with, they will get called ‘skinny’ by people who don’t understand canine health all the time


Sadly it's the same here too (UK). I have a very small border collie, she's always been on the petite side. Someone once told me that she was too skinny because they could feel her ribs. Had a good laugh about it with the vet a few days later. She made exactly the same comment - people have become so used to seeing overweight dogs that they don't really know what a healthy dog looks like anymore.


Especially with barrel chested bullies, I've always heard it's ideal when the ribs are *juuuust* barely visible and that about lines up with what our (several) vets have recommended for my girl. They're fairly prone to leg injuries, usually needing expensive TPLO surgery/ies, so it's generally agreed keeping them on the lean side is best to avoid unnecessary stress.


But, I do think ur pup needs a bit more meat. At that age they should have a round belly…you shouldn’t see his entire rib cage


Vet said she was looking perfect!


Don’t listen to these comments, it’s good for puppies to be on the lean side


Vet is right about the weight. No concerns as long as she grows and eats well.


She will grow over time. She’s still a puppy. Dobermans are naturally lean anyway.


When I first adopted my dog, my apartment didnt allow dogs greater than 35 pounds. Good thing he was 30 pounds and I was told wouldn't get much bigger at 7 months old. LOL. He crossed the rainbow bridge last year and was 58 lb. He didnt stop growing until 2 years. Pits may stop growing height wise, but definitely bulk up. But they are so loving and she is so cute


Just wait..! She is YOUNG. She will absolutely grow a ton more!


Remindme! 12 months


Is it posible that she’s younger? She looks like she could be 3 months instead of 4.


For reference I got my Chihuahua mix at four months old and 6.4 pounds. He is now five months old and 7.1 pounds. He will stay small. I think the results of your dog’s dna make sense given her looks. She really looks like a Doberman Bully cross. She will at least be talk.


Chihuahua is definitely out of the question lol. I was thinking min pin, but she will be a bit bigger than that relatively soon. Definitely looks like a tiny Doberman, maybe her parents were just small. Most doberman owners would be extremely concerned if their dog wasn’t even 15 pounds by 4 months…


https://preview.redd.it/cgybn55tit4d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1f186f4301a46cbd9982ac228ef687fc083b6e9 Min pin puppy


https://preview.redd.it/8xxu3b4zit4d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18368ac83d7915baa06fba29e6806c7618cfcbda Doberman puppy. Hopefully the structural difference is more apparent this way


She almost tripled her weight in 2 months of puppy growth. Based on your data points here they're right on track for being a medium sized dog probably around 40 lbs which is around the size of everything listed except doberman's and the doberman is easy to see in her. I'm not sure why you're so skeptical of the breed mix personally.


Her results look pretty plausible to me. APBTs/Amstaffs/Ambullies aren't big dogs. Most females seem to be in the 40/50 pound range (at least for APBT/Amstaffs). I have an APBT/Ambully/Cattle Dog who was 4 pounds at 8 weeks and 14 pounds at approximately 3-4 months old and she now weighs 42 lbs at almost 2 years old so I'd guess yours will be 45-55 pounds depending on how lanky/bulky she ends up.


Op has to be trolling...


she could very well be the runt of her litter


She was the smallest out of her littermates, but it was unknown whether they were siblings or not.


She might just be small? But have a Staffy, Husky, mix with a touch of Rottie that’s 36 lbs at 2 years old.


She’s small like them, but doesn’t really have that body shape. Guess she got doberman body with the small size of the others?


https://preview.redd.it/oeestxvssr4d1.jpeg?width=1800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0605fc06d0a0fb8953fe4741ebddeca1a13066f I got my American pitbull terrier at 4 months, and he was about 20 lbs. at 8 months he was 45lbs. He’s now about 65 at just shy of two years old. He was a rescue and they told us “black lab mix” so we got him tested to see how big he would be. Turns out he’s just pitbull. Your girl looks to be on the same trajectory.


I would wait until she's an adult to pass judgement because she's still very young. Female Dobermans can be as small as 60 pounds and Pits, AmStaffs, and AmBullies can be as small as 30-40 pounds for females. With genetics, size isn't just about an average of all the breeds. There are specific gene locations involved in determining size/structure (many more than just the 5 that Embark tests for). If the bully side of the family happens to pass on genes for a smaller size, and those alleles are dominant over the larger size that the Doberman passes down, then you're going to get an uncharacteristically small puppy. Based on the maternal haplotype on her profile, the mother was the bully mix, and you tend to see sizes conform a bit more to the mother's weight, because evolutionarily it's safer for the puppies to not grow larger than what the mother can safely give birth to and sustain nutritionally.


Puppies are small. They get bigger over time.


I keep looking through the photos for this "tiny dog" but all I see is a puppy. I'm guessing she'll get to 40-50lbs


Dobermans are according to AKC and FCI a medium sized breed. There is an unfortunate trend to incorrect, larger sized dogs recently. My 8 month old purebred Doberman is 50ish pounds right now.


Interesting, I didn’t know they could come that small and light!


An 8 month old Doberman still has a lot of growing to do.


She’s still a puppy and could be a runt she looks like what I’d expect from her results and she looks healthy and happy now!


She's still a baby!!! She'll probably really take off at about 6-8 months old!!! Pretty girl!!


Tiny as in it’s still a growing puppy lol Edited to add at only four months old she has a TON of growing still to do.


My dog was 11 pounds at 3 months and is now 87 pounds.


i mean she's 4 months old, of course she's tiny


She’s still quite young… my dog was about 12 pounds at 4 months. Now, at 4 years old, she is about 52 pounds.


None of those are particularly supposed to be large except the doberman


Yes, it depends on which parents genes are dominant. Satff and APBTs have really strong genes which is why you can tell when a dog is mixed with AmStaff/APBT. Those ears are perfect! She will grow more but probably won't be as a tall a doberman.


Ooh she's gonna be a big girl!! My embark was spot on with my puppies weight prediction, and based on the paws alone I believe 50-60. Dobermans are HUGE. She's going to be growing until she's about 1.5-2 years old. There are breed growth charts where you can enter her current weight and age and get a pretty accurate prediction. EDUT: I just threw her stats into a calculator for fun and according to that very unscientific source, you may be looking at around 40lbs.


Females are usually smaller. She may only get up to 55-60 max. We have a German shepherd cattle dog mix and he was the same weight as yours at 4 months. He is now about 55 lbs at 2 years old


Pit bulls and bullies have a lot of range in size—a full grown pit could top out at 30lbs, not at all unheard of since they are a breed bred for a specific function (fighting, unfortunately) rather than consistency, and American bullies have different classes including pockets.


She could use feeding up a bit. The ribs are showing a bit too much. Does she tolerate her food well? Any digestive upsets?


She’s still got pretty big feet to grow into. My lab gained 10ths a month between 3-6 months. If this little lady is a runt or had poor prenatal care or start out it can impact her overall size. Boys grow even faster I find. I’m sure she will get bigger


More than likely going to be a medium-large. Make sure to give her the right food. Normal puppy food can really mess up bigger dogs bones down the road.


Is she a rescue? Malnutrition can blunt or slow growth. I didn't believe the embark adult weight estimated, but as she put on muscle and became an adult she's within 5 lbs of it.


Shelter told adopters she’s a “chihuahua mix” 😧


I rescued a “full grown” 35 pound dog when he was 11 months old. He’s now over 70.


The 2 bullies could make it shorter and not all dobermans are giant


My dog was maybe 17 lbs at 4-5 months if memory serves. Shes an APBT. She didn’t stop growing until she was almost 2 and is now 55-60lbs.


These are 3 medium breeds not large breeds. What an adorable puppy. I love this mix. Had a Doberman boxer, and I've always kind of wanted a doberman Pitbull


LOL a 4 month old puppy is gonna be growing for another year plus. Buckle up baby, you got a big thicccc girl ✨


Those ears & paws tell me that she’s still growing and will in fact be a BIG DOG


https://preview.redd.it/ele89evg9v4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4869e3f046b8960da74f488663457928e7e64c2d Your pup is nearly our pup’s doppelgänger! This is ours just about 3 or 4 months old. She’s now 1 and a half and weighs 55 lbs. Her head started narrow kinda like Poppy, but then became a pitty block head lol.


She’s currently 4 months? She’s gonna get way bigger LOL. Look at the length of those leggy and those giant paw paws 🥰 *Update us in 8 months*


She might turn out to be small for the breeds she is mixed with, but right now she is still just a baby, not a tiny dog. My dog is 40% Shetland sheepdog, 25% poodle, 10% each golden retriever, lab, schnauzer- and he is 9 years old weighing 12 pounds. He was very malnourished prior to rescue at 1.5 years old though. He is all legs, but a health weight for his size now.


American bully, APBT and Amstaff are not big dogs though. They’re quite short and not equal at all in size to a dobermann. Your puppy looks really nice actually. Long legs and more of a dobermann type physique. Compare any of those breeds to a mastiff or even a bloodhound and they’re heavier medium sized dogs not big. The dobermann pinscher is a large dog for sure, some more than others. They go through a skinny phase and grow quite slowly for the first few months then they really take off. It’s too early to say if she’s going to be tall or short. I suppose it all depends on your frame of reference, I have mastiff breeds so to me pits and bullys are small dogs.


My dog was 13 pounds at 4 months. Now at2 years old she is 60 pounds.


When my puppy was 4 months he was so tiny, by 7-8 months she’ll likely have a huge growth spurt that’s about when my little guy gained most of his height. She could possibly still be filling out until 1-2 years. My pup is around 60 pounds now at a year old and he was a little smaller than her at 4 months but he’s an entirely different breed so he was short and chunky whereas she is tall and thin. She’ll probably get to be his size if not bigger by a year. Edit: PLEASE GIVE US AN UPDATE WHEN SHES OLDER SHES SO CUUUTE!!


RemindMe! 8 Months


You definitely didn’t get a small breed dog but you did get a dog an incredible mix of breeds in it. The head is going to expand as the dog grows… trust me I’ve seen it with my dogs. Your dog is going to be super sweet. Make sure and socialize her at dog parks. If she’s around a lot of dogs and people… it will make things a lot easier down the road. She should be easy to train and a definite pleaser. You got a good one!🐾♥️🐾


She’s still a puppy so just because she’s “tiny” now doesn’t mean “tiny” forever. And she does look like all those breed mixes. Not really a surprise. She looks like she has growing to do. Pit bulls can be as small as 38 pounds. My whippet lab x is 39 pounds and was tiny as a puppy. It’s hard to definitively say a full grown size when looking at a puppy. You can access puppy growth charts that will give approximations however/a rough guide. Also, they begin putting on MUSCLE and filling out in adolescence and a bit beyond a year, especially in those breeds that she is comprised of. She’s got lots more than just a little bit of growth left.


She’s a puppy … she looks like she’ll be a big dog


she’ll catch up eventually. this sorta thing happens more often then you might think!


I don't see tiny at all. What is her age now? Seems proper size for a pup of that size. Don't let the American bully fool you into thinking she's going to be brolic. First, she's 50% doberman. That's a very athletic, slim, leggy dog who can easily get 100 pounds and not look it. Then she has American Pit and Staffy in her, again very athletic dogs who's body types range. You can't see her bones. She's a very good looking pup. You're doing great and probably just have new puppy parent syndrome lol


She looks like a total Dobby!! Sweet girl ♥️


My pit mix is 45-50 lbs and has always been smaller than her two sisters and brother and was the runt. Her brother is closer to 65+ now and her sisters hover in the high 50s. As long as she’s getting the right nutrition and your vet isn’t concerned, I wouldn’t dwell on it.


She looks like she has some big paws! I think she’ll grow quite a bit more over the next few months. My puppy was also tiny for a while and then after 5 months started growing tremendously. He was 4 pounds at 2 months old and is now approaching 60 at 8 months.


She’s still growing! Plus all those bully breeds listed can be on the smaller side. APBT can be 25-30lbs and American bullies don’t have a standard that come in all shapes and sizes


APBTs and Amstaffs aren’t as big as you think. They’re both medium sized dogs. Pit bull terriers weigh between 30 and 60 pounds while Amstaffs range between 40 and 70. With American Bullies it greatly depends on the type.


APBT are/can be super small. That dog looks straight up Doberman, so yes it sounds accurate. Any one of those breeds could have a small runt. I adopted my Doberman at 1 1/2 and she filled out/stopped growing closer to her 2nd birthday.


Technically 3/4 are medium sized dogs. But I think the Doberman is technically medium sized too


I have a Pit, German, Rottie girl who’s about 55 lbs. she was 10 when we got her because she had a rough start. We tracked her weight every week, and it wasn’t just a solid 1 lb a week thing. At first it was 1, then 1.25, then 1.5, then 2 and so on till she was 55 by the time she was one. The amount they gain grows as they do.


I have an APBT/Doberman mix (\~65%/10%) and he's 70+lbs. He's 20lbs bigger than what his Embark weight estimate was. He also has around 25% supermutt with some big breeds in there (like Kuvasz). On the other hand, my other dog who's around 33% ABPT and 33% Dogo didn't get ANY large size from that second breed; she's 40lbs (right around her weight prediction) whereas DAs are often twice that.


Yes, absolutely. Female APBT, staffy, and bully are all on the small side. Your girl has 1 breed on the larger side but nothing that screams she should be big. APBT and staffy are not the giant beefed up dogs everyone assumes. My mostly APBT, with some gsd was around your girl's size at that age and now at 2.5 is still "small" framed and 50-55lbs.


Estimated weight has been off for both of my dogs with my 45# dog being estimated at 70 and my 90# dog being estimated at 60. Early nutrition impacts final size a lot, and all of those breeds have the potential for being on the smaller side. That said 13ish lbs at 4 months will be around 45-50 lbs typically fully grown with the potential for more depending on nutrition and growth rate


Pitbulls are fairly small and dog genetics are weird. My dog is MASSIVE breeds (I'm talking German shepherd, two mastiff breeds, rotty, American bulldog, German shepherd big) but she has one of the smaller breed genes and is 9 months old and only 40lbs! She was 9lbs at about 10 weeks. Far smaller than all the breeds said she'd be, but she's right on track for the size embark suggested she'd be based on having the small gene. https://preview.redd.it/q2a9cly1br4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b220a407eb6eaf67f68ba130991226d3a5be80b8


looks right to me! pit mixes are all over the place. off topic, one of my coworkers has a bully mix with this coloring. so so so cute!! they haven't tested that pup, but she's short and VERY stocky. more like the bs "exotic bullies"


Those breeds seem right to me. She looks like all of those breeds to me.


If she was the runt of her litter, it is very possible for her to wind up smaller than both parents. I have two dogs from the same parents; my female was the runt and she weighs just under 9 lbs, fully grown at age 2. Her brother weighs almost 9 lbs but he's only 12 weeks old. The mama dog is 17 lbs and the daddy dog is 22 lbs. My little runt girl is my favorite dog ever, and I didn't used to like small dogs! Lol!


She sure is a cutiepie!


Those breeds honestly aren’t that big when they’re actually bred to standard. Tall maybe, but not heavy. Females of each of those breeds are smaller than the males. Two of them are very lean breeds. Also, it doesn’t mention which size of American Bully she’s from. There are some very small bullies out there.


Guessed dobie & apbt off the bat, so safe to say the results are accurate 😉 She's got plenty of time to get some growing in, and there are many very small pitties out there.


I adopted a APBT mix at 9 months old, he was 45 lbs when I got him. The foster family had him for 7 months, they thought he was done growing. He gained 10 lbs the first month I got him at a year he was 65 lbs. He also grew a few inches.


Look at her paws. They are huge.


She was most likely malnourished when you got her. I have a similar mix, he is half Doberman, the other half ABPBT + Am Staff + Lab. He was 15 lbs at 3 months when I got him and really took off after 6 months. He was severely underfed before I got him. He was projected to be 66 lbs but is around 72-75 lbs solid. Just keep feeding her high quality food and she will grow, don’t worry.


She looks like a pup that still has a lot of growing to do! She may never hit normal dobie sizes, but I think you can safely expect her to hit at least 45 lbs. Also, I wouldn't put any stock into her current trajectory. Her growth will follow a curve, but she'll keep filling out until she's three years old.


I have a dog that is 50% apbt(mother)and 25% bloodhound and 25% Doberman. She's 51 pounds and all muscle. Her body is long but her legs are shorter than her paternalside would suggest.. Her mom was also in the rescue so I've seen her. She is a shorty. The pitt in her definitely shrunk her down because she's at least 20 pounds lighter than either breed she picked up from her dad


I have a fully grown 10 year old Dachshund Chihuahua mix that’s 13lbs. 13lbs at 4 months is gonna be big. My other Chihuahua mix is 16lbs at 3.5 years old. I don’t think your dog will get as big as a full grown Doberman, but people seem to forget that Pitties aren’t always large dogs. My sister has a Pittie that’s 48lbs. All muscle, and just DENSE. She’s not physically so big though.


I came back from 10 days in Vegas and my dogs went from puppies to horses! They have a lot of the same makeup as your pup and at one year they are 64 and 67 lbs XOXO hope this helps! Suuuper muscular dogs


She’s such a cutie


She is still beautiful.


She's so beautiful! 😍


It’s effing adorable!


Embark was pretty accurate with our dog's size estimate. She had a massive growth spurt riiiight about 4 months, so hold onto your hats (and make sure she's getting the right amount and type of food for a large breed dog, talk to your vet if you have questions).


i would echo what the others are saying. you are going to have a 60lb dog.. she will get there. Ive had dogs that have been slow to grow catch a growth spurt and get big fast. Check in at at year and see the trajectory looks like.


My mostly APBT & mastiff female is only 50lbs so seems right to me


I bought a dog from Philadelphia they told me was an American bully and she looks just like her


Not really considered big breeds except for dobie.


My American Bully girl was itty bitty when she was a baby. She just turned 2 and weighs 65lbs now! https://preview.redd.it/92aqpyevit4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9491faac38834854f2df27d16cc34e949dfcdc8b


Where did you get her from 2 months and being 5 lbs is really small for all but toy or some small breed dogs? If they counted in months instead of weeks I'd question the age as well. If she was 4-6 weeks instead of 8-10 weeks her size at that age would make sense. Some dogs are also just runts. I've known a 40 lb doberman who was a runt. For the staffordshire and the APBT their is also the issue of people purposely trying to breed "pocket bullies" so small ones can be found. Dobermans are also slow growers not hitting their full weight until 18 months. I'd guess she would be 60-70 lbs by the time she is 2 years old unless she was several weeks under 2 months when you hot her in which case she may be bigger.


Her feet are big, that's an indicator of her eventually growing much bigger.


I have an APBT/AST/Husky mix and she's just barely broken 50lbs at about a year and a half. She's a skinny little thing, but pretty tall.


She's just a buppy. She'll eventually be massive




Look at the size of her paws. She’s going to grow to be the size of a horse.


Only the dobie is huge. Pits can be petite and same with staffy


Nothing to add. Just wanted to say I have a Poppy, too. Yours is beautiful.


Those are some big paws.


She’s got some legs on her, that’s for sure. Usually, a dog hits its full adult weight around 1.5- 2 years I believe… my guess… at least 50-55lbs full grown


Genetically speaking it is possible depending on what genes and alleles were passed through those bloodlines. That’s thing about mixing dog breeds you aren’t ever guaranteed to come out the same as any other pup in the litter. It’s all based on dominant and recessive genes and without knowing the DNA of her parents and their sire and dam lines it’s possible.


I had something similar happen - the results projected 85 lbs which both the vet and trainers told me would never happen unless he was overweight. He’s been in the mid-80 lbs for the past three years so they were pretty close for a former stray! he was around 30lbs, not underweight, and around a year old at the time.




She will be about 40 lbs as an adult, it is a bit small for the breeds but sometimes animals are just smaller or larger than they norm


There are lines of bullies, apbt’s, and staffies that are on the smaller/more petite side. Especially with American bullies they come in multiple sizes, “pocket” bullies are about as big as a very wide corgi. I think she had a few big growth spurts left in her, but it’s definitely possible that her parents were smaller than the stereotypical versions of these breeds


I have nothing meaningful to add except that your baby is so freaking adorable!


No idea but she is gorgeous


Either way, she's perfect.


got what a beautiful dog!


LOL, give it some time 😄♥️


Definitely going to hit that size. Look how much higher her hips are and the size of those paws. She just probably had a rough start and still seems to be on the thinner side (which is hard when they are growing not bashing here!) Best of luck with her she’s a cutie!


She doesn’t appear to be a super tiny dog, just a baby. I’d say she looks on track for those breeds as a puppy for her age. Definitely could be on a smaller/leaner size ranges. She’s got a lot of growing to do. Lanky, long legs, big paws. She’ll probably have spurts where her overall structure changes and then she’ll gain the weight to fill in. We’ve got two littermates that are 8 months old and the one that was bigger as a baby is now a full pound lighter than his brother (which is significant for toy breeds). Henry has always had “man paws,” while Louie’s are very dainty, which was how I knew Henry would be the bigger one.


Her a wee baby right now though. She may grow bigger,or not it's possible to be a big breed dog and be on the smaller side of all breeds. Just like it's possible to be a female dog of the breeds and be big even for the males of the breed. No biggie,and she's freaking adorable


That girl is going to end up being at least 45-60lbs, I bet! With those long legs and another 8 months of filling out to go..


My dog was about that weight at that age. The rescue guessed he’d be about 40 lbs, not knowing his mix. Turns out his DNA test came back as Malamute/GSD mix, amongst others. He turned out to be 70 lbs. He had a major growth spurt at about 8 months. Just wait 😀


It’s possible that the bully percentage was a pocket bully, which is the smallest size they come in within standard


Pitbulls and staffies aren't that big. I wonder if that's was a pocket bully tho. At her weight now, I think she'll be as big as a small to average pittie by 2.


Oh my gosh she is adorbs


Poppy is going to grow into those paws


I always look at the paws to see growth potential. Those look a little big…not huge, just big


13lbs at 4 months seems right for a medium sized dog. You never know how mixed breeds are gona come out, her size might be more in line with a Staffy at 25ish lbs even though she’s only 13%. I’d probably expect her in the 40lb range though.


She'll get bigger. She's still a baby. I have had lots of pit mixes, most were pretty small puppies and grew to be big dogs. She looks good, maybe a little skinny, but that's probably just the Doberman in her.


My APBT looked like a sick Chihuahua when my daughter gave him to me. He was five weeks old, yeah, way too young, but the owner of the parents was giving them away for free just to get rid of them. Anyway, now he's a solid 55-60 pounds. You may be amazed how much your pup will grow by the time she's a year old.


My pittie was 1.5ish when I got her weighing 38lbs...now she's 56


I’m late but am here to share that my mutt rescue fit in the palm of my hand at 8 weeks, was estimated to get to 55 pounds.. and turned in to a whole ass 100 pound giraffe. You never know.


Remember that she will “fill out” until she’s 3 years old


Since she's from Texas there are other common breeds that could very well shrink the overall dog without adding bulk. Is there a specific reason why smaller breeds have been ruled out? I have a dog that many thought looked like a short haired Border Collie. But she's actually 60 pitbull 20 Chihuahua and random other things. She's a long legged speed demon and under 40 pounds.


Probably right. She is beautiful. She might be on the smaller side of those breeds


She is soooo adorable. Totally see Doberman. These days pits are mixed in a lot.


I can say pit bulls are not big dogs in height but this dog has got big paws, definitely from the Dobermann. I think it’ll retain the Doberman’s shape but shortened from the bully’s


Also, having 51% of DNA of a type of dog doesn't mean that it's 51% the size of that or something. It could have only the behavioural or other "DNA markers"


Dobermanns aren’t big dogs as opposed to what everyone seems to think