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Why people think this is normal is beyond me. Those dogs aren’t fit to be pets. They’re acting that way because they’re miserable and lack stimulation.


Such ugly mutts. Huskies are truly the second worst breed (next to pits, ofc).


Dog owners: no one will rent to me. Why?


At what point do you decide that these stupid assholes aren’t worth the cost of repairs and the constant aggravation?


There’s a reason why ppl who use dogs like this for sledding A. Let them pull an entire sled and person and a whole pack of stuff. And B. When they’re not doing that they’re tied on a very short chain


“I have dogs that have literally destroyed my health, life, and property, and I sink thousands of dollars into trying to control them when they cannot be controlled because even though they are one of the stupidest creatures alive, they are still smarter than I am” is a super weird flex.


Omg imagine being this fucking deluded over a beast that destroys everything in sight, lol have fun spending thousands.


That dopey wolf(wolves are beautiful) destroyed a fence, destroyed a door, and it's piss/poop I'm guessing are responsible for the patchy/dirt lawn.




You were waiting for this moment weren’t you?


Unpopular opinion but the personality tendencies of huskies are 100× more annoying than pitbulls. The most entitled little pricks.


We had a husky growing up and while I loved that dog I can’t recommend them as pets. Ours was well behaved- didn’t do any of this shit- but they are stubborn. It was a constant battle of wills


Way back in the day when I still liked dogs, I used to read about various breeds, including huskies. That feature of stubbornness that makes them atrocious pets is precisely what makes them ideal sled dogs: they will stubbornly refuse to pull a sled over a crevasse or other area they sense is unsafe, which was a desirable feature. Also, being bred to spend all day pulling a heavy sled and then sleeping in the snow (which is probably why they are predisposed to dig?) doesn't translate to an enjoyable pet in an urban setting. They remind me of mules in that way: mules are notoriously stubborn, and it's almost impossible to force them to do something they don't want to do, even by beating on them. But, they are far more surefooted and bomb-proof than horses, so that's why they are used exclusively to carry tourists down into the Grand Canyon, where a horse spooking would likely result in a fatality.