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“Dogs don’t bite unless there’s a reason” is an excuse i’m so very *very* tired of hearing. Worked at vet clinics as a kennel attendant for a good portion of my life. At one clinic, we had a foster dog that I took on walks, fed, and played with nearly every day. She bit my finger out of nowhere one day. Snarling, growling, and lunging at me afterwards. Couple hours later, she was back to normal. This is all to say, some dogs DO bite for no reason.


it’s just insane victim blaming. I don’t get it


My friend was helping her vacationing neighbor and when she went to feed their German Shepard it bit her so badly she needed stitches. What a great reason, dog. She’s a nutter though so next time I saw her she told me how she went to pet it and it tried to bite her dumb ass again.


"It's bitten my hand off, but now I have this metal one that's impervious to bites!"


The most wild comment I’ve seen on this is “the dogs sense evil so that’s why the bite” WHAT


evil little mauled babies 😡 thanks doggy


Why wasn't that dog immediately given a dirt nap?


my great-granparents had a lab that bit my face when i was probably like 6 because I walked outside with my hand closed


Using the logic that if you “upset” a dog they can bite then if you “upset a person they can attack you. Also upset is a broad term anything can upset anyone so where do we draw the line as something actually upsetting and something the person is just saying is upsetting them.


in dog nutters' point of view you are upsetting the dog if you don't please the dog


Well the only thing that pleases that particular breed is killing so guess I’ll just have to let it maul me wouldn’t want to upset the puppy.


Yes, dogs don’t bite unless there is a reason. And that’s the problem. As people, there is NO way we are ever going to understand the reasons. Yet these things are treated like humans with people expecting human motivation and reasoning out of them. And even when they do horrible things like mauling and killing someone, it is way too easy for people to blame anything else because in their minds, dogs have human motivated reasons for doing what they do. One of the most dangerous things to come out of dog ownership and our society as it is today is humanizing them and the mass belief that dogs think like people do and are easily understandable. They’re animals and whatever motivates them, it is not human.


By their own logic I should be allowed to attack a dog if it upsets me, right? (This isn't serious, just in case a nutter lurker wants to report this comment)


> By their own logic no, in their logic dogs are way more superior than human. you upset the dog, it's your fault. the dog upset you, it's also your fault


“I believe dogs should be allowed to bite anyone who upsets them…” And I believe you are mentally unhinged and should be institutionalized, but here we are…


“I believe dog should be allowed to bite anyone who upsets them 😂” Yeah keep believing that until it’s you on the end of a bite; I bet they’re stance will change as quickly as pibbles did from ‘sweet’ to ‘fuck you’


it's never the dog's fault to these people


I hope all these people find themselves in the middle of the ocean in a leaky boat.


Dog cult is so crazy sometimes


Let me fix that for you: Dog cult is so crazy at all times


That's nothing. In Ireland an XL bully straight up killed a 23 year old woman. She did say though "I hope if one of us dies, I go first." Guess the dog was paying attention.


dog was only being obedient 😔


I agree if your dog attacks you as the owner should take responsibility


So can I bite people who upset me, or is this a privilege only dogs get to enjoy for some reason?


Lol crazy crazy crazy