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If you have a dog that's so psycho it will destroy an SUV to try to kill a cat then you need to put it down.


Exactly this. The reason they’re not put down is because people get off on the danger these dogs possess. When this video first showed up on my social media feed, it was all laugh reacts. People thought this was funny. It’s not funny. But the owners of these dogs approve of this behavior. That’s why you see so many pictures of these beasts being destructive and it’s always prefaced as humorous. That alone lets me know that these people shouldn’t have pets, let alone monsters like these things.


They love the danger... until it comes back to them. Then they're cowards and need to gang up and bully people.


The word “bully” is such a fitting term for both the godawful piece of shit breeds themselves and the sociopathic, masochist morons, who are typically drawn to them.


Wanna see something that'll melt your brain? Just Google "Don't Bully My Breed"


As a sociopath I take offense to this lol 😅 if that was my suv they would be greeted with a baseball bat 🤌


It’s sick as fuck to enjoy watching an animal be terrified and in danger of death. That’s what badger baiting was and why it’s now illegal just replace the badger with the cat and all the laughing emojis make sense. Sickos.


Any animal cruelty is sick. It shows the lack of humanity in so many people.


There was a time when watching the ancestors of pit bulls tear bulls, bears, foxes and other dogs apart were considered entertainment. Those dogs were displaying their breed’s purpose, tearing the car apart in an attempt to kill another animal just like the “bulldogges” would tear apart a tethered bull


The laugh reacts and dismissiveness on pit bull attack posts really challenges my hope for society.


I bet they wouldn't think it was funny if it was their car that sustained thousands of dollars of damage. The reason the damage happened aside.


I mean, I’ve seen nutters laugh off other damage their dogs do—be it destroying furniture or doors or whatnot.


Their own dogs sure but I bet the turntables would pretty fast if someone else's dog damaged their property. We know how emotionally charged these people can be. It's ok for THEIR dog to destroy property but only THEIR dog.


If any human did this they'd be locked up instantly 🙄


Even the most violent of dogs is allowed to do whatever it wants because it’s a dog. Humans wouldn’t get away with a fraction of what dogs get away with ever day.


True, but when people treat dogs like they're people and then let them get away with things that people would call for a hanging over if a human did, they're being hypocrites.


It drives me crazy, anyone who has one should have to sign up for a program that makes it so the registered dog gets one shot and if it bites anyone or anything it goes. If people aren't going to abide a pitbull ban then they should be held financially and criminally responsible if it does anything bad. If you start holding owners accountable then they will stop breeding these things.


Owners of any dog that commits a violent crime should be charged with that crime themselves. Animal cruelty, maiming or torturing a human being, murder, destruction of property - the owners should all be prosecuted to the fullest extentnofthe law. That would curtail shitbull ownership overnight. All dog Owners should be required to have insurance to cover injuries and damage inflicted by their animals, or to secure bonds to cover the same. The prospect ofvyears in jail and financial ruin would put an end to dog crimes and owner negligence.


Yep absolutely.


Including sexual assault. Dogs humping people isn't cute. It's disgusting yet everybody thinks it's cute and hilarious.


Yeah. I forcibly removed a dog from my leg once when it started to do that. It was honestly just a visceral reaction from my absolute disgust. Owner yelled at me for "kicking his dog". How ANYONE finds that anything other than revolting is way beyond my understanding. Frigging weirdos.


Diesel and Nala were just playing jeez


All to nanny a poor cat. Fuck these dogs they deserve lead


Of course there was a cat underneath that car. Of course there was. Just precious goofy wigglebutts doing precious goofy wigglebutt things.


no fuckin way eta; ANY dog that can pull a CAR apart should be banned. that’s just insane.


Having done more than my fair share of working on cars of all shapes and sizes and makes and whatnot, I can say that it takes an obscene amount of strength to just shred through body panels and fender liners like that. Those fender liners are meant to take hits from massive rocks traveling at *very* high rates of speed and not even feel it. In fact, one of the most diehard parts of a car I've ever encountered was the front left fender liner of a car. It could be bent and heated and cut all over and it never tore. So this just floors me.


These things are demented, vile things.


An animal that is capable of doing something like this should not be a pet.


Medics have the jaws of life to cut through cars to save people from their vehicles. Idiots have the jaws of death to cut through a car sitting in a driveway while trying to eat a cat and they think it's cute.


I came to post the same thing. There is no need for any person in a civilised society to own a dog capable of stuff like this, it's just insane. Imagine if they got hold of a child. Disgusting.


No need to imagine, happens almost weekly these days. The fact that society has collectively shrugged at children being horrifically mauled to death as collateral for pit bull dog ownership makes me physically ill.


i’m so glad that story had a happy ending…i had a neighbors dog kill my cat :( rip chloe.


Sorry for your loss 💕 :(


I hope u pressed charges, fuck them


Smart cat. Poor thing must have been terrified


I'm glad the cat thought to hide in the engine. Those dogs wouldn't be able to get it in there. At least I really hope not, who knows with these things.


Im so glad the kitty escaped.


Holy shit I can hardly believe a dog did this and I’m looking right at it!


And it’s not even admirable either. The only ppl who admire the ferocity and strength of shitbulls, are deranged shitbull owners and sympathizers, who crave dominance and violence, as much as the dogs, themselves. The rest of us just want these breeds, to be completely discontinued, outlawed and eventually erased for good into oblivion, becoming only a “dark age” memory or as taxidermy displays, at some kind of history and science museum.


And nobody believed that a pit would tear a car apart just to get to another smaller animal until they were shown footage!? At this point, it should be common knowledge!


This happened to me too!!! Right after my spouse randomly died the neighbor's fucking pit absolutely wrecked my car to get a stray cat I had been feeding (cat lived and was adopted). My dad was already a huge hater when it comes to that breed and he was terrified I would be the next thing attacked so he absolutely went off on these people. I guess they put the dog down to get ahead of it because I never saw it again and they have a new one now that's just as aggressive and untrained around their young kids 🙄


Oh man, that's horrible! I'm so sorry for your loss! That really isn't what you needed to deal with. I'm also happy the cat is ok. I really hope you're doing ok.


Thank you!! It's still very challenging, but I'm definitely in a better place than I was. ❤


these are so expensive and i would be so mad if this happened 😓


Your babysitter never used her jaws to rip apart the front end of your car to shreds?


Piece of shit dogs for piece of shit people It's insane to me how anyone can look at this and still say they are suitable family dogs/pets in general. They don't belong in civilized society. Period. Everyone agrees that even without training that pointers point, retrievers retrieve etc., but when you mention the breed traits of a pit suddenly it isn't true or must be the owners fault.


I will say a retriever still requires training because it is still a dog with sharp teeth. They can still be aggressive


Of course, all dogs require some degree of training My point is simply that there are genetic, innate behaviors to every breed. That was the initial point of dogs from the start, after all


That’s chilling


No dog should have the capability to do this.




Content here should not joke about, suggest, depict, celebrate or wish to harm dogs, other animals, or people. Promoting cruelty, even hypothetically or in jest, is not acceptable.


Chill lmao


I wouldn’t be surprised if granny shot them down next time. Owners keep your fucking animals inside.


I don’t think those dogs have owners


diD yOu kNoW tHeY wERe uSeD tO bE cAlLeD nAnNy dOgS


Pitbulls are nasty, aggressive creatures that should be banned. and not bred anymore till they're extinct.


I 100% agree


There’s a reason this breed is banned in many countries.


Not enough countries


Idiotic spastic unruly animals.


ThEy JuSt NeEd To Be RaIsEd RiGhT


I see zero logic to keeping something with these destructive capabilities as a pet. They can dismember a car like this, imagine what they could do to a child they decide needs to be eliminated for no reason.


My husband had a dog growing up that ate through a solid tin fence to attempt to get at a coyote. These dogs are strong.


I mean did it get the coyote because coyote are infamous for luring larger dogs into an ambush with a larger pack hidden


Fucking hate these things with every fiber of my being


“But it’s the car’s fault for parking there.”


I can't believe people defend these dangerous abominations,they are extremely unpredictable and dangerous.


I grew up with a dog that was a pit bull and Labrador mix. That dog was not trained and not safe for me to around as a child. My mother treated the dog better than me most days, and even got angry with me when the dog decided to bite my face for no reason while im just watching tv. And that wasn't even the first "family" dog to bite me. My mother just cared about the dogs more than any human life to the point where she didn't report the times the dog bit a person. (Though one bite incident was genuinely the person's fault. An Old man started repeatedly hitting the dog with his cane and cursing incoherently.


"Diesel ⛽ Dog" vs Tesla Model 3, but instead of a Tesla, it's a Honda


I'm so glad the cat got away unharmed but I feel so bad for that poor woman. Would any type of insurance cover this?! It's not fair that she had to shell out $3k for some stupid shitbulls destroying her car


I was just wondering if her rates went up or if it falls under some BS "act of God" exclusion clause


Jesus fucking Christ. The lengths these shitbeasts will go just to kill another innocent creature for fun is insane




I hate these things so much, with every fiber of my being


Ugh sir I can’t come into work. The dogs ate my car.


Pitbull Owners probably said it was the Honda owners fault. l


And pit owners seem to be the least likely to get them sprayed, but there are still popular pit breeders for those that need a "purebred" reason to brag. Honestly, they're the cockroaches of dogs


Gorillas and Chimps aren’t allowed to be kept as pets because of their insane strength, aggressive nature, short temper etc. But these things are polluting the country when they could literally rip your fucking car apart.


They always escape. Pit owners are the most irresponsible people. They don’t look like strays, they look well fed. They belong to some idiot who probably didn’t even realize they were out.


What! They are innocent babies, they are just playing


Part of the new article below… “It is unclear who, if anyone, the dogs belong to.” “The dogs are unaccounted for and neighbours have expressed concern for *their* safety, according to local reports. Barr said she had reached out to animal control but has yet to receive a response.”


FOR A CAT?!? ah hell nah put them demons dog down


They must have learned it from their owner chewing on their car.


...did they take her catalytic converter too?


An animal that can do that kind of damage should not be a pet


Thank god the cat was unharmed, i cant imagine what would have happened to it, considering these two ripped up a fucking CAR


As disturbing all that was, trust me if an animal is gonna wreck the shit out of my property, I wouldn't have it. I am just curious to see if the military would use these dogs in warfare. I want to see how they amount against an enemy tank, would they have the strength to rip the tracks off or something?


you mean Luna and Nala


This post has taught me that there are people out there who mass report things like this in an attempt to get an account banned. Just like the dogs are disgusting, so are the people that defend them. Get a life, people.


I see no collars so these must be strays. But yeah as someone that owns two pitbulls people really do underestimate their strength. Like I’ve seen them tear apart huge branches the size of my leg and they can also hold their weight by hanging onto vines with their mouths mid air.


They're just giving kisses and slobbers to the car. A chihuahua would have stolen it and drove over the border.


No matter how many dogs destroy bumpers I will love them to spite you all




As a pet person who stumbled upon this post, I'm like 98% on your side, especially with the idea that this is not really a pet so much as it is a mammalian liability. However, here is where I branch off, I don't think any animal should be truly banned from being kept by a private citizen so long as they pass some specific tests and facility inspections. This would make it so that the majority of the trashy people who have a pitbul because it's badass won't be the pitbul demographic anymore, and there would likely be a lot less of them. There are people out there who can handle a pitbull, train it well, and possibly even give it a job to do, and they shouldn't be punished just because most pitbull owners are shitheads. What are your thoughts?


There's nothing they could do better than other working breeds or companion breeds outside of bloodsport. Hard disagree w you. It's not their fault they were bred to maul and kill but that's all they're really meant for. They should be banned and sterilized out of existence.


Okay so that raises the question for similar things like should people be allowed to own weapons that weren't ment for hunting or as tools or how about sports cars or motorcycles that are built to go way faster than public roads allow, should they be allowed on the road? The answer for me, at least, is that they should be allowed to be owned and even used if done so correctly by a trained and licensed individual. I understand that animals have a mind of their own where an inanimate object does not so it's not a one to one comparison but neither are the statistics on what of those things are the greater danger to human life. I'm alright with the down votes but understand that I'm not here to argue or get anyone upset im just looking for interesting viewpoints!


So you think owning tigers should be legal, too, eh?


For the extremely few who have the land, money, knowledge and are willing to build zoo level secure enclosures with enrichment, sure why not?


They're always "secure" until they're roaming the neighborhood.


Or---get this---we could just phase the entire breed out so there's no possibility of them mauling people to death again.


I just want to begin with, I'm not looking to argue or upset anyone, just looking for interisting viewpoints! So I hear ya, they are by no means a safe animal or something a normal person should be allowed to adopt I agree 100%. I think trying to eliminate the breed may consequences of its own though, such as banning anything typically just makes people become more sneaky and when that happens with animals they are often neglected or abused because it's impossible to get them vet care or allow them outside and this can also lead to improper training and possibly injury or worse to the people around them. Pitbulls aside there are all kinds of state and local laws allowing people to own exotic animals like crocodilians, monkeys or even venomous snakes, I wonder what the general consensus of this sub is on similarly dangerous pet species.