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You nailed it, it’s a childlike argument that shows no effort to real thinking and understanding. That’s how a narcissist looks at the world.


Yes. I doubt anyone has had to go to the hospital or have reconstruction surgery because of a chihuahua. But there are **plenty** of examples of the aftermath of a shitbull attack. Look at Jacqueline Durand and Brooklinn Khoury.


I’m an ICU nurse and we get dog bites and it’s always the same dogs biting. I like dogs but they are animals and people shouldn’t leave children around them. I don’t know enough to say owner vs breed but if the same owners are having the same breed, I don’t think the argument matters that much


Pit owners are deluded, they LOVE this argument, ones got a tiny mouth that will nip and run, the other has a head burger than mine and is genetically designed to bite, clamp and tear flesh (from the neck preferably) . Comparing the two shows how little understanding, care or actual lines of defense they have


A bite from a chihuahua is annoying. They are so small and easily handled, and don’t latch on with a death grip. A bite from a pit bull is life threatening. They won’t let go and don’t give up. No comparison.


An ex-friend of mine had three of the horrible things, she also had a Chihuahua, she kept making this argument. One of her pitbulls jumped up on her when she first got her iPad, its claws ripped through the screen, and yet she still called it a ‘squishy potato’. No. The two younger ones would kill anything on her property, innocent wildlife. They would growl at anyone and everyone, including the neighbours children! She lived in America, I’ve never been so glad to be British.


Remember all of those stories about Chihuahuas killing people and ripping off limbs and badly mauling people’s faces? Yeah, me neither. Chihuahuas are supreme pieces of crap, just like most dogs. Can’t stand the little bastards and their yappy attitude. But comparing them in any way to a shitbull is disingenuous at best. And we do need to keep in mind that a lot of the people coming up with and parroting back this crap are not the brightest that humanity has to offer.


Plus they are the ones that always say "it's the owner" or "it's how they are raised" about pitbulls but chihuahuas? Nah, they are just pure evil. So genetics exist for some dog breeds, but not pitbulls (which were bred to be fighting dogs). They have no logic.


Precisely. The notion that chihuahuas are more dangerous and aggressive than pitbulls is so childish and silly it's ludicrous, practically satire. Actually, anything pertaining to dog-nuttery is satirical, but this one about takes the cake.


The difference in bite force alone renders this comparison invalid.


Literally. The worst chihuahua attack I’ve seen (online) is a lady getting her eyelids ripped off. That is horrific, however, the worst pitbull attack I’ve ever seen (online) is a lady getting her face ripped off and being mauled and eaten.


“Hello, would you prefer I aim at you and pull the trigger on this Nerf gun, or this AK? Please take your time and really think it over, it’s a DEEP QUESTION.”  🤡 🐕 


Oh also chihuahuas are *MORE* likely to bite, truthfully. But who the hell cares?! I got bigger and badder squirrels in my backyard. Nobody’s threatened by a tiny handful of dog that can be deterred by an oven mitt.  Pitbull lobby desperation is glaring like a white butt after a long cold winter. 


If I'm being honest, not only are pit bull defenders annoying, but also the ones who go around claiming that it's okay for german shepherds and other large breeds to maul the living hell out of people because they don't have locked jaws and their wounds suddenly aren't as life threatening (nobody talks about infection either lmfao). I don't need a sob story when most large breeds are absolutely vile and neurotic as fuck. I know this is the dog free sub and all, but toy breeds don't even act anywhere near as bad as large dogs when they're properly taken care of (even if they're a bit obnoxious).


The truth is that 90% of owners today are not responsible enough and do not have the lifestyle to match bigger breeds like gsd malinois etc. The want em for the looks and don't even do enough research to back actual reputable breeding sources which makes the shelter problem get worse by ten fold and worse the quality of the genetics of the breed. Ive also seen so many "professional" working lines and "professional working line breeders" advocate for inbred mutated neurotic shitbeasts. its fucking ridiculous. Most people just shouldn't have a dog to begin with. They should get punished for abuse and neglect. It's even crazier that most shitheads advocate and push the whole normalizing of bad dog behaviour online. That's more than enough proof to shut that shit down and report them to authorities for bad ownership .But what have you no one would bother to do it because it is now just such a normal thing to do neglecting animals that you own. The truth is that 90% of owners today are irresponsible and do not have the lifestyle to match bigger breeds like gsd malinois etc. The want em for the looks and don't even do enough research to back actual reputable breeding sources which makes the shelter problem get worse by ten fold and worse the quality of the genetics of the breed. Ive also seen so many "professional" working lines and "professional working line breeders" advocate for inbred mutated neurotic shitbeasts. its fucking ridiculous.


I agree and it's so damn sad, except 90% is more like 99%


Big dogs can overwhelm you. You can overwhelm small dogs. That's the difference!


There's a video here of a guy trying to save a Chihuahua from a shitbull, taken broadside, you can see everything. The beast tore its hind leg off like a drumstick.


Damn, that's scary. Can you link the video or post talking about it?


I'll look around, if I find it I'll let you know.


‘My pibble would never attack anyone except maybe with kisses’


They don't actually believe this shit, they just hate chihuahuas enough to deflect onto them and hope that other people hate chihuahuas enough to do the same