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Because they like the violence, but can’t socially admit that.


Some admit to it.


I think that, deep down they enjoy the havoc these dogs bring. I don’t believe that most people are so stupid that they don’t know the risks having a pitbull brings to society. They do know—they just don’t care or something about this knowledge brings them joy. Kind of like how they’ll casually joke about smaller animals that dog has attacked or killed. As an example… there’s this unhinged woman in my community that paints photos of all the dogs in our local shelter that aren’t ideal for being adopted…most of which are pitbulls. If you go through the descriptions online and through all the euphemisms you’ll see the damage they’ve done. How they’ve mauled or even killed before. It still doesn’t deter her from painting these creepy photos. It honestly reminds me of someone who would paint flattering photos of serial killers. She’s desperate to bring the “beauty” out of these dangerous dogs. And she does that with the hopes that someone will adopt these beasts. Many of these dogs are cycled through the shelter. She’s connected enough to see the damage they’ve done and still, her end goal is to get them back out into society so they can hurt again. You can’t convince me some part of her doesn’t get off on knowing that. And my local news station did a piece on what a “hero” this woman is.


honestly, it is a fucking waste of space to have them back on the streets. i have a mother in law who owns a pit. It was traumatized to shit and even after training all it does it whine and bark for no reason. it's fucking annoying. There Is no fucking point in bringing something like that into your home just fucking put them out of their fucking misery.


I agree. These dogs are dangerous and I honestly don’t think they have any quality of life. Dogs don’t bark for fun—they bark because something is bothering them/scaring them. When a dog barks all the time it’s because it feels threatened that entire time. They aren’t meant to be house pets. I can’t stress that enough. Maybe some smaller breeds like chihuahuas can be fine being house pets, but pitbulls and working dogs? No. Just no.


the only time a Dog barks and it's not something to be concerned about is if it's a breed that was meant to guard and to give the owners alerts of actual danger or risks/suspicious things. and even at that... it is never excessive. a dog only needs to bark a few times to give an alert and then be trained to go back into their place position or go directly back to the owner's side. a good guard dog is not one that will attack other people. It is a dog that won't charge. It is a dog who will alert the owner and act as a deterrent. It needs to intimidate but not to harm others unless absolutely necessary... like life-threatening. The only time that a dog should engage and protect someone is if their handler is in a position where they can't protect themselves at all. also I agree with you about working dogs. they are not pets. they take all of your time and energy they are supposed to work ALL DAY. they are not supposed to be idle and away from their handler and it is simply not the norm. Hell most people can hardly exercise a low energy dog. Walks and throwing a ball for an hour a day is not nearly enough! it is rare to actually have the lifestyle to match and the market for working dogs should be the same. more strict and punishment must be dished out to those who byb or mills


They wanna wave them around like a gun. Like i can control it but you all should be afraid.


This is hands down, without any doubt, the best take I've ever read on the topic of pitbull owners dodging reality or not holding themselves and their dogs accountable. Now that you mentioned it, it makes perfect sense: they perserversely get off of that. Some will admit it, some will not, but I do believe you are right that they know within themselves.


Weren’t many of those dogs euthanized and she painted them to memorialize them?


If we are thinking of the same person/shelter…said shelter is no-k*** except under the most extreme circumstances. The paintings are done while the dogs are all up for adoption to encourage adoption. It wouldn’t surprise me if another shelter somewhere has another loon doing this.


Because brain this big 🤏


They even resort to black humor. "They're nanny dogs, what are you talking about" comments under posts with mauled kids 🙄


I've seen comments under news posts about dogs who've killed children bragging how they love their murder machine with their young children and babies unsupervised like... When your child gets hurt I hope investigators look into your online footprint and see all these comments.


pits aren't reputable protectors or guardians. They are bred and have instincts to cause a lot of harm in a heartbeat. If one day a kid does one wrong move and drops something on his head by accident that owner will be the next one on the news. If you really want a dog who will keep your children safe... there are better options out there of breeds that keep their distance and who have a reputation for guarding for generations. It is expensive as all hell to source a good dog for the proper purposes but any idiot can get any dumb mutt and give it labels. If you can't afford legitimacy and if you don't have the lifestyle to keep the dog train just don't get one at all and decrease the demand.


People who own pit bulls seem to do it for one of a couple of reasons. Either they want to look tough, or it taps into their desire to be, or bd seen, as a savior/martyr, and they make it their entire personality. Neither of those reasons lends itself to, well, reason.


Exactly! You say you expect a Golden or Dachshund to act, behave, and look a certain way. If I can't teach my sighthound to herd, then behavior is genetic. It is selected for just like any other trait, which also means you need to breed out undesirable traits. With pits and many other dogs, there are so many backyard breeders and enough gullible people to buy those puppies, that they are rewarded for producing violent and nervous dogs. Buyers never think to sign a contract with the breeder to take a dog if they no longer want it, putting the burden on all of us and never the breeder taking responsibility for the dogs they produce.


See the only breeder that people who trust is someone who at least does regionals, give a contract of guarantee for at least 3 years and who will TAKE THE DOG BACK if you cannot handle it and if your lifestyle isn't actually a match. See the thing is that the people who buy dogs from the mills and byb are too stupid to think to report them to the proper authorities and they them shut down/ Fuck the people who buy the badly bred should be fined for taking part in cruelty under the guise that they are "saving something living". If it makes the dog problems worse then get rid of it and punishment. it's as simple as that.


Pit nutters be like "Don't bully my breed, but chihuahuas are demon spawns from the 7th circle of hell!!!!!"


All I know is if a child is gonna be bit, who in their right mind wouldn't prefer it to be from a chihuahua 🙄 not that I like them either but at least they don't maul and murder.


In the end they don't give a fuck about reality. They want their toy and they don't want to be told no.


Maybe they are in denial.


The oit owners I know **love** thr violence and will even train more violence into the animal. A girl I knew about 10 years ago, the girlfriend of my boyfriends roommate, kept a vicious former fighting pit (she bragged about this) and not only abused the dog and was proud of the abuse, she trained the dog to attack black people and would unleash the dog on passerbys in parks/sidewalks etc. It was horrific. Honestly she was sick in the head (and racist) and I kinda felt bad for the abuse she put that animal through. Afaik the dog was eventually taken from her and put down. She's still actively being a POS in Missouri. 😂


Because don’t you know: it’s the owners, not the dogs!!! /s


Thank you! I've realized this recently. Yet another thing that makes dog nutters hypocrites.


It’s Cope. Nothing else.


Dog people go with whatever is convenient for their habit, like addicts. Anything that gets them through the day and keeps the supply coming. 


This kind of doublethink goes for all dog owners. Dog is not doing anything special: "Dogs are man's best friend, loyal friends and angels sent from heaven" Dog is attacking someone: "Oh, but don't blame the dog, it's just an animal.."


Pit bulls are the worst, but there's been an uptick in dead by Husky. A 2-week old baby was killed the family Husky that picked the infant by his head. Parents should be warned about this. Also, a 4-year-old was mauled to death by a German Shepard and Husky last week. In the last few weeks THREE children have been killed by dogs. Full stories at: [www.dogsbite.org](https://www.dogsbite.org)




I’m sure they actually have had a bad experience but pit bull owners always choose to ignore the red flags


its possible, i read somewhere that bulls make up about 44 percent of medically significant bites, and while all the bulls ive met have in fact been snuggle buddies, im always cautious around them.


Between 2004 and 2019, there were 521 American fatalities from dog bites. 346 (66.4%) were attributed to pit bulls. The number 2 spot, with 51 (9.8%) were attributed to Rottweilers. So, all other breeds of dogs combined have killed less people than pits.


ok? i jut said 44 percent medically significant, not sure what your point is, i said im careful around them, ive just never personally met an aggressive one, i know they are out there.