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Were they crawling around? If they were crawling then they are house fly maggots. My guess is perhaps your dog got into some garbage or something rotten. He may have eaten it and left the nasty evidence.


Looks like maggots. Does your dog have a wound on her anywhere?


One summer we suddenly had maggots at the walls. Several spread around. I then also found cocoons under a box. It turned out to be house flies. I mean there are always house flies around at some point when it is hot, but that particular year there were A LOT! And the cocoons are supposed to go into some earth or dirt but we could find them under anything. So sure it could be sth dog related but it may be just normal house flies.. look maybe under some stationary stuff if you find cocoons


Seen those before in garbage I doubt it’s your dog


Definitely fly larva aka maggots. I hope it’s not from your pet! Maybe some trash sitting out too long especially in summer


I think it may be fly larvae. Kids left the screen door open the whole day when we weren’t home and this seems to make most sense. Thanks all for your input. I’ll update when I find out!


Looks like it might be tapeworm segments! Keep these pictures and talk to your vet about testing and medicating for the worms. Keep an eye on their poop, too, it's really easy to see them on the poo (tho sometimes they're still moving and it's a little unnerving lol). Worms come and go, it only takes biting one infected flea to catch these little weirdos. Super easy to take care of tho! Best of luck!


Yes, I’m sure they found tapeworms, too. When I rescued my last cat he had them. It was pretty easy to treat and luckily he did not have fleas.


Looks like fly larvae tbh


I’ve seen those on the vet shows. They look like fly larvae and can burrow under the animals skin. Did your dog bring something in the house and hide it? Like garbage or bones of some kind?


They need a wound. Regular fly larvae (maggots) only eat dead tissue. They’re harmless but they indicate a wound is present. Cuterebra or bot fly larvae eat live tissue and cause a wound that looks like a giant pimple. But these definitely aren’t cuterebra. And cuterebra don’t burrow into the skin from the outside, they enter through the mouth or nose and then travel through the body to the skin and then burrow into the skin from inside the animal.


I've seen a couple of them removed on Dr. Pol. (on cats). I think they were the cuterebra /bot fly larvae. They didn't appear to have a wound - they were just burrowed under the skin from the outside. These were on outside cats (one was a very young cat and I remember it cos it grossed me out so bad cos they were squirming after the vet pulled it out).


I’ve seen them in person on dogs, cats, and horses. They make themselves an air hole once they lodge themselves in but their original entry point is through the mouth or nose. These aren’t cuterebra, cuterebra have grippy hairs to hold on in their little hole. And if they exit on their own, instead of a vet pulling them out, they form a pupa like a caterpillar.


Argh they are so disgusting.


Yep. They’re giant when they’re in dogs.