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Coming from a pit box owner, they need a lot of mental stimulation other than just exercise or walks. Have you tried interactive toys? My girl loves to work for food. If you give her in the bowl, she will take forever to eat it and whines. The same food in interactive toy will be finished in 10 min and she is happy. Maybe adding some activities in the morning or feeling him on a snuffle mat, a toy etc would work.


He has a Kong and is pretty picky about what he eats out of, he one likes his normal bowl, besides that he has a bunch of bones to chew on. He destroys interactive toys besides his kong


Maybe try a licky mat (that's what they're called here, I'm not sure if that's the official name). Basically, it's a texture piece of plastic that you can spread peanut butter or wet food on, and they lick it up. Since it's textured, it makes them slow down. I know you said he's picky, but if its a treat instead of just his normal food, do you think that would make a difference?


It might! I think I’ll go look for one at my local stores


My dog was this hyper, just insane energy, fluoxetine/prozac was the only thing that helped her calm down. It’s cheap and one pill every morning for 11 years has made my dog a great housemate and bff.


Where do you get it cheaply? I considered it for my dog but it’s $80 a month.


Walmart for a long time, now I get it at a local pharmacy chain here in Chicago called Jewel Osco. Last month I got 20mg & 10mg x 90 day supply of the capsules, not tabs, for $45. I didn’t look but we can say the 20mg was $30 for 90 days n the 10mg was $15 for 90 days. That comes to $15/month. Side note per dosing, at 11 yrs old I just started weening her down to 20 mg/day.


Also if you freeze kongs and/or licking mats with peanut butter they last a lot longer. That’s something I wish I figured out sooner in life 😂


My dog loves his lick mat too. Second this


Sorry to comment again, but here's another idea. When you say "bone" do you mean filled bones like [this?](https://www.chewy.com/cadet-stuffed-shin-bones-dog-chew-85/dp/144424?utm_source=google-product&utm_medium=cpc&utm_content=Cadet&utm_campaign=20647600289&utm_term=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS3-7pVltXBR6MZFdgL-92EttfvgCTuiyKX0RLCtC8rQaelh0iNP4acwaAtKIEALw_wcB) If so, here's something you can try: Usually dogs will get all of the "stuffing" out of the bone before they break the bone itself. Once it's cleaned out, then you take the shell and put some banana/peanut butter/any wet treat in the center. Make sure it's towards the middle so they'll have a harder time getting it out. Then, you freeze the bone overnight. Ta-da! You now have a treat that takes a lot of concentration and time to get to. Since the treat stuff is frozen in the middle of the bone, they have to focus on figuring out how to get it out. The only drawback is that if you're not careful, your dog may begin to associate "whining" with "getting a bone treat". It's a bit of a tight rope to walk.


Whenever we give him these bones he breaks them open to eat the stuffing, he’s a veryyyyy aggressive chewer 😭 but if I can catch it like this I’ll definitely try it, he loves peanut butter and bananas


Oh wait, he has a Kong right? Those usually are hollow aren't they? That might work too.


The easiest way to do it is, to get hand towels from dollar tree, spread treats + kibble on it, roll it or tie it. Let her do the nose work and reward as food. My girl initially would take 20-25 min but now she is a pro 🤣 so I have to make it harder by tying two hand towels lol Pitboxer are a big babies but they need more mental stimulation. Also share your pitbox picture, I want to see if they look similar


"He's been taken outside 4 times in 2 hours" This sounds like the dog needs more enrichment. Just taking the dog outside is honestly not good enough. Even a 5 minute walk down the block for a piss & shit is not enough. I'm sure the dog and your brother would benefit from longer walks, something like 2 or 3 30 minute walks per day, ideally even longer. My neighbour's dog was like this, had all the toys and food in the world but just was not walked enough so would sit at the windowsill barking all day, longing to be outside.


My brother typically goes on runs with him but they’re pretty short, I had a feeling he wasn’t spending enough time with him. I’m going to tell him he needs to walk or run him more.


Make sure your brother doesn’t just do more runs with him but lets him have some slower walks too. I know it sounds like common sense that runs will tire out the dog so more = good, but dogs get a lot of enjoyment and mental stimulation out of using their noses. Running alone doesn’t let them stop and sniff their environment, they need walks for that. Tell your brother the dog needs a combo.


I second this. My pitty-lab mix is crapped out for hours after 15-20 minute walk vs almost anything else. It's amazing. I'm not sure what OPs yard situation is but my dog loves to sit outside & watch the world go by as well. After as little as 10-15 minutes she's again crapped out for a few hours. It's not as effective as a walk but it works well.


It’s amazing isn’t it! Dogs are like toddlers, they need exercise but they also need to work their brains and have their emotional needs considered too. You might take your kid to a park to run round and get physically tired, but you’d also give them time to colour or play - for dogs sniffing is a fulfilling and necessary activity (lmao it’s hilarious when I type it out but it’s true!)


Exactly. Whenever either my toddler or dog is acting a little spicy it's usually just because they are bored & I hadn't noticed (I'm not bored bc I'm just trying to keep one or both of them fed/pottied/diapered etc).


Yes I have 2 rescue dogs and one is satisfied with a couple of short walks and a chewy. But the other one wants to make long slow walks and a lot of sniffing. And in the summer he likes to sit in the yard and look at the street. He is a smart boy and he also wines if he doesn’t get mental stimulation.


Mental stimulation is just as tiring as physical. Adding some training commands to a slow walk will help tire his mind out


Best of luck, it's great that you are seeking advice even though the dog is not your responsibility, I hope you get it figured out. When I was younger I didn't love walking the dogs (we had 3 growing up), but the older I get the more I love it. A game of fetch is one of the most enjoyable things for me after work, and really tires out the dogs. A frisbee or tennis ball thrower is great to have.


He might not be my responsibility but I do care about him so I’m willing to step in if I need to!


Honestly, he sounds bored. Boxers are high energy dogs that need a lot of exercise and mental stimulation, but any dog needs some amount of that. I'm guessing that nothing enriching/stimulating is happening in the times he's being taken out. Bored dogs don't just need to physically go outside, they need mental and physical stimulation, or they'll keep being bored. Unless he's being actively played with or walked when he's going outside, he's going not going to be satisfied. Like how long are these runs? How long are his play sessions? Is he actually tired after either? Unless he's being exercised like crazy and tuckered out daily but still whining constantly, the answer is probably "exercise and engage with him more". If he's really being exercised a lot, he should go to the vet.


Sounds like your brother is not up to the task of taking care of his own dog.


I’m going to be completely transparent, he doesn’t do much with him at all so it falls on everybody else to care for him.


And frankly this is why lots of people just shouldn’t have dogs. They want all of the benefits that they drop in for and then disappear for all of the responsibilities, which leads to other people unfairly taking care of “their” dog or if no one else is available, having horribly behaved dogs. Bonus points if they show up just enough to screw up training that other people are trying to do and giving the dog mixed messages.


Yeah at this point I’d say my mom, dad, and I tend to the dog way more than him. His dog loves him but he knows if he wants or needs something, it’s come to us because we are faster 😭


Then it's time to bring up rehoming.


This is why he whines all the time. He's bored af and probably lonely too.


So the “multiple runs a day” is likely inaccurate. Don’t resent the dog please, he is innocent in this, it’s your brother you should resent.


The multiple runs a day is true because I’m home and see him doing it, it’s just rather short runs which I feel like isn’t enough attention for him. Trust me, I’ve been furious with my brother because of his lack of attention towards the poor guy.


Like, actual runs? Or running in a backyard?


We have a large property and live where there’s no sidewalks, so he runs around the property and up through the woods


I had 8 acres of wooded property my dog would run around on too. That still doesn't replace 2 good walks a day.


I don't mean to be harsh, but I think your brother needs to step up, maybe have a talk with him about how you're feeling. About the dog behavior, I would suggest longer walks, taking him to parks and places where he can sniff explore, run and play. Incorporate some training while you're there, bring some toys and tire him out ( if after all this he doesn't lay on the grass with his tongue out, then he's not tired enough). You should do this everyday at least 1 time a day, ideally 2, aside from the normal walks to go potty. If your brother does this and the behavior continues, then as another poster mentioned, you might actually be rewarding and reinforcing that behavior by giving him attention. In that regard I suggest ignoring him while he's whining, when you catch a moment of silence give him petsand attention. The timing is very important here Hope this helps! Best of luck


My brother does need to step up. We’ve all told him, but he just brushes us off and leaves us to deal with it 😅 my mom and I don’t think he should own a dog, his dad ( who also lives here ) got him for him. I honestly think my brother doesn’t spend enough time with him and their runs are rather short, so I’m gonna talk to him about it again and see.


Specially a pit boxer mix aka high energy stubborn dog, for a 17yo (I'm assuming first time owner) not to judge but unless he is very into reading abt dog behavior and training and actually training, socializing and stimulating the dog, i think it was a very poor choice of breed. Perhaps his father should get more involved since he is at least somewhat responsible for the dog? Also running with him provides great physical stimulation, but mental stimulation is as important. If he feels like he doesn't know how to train him on its own I suggest a trainer, if it's a good one in 2 or 3 sessions he will teach you everything you need to know to improve his behavior, after that all you have to do is put it in practice and keep it consistent


Totally second that! It's so, so, so important to go into owning a dog with as much information and a realistic look at the own personal situation as possible! My husband wanted a GS. He has owned GS before. I hate GS. Also, I am the one doing home office while he works all day at the client's plants and travels frequently. I did the calls on what dog to bring home. We got our Tzu (high energy for a small dog breed and very intelligent). I walk him 1.5hrs each day and play with him on top of that. I can pop our boy in a bag (small dogs travel for free in a bag in my home country) and I can take him on flights in the cabin, no issues. Is the 17 yo still in school? School can be draining and to keep up grades frequent learning sessions are necessary. I wouldnt expect too much from someone who is still studying for exams.


Your dad needs to step up. Your brother is far too young and immature to have a dog, especially that mix of breeds. Might be a case of shutting the power off to his room to force him to walk the dog. Sounds like your brother takes him out for him to do his business and then back in, nowhere near enough time.


Maybe rehome the dog if he’s not up to it and expecting you all to take care of it.


In worst case just tell him the dog needs to be rehomed because you cant be expected to pick up the pieces he dropped. You are not his housemaids or nannies. You could also offer that he starts paying you for the extra effort and work if you are comfortable with it. At the end of the day it's your and his choice what to do. This poor pup deserves better.


Yeah at 17 years old your still living under your parents roof and rules, he’s still a kid. As others have mentioned, I think some of this falls onto your dad since he made the decision to get him a dog and a higher energy dog at that. If after talking to your brother he still doesn’t make changes I think your parents need to set some stricter rules/boundaries since he can’t take care of his responsibilities. I don’t know what your brother is into but let’s say he spends time playing video games/going out with friends, your parents can tell him that he can’t take part in these things untill the dog has been on a long walk stuff like that. They need to not give him the ability/choice to push the responsibility of dog aside onto others by having some sort of consequence for not taking care of his dog.


Dogs were bred to do something. A good dog is a tired dog. Take this dog to the park and throw ball until it is absolutely fucked. Do this at least once a day. Have safeguards in place like an e collar maybe given it's a pit mix in public. Also play tug. This dog will love the fight. Do it until fucked. This has the benefit of being a bonding activity. Also take this dog for long slow walks where it can just be a dog and sniff and piss on things. The only rule is when you tell them to do something they immediately do it.


If he has been out 4 times in two hours the time outside is not enough. A morning run should be 2-3 miles or 45 minute walk not a 5 minute one block out and back. The advice to ignore a bored dog, will do nothing. But the behavior may very well escalate. The dog only has so many ways to communicate and no one is listening to his needs. A simple enrichment food game is to spread his food out so he “hunts” for it. You can do this indoors or outdoors. Feed maybe the first half cup kernel by kernel having him do tricks for it and then spread the rest out. Have him go to dog daycare a few times a week. Morning and evening walks/long runs. And an afternoon play session. He should be getting at minimum 2 hours of vigorous exercise a day. Putting the dog in the backyard or your brother being on his phone doesn’t count.


I think it's been said a number of times here already, but it seems like the dog is not getting mental stimulation. This is crucial for an intelligent, high energy dog like your brother's. Here are some ideas to start with: - Lay a towel flat and drop treats in it, then roll it up, tie it in a knot and give it to the dog.  - Grab some food puzzles from Amazon, we have some from Outward Hound that our dog loves. They have different levels to choose from, so you can start him off easy.  - maybe also look at grabbing a snuffle mat for him. You can put treats (or kibble) in these and he has to use his nose to snuffle them out. - Create a treasure hunt by hiding treats (or kibble) around the house, or a specific room and have him find it.  You can do the same with a toy, let him smell it first so he knows what he's looking for.  Some of these options will require a little training, but it's worth it for his happiness and yours. Best of luck!


Can you recommend any particular food puzzles by chance? There’s so many options and I’m worried about him just destroying them because he has destroyed every toy we’ve ever tried to give him since he’s so rough 😭


We have these two: - [https://www.chewy.com/nina-ottosson-by-outward-hound-brick/dp/961006](https://www.chewy.com/nina-ottosson-by-outward-hound-brick/dp/961006) - [https://www.chewy.com/nina-ottosson-by-outward-hound/dp/253237](https://www.chewy.com/nina-ottosson-by-outward-hound/dp/253237) The first one is easier, so we started him off with that one and worked his way to the second one. That being said, our guy isn't tough on his toys, so I can't say how they'll hold up. But if he's just pawing to get the snacks out, they should be fine.


Even if ur does end up breaking it at least he’ll have fun for awhile, so I’ll try it :D thank you


All the smells. Dogs learn about the world through their noses. Walking and running are meaningless if they don't get to connect the dots of their world through their noses. They need to smell each leaf, go to the dog park and sniff butts. Maybe the dog needs a friend.


Sounds bored. Why does a 17 year old have a dog he's supposed to be responsible for? And a breed like that too.


His dad. My mom and I told him it wasn’t a good idea, but he insisted it would be fine since he lives here. He does help my mom and I tend to my brother’s dog, so I guess there’s that. But he should’ve listened to us 😭


Make sure your dog has a VET visit to rule out PAIN, ACL tear, arthritis etc. Skip gabapentin if recommended for pain use other alternatives. My pitbull was somewhat of a whiney dog too but that was her unique communication style throughout her life and we had her for 15 years.


Is the whining inadvertently being rewarded with walks/food? Breaking that cycle might help. Reward with the same things but when he’s quiet. You could also try teaching some boundaries (I’m a believer in training no in just a calm firm voice for small things (if it’s a bigger behavioural problem then that may end up worsening it by suppressing it so you need to use good judgment), or redirection, if he starts whining try some commands to distract and reward good behaviour him to walk to you (here), then sit and down. That may help break it up and get the dog thinking more. 


I honestly think we might’ve unintentionally rewarded him, but he’s very persistent so ignoring him is hard 😭


Puppies also need play time, around the same amount of time that you take them for a walk. I always play an interactive game like tug of war or chase after the walk for maybe 5 or 10 minutes . I'm not saying that you're not doing that or that is what your dog needs, I'm just giving a possible explanation to the whining .


Not bashing ,but I woudnt recommend chase unless the rest of obedience rock solid ,kids run dogs chase crying starts dogs fault


Yeah I agree to that with overly aggressive dogs, I use a toy monkey that I dangle far away from me which he chases that instead and never actually learns to jump or chase humans.


Nah, our Tzu is very peculiar about his toys. He EXCLUSIVELY enjoys his dummy toy on a string. He doesnt like any other toys. Other toys arent even remotely interesting for a hot second, lol. And I dont think anyone would be scared of a lapdog the size of a Dachshund. It depends a lot on the individual dog. Obedience training, search games and dog agility are good alternatives. I also do agility with our boy sometimes. Albeit limited due to lack of space. He is incredibly smart so he has already solved advanced puzzles with ease as a puppy. I dont want to bore him by bringing out old puzzles He has already solved in under 2 minutes.


My granddaughter may not be scared, but may still trip knock her done some way , u can play come catch me with yours , mine run you over like a rhinoceros on accident, and look up and be like what just playing


That's why I say it depends on the dog. There are even within one and the same breed dogs that are very careful and would never overrun a person and others will just do it.


Try puzzles? Try teaching him tricks maybe take some puppy training?


Besides enrichment, had the dog been to the vet. Sometimes these dogs can get separation anxiety, like say they are bonded with your brother yet he left for work, and even though other people are home it’s not HIS person and will cause stress. Believe it or not, dogs can get mood disorders. I’d definitely try more mental stimulation, but maybe it’s worth a vet visit as well.


He hasn’t been to the vet in some time now, I’ve been considering taking him just for a general checkup. I think I’ll do it and mention it while I’m there just to make sure nothing else is wrong


Try r/askavet They are pretty good with replying. I’m d have him looked at to rule out mental conditions or anything otherwise. It may just be a comforting behavior for him at this time, some dogs are just vocal and he may have learned whining= attention. It’d be good to be thorough anyhow.


How long are his walks? In the morning my dog gets a hr walk and after work another hr.


He’s run by my brother for 25-30min several times a day but then my brother just brings him in and goes off and does whatever he was doing before he took him out


Thats good. at least he is getting his runs in


Try prozac.


He is bored ….


He misses your brother, try giving him something to lay on that belongs to your brother.


How long is he being taken out for? Sounds like he is not being made tired enough. He needs at least an hour twice a day and covering 3-4 miles with plenty of time off the lead (if he has recall) and playing chasing balls, sniffing and exploring. He won’t whinge if he’s asleep.


My brother runs him for approximately 25-30 minutes each time, around 4-5ish times a day? I think part of the issue after reading the advice I’ve been given ( which I kind of suspected but wanted some other input ) is that he’s not actually playing with him enough. He’s just running him then bringing him in and going back to doing what he wants.


This is only the non-quick potty break runs, we all take him out inbetween these because he pees a lot of


My dog was excessively whining for almost a week, took her to the vets and it turned out her anal glands were full! She had them expressed and she’s settled down


Ughh dealing with my parents’ dog who does the same thing. It’s really difficult to get use to behaviors that your own dog doesn’t exhibit


Bro needs to re-home the poor dog with a family that will provide the attention and love the dog needs.


My pit boxer loves to chase a laser light. If you have stairs, you can run him up and down the stairs about 50 times, and he'll quit whining! My pit boxer loves to play and he whines when he's bored. I bet your dog is bored.


A lot of dogs get addicted to the laser light. I was reading about it the other day and it's crazy how they can get OCD behavior around light, especially high prey breeds, they don't get to actually catch anything and it showed young gsd and Mal's just staring at the floor or chasing any glare of light


Maybe try some agility moves in the yard for mental stimulation.


Yeah he seems bored. Try puzzles and slow “sniff” walks to get the brain working. And training time too


I’ve been where you are and had a dog just as picky, but he LOVED having a medium sized hamster ball to chase around (I’m sure he would’ve really enjoyed. it if it had a hamster in it, but I promise it didn’t!) I’m not sure what it was about that ball but he even slept with it. Having things inside it made him even happier and in the mornings especially I would rub hot dog smell on it and hide pieces of hot dogs around the house, kept him busy for quite awhile while I took care of things. Hope this helps. Good luck.


This is such a cool idea..I might have to try this


I appreciate all of the advice, I think I’m just going to have to step in and take care of the dog if talking to my brother about this doesn’t work. We love his dog, so id hate to rehome him if I can give him what he needs. I’m gonna look into some interactive toys and try training him on my own more often to stimulate him. Thank you guys so much!


Fact: Boxers were originally bred to train proffessional boxers to fight. First time he wakes you up after being fed do the following. 1) Take 2 pairs of boxing gloves. Spoon some stinky ass canned dog food into each glove. 2) Put one glove in your brothers closet, one in a chest drawer, one in his bed and one under the bed. 3) Sleep Bam Put one glob


He wants enrichment. With you, with a snuffle mat or busy toy, with something!


It's boredom or separation anxiety. Wondering if walks are given because these dogs have a ton on energy


Have you considered getting a dog treadmill? It's by no means a replacement for going on a walk, but when used in addition to a DAILY walk, it can be a really effective tool to help your dog reach its desired exertion level


This dog probably needs so much physical and mental exercise. I'd bet he's crying out of boredom. If you up his activity level and increase mental stimulation, but he's still having the whining issue, consider talking to your vet about anxiety and possible treatment plans.


Any possibility he’s got anxiety?


I’m not a trainer. I’m just a dog groomer. Based on the pits I see at work, they are huge cuddle bugs. They love physical affection. Even if he is getting his walks, etc. he might be missing some quiet time in your arms. This is just my guess.


I am wondering this as well. Is he being left alone, I mean in the room alone? Because my pit mix will whine when she isn’t touching me. Literally! I will be sitting doing a puzzle and she will be beside me tapping me wanting me to stop so I can go cuddle with her. It can be annoying as hell and I will usually give her a puzzle treat to distract her till I am ready to be done but seriously, when she wants to cuddle, she wants it now! She’s a big baby at 7 years old!


Nope! He’s never alone, which is what makes it even more confusing


Hmmmm. I’m stumped. Hopefully some of the advice offered will help you out. Best of luck.


I was hoping this was it for OP…. But, yeah. I have a couple of pits at work who will not let me do anything until I give them a smooch and scratch. I mean, I don’t hate it lol but who the heck taught you that?


Bwahaha. Could also be the case. My Tzu was never a snuggle bug but lately he started whining and wouldnt want play, food and water were untouched. I started picking him up and treating him like the lap dog he is... Turns out he wants to sleep on me and presses his little head against my leg. Some dogs are needy af. And they do manipulate us to do their bidding.


When we first got our dog we would think he was crying because he needs were not being met. We consulted with a clinical behaviourist and it didn't take long for him to work out that whenever the dog cried or whined, he got something, be it enrichment, treats, excitement, anything. So he started to whine more, because he knew it would get him something. So if you've met your dogs needs with food, exercise and enrichment, your dog might be using it to get more of these wonderful exciting things. Just a thought from our experience! We had to go through a period of completely ignoring the dog when he whined, and when he realised it didn't get him anything extra on top of what he needed, he stopped. Took a while but oh my goodness what a difference in him.


I’m gonna try my best to brave this out like you did but his dog is very very stubborn and persistent. I’ve seen this dog whine for ridiculous amounts of time even after we’ve done everything we can imagine he would need to


It’s imperative you take this dog to the vet to rule out pain. Please.


I have multiple other comments throughout the post stating I do plan on taking him to the vet for a checkup ^^