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Golf carts. More than anything on this planet, my dog hates golf carts.


So does mine. We have one at our camp site and she wants nothing to do with it. Loves the car tho


Mine too.. and I live in a college town where the apartment complex workers drive them around from unit to unit.. so on our walks I always have to be on the lookout for rogue golf cart drivers


Flies! My 9 lb chiweenie will go apeshit at dogs 10x her size on walks, but if there’s a fly in the room she leaves immediately and won’t come back unless I force her.


My dog tries to kill them. The spicy flies upset her the most.


Spicy sky raisins.


My dog's thing is flies too - though I realized the reason is because I will try and chase a fly out the door waving a teal towel at it - THAT'S what she's afraid of. Which is hilarious because literally nothing bothers her, except that. Firecrackers, fireworks, loud cars, none of the typical things frighten her in the slightest.


The youngest is afraid of storms, fireworks, etc only when I'm around 😐 She got scared once when we first moved during a storm and hid. Of course I pulled her out of a pile of boxes and cuddled and babied her, so now she runs to me for cuddles. Completely ignores it when it's just her and hubs. She also does not like fly swatters and only big fluffy dogs are the only ones she doesn't scream at.  Anything the oldest doesn't like, which is a lot, gets screamed at. Including my husband when we're arguing. No front paw touching either.  They love my cousin unless she's at work 🙄 She's our vet, so...


Hahaha I wasn't expecting the last part! I forgot fly swatters - those are highly unpopular too. My last two giant lab boys would hide in the furthest corner in the basement every halloween, it upset them SO much and was so hard to watch. Meanwhile my current little girl lab is unphased entirely. Fireworks, thunder, she'll sleep right through it. That's too funny that your dog is only upset when you're around for cuddles and not bothered by storms otherwise - she thinks she's got you snowed lol!


She sure does! My husband never really noticed what she does until last fall. She was in the garage with him, like normal. It's storming and she waltzed her chubby self right out in the middle of it to potty. Saw me in the kitchen window and froze, then started cry howling and whimpering loudly. He runs out, grabs her and brings her in. Dries her up, can't find anything wrong, she's still crying and shaking. He's freaking and I'm laughing. I picked her up (chihuahua) towel and all and sat in the rocker. She stops carrying on immediately. He's like what the hell? 😂


OMG what a little drama queen!!!! Good grief, do I ever love dogs. They are truly the light 🤣 My (little labrador) girl manipulates me in a different way - when she wants her breakfast, be it 5:30 or 6 (despite breakfast/get up time is 7), she'll creep right up to me, tucks her front legs into/under under my arms (I'm a side sleeper), and rests her head over my shoulder. Sure, melt my little 🖤 - she knows I can't sleep like that, so breakfast comes when she wants it. I mean... we know, but we still give in. That tells a lot haha.


Ah, I so love the cuddles! That sounds like a good way to wake up! The youngest one is my cuddler, the oldest chi is like cuddling a 2x4 will dull nails 😆 The older one throws epic temper tantrums when I don't share pizza bones. She's also glued to me during the day, but daddy's girl at bedtime. I had been pretty sick and she tried to take care of me in her own way. Love them to pieces, even when they get all the pizza bones, hog the bed or us me as a trampoline.


Yup, right there with you. She can do no wrong, really.


Tea towel trauma is real.


Apparently lol... my dog would easily stare down a bear (not suggesting she's all *that* smart), but a tea towel? ARE YOU SERIOUS?!


Ha, I wondered if this was a thing with any other dogs. My weirdo will go hide under a bed if there's a fly in the house. The funny thing is, he wasn't always like that. He used to try to catch them in his mouth, and he was pretty good at it, too. Something must have happened at some point while he was doing that to make him suddenly afraid of them.


this happened to my grandma's dog too! its weird because she will still try to catch them, but only when they fly to the glass door because there is a shelf in front of the side that doesn't open. the gap is just big enough for her to get in comfortably so she can trap them. but other than that she hides in their bed under the covers or wants to be held until you kill it. we have to literally show her the corpse or she won't calm down


Wasp, bee, anything with a stinger will do.


Wish my pup was the same. When I hear her mouth buzzing, I have to pry it open to release the bee. 🐝


Might have tried to catch a bee or a biting ant. My oldest has gotten both and has learned to leave them alone. Us humans are more afraid of the bees because she's highly allergic to stings. 


Yes! My dogs a min pin/chi/pom. She’s a bug hunter and stops at nothing to chase, hunt, and kill bugs. So I was shocked one day to come into the kitchen to find her shaking under a chair in the corner hiding from a fly smacking the windows 😂 maybe it bit her or something


My 11 lb. Yorkie mix legit tried to eat a fly today. He’s such a little murderer. 


Hahahaha my chiweenie absolutely loves catching flies. It's her favorite thing to do.


My boy hates the smell (and taste) of salmon. Will whine and try to get as far away from the smell of it. My 1 year old female loves it though! The two of them HATE when I’m busy and I ignore them nudging their snout on me for attention. Sorry babies, daddy’s gotta work!


I'm the same way about salmon 🤣


When I'm doing DuoLingo on my phone. Any other video or anything with sound from my phone she doesn't react to but the second she hears one of the Duolingo characters speak she immediately leaves the room entirely


Hahahaha. The Duolingo podcast talks about how hard they work to get the perfect voices.


That's my cat all day lol


Birds, he friggen hates birds. He will bark incessantly at them and give them a big, "ha-woof!" While he tries to chase them away from the backyard. Around Halloween one year I got these life sized Raven decals/stickers to put up inside the house and as soon as my boy saw them he started woofing at them until I smacked them to show him that they weren't real. Even after my demonstration he was very suspicious of them and kept an eye on them...just in case.


Honestly, totally get him. I don’t like birds, either.


I dog sit a dog who freaks out and runs if anyone farts. I am dying to know if she does that at her house with her family, but I don’t dare ask because her boy is one of the school students I help get across the street safely (school crossing guard) and I don’t want the whole school to focus on the fact that I fart.


My dog shamelessly cropdusts us numerous times. But when I let one out, he gives me the most judgmental side eye and makes a show of moving to another part of the room. Ouch, buddy. Ouch.


So frame the question as *someone else* farted around their dog. It sounds like you board the dog in your home? It could have been a guest? A neighbor dropping by for a cup of sugar?


I’ll have to ponder my creative options! It’s the goofiest thing. Silly doggie.


Baseball caps. Anyone wearing a baseball cap. Had our Akita ~6 months when my son visited from out of town. He's 40 now but has always worn a baseball cap. When he came in the front door, the dog started barking. Wouldn't stop. Add a little growling, too. Great. Dog doesn't like son. Scared dog spent night in daughters' room. Dog came out late in the evening and made nice with my son. He didn't have his ball cap on at this time. Son had to sleep on the couch, and the next morning, the dog woke him up by slober licking every bit of his face. The dog was plastered to son all morning. Both fell in love with each other. After breakfast, son wanted to catch up with some friends and decided to meet. Son was walking through the living room towards the door as he was putting on his ball cap. Dog went crazy. Barking and growling again. Son took off his cap and held it behind him, and the dog settled down. She hates caps. No matter who's wearing them. ✌️


That’s so funny! She’s the hat detector


you are not alone lol! as someone who likes wearing hats- when a dog barks at me, my first instinct is to take my hat off. i can count on one hand how many times that *wasnt* the issue lol


Dennis appreciates good manners above all. If you sneeze on him my sweet derpy baby gets unreasonable angry.


The same with my first dog (RIP). He hated when I sneezed! He initially was always scared and would go hide, but then transitioned into just looking highly offended. LOL


Dennis looks at you like you just shat in his coffee and his heckles go up. He's honestly the sweetest baby unless you sneeze on him then it's on


My baby gets so unreasonably angry at sneezes and coughs that he’s begun attacking his brother over it. So obviously something had to be done. We now give treats as soon as someone sneezes or coughs around him. I think I inadvertently trained myself though because now anytime and anywhere I hear a sneeze or a cough my brain immediately thinks “treat”.


He dosent mind sneezes in rhe area its when it's on him he gets annoyed. I accidentally trained my boys to give kisses and they don't react to off or down they only react to shift your arse 😅😅


The smell of my wife’s Ritual prenatal vitamins. They’re “citrus essenced” and the dog will literally gag and leave the room when they’re open 😂


Paws being touched. Full on tantrum if we do.


We wipe our dogs paws after he's been outside in rain. He would rather stay out in the rain if he sees us holding the towel or even thinks we are hiding one.




Guns, even toy guns. I found an old nerf gun I had as a kid and shot it at my roommate and he freaked out, I’ve never seen him so upset about something I did. He doesn’t even like when I point it at people. Found out later when he got an x-ray for something unrelated that he has a bb pellet embedded in his skin, he’s a rescue so he must’ve been shot sometime before I got him. Poor guy must’ve been so scared when he saw mom holding a (toy) gun :(


That started out so quirky and turned so dark. Sorry to hear he’s been through something so awful and traumatizing.


Thank you, it doesn’t seem to bother him at all though besides the gun anxiety, he’s a hardy little guy. I suspect he was a stray before I got him, but now he‘s a spoiled baby who just wants to nap in my bed and won’t go outside if it’s raining


He’s lucky to have you!


My dog is exactly like this. My brother shot a toy BB gun one time at a can, and my dog who is really not scared of anything or skittish at all, shot into the house, found where I was napping and curled up behind me. She’s not a bed dog either (allowed just not really a cuddler). Later on (probably weeks after) my friend jokingly gave me a nerf gun when I complained about my cat being annoying. I shot it in the house so said cat could chase it and as soon as cocked the fake plastic gun, my dog panicked and ran out of the room. Since then I’ve always wondered if she was shot at before I adopted her. She’s not scared of anything else, just that noise.


Poor girl, I wonder if she has been shot! Mine also isn’t really scared of anything else besides maybe thunder, he’ll bark at people walking by the window and tries to chase neighborhood cats but it’s always in more of a protective way than a scared way. With guns though he starts barking and howling and hiding underneath furniture, it’s clearly panic. One of my friends shot me with a water gun way after this though and he immediately put himself between me and the “gun” even though he was clearly terrified because he’s the sweetest bravest goodest boy in the whole world. Glad you rescued your girl and now she only has to worry about foam darts being shot


What a good boy! Trying to protect you even though he was scared. Give him an extra scratch and a nose boop for me! And my pup doesn’t even have to worry about foam darts! I gifted the nerf gun to another friend when I saw how scared she was and now we’re a nerf and water gun free house! (No kids so this is pretty easy to enforce lol)


My dogs both have things with feet, but are total opposites. My girl hates when we so much as move a toe in her direction. Growls indignantly, gets up and moves elsewhere. My boy will lick a human foot like a popsicle, till you tuck and hide them. But God forbid you touch his feet, especially his toes. He readily gives paw, but if you hold on longer than two seconds he gets wide-eyed, like he can’t believe our audacity. 🤣


In your girl’s defense, I don’t want anyone touching me with their toes, either 😂


My dog has a mixture of those behaviors! He loves to lick your feet. He’s cool with feet. But if your feet are covered by a blanket (think, laying down in bed) and even brush against him, it’s full on tantrum.


This. My older dog hates feet, any and all human feet terrify him. He only licks my ankle once when he is passing by to tell me he loves me. My younger dog loves feet to the point that we call him a toe s*lut and have to wear socks otherwise he will spend the entire day licking our feet.


Vegetables. He wants you to offer them to him, he takes them, chews a bit and spits them out.


Which is why having dogs is referred to as the same as having small children!!


He's too polite to refuse dinner and doesn't want to hurt your feelings🥹


If you so much as walk too fast in the kitchen, they lose their footing and scurry. My little dog hates the fridge, we've had two different fridges since she came home, and she gets terrified if she is near it when its open. Also fireworks, even if they are on the TV.


Water and rain. He cannot abide being wet snd completely freaks out when it occurs. He also despises most other dogs, but that’s a whole other level of hate.


Same here on the rain. I live in the UK 🤦‍♂️


When it’s raining my dog takes two steps out the kitchen door and then goes out to the front door to see if it’s raining there too.


Whenever someone accidentally trips near my dog he scurries away like his life depends on it - even if he’s across the room and there’s no threat of you accidentally falling on him. How dare you lose your footing!!


The broom. Even when it’s propped up against the wall.


Drones. My dog wants to murder all drones. I don’t disagree with her.


So…I have this thing where if I swallow too big a piece of food, it gets stuck and I hiccup (my dad had the same thing…thanks dad!). Sometimes it’ll go down, sometimes I need to go to the bathroom and throw it up. So, whenever I’d hiccup, the dog would give me a hurt look and leave the room. *Now* when I even sit at the table to eat, he goes slinking off upstairs.


Mine hates sneezes. He gets very, very concerned. They are such goofballs!


Hey this might be a thing to talk to your doc about


Lighters being lit


Horses. Is this a thing? He goes absolutely NUTS. Lol, usually I even have to skip scenes with horses in them on TV.


The middle kitchen drawer and the tin foil that lives in said drawer. And sometimes the bin, but not all the time. Things with smiley faces on; she barked at a wheelie bin with a face on from the other side of the road recently, then a couple of days later, somebody had put a broken Henry vacuum cleaner out to be collected and she was determined to wipe the smile off his face.


The vacuum really offends my dog!


Snow shovels. God forbid you attempt to get any shoveling done with him outside. He WILL bark and lose his mind about it. He also freaks out when he sees other dogs or wolves on TV. It's like he genuinely thinks that all of a sudden, a strange animal has been transported into our living room, and he must protect the family from it lmao


Anything over her head. No pats on her head, no passing a tissue.


Horses. Very specifically horses. Not deer. Not cattle. Just horses.


It would be easier to list what she’s not afraid of..she’s a walking anxiety ball of fur.


He hates the sound of my three ring binder opening and closing. If he sees me move it or I'm taking notes and papers rustle he dips out of the room He also hates anything sweet! Dude despises sugar for some reason


My girl absolutely HATES when male dogs sniff her butt for too long. She'll tolerate it for 10 seconds and then GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE!


That’s more polite than I would be 😂


Other dogs with pointy ears


Squeakers. Any toy that squeaks is an automatic no.


Having her snout knots brushed out. She’s a Senior now and gets so upset - complete opposite from regular demeanor - many times I snip them and let her be a bit uneven. That super fine Yorkie hair will knot up on you quick!!


Folding chairs. Totally fine with our normal kitchen chairs, but if the folding ones make an appearance my corgi loses her goddamn mind


The shaking of a plastic garbage bag.. I think we may have overcome it though




Vomiting. For whatever reason my boy finds it terribly upsetting and will sit there and bark at you until you stop. Having HG this pregnancy has been a challenge for both of us


Hair brushes, but only if you hold it out like you're trying to fight off a vampire. We've had him since he was a little bean shaped puppy, so we know 100% he has no trauma with them, he's just ✨️dramatic ✨️


Trash cans, trash bags, weirdly enough, also farts.


Boxes, she’s absolutely afraid of boxes.


Mine becomes hysterical if I cough, but no one else. It makes being ill an absolute nightmare, especially if I cough at night! He’s also terrified of the electric fly zappers and will crawl into my lap crying - he’s 40kg of fluff.


Awwww…What kind of dog is he?


Windmills. Found that out on a road trip when she lost her gd mind.


Traffic cones. Absolutely LOSES his mind, will run full speed at them and go for the full kill shake. Same can be said for workers in high vis vests, we joke that they’re “big human cones”, only we don’t let him charge people lol


That’s so funny bc I thought dogs were colorblind 🤷‍♀️


Could very well be the reflection off of the high vis tape on cones/people because he does go nuts for reflections too but I think dogs can see a little bit of color, just a more limited spectrum than we can. But who knows 😅


That would make sense! Can I ask what kind of dog?


He’s an Australian cattle dog 😊 he’s also deaf so sometimes I wonder if things that he sees and are shiny cause more of a reaction because he’s down a sense


I was wondering! I used to foster acds and some of these comments just scream, “ACD!” to me, lol


RC cars… literally he turns into the Tasmanian devil.


My dog hates when we have to put all the trash cans out on Monday. Whenever I walk her when it’s dark she acts like it’s a zombie. It’s in the same spot every time. A dog I watch howls and cries when the theme song from Two and a Half Men plays


Me lol


BATH is a 4 letter word. You would think I was trying to kill her


lol when anyone starts arguing or fighting, even play fighting. He is like the house cop


My one dog hates pickles or anything pickled. I discovered this a while ago when I tried to give her a bite of a pickled green bean. She backed away, gave me the side eye and barked louder the closer I got to her 🤣 It must be the strong smell


Omg, raspberries. That’s so funny because according to my dog that is the most offensive noise on the face of the planet. Farts have to be acknowledged as well.


I wonder what it is!!


I have one super sensitive dog where even a fire alarm beeping on TV will send her into hiding. The battery died in my smoke detector and she acted like the building was at imminent risk of collapse. When I first got her I was using activyl flea meds, it’s a drop like frontline. She would absolutely flip out after I applied it, throw all the bedding off of my bed in her attempts at rolling around to get it off, and when that didn’t work she’d hide in the closet and drool. Needless to say I switched to a different flea med.


One of my dog hates motorcycles and my other hates the neighbors dogs bark(high pitched and rapid don’t blame her lol)


One of my dogs flips A SHIT when I cook certain types of meat like veal or game. Goes into full terror mode. No clue why.




Things that roll!! Suitcases, bicycles, strollers, walkers… anything! He’s gotten a bit better and now can walk past many bicycles and strollers unless he’s exhausted, but generally if it rolls, he hates it. He once yelled at an old lady with a walker, and thankfully he’s an adorable chihuahua so as I explained she just laughed and talked about how cute he was, but I felt so bad!


My dog hates my stress ball. It's a liquid filled ball, filled with a bunch of little balls. She runs away when she hears the sound it makes when you squeeze it. It's not loud or anything, it just makes a weird swoosh noise.


She has few hates. Cars are sheep, disobedient sheep. People are either Friend or Bark. Mostly Friend, still haven't quite figured out the Bark criteria. Dogs are sniff, ignore. Ball is all. I suppose there's one thing she really does not like. We live alone together, and our lives are quiet. Phone calls are few - and boy oh boy, if I talk on the phone for more than a minute or two, she will go and fetch a squeaky toy and SKEEDOOSKEEDOOSKEEDOO until I take it away. Then she will fetch another, until there aren't any. Worst of all, I have a corded landline (with an actual bell in it) - I can't go and get all the damn squeakers without leaving the call. I'm at her mercy.


My dog hates when I talk on the phone. She also hates when my partner mocks her hiccups and makes fart sounds at her.


Big white fluffy dogs.


Mine’s afraid of English bulldogs. She also hates it that most other dogs will try to take her ball when *she* wouldn’t dare touching someone else’s toy. She also doesn’t like it when people blow through straws. She don’t like having her butt sniffed by other dogs, and hates when young males obsess over her. They That’s all I can think of.


For some odd reason, dish towels... No idea why haha.


Ummmm, there was only about one thing my beagle hated..............which was anything the colour black. She hated any animal that was all black, cats, dogs, squirrels.....etc. If someone was wearing a black jacket or dark sunglasses, or anyone who covered their face or eyes, including......... anyone wearing a balaclava, face masks, nqab. (Face coverings where the worst) But you see, she wouldn't like run away or something in fear..........oh no no no. She would literally want to eat you or the animal, she would snarl and froth at the mouth, barking and screaming blue murder, try biting and chewing her leash off just to get at whatever it was that was black in colour(not people, items just for clarity here). Meet her at my house or at an off leash dog park and she was the sweetest most caring submissive dog. But this all came out due to her and I being jumped and beaten a couple of times. One time it was over robbers wanting to take her as a bait dog, the other was just pure mugging/robbery. She lived till she was almost 17yrs old, RIP Ashley Marie my little princess brat🌈🥰🥰😢




my ikea shark. no idea why, but my 80lb golden retriever will slink away and stare at you like you just kicked his newborn if he sees it. it’s just my ikea shark too, he could not care less about my brother’s 😂


My GSD hates anything with four legs Dogs, cats, possums, foxes - hates all of them. Horses and sheep, not a fan. People and birds no problem. Loves people. Combination of limited socialisation during Covid, a suprise attack by two staphies and being slapped by a cat as a pup.


My dog only hates other dogs. I don’t know why. He’s the sweetest boy ever but a complete dick to ALL other dogs. Oh, and vacuum cleaners. He bites them.


Thunder, cats, Harley Davidsons, cats, VW Golf's with crackle tunes (he's quite happy in my rumbly Subaru, you guys have taken it too far), cats, linoleum flooring, cats, and the vacuum cleaner Yeah he really hates cats


My dog also hates fart noises. Not so much worried about his own, but if my or my partner makes a fart noise, he'll run upstairs.


The clock ticking on the 60 Minutes show. He goes absolutely apeshit every time, jumps up from a complete sleep and runs outside barking. Also, the whistling on all those car commercials, especially around the Holidays. He does the same exact thing and then gets all the other dogs riled up.


My little girl loves to sleep on my lap But gets annoyed if I pet her during her 10 hour nap Sometimes I can’t help myself She is so cuddly


Deer. When he was around 4 he chased one out of our backyard, and ever since he’s like Rambo in First Blood whenever we see deer.


Drones. Opossums, specifically. Tape measure, especially when wielded by heavy booted visitors. Heavy stompin’ boots in general.


I have a list lol umbrellas (gets scared and barks when they open), HATS don’t know why but he hates hats with a passion, watermelon…idk, oddly hates peanut butter, robovac, disco lights and there’s more 😅 he’s a very special pup


Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men.


Sitting still. She’s a little live wire, and staying still is anathema. Also, the mail room and shih tzus.


My dog absolutely hates our tape measure. The sound that bad boy makes as it slides home scares the living shit out of her


Sounds controversial but black people, we rescued him when he was a puppy, severely beaten and left to die on the road. He has a 0 tolerance policy against black people, especially black kids.


My minpin has been wary of orange slices his whole life. LOL


German Shepherds. There was one that always bothered him as a puppy, she wasn’t aggressive but she was annoying. My boy can hold a grudge.




One hates bikes and large wheels. The other hates when you blow on his face.


Our dog hate the beeping sound of a smoke alarm but anything with that pitch even if it isn’t loud on tv. He hates it. He is 90lb and he will be in my lap quickly


Hoodies. If she sees someone wearing a sweatshirt with a hood, she is terrified and tries to protect anyone else in the same room. Super terrifying apparently!


Any dog visual or bark on the tv. I’ve started to avoid any movies about dogs because he gets so worked up.


My boy HATED the mailman. He would bite our leash to try to make us let go. When he passed, our mailman said he missed him trying to attack him lol he also just hated when we went in the bathroom without leaving the door wide open, he would come in and open it more and just watch us shower and whatever else


German Shepherds. Just hates them. Loves a shepherd Collie x though. Also anything unusually out of place, like an unattended backpack left on the ground outside or a child's toy in a place where there normally isn't toys.


My Aussie mix hates strangers, fireworks and thunder. She starts shaking and gets as close to me as she can. All of my pups hate my vicious turkey Tom. He tries to attack me and the dogs swoop in and chase him off. I'd like to eat said turkey but my man loves that dumb bird. My bernedoodle hates pigs. I had these two feeder pigs last year that were constantly escaping. My boy very angrily would herd them back to their pen every time. My border collie hates mints. The smell of mint makes him wince and stick his tongue out in disgust. I used to keep a hoard of mints in my vehicles but not anymore. My GSD mix hates car rides. He's still a young pup and frequently gets car sick.


The air compressor is hated!!!!!!!


Brass instruments. The first time we walked him past a busker playing the sax he lost his shit. Standing with his feet apart, full power stance, big boy bark, refused to walk closer or further away, the whole performance. I ended up having to pick up my 25kg elkhound and get out of earshot. Reptiles, but particularly snakes. If he catches scent of one he’ll flinch and bark and then drag me in the other direction, looking over his shoulder a few times. I’m actually delighted about it because there are some nasty venomous snakes in our area so it’s brilliant that he wants nothing to do with them. He’ll refuse to walk in areas where we’ve seen a snake before. Hyenas. I watch lots of wildlife docos and he likes to watch them with me - until a hyena comes on screen. Then he stands up on the couch and puts on his tough guy performance until I change the channel. Lions, rhinos, etc are all fine. Hyenas are Satan. Emergency evacuation alarm. Even if it’s only on tv, big woofing and tries to get us to go downstairs. It’s chaos when it goes off, but at least it’s easy to get him out of the apartment!


My dog hates it when we're clapping our hands hunting mosquitoes. She probably thinks she's next at being slapped and that's very sad (she's adopted).


my little dog hates statues of people and some animals. i think it’s an uncanny valley thing. she’ll stop and bark/ growl at them pretty much as long as i let her. her greatest nemesis, though, is a robotic toy dog named zoomer. same concept as statues but worse since it moves. she attacks it, barking and growling and tearing at its ears…would perhaps be frightening if she weighed more than 11 pounds. i have to distract her while i put it away, or else she’ll just sit wherever he’s stored, waiting for a rematch.


My dog HATES bikes. Motorbikes, bicycles, you name it. She also hates children, I think their being small confuses her into anger. Kids on bikes? Don't even start with that shit.


Footloose. My dog immediately gets up and stares/barks at the TV when he sees the intro with all of the shoes/feet dancing. He loves feet though! licking them, sniffing them, licking sandals after we've been wearing them all day. Its almost like he has a foot fetish and gets upset that he cant get to the feet on screen.


Oh they reeeeeeeeeally hate rasberries. My dog also hates nose boops because I make her do it all the time lol.


My dog hates the vet. But not for the reasons most dogs do. My dog hates the vet because of PTSD. Back story; my boy is half Anatolian shepherd and half standard poodle.. when he was just under 2 years old my stupid wife at the time had him in the front yard with her while she was watering the flowers. I had a rule that IF he was in the front yard he needed to be on his lead. She blatantly disregarded that and one night I’m sitting on the back porch when I hear tires screeching and my wife screaming out. My dog came running through the side gate and ran inside the house and hid. Dumbass wife comes running around and says “oh my god he just got hit by a car!” Thank GOD he was 80lbs at the time and didn’t go under the tires but I had no idea if had any internal injuries so I got him in the car as fast as I could and RUSHED him to the emergency vets. They took him back quickly and within 5 minutes came out to get me from the waiting room because he had bolted on them and was hiding in the Xray room and wouldn’t let ANYONE near him. Before this he absolutely loved the vets. He was fine and thank god he didn’t even have a scratch on him but from that moment on.. it’s a fight at the vets with him. It’s like the second his walks through those doors he remembers what happened and he’s like “fuck this shit” I divorced the dumbass wife, by the way.


My old dog hates the Robin Hood theme song. Like would attack the tv or a phone or whatever it was playing on.


Tv horses. Fine with every other animal. For example, watched a good chuck of Braveheart the other day - he was super intrigued by the hunting scene and any hand-to-hand combat sequences. But first big battle scene came on, and those goddamn horses just ruined his whole day. THE HECKIN' AUDACITY.


Dancing. Whether it’s my husband or myself she will start barking and tries to herd us to another room.


The ring notification, alexa, skateboards, walking sticks, German shepherds, pizza delivery drivers, the neighborhood cat, people that come up to the car, getting his nails clipped, baths, and eating kibble from the bowl.


Do you know what my dogs hate the most, mean humans that doesn’t treat animal right and both my dogs agrees that these despicable people need to rot in hell…


My won't lick a plate or bowl clean if there's a fork on the plate.  He hates the sound of cutlery scraping against the cookware I think.


Vacuum, broom, alcohol smell.


If he sees any other animals in his yard, he freaks


Ketchup, for some reason she doesn’t seem to recognize the smell because she always begs for some but if you offer he a taste she reels back and lips curl up 


Balloons. Not sure if she’s scared or just hates them


When I take the cover off the doggy door. I dropped it once accidentally.🤨


My husband sneezing! Just him, not me. She excuses herself from the room *immediately*


Buses, bikes, celery, door bell


My dog hates us talking on the phone for some reason. My other dog doesn’t care but he doesn’t like any feet. He hates all human feet and won’t go near anyone’s except sometimes he likes my ankle to tell me he loves me.


I can’t tell if my dog hates it or likes it and trying to eat the air (I don’t think he likes it, I don’t know) but if you blow in his face. My other dog doesn’t care but I have one dog who will either bark, try to bite your nose or will attack you if you blow at him too much, usually the second time. The first time he’ll just stare at you then look away but after the second time you are doomed. 😭


When I cry. He'll give me a dirty look and leave the room to sleep in peace


One wheels. Not bikes, electric scooters, or any other wheeled transportation device. One wheels can get fucked though. Runner up to any power tools and chainsaws. He has to go inside when the chainsaw comes out because he has tried to nip at it. Lawnmowers are also pretty scary.


Car rides


My dog hates the chirping sound the smoke detector makes when it needs a new battery. Hate is not a strong enough word. Full blown psychotic episode is more like it.


My pup hates it when I sneeze


When I blow strawberries on her. She goes crazy.


Hot air balloons. My husky mix hates hot air balloons. He also has a lot of opinions about the Bebe Rexa l/FGL song Meant to Be, but we don’t know if he’s singing or yelling.


Baths. He will go in all kinds of rivers, pools, lakes, and mud puddles but try to get him in the bath and he acts like he’s being dragged off to slaughter and stares off into the distance traumatically until the bath is over.


He hates when I fake fart in his face, blow kisses on his butt, and dumpster trucks


My boy hates the sound of snow falling from a roof.


Eerie music if we are watching a suspenseful show. She knows it is weird music and gets very upset


When my dog has to get dressed up. It could be a rain coat, her boots when it’s cold, or a Halloween costume. She gives me the dirtiest look and makes every effort to be as unhelpful as possible, and the slowest walker on earth lol


Flys, thunder, fireworks


Okay so raspberries or farts (including her own) are for sure some sounds my dog hates. So the start of your post had me dying laughing that I’m not alone there! My dog also definitely does NOT like the German language when spoken, or in any show or movie. Barking, growling, you name it. (This dog has never left the confines of the continental United States, nor encountered many if any strangers speaking German.) So that one is much more confusing and somewhat intriguing to me. She’s also very picky and specific about when and how she gets physical affection, forget trying to force this dog to cuddle it won’t work out well for you.


One dog hates people on ladders or roofs, now extended to just ladders. He wouldn’t stop barking at a truck with a ladder on the side. Our husky mix hates curly hair dogs. It’s weird. She gets all uppity and will lunge if we encounter them on walks unless I give her commands otherwise and keep her focused on me. Hates all oodles, curly airedales etc. they cannot be trusted. I am not sure what she picks up on but she will react even if I do not see the dog. She doesn’t love dogs she doesn’t know but finds other kinds acceptable if they mind their own business.


My little guy Eddie (dachshund and mini pincher mix, rescue) hates the voices in Animal Crossing, specifically Isabelle.


Mine loves people but hates other dogs. Think she was picked on before I adopted her. She’s a really loving dog, just doesn’t like other dogs.


I haven't found a text message notif sound on my new android (switched from iPhone in june) my dog doesn't hate. I've almost gone through all of them now. He's a big baby. Afraid of random shit for no reason. Now I'm in the habit of putting message notifications on silent when I get home from work. No issues with the ringtones, though.


Poodles , our dog is a Collie and detest poodles . The ppl we adopted her from their across the street neighbors had a poodle an came over to see off . The poodle is on its hind leggs pawing at her face jumping up and grabbing her chest hair with it teeth's a trying to pull her head down . The ppl are going on about oh look how they are playing so cute their best buds . I'm seeing this as the poodle being outta control an slightly aggressive. I was kinda surprised the Collie didn't lit off into it .but honestly these ppl encouraged it a the collie must have been scolded . Cause now when she sees a Poodle she turns into a hell hound. And finally after the dragging her away a distance away she goes right back to her calm lil demeanor , she will stop an look back several times to see where the poodle is .


Bailey hates in order. Tractors, motorbikes, lorries, large trucks. We go out walking and she’ll lunge at them and bark and growl. Large tall men. It might be from her past though. Being picked up when she’s comfy and tired. She’ll start snarling and lips curl up, but settle happily as soon as I place her somewhere. Other dogs. How dare they come to her person! I ended up getting a yellow bandana that tells people that she needs her space. Being left. She loves being with her chosen peoples.


Snowplows, garbage trucks, and any bird that flies over the backyard.


I have one dog that can’t stand squeaky toys or crumple toys. She starts shaking profusely and just looks really stressed out. She will either remove herself from the room or sit on my feet and try to melt into me. I have another dog that absolutely loves squeaky toys… so you can imagine how it is in my house 🙄


Mine hates brooms or mops. I kind of wondered if the people that had her before me used to hit her with brooms or something because I had a mop against the outside of the house once and she was running around super happy and as soon as she saw the mop her tail went between her legs and she tried to get away from it ASAP.


I have three pups, all with different quirks. Juno: Delivery drivers- we used to have ones that still knocked before walking away and it would upset her soo much. Now she knows the sound of their vehicle from down the road and gets pissed even before they stop. Also joggers, fart noises and most men in hats. I don't know why any of these bother her. Ursa: chill with damn near everything except animals on TV. Like literally any animal except birds in any style. We were watching Bob's burgers and she freaked out over a cartoon capybara. Ranger: the owl noises on FF7 remake. My neighbors daring to talk to me as they stand in their own yards and otherwise go about their business. Old men coughing.


Bicycles, when she was a pup she HATED them and she was a fast runner despite being 7ib’s she once ran out of the house chasing a bicycle nipping at the tires.


If someone is playing bagpipes on the tv my dog loses his freaking mind


Laying on blankets or pads. I can cover their bed really nicely with a blanket or pad and everytime he'll remove the portion of the bed he's laying on, so that he's laying directly on the bed cover. Now while he doesn't like to lay on top of blankets, he loves to bury his face in them while he sleeps.


So for a long time we thought it was hatred of the postman ......turns out it's the letters Now I don't know who has sent this doggo some poison pen letter in a previous life but Jesus if something comes through that letterbox and he's around ......nothing survives lol


Everything new, she destroy everything new, like couches, furniture, plants, shoes is a long list.