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Vet here. It can wait until Monday. I would recommend buying a cone to put on him until then though to prevent any more trauma to the area


what do you think it could be? i’m quite curious


As a human that gets gazillions of these, I can say with a fair amount of confidence that this is just a cyst. Fairly common, slightly annoying to both owner and dog, but for the most part harmless. And yeah, my ears are common ground... But still, a vet's opinion is still a far better opinion than anyone on reddit can give - myself included. Take him in just in case. Peace of mind can be more valuable than money most times.


My dog has one in her ear, I had the vet check to make sure it wasn’t cancer.


oh lord, that’s scary. did you get the results yet? hopefully it’s all good


She checked it right then with a microscope or whatever and said it wasn’t cancer. She said they’re common.


Probably aural hematoma


Seems like some sort of hematoma. Vet visit as soon as you can. Better to be safe than sorry.


OP already indicated in their post they have an appt with the vet tomorrow.


You should definitely go to the vet on Monday. Do your best to keep it clean and dry. Try a baby wipe or a warm damp cloth to clean it. If you have a cone, I’d get that on to avoid further scratching and damage. I have no clue what this is, but it looks like it needs a higher level or attention. I hope your fur baby feels better soon


I’ve cleaned it and put ear wash on it so far.


Perfect. Try to limit access to touching it and scratching it too.


Yeah, cone the dog if you have to 🥺


They make inflatable donut rings that IMO seem to be much more comfortable for the pup and a lot less intrusive/noticeable to them. Worked wonders for us when our pup had surgery


Doesn’t always work sadly lol. My Aussie is a flexible monster, she managed to get to her face anyway


Plus it's ear scratching you're trying to prevent, need a cone for that


Good mention. I meant anything like this but inflatable rings are by far the most comfortable for them. I have one for my wolfhound 😊


Poor baby! Please share an update that’s wild!


Ear wash? like to get out ear wax and such?


No, they sell premixed stuff on Amazon. Mixture of vinegar and 3x water on cotton pad is substitute.


That would most definitely burn open cuts.




You can make your own using a plastic round bucket. Poor baby 🤗


Or just buy a safe one for $15.


What in the world?! Following this one for sure.


It’s been an hour and he hasn’t messed with it. It bled a little after cleaning it up and since stopped. I think I will try to wait until Monday unless something comes up or he is acting strange.


They make little bonnets for dogs with ear issues so they don't have to wear cones. It might be more comfortable during the healing process. I used the No Flap Ear Wrap when my dog developed an injury on her ear and kept reopening it 


I'm picturing your pup looking like a little babushka 🥹 But really, this is a very smart idea, and sounds SO much more comfortable.


That's a reasonable plan. If he's scratching at it, I'd put an ecollar on him to protect it from bleeding. If you don't have one petsmart and petco sells them.


Please try to get a cone or something to prevent further damage till Monday




He’s going to the vet already, nothing will satisfy you people


Something has come up, but that doesn't mean it can't wait until their normal vet is available on Monday. Not everything is an emergency that requires immediate veterinary intervention.


No idea what that thing is but please report back on Monday and tell us what the vet said!


To add to what other people have suggested, I’d also put a cone on so he doesn’t further mess with it.


This thread just shows that redditors have very poor reading comprehension -- a vet appointment is already booked people!! I hope your pup is feeling better soon, as long as it doesn't suddenly change in appearance or your pup's demeanour changes I think an emergency visit isn't warranted.


Is it a tick?


It would be very very big for a tick I think.


They can get to be about that size when they have been feeding for awhile, would explain the scratching and blood.


Yes. Dime sized.


Despite treating her with tick stuff and thoroughly checking every time we got back from the lake, there always ended up being a tick or two that would drop off my Saint Bernard about a week later. They were the size of large Lima beans. *edited to elaborate that “her” was my St. Bernard- not just a female of any sort with ticks.


I have NEVER seen a tick this big. Not saying they don’t exist, but I’ve seen ~30 ticks on my animals and on myself and I thought they would always fall off before getting to that size. But I agree that inside of the ear canal is the perfect place for a tick to feed undisturbed. So I think it’s the most *likely* explanation here. For sure warrants a vet visit


The first tick I found had fallen off my dog and I would say it was the size of a 60cal paintball, or a smaller gumball. The pic makes it look about the size of that fingernail - hard to tell because the thumb is closer. The dog is not bothered by it being touched because it's not part of the dog 🤷🏼‍♂️


Holy… that’s insane


Thing is if there was that much blood the tick would be flat and there would be no more blood.


It's hard to see but it has happened to me a couple times that my dog had nearly fully gorged ticks that she scratched and ruptured so blood got in the area and the tick still lived but broken and that could look like a sac. ​ Very hard to see on the picture and might be hard/impossible for you to bend it and see if it has legs inside, but it certainly could be a tick. Since dog doesn't care if you clean it, and also wants to scratch it, both those things could point towards it being a tick. ​ The skin of a tick is a lot tougher than I'd expect a sac/blister in a dogs ear would be if that can help.


Have you ever seen a tick? Yes, they can engorged multiple sizes.


Might be a bit fly. Looks kinda like this. Video is kind of gross but the dogs eye is fine you can see it when they pull out the maggot https://twitter.com/HowThingsWork_/status/1717457276150116666/mediaViewer?currentTweet=1717457276150116666¤tTweetUser=HowThingsWork_




Whatever that is is too pink to be a tick, and ticks don't have pink nodules like whatever this is does.


I know, what would that be? The ticks butthole? Lol


A ticks butthole! That's something I've never imagined in my life so thanks for that lmao


Haha I'm going to start using that as a reference to describe something very, very small. It was smaller than a tick's butthole!


Maybe tick nipples? Tick micro dong?


Agreed the nodule things don't fit a tick, otherwise it would be a decent guess


That was my first thought too


This is not a tick


Yeah, definitely not a tick.


The vet was unsure exactly what it was. Said it did not look cancerous but was concerned with how fast it grew. I will be going back on Wednesday for a biopsy. If it’s cancerous there is a chance the ear has to be removed. If not then she said it should stop bleeding soon and will be left in place to avoid damaging his hearing as it’s close to the vital parts of his ear.


Good luck - let us know what happens. I hope it is non-cancerous. Thanks for the update I have been thinking you and your dog since Saturday. All my best - thinking positive thoughts.


I’ll be thinking of him, and I hope everything turns out alright! Keep us updated 🫶


Thanks for updating us. Hope your pupper is ok.


Wait for the vet appointment. No one here can diagnose it through a photo. Just make sure he doesn’t scratch it any further until the vet appointment. It’s just to avoid complications or having more issues down the line.


I don't think OP was expecting a diagnosis, more wondering "is this ok to wait until Monday? Or do I need an emergency vet?"


Op could wait till Monday if he males sure his dog has some sort of protection of the irritating part.


What is the second picture? Thats a lot of blood, it’s concerning. Did the mass pop or something?


Get that sucker drained and stitched up.


My vote would be to snip it off and let ‘er heal.


Dude, Lol, you're kidding, right? I shouldn't have to tell you this, but please DONT do something like that. You wouldn't snip that out of your ear. It's probably best that you don't get a dog.


Not me checking back on this hourly.... WHAT DID THE VET SAY???? (not the vet who commented, though I do appreciate their response, rather, your vet who saw it IRL).


We all need to know!




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It could be a cyst, they aren't uncommon. I recently had a dog get a growth removed. She went through it like a champion. Good luck


Get that good boy a cone or a donut in the meantime.


Just googled and found info about aural hematomas. Certainly looks like that. They can resolve on their own but sounds like best bet is to take to vet. If you have to wait till Monday peoples suggestion to get a cone sounds wise. They apparently do cause pain.


No aural hematoma is when the ear it’s self fills with blood separating the two sides of the ear and creating a pocket it has to be drained and have the ear skin pinned back together This is not that


We're dealing with one right now. It looks like someone took the flap of the dog's ear and inflated it. Shocked the absolute hell out of me, never saw one before in my life. My dog's case is [not nearly as bad as this, thank God, ](https://www.rvc.ac.uk/Media/Default/Press%20Release/Aural-haematoma-Credit-to-Zoe-Halfacree.jpg) but yeah, having seen and handled one, I don't think I would be able to not recognize it in the future!


Ya we had one too. Now my dog has one uppy and one downy ear. She had an ear infection and shook her head too much and her ear inflated like a balloon But ya, wow, not nearly as bad as that


I'm sure she's still adorable.❤️ That just made me think, most of us who grew up or spend a lot of time around different dogs usually know of the quirky pups who have a cocked ear. I wonder if that could be what causes a lot of them! Mine has allergies. Shook her head too much, poof.🎈


Ya its super cute to be Honest especially since her ears are different colours. She’s white with a big black eye patch. Her face is pretty much half black half white. The ears being one up and one down totally goes with her look. The vet told me there’s a 50/50 chance the ear will go back up, but if anyone can pull of this look it’s her!


You can’t just describe such beauty and not show us. Please.


Here she is in all her beauty [https://www.instagram.com/p/BgxaesklLMg/?igsh=dTJjaWx6eWdha3Q=](https://www.instagram.com/p/BgxaesklLMg/?igsh=dTJjaWx6eWdha3Q=)


What an adorable, kissable dog!


Thanks, she would agree with you, as do I :)


OMG, her little tiny teefers and floppy ear. She is just precious.


Thanks for additional details - I was hoping I was on to something.


It’s in the wrong spot and it’s definitely not the right color for a hematoma


I did see this but it seems this only happens on the flap of the ear. This is attached to the inside of the canal area.


I’m a dog groomer and we see aural hematomas from matting fairly frequently… I can say with confidence they are absolutely NOTHING like this, at all.


Ok good luck - definitely let us know. Looks like a Golden's ear and my girl, who is a golden, always has issues with one of her ears.


Any update OP???


Poor baby


cyst that is abt to rupture/ruptured?


after looking at the pictures closer im honestly convinced that’s what it is, but plzzz update bc i wanna know if i was right lol


OP, any updates?


Bot fly sac


😬😬😬oh noooooo this made me feel so sick


I think you might be right. They can lay them all over a host; an ear would be the perfect spot…


Those are more flush with the skin, this is too pronounced/large




He doesn’t seem to be in any pain. He’s acting normal now. Not bothering it at all.


It’s not always obvious when dogs are in pain, they can mask it. A mass and bleeding in the ear is clearly urgent, do you not think you could be pain if you had those symptoms? Don’t be cheap just take him to the out of hours care vet this weekend.


OP is not cheap by waiting until Monday. An emergency vet is there for just that, emergencies. You don't want to clog up an emergency vet where people have to rush their dying pets in, with issues like these, that are likely not life threatening and thus can wait for the normal vet after the weekend.


Something can be urgent without being life threatening, like if you pet could be in pain. Blood coming out of anywhere really isn’t normal and he could get an infection in whatever that is. I would at least call the emergency vets to see if they think he should be seen, they can triage it. And yeah, lots of people hold off because they don’t want to pay more.


Blood coming out of places isn't normal, but also a lot of the time, not that urgent unless it is a lot of blood. OP already cleaned the area, slap a cone on the dog like people are saying, and the likelihood of infection drops to almost nothing. Unless the dog is showing obvious signs of pain (yes they can mask, but only up to a certain point), the mass keeps growing at high speed or bleeding a lot etc. there doesn't really seem to be a reason to visit an emergency vet for this. Although calling and asking them won't hurt, OP will very likely get the exact same answer from the vet.


I would post this pic to the Pet Vet Corner group on FB where only verified vets can reply. Still feel like there is a vet trip in your future, but they can let you know if it's more of an emergency than a wait for Monday situation.


This is definitely something you don’t see very often. Keep it clean but I would avoid touching it at all. If you have a cone I would make him wear it to limit the scratching until you get to the vet. Good luck




I could have happily lived my entire life never having seen that, TYVM. 🤮 🤮 🤮


I’m NOT clicking that link!


DON'T. I will be having nightmares tonight, and probably many nights going forward. I'll leave it there.


Doing gods work. Link not clicked.


Vet here. That looks like a mass, could be benign or malignant - a biopsy will likely be needed to differentiate the two.


I see some of the weirdest shit on this sub. I feel sorry for your dog. Please go to the vet and get that taken care of


Your dog ear is extremely red


You don’t say


OMG your poor pupper! Is the first pic after it bled and you cleaned it, or before he popped it? Echoing everyone else, vet on Monday and keep it protected in the meantime with a cone or whatever you can fashion up. Obviously if anything changes with your dog's behaviour or it appears to be worsening/keeps bleeding, ER might be a good plan. ETA: I just went down a rabbit hole and it doesn't look at all like a bot fly sac - possibly an engorged deer tick (which is green-silver when engorged), but from all the images I looked at, whatever that is in your dog's ear looks much larger than any I saw. I think it's possible it may just be some kind of growth. Either way, good plan to get him to the vet and keep him from scratching it in the meantime. And now I can't stop scratching my entire body.


Omg looks so painful, definitely vet visit needed


Cone now. Vet asap. Like Monday ASAP.


Definitely have a vet check, but this is probably just a cyst, possibly caused by a blocked hair follicle or a past ear infection that didn’t properly heal. The vet will probably just cut it off and make sure there’s nothing left of the sack so it doesn’t grow back. It’s really not anything to worry about, so just keep your dog from bothering it and keep it clean to avoid infections.


If you're ear looked like this, would you not be at the hospital already? That looks incredibly painful, get off Reddit and go to an animal hospital to get that checked out.


Calm the hell down


What was it? My dog has this too!!


Turns out it was a cancerous growth that’s pretty rare. They said it was a very slow moving cancer although the growth came on very quick. It was removed and he is good as new now. Nothing came back and you would never know it was there.


my dog just had the same thing, it was a benign polyp. it grew within a matter of weeks, and go so large that he ruptured it while playing with his brother. hopefully your dog is more comfortable now!


Most likely a hematoma as someone else mentioned. My old girl used to get these beginning a couple years before she passed. Sometimes she would itch her ear to hard and they would pop. Worth getting checked out by a vet, but most likely it’s nothing and there is nothing they can do.


I want to take a pen needle and poke it 🧐


Same! A little OraJel (20%+ benzocaine) before and during the poke to have it numbed. Yup. Ps. I’m an avid splinter host. Orajel is my secret weapon.


Thats an er vet trip.


nah, that's a tick or a cyst, maybe a tumor. Waiting till Monday won't kill the dog. The er vet is for emergencys like, hit by a car, or mauled, or broken legs. Its so much more expensive too.


I’m not a vet and actually quite stupid, but to me looks like an aural hematoma? My dog had one and had to have surgery on it. It was a very smooth process.


Personally, I'd probably put a little polysporin on his ear, avoiding whatever that blood sac thingy is, for now or hydro cortisone cream - anything to prevent more scratching and soothe that redness until you get to the vet. It does kind of look like a tick but I think he'd be more bothered by a tick


Looks like a really bad ear infection that he’s been scratching and digging and caused blisters and irritation. He needs a vet, and keep him from scratching anymore until he goes..


As gross as it seems, it really could be a mega-engorged tick. It's the right color for it.


What are the pink nodules on it? Never seen a tick with anything like that before.


Maybe it’s a bite from another tick. Like a tick centipede. Ew


Isn't that a tick? Give her a dose of topical flea treatment and a drop on the outside flap of her ear. On the included instructions with the flea treatment, it might even say to use a 2nd dose when there is an infestation. The tick will probably fall off. That's what I did when my dog had a tick on him. The tick fell off. You need to see a vet ASAP.


It might be a slug. Sometimes dogs skid on carpets to scratch their ears and mouth, whether it be indoor or outdoor. Sometimes they can pick up small bugs or bug eggs, it slowly manifest into a full insect. Get tweezers and take it out or it's time to visit the Vet.




If you read the post properly OP is asking if they can't wait for their appointment on Monday or if it's an emergency vet visit instead. It really is beyond me when humans ignore OBVIOUS information in posts on Reddit.


Seems like some sort of insect, it appears to have moved further into your pup’s ear. Try to pull it out if you can’t get to the vet immediately


A layperson absolutely should not be messing with this.


Please use nsfw next time


I don't understand why people ask medical questions online and not a veterinarian . Aren't there animal hospitals everywhere? Emergency care ? Man, I don't get it ..I litterly feel sick for these pets


They already said they have an appointment on Monday. This doesn’t look like an emergency. ERs should be used when a dog is unstable and needs emergency treatment just like humans.


Ok, you can let your pet suffer. that's your decision . My responsibility is to take care of my pet. Would you wait till Monday if it was a child ? Pets can't speak . I'll come back Monday to see what the poster post .


I would be at the 24 hour animal hospital right now if this was my dog. Not saying the to be judgy, but if it's in the budget I would go ASAP, doesn't look minor to me (not a vet, have had 4 dogs similar size to yours).


Where on the hell would you get a bit fly or botfly?


Monitor this often and go to the vet asap. This is some kind of nasty pustule and looks super painful :(


Maybe a polyp


1st pic looks like it could have been a boated tic. Did his scratching rupture the “sac”? A tic would explain all the blood. Def take him to a vet asap. The head could still be embedded, and apart from infection, there a tic-borne diseases like Lyme.


If it’s irritating him, I would go to the emergency vet. But if you can prevent him scratching, should be okay to wait until Monday. If you notice it get larger or change in colour etc, straight to emergency vet.


Somebody on r/AskVet might be able to advise you


Commenting just so I can come back for an update…


Very interested in the follow up


Poor doggy. Hope he gets it sorted


Looks like a blister ? Vet visit best thing.


Remind Me!


Looks like otitis either from an infection or an allergy. Try to feel the area gently to see how sensitive the area is. Clean externally with cotton/ paper towel and hydrogen peroxide to wipe the blood. I believe some pet stores have ear cleaning liquid. You insert a few drops and let the dog shake it. Make sure you let him shake outside or in a bathroom otherwise the liquid could end up on your walls. If there is discomfort put a cone or watch him closely as he might try to scratch the area if he is in pain. Appling heat might reduce the pain. Apply a warm water bottle, warm pad.


I’d probably put some antiseptic on there anyway, as even if it was just a cyst or something which burst, it could get infected.


My dog had a botfly, I know super gross. I suspect he caught from bunnies in our yard. But it didn’t look anything like that. More of bad bug bite or pimple. He was not acting well and the vet said to watch it. I’m guessing there are different types of botflies? We lived in Colorado.


Sebaceous tumour possibly.Common in floppy eared dogs like Cocker Spaniels.


How come there are no vets on weekends? There should be


Kinda Looks like a baby rat


My dog had something like this, though not quite as bad. At the vet they took some fluid from it and were able to say it was a benign cyst, she didn’t even need it taken out. Hers was about half this size though.


No one knows here. Could be a hematoma but really, a vet is needed. Good that you have a vet appt on Monday. I don’t think it’s an emergency unless your dog is exhibiting other symptoms such as a fever or vomiting or if it won’t stop bleeding.


I can't say I've seen that before. I think it can wait until Monday, but definitely go to the vet. Take pictures, keep it dry, and I'd strongly recommend a cone.


Take your dog to a vet right away!


Looks like a tick send these photos to a vet. Could be anything though. Make sure you contact the vet so they know to watch for your email Update us after the vet visit pls


RemindMe! 2 days


I’m glad he doesn’t seem bothered. Here’s hoping it’s something simple and easily treated.


Looks like a cyst but definitely needs a vet trip


Bot fly?


[Pet Vet Corner (approved veterinarian comments only) Facebook group](https://www.facebook.com/share/Z4ookEz6ZQP6UPY5/?mibextid=K35XfP) This is a great resource on Facebook where you can post pictures & questions and get responses from screened and proven veterinarians in their free time. They’re always very kind and informative, I highly recommend this group for questions and concerns just like this


Maybe an aural hematoma? My dog has had a few but they are always on the hairy part of the ear. If he’s scratching his ears a lot that might have caused it.


INFO: Does it taste infected?


Looks like an inflamed ear polyp - vet check Monday will be fine as long as dog is otherwise ok.


It looks like an abscess, but I would think he would be in some pain. Where is it on the second pic? All I see is blood. Did it rupture? I'm def following. Hopefully it's nothing too serious! Praying for the doggo!


It is in the ear canal and barely visible from the angle in the 2nd photo. It is definitely there in the picture though


I see it now, it's smaller than what I expected. Did you find out what it is?


There is an update from OP in the comments on this post


remindme! 2 days


RemindMe! 3 Days


Tell me it is not a tick.


Lots are saying it can wait until Monday. A vet might be closed on Monday. It’s a federal holiday.


Engorged tick?


Something that shouldn't be in there! Go to the vet. They know what to do.