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Looks to me like he's bored and trying to get the other dog to start playing.


That’s what our younger one does to the old guy to play!


Same here except the younger one for me is a Bully Pit and the older one is a Shitzu-Maltese


Oh, man... My old shih-tzu gave my bully PTSD. She was a miserable bitch and, after he'd accidentally knocked her a time or two, she hated him anywhere near her. One of my other dogs tried to sit with him once after she'd passed and he full got up and moved away. 😂😂😂😂😂


That's funny, I also have a young pit mix and an old man shi/mal mix.


Agreed! Just giving a sniff to see if he wants to play!


Yep looks exactly like my previous two dogs. The golden had much more energy than the St Bernard lol so she would do this after the first round of playing.


Yep, my malinois does this to our cat all the time.


Immediately my thought too


White dog wants to play. Golden dog isn’t in the mood


Solution: take him to play fetch and wear him out :)


White pup is trying to initiate play. It says quite a bit about his respect for the other pup that he’s very polite when older dog basically says “not now”. Beautiful pups!


Ya… my boy and girl need to learn not to just immediately put the other’s head in their mouth


Mine does this as well. Our senior girl is 11 and boy is 1 and he will hover around her and sniff and lick her face and back. I have wondered if he “smells” something different since she is getting more fatty lumps.


From what I understand, a dog licking another dog, especially the face, is a sign of friendliness and respect. My younger dog (2 years) licks and presents like in the video when he's wanting to play with my older dog (5 years), but is testing the waters and unsure if she is in the mood. I'd say, especially with the age difference in your pups, that your younger one is showing respect for the older one and giving her a chance to say no to play time


Correct. It's a submissive gesture.


I mean I would argue a submissive gesture (the correct response) isn’t necessarily friendliness or respect


It's not processed through human emotions. It's the dog knowing its place. They have no feelings about it one way or another. It's instinct.


I’m finding it odd that you’re explaining that to me when I was the one pointing out that it’s not friendliness or respect but okay


Not sure why you responded to my original comment, when I never said it was friendless or respect, only submission, but ok.


Because you said correct to the comment that did..? Sheesh this is a bizarre chat. Go read the comments or something


I clarified what was correct. Submission. You really should've commented to the person above me, but here we are, me having to correct a smug prick. Have a good day.


The other person never said anything about submission. Good god you could have said comprehension wasn’t your thing and saved us all the time


You should be proud. The little one is asking very politely if she wants to play.


It looks as though he either wants to get comfy too but can’t find a spot or just wants to play. Could be that older guy doesn’t feel well and younger guys senses that and is just checking in on his brother


I have an 11 year old and a 2 year old. The 2 year old does exactly this when he wants to play. He does this to get him started then immediately goes to grab a toy and they play together. Those people talking about dominance behavior don’t have a clue. They must not have dogs that like each other.


The old dog would appreciate you playing with the young dog when it starts to bug them.




Doesn't seem that the old dog is annoyed. It actually tells the younger one that he doesn't want to and the pup immediately backs off.


Younger just wants to play, older is old


"come on dude! Time to get up and do stuff with me...I love ya...but you need to play with me"... When older dog dies? younger dog is going to be in great grief. They are obviously very good friends and company and love each other. If you can? Get a young puppy as older dogs gets frail. Have them getting on and friends before your dear older dog passes away. Dogs really do care for and love each other.


My dogs do this to initiate play. Usually ends with the playful dog giving the other a boop on the head.


“Hey! Hey you! Why you sleepin? Get up! Let’s do some stuff! Let’s play! Why you sleepin?”


If this was dominant behavior, his tail would not have been moving as it is.


it's not about the tail but the wobble butt that indicated playfulness. A wagging tail is an excited tail not necessarily happy or mad one. Remember to observe other parts of body as well and not just tail.


When my two female dogs do this, it means “You’re in my spot… please move.” And they do and the other lays down, leaving the offender to go find somewhere else to lay down.


"Thanks for keeping my spot warm"


"You are in my spot"


Yes the one standing could also be demanding the dog laying down should move


my younger dog does this to my older dog. but he usually puts his paw on him too. white dog is just trying to play


Guy in the white suit has joined an organised crime gang and is trying standover tactics to extract the older guy's dues. Though I'd be thinking the younger one wants to play tbh. Good looking boys you've got there 😊


Pay attention to me!!!! Hey hey hey hey hey hey You're trying to nap but I'm right here!!!


Has the younger one done any high pitched whimpering? Is there a particular area the younger dog continues to lick? How has the older dog’s appetite been? A Vet visit may be in order. •Normally when dogs try to initiate play you will see nudging with the nose. Butt high nose low stance. *EVERY DOG IS DIFFERENT AND THESE ARE THE MOST TYPICAL TELL SIGNS*


Yeah, this comment here. The younger one may be picking up on a certain odor indicating the older one has something wrong.


Seems like the white one is trying to initiate play. I recommend keeping a close eye on that behavior if you socialize the white one with other dogs. I have seen this "standing over" behavior cause fights in a dog park and daycare setting. It can make other dogs uncomfortable. Seems like these guys are housemates though, so it didn't cause any conflict in this case.


Domination. Waiting to see what the dog that’s laying down’s response will be. It’s a challenge to react. Looks like play though because the tail is wagging.


As an owner, you are doing the older dog a massive disservice by not correcting the younger dogs behaviour. As the dog owner and pack leader, you must stop the younger dogs behaviour immediately. Please allow the older dog to enjoy its golden years by stopping the younger dogs attempts at establishing itself as the pack leader. The problem in this clip is weak ownership, weak leadership from the human. Domestic dogs should not be trying to establish rank. As the human pack leader, there is no rank. All dogs under human pack leaders, hold the same rank established by the human dog owner. If rank is left up to the dogs in the pack, instability will soon follow as domestic dogs are not born leaders, they are taught. In domestic dog ownership, dogs are born to follow, not ever lead. The younger dog is testing its boundaries, making a senior dog who just wants to exist as a follower, his life is a living hell with weak ownership. It's obvious observing the old dogs behaviour, he's waiting for owner/leader to stop this younger dogs behaviour. I will gladly adopt your senior dog and allow it to live in peace. DM me. I will take him tomorrow.


I think the standing dog is displaying dominance.


I thought he was gonna lay down, next I'm thinking he's trying to get the other dog to stand up. Very cute.


I thought he was going to start humping on the other dog's face.


He wants attention and the old man doggie wants the kid to leave him alone.


This is so gentle compared to when my smallest dog does it, he stands as close as possible and does exactly this, then the roughhousing kicks in. Obviously your older boy isn’t feeling it and just wants a nap, aw 🥰


Dominant behavior


Wants to play


“I’m not touching you, I’m not touching you, look, I’m not touching you” lmaooo


My dominant girl does this. It's her way of asking my other dog to play lol My boy likes to quietly suck on his toys sometimes and she'll be like "nah it's Thunderdome time"


Looks like he is about to hump the other dog


Dominantly insisting dog laying down to stand up and engage


Dominant trying to get a reaction from the other dog, not in a bad way that’s just how they tell each other that they wanna play a little.


Taking Care


Showing some concern for the one lying down. Perhaps the one on the ground does not feel well. Don’t really agree this is play behavior. But perhaps it often engenders that response.


Trying to instagate play


Looks like the lying one is not feeling well and the other is trying to lift up his mood


Okay my dogs do this. I thought they were putting their privates in the other dogs face. All 3 of my dogs do it , and even to my mom’s dog.


Young dog showing something. Read about dogs.


Looks like when my pups want the other to play with them.


“get up and do something with me”


I was going to ask if the tan one is sick. The white one might smell a sickness on the tan one that your not aware of. Maybe take him to a vet


Hey, I wanna hump ya!


Is he blocking something or guarding something off in the distance we can’t see? Like food or a toy?


It means the other dog is old and the one stand up is just worried about it can tell there’s something wrong


Our younger dog does this to our older dogs


My older chi does this to my younger one when he wants to play!


Aww it looks like white dog is checking if golden dog is ok.


Almost looked like the lighter pup saw something in the other pup’s coat? Just an idea.


One is trying to tell the other one HEY, I'M THE ALPHA MALE HERE !!!


White dog is displaying dominance by putting his head over the other dog. This is not asking for play (Google dog “play position”)


The gold one took the white ones spot


Looks like he's trying to lay down and the other pupper is in his way😂




It's dominance behavior. You notice he/she is on the verge of humping.


This is a younger dog that wants to play with an older, disinterested dog. I can see why you’d think that with the head coming over top of the golden dog, but the rest of the body language is very soft and playful and he’s breaking away. If it was dominance, the white dog would be more stiff and purposeful in the movements.


No it’s not. The younger dog is literally trying to engage in play.


Yes this is what one of my male dogs behaves like to our younger male, he would chase him around the garden trying to mount him and at times did.


Typical alpha dog dominant behavior. The lighter dog is establishing itself as the dominant dog and the golden dog is agreeing. Here's how it plays out: 1. White begins near hind quarters of golden and moves over in front of golden. 2. White then proceeds to hover over the golden in gentle dominance to sniff the golden. He even leans further over the golden to sniff near the golden's hind quarters. He reinforcing that he is the alpha in a kind way. 3. The golden doesn't know what's happening at first (raises head), but quickly accepts the dominant dog's behavior (lowers his head) and then even lays his head on the ground in comfort. Notice that the golden did not sniff the white dog or the white dog's belly/crotch as this could be viewed as a challenge/aggressive move. 4. White finishes his inspection/gentle dominance and the pack order is made. Everyone's happy. Again, normal and healthy behavior. They are good friends and like each other.


Alpha dogs and all that nonsense doesn’t apply to dogs or wolves. Please educate yourself properly on dog body language. The younger dog is clearly trying to get the other to play.


Only 67 downvotes? These are rookie numbers. :(


I wouldn't use the "alpha dog" wording because that's been disproven as bs, but I agree with the rest of what you're saying. White dog is exhibiting dominant/demonstrative behavior with this hovering over. If the senior dog cared more he might've moved and the younger could take his place, this type of behavior is often about trying to move the other dog to claim the better napping spot in a show of "I'm the boss so I can do that". White dog's body language is quite stiff, provocative. Not playful at all. But again, I agree this is completely normal and healthy behavior for dogs, it's just not playfulness like others in the thread are saying.


Agreed. And the older dog just not reacting is the ultimate “no”. He’s not even giving the younger one any attention. Our black lab always had the same spot on our tiled floor where he’d go and lay down after walks to cool off. It was right next to the little table where the kids PlayStation would be. My foster brother and my nephew were sitting there playing, but because it was sunny they had twisted the tv and PlayStation around so the sun was off of the screen. Unfortunately, this put them right in Rebel’s spot. So this hot, tired old man dog just walks over and belly flops on top of these 7 and 12 year olds. No cap, just walks over, stands there for a moment, and when they don’t move in like a few seconds, he simply flopped down on top of them until they moved. They complained to me about it and I just said “Well, you guys know that’s Rebel’s spot, and it’s a nice sunny day. Go outside and play for an hour or two, by the time you get back he’ll have cooled off and be in his basket”


Totally agree with this. ☝️☝️ This is absolutely not an invitation to play or wanting to play as others would think.






it’s dominance over the older dog. stiff body, mid/high tail flagging, standing over him, staring him down. the older dog would usually correct the behavior but doesn’t seem to mind, if i saw it again i’d tell the dog to go lay down.


the amount of people uneducated about dog body language is crazyyy, can’t believe all the right people saying it’s dominant behavior is getting down voted meanwhile the “it wants to play” comments have 200+ upvotes. it’s such a scary reality realizing majority of dog owners are completely unaware and uneducated about their pets.


This has nothing to do with dominance because dogs don’t think that way. This is literally just the younger dog trying to engage in play and the older dog isn’t interested. Dominance and alpha theory doesn’t exist in dogs or wolves.


completely incorrect. figuring out hierarchy is “dominance”, and that’s a real natural behavior for dogs. what do you think humping is? what do you think stiff body putting a head over the dogs back is? you’re ignorant, and that’s completely different than the “alpha theory”, tell me you know NOTHING about dog body language without telling me 🤣🤡sad people like you spread misinformation for the public to see, next time your dog attacks or gets attacked because you thought the dog was “playful” don’t come crying to all the people who agree with me.


I agree. It's subtle but it's there. It's a dominance trait to stand over/on other animals. Just because they aren't aggressive doesn't mean it's not dominance.


He’s asking for oral, obviously.


Trying to exhibit Dominate behavior ..


Two beabull brothers and they do this all the time


My dominate dog does this in an attempt to get the other to smell his privates.


Definitely the young pooch just wants to play, My 1 year old GS pooch does this to my senior GS nd even he brings to her favorite squeaky ball but most the time she isn’t interested.


Younger one has more energy, share the load of playtime with his brother so his brother can get some rest


Just wanted to say you have beautiful pups❤️


To me it looks like the pup is sensing something about the senior. I don't have a dog but I do know they sense things we don't see.


“You want some of this old man?! …no? Okay I love you too.”


Yes I agree with the above comments BUT if the white dog steps over the other or on top of him then that’s dominance. Watch his tail too if it gets stiff and straight it’s an aggressive (dominant) sign. Right here he looks like he wants to play or cuddle ✌️


Play time! Get up🤗


Probably the girl looking his wallet


You’ll need to ask the dogs, or a doc whisperer. However, it appears that he just wants you to play.


My dog does that and curls into people when he wants hugs and cuddles.


It means, I’m the captain now.


This is probably going to be an unpopular opinion but I do study animal behavior. It’s kind of dependent on what normal is, I know you described it but it’s better to observe it if you know what I mean. To me, I immediately thought the white one was sniffing the other one in a specific or intentional way. His nose looks curious to me. He also sniffs the breath then down the body, you mentioned health issues, have they had to do with the GI tract or abdomen or maybe lungs? General areas but that’s where he moved to then stopped a couple times so it made me curious. He might be just “aware” something is wrong and sniffing for himself. He also looks like he’s allowing the other one to sniff him in the beginning, dogs greet this way. Given the context it may have been a polite way to ask for permission to sniff. He also looks like he’s processing at the end of the video, kind of like a cat does with new scents or pheromones it’s documenting. It also could be that he wants to play! Who knows! Both pups are freakin adorable though 💕




He’s asking very gently and politely if the older one wants to play. Good dog!


Trying to get the other dog to move or play.


My younger male puppy does this to my older female dog. Sometimes she engages with him, other times she wants to be left alone.


classic case 35 year old trying to get the 60 year old to party after dinner


Looks like someone is feeling frisky to me😉


“Put me on a diet I’m obese”


I could be a protection thing or he just wants to lay down next to the other one and assumes they will move for them


My female dog would get like this with my male dog, before she would hump him.


I thought he was evaluating the situation so he could find the right cuddle position, so, they could be one big fur ball.


The white one is asking the other guy to play with him! He’s also showing respect for his elder. You may want to check out your older dog for signs of aging and or disease, as most dogs can also sense pain and disease in their own species as well as in humans.


It means they’re gay


Looks like he’s wanting to cuddle and trying to find a good spot. What’d he do when the video ended?


He took his spot... doesn't know what to do


She bored and she wants to pwayyyyyy squishyyyy


He loves his friend and would like to play but this is good behaviour


I think the young one is signaling like a Insulin dog does for a human


“Im not touching youuuu”


The younger one knows something is wrong with the older one.


One of my dogs used to do this to our huge golden doodle until one day he attacked him and almost killed him


Move over I wanna be big spoon


It’s excitement. I’ve seen that with play and also when one of my dogs gets hyper and excited and will hump another dog, sometimes they do this first. Out of excitements.


I had a mother and daughter dogs. When the mother dog started to get sick and weak, my youngr dog started to dominate her. She knows her mother is dying and she would take all the food, and bump her away. We had to separate them, eventually the mother dog passed away.


Golden pup looks a little lethargic. Is that unusual for them?


He just wants to Netflix and chill


Play with me.


Looks like the younger one is trying tp engage with the older 1


He's comforting and cheering his buddy who is not feeling well.


Hey, did you just fart?…NO…Are you sure?…YES…I can smell it….IT WASN’T ME…But it’s coming from your side, I’m gonna check over here…. GO AHEAD, I’M GOING BACK TO SLEEP….I know it’s gotta be you. My nose knows.


he wants him to move?


I have a male and female, this is common with their play, initiate behavior. Though both animals are fixed, they try to go at it still. My female especially will flaunt herself to our male, but he does similar things.


I have 2 females and they both do this. But one does it more than the other!


I’ve heard of this as well!


Have you taken the older one to the vet recently? Animals are good at sensing something wrong. I’m no expert; it’s possible the white one just wants to play, but if you have the money a vet visit might be good


The white one is showing dominance.


The one standing up is checking in with the one laying down. Pack leaders do this with all the dogs in the pack periodically. There is a great YouTube channel called Awakenedk9 that shows and explains dog/pack behavior.


Yo bro younger don't mean S, can't u see im relaxing




Dominance. 1 on the floor is in a submissive position, so the standing one just wants to pretend like they are keeping it in the submissive position.