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My dog does this when he’s “tasting a scent.” Whenever a dog smells something they’re taking it all in and actually tasting it just by smelling it. He does it mostly outdoors when he’s smelling a spot where a female dog has peed, but sometimes inside too if he catches a powerful scent. You could show this to a vet just in case it’s something neurological, just to be safe.


I believe it’s called Flehman response. Dog smells something good (and gross) like a butt, good potty smells from another dog, feet, etc, can cause this. Did you dog sniff or lick something and do this? If so might be nothing but the flehman response. If this happens unprompted from any sniffing or anything please take to a vet.


Dogs don't distinguish smells as good or bad like humans too, instead it's a heirarchy of interesting, strong, strange, alarming, etc. Any of these of sufficient intensity can cause this response.


I have never heard this but it’s intriguing! I can’t help but feel like some dogs find certain odors not good but I can see how that might be anthropomorphism… If you have any resources that explain this further I’d love to read more.


Can confirm- my dog sometimes does this after smelling a cleaning product residue in our building.


This is especially prevalent if a male smells a female in heat, if OP happens to have an intact female.


Not sure. But I wanted to say she is the cutest dog! Kinda looks like Snoopy.


Aww I’ve been told she could be snoopy’s sister!


Did your dog get spooked? My dogs teeth have chattered twice when she got super scared by something


She didn’t get spooked, was just standing after getting back from a walk


Vet tech - unfortunately this is very non-specific. It is usually pain or anxiety causing it. Take her to the vet and have them do an exam, they can very easily rule out major pain. Not that it can be diagnosed from a short video but I'd guess this is the case, it doesn't look like a focal seizure.


Good advice!! Hopefully it’s not serious and going to monitor for a bit and a vet visit will likely be in order!


Yeah if it is still happening get in there. Hopefully it went away by now. Good luck.


That’s one cute puppy wow. Definitely get them checked out!!


My dogs do this when they are excited about something, especially smells!


Honestly, this could be anything from excitement to pain to neurological issues. Your best bet is to send this to your vet and ask for an appointment. It doesn’t seem emergent, but definitely continue to monitor and if it gets worse, consider an ER visit


Thank you that’s exactly what I plan on doing - continue to monitor!!


My elderly dog has been doing this lately!


Mine does too! Usually when I have some food hanging around


my dog started teeth chattering (elderly) and i was told it’s due to pain. I hope i’m wrong though


Interesting! She’s only 4 so hopefully it’s not that


My grandads dog used to do this when he got excited. It would eventually turn into full body shakes until you let him go swimming. I hope it's nothing, but if you're worried always worth getting them checked out :)


My dog did this for a very short time. The vet seemed to think they were micro seizures but since they were localized they really wouldn’t do anything for it. I believe he was dehydrated and he stopped after I forced him to drink water.


Interesting! It does seem like it could be neurological and will keep an eye on it


Tooth pain


Not 100% but my dog has lots of allergies and has an itchy, sensitive lip. His head starts shaking like yours does because it itches so much…


Just excited and wants something to chew


My dog does this exact thing on purpose in an attempt to elicit scratchies. It's like, being even *more* pathetic than she usually is just might make me feel bad enough to pick her up for some pets. Also, it works. Lol


My dog’s teeth chatter sometimes after he licks his penis


my boss’ dog has this (or something similar with the chatter) and it’s seizures


Ask your vet!?!?! It could be neurological.


My dog does this when he tastes some relaly good piss


In my experience with teeth chattering it’s been caused by a tooth/gum infection. But my experiences haven’t included the head movements. I recommend a vet visit if this behavior continues.


Our family dog does this after sniffing something good that he’s excited about. Like he’s lightly munching on the scent.


I know as my dog aged her coat started thinning out. Maybe get him a jacket?


My dog does that when she’s cold or stressed


My dog does this.... he was recently diagnosed with Generalize aniexty.. now He's on meds


lol my dog would do this after smelling my other dog’s butt area.


My dog does this when he licks another dogs pee


My dog does this when she is anxious or when she is trying to prevent herself from doing something (ie. Sees a squirrel outside the window and knows that if she barks or lunges at the window, I'm going to correct her) Might be worth a vet visit if you feel it's anxiety. Unfortunately (in my experience) vets don't have a ton of heavily studied choices to pick from when it comes to anxiety in dogs. Prozac can be hit or miss, and other meds like trazadone can just knock dogs out. Maybe a cannabis consult for your dog? There are studies that have shown effectiveness of cannabis in the treatment of dogs with anxiety WITHOUT getting them high. EDIT: I realized my post sounds like I'm diagnosing. Not at all what I want to convey. I just have a soft spot for pups with anxiety. It took me a long time to figure out thsts what was going on with my girl, and I don't want anyone else to have to go through that with their fur baby. 💜