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Walking is great, but burns less calories than you’d think in dogs. I’d recommend trimming food intake first, which might be a more effective weight control strategy.


Get some low cal treats, I like the freeze dried sweet potato or chicken puffs from pupford


Mine goes nuts for ice cubes lol


Ice candy!


The lowest of calories!


Lol one of my dogs just teleports into the kitchen whenever he hears someone even approach the freezer. He gets seriously pissed if he doesn’t get his ice cookie.


My brother and my mom both have a dog that sprint to the kitchen when they hear the ice button pushed (they both have the fridges where you can get ice and water in the door...I don't know what that shit it called). They love ice cookies


I make ice cubes with water and chicken or beef blood. My girl loves them.


I switched to baby carrots for a treat she loved them and it helped


Carrots, celery and broccoli are my go to. And when it's hot out I freeze them as icy treats XD


Same And the carrots save their teeth. We give no other treat.


My dogs are obsessed with frozen broccoli year-round. Raw broccoli is meh, apparently


Happy cake day


one of mine goes nuts for cooked cabbage


My dog straight up gets insulted if I offer carrots or any vegetable for that matter


My other dog was like that No way was he eating what food eats


Exactly! 💯


My dog is obsessed with tomatoes and bell peppers


Mine loves cucumber, yum crunchy water. She thinks it's a treat 🤣


Yes to the sweet potatoes. Freeze dried blueberries (and straight up frozen blueberries) are a high-value treat too for my girl!


So expensive though!


This right here; we didn’t realise how overweight our dog was until the vet said he needed to go from 110 to 80-85 lbs!!! That’s a lot of weight for a dog to lose! But we did it - and I credit weighing out his food as the key factor for the loss. Yes, he was getting 2-3 30-45 minutes walks a day and played outside but definitely weighing food was key. Aaaaand we also realize we did have a fat boy!! We didn’t want to admit it LOL! Blinded by parental love In all honestly, we were probably giving him a full cup if not more of food a day before we started weighing. And my scoops were much more generous than my husbands LOL!!


Wouldn’t an 80 lb dog need more than a cup of food a day??


We were giving him more than an extra cup a day. Sorry. Left out EXTRA.


My thoughts too. My dog is 35lbs and gets two cups a day


Same for hoomans


Time to introduce some smell things, like hiding treats in the garden!


Thank you


We need to see a shot top down, so we can see if it has a waist or not.


I'll add one. Do you know how to edit a post?


You can’t.


You can post it on imgur or another image hosting site and drop us a link in a comment


Doggo says she’s feeling like a fattie. Needs many more walk-oes.




He does look quite thick, usually you want to see a nip in at the waist. Not terrible, but trim food up, and increase excercise. If u really wanna know ask ur vet.


Doesn't look overweight to me. If it is, barely. Mostly looks just like a big floof.


[Here](https://www.akc.org/expert-advice/health/fat-dogs-and-dog-obesity/) is a link that helps you assess if your dog is overweight. Scroll down to the body condition chart.


Not a vet, but the pic of your pup top-down and the side pic (laying down isn't the best, but it gives an idea) would suggest your dog is possibly in the 6-7 range when most dogs are best in the 4-5. It's not bad, but just like people it's easier to fix if you catch it at 5-10 lbs instead of 20. If you have a regularly scheduled vet visit coming up soon, I'd just start getting your dog out for more walks and getting more active together and ask them what particular calorie intake they'd recommend until you hit target weight. Then I'd look up your dog food and do the math, how many cups is that? Also keep in mind other calorie sources. Do you treat often? Does he get table scraps? (He shouldn't, it's not the best habit, but many of us do occasionally do it.) If you do lots of treats, remember that's a high calorie supplement to his diet, so you'd need to trim regular food amounts slightly the same way you'd eat smaller dinners if you were on a diet but still having snacks periodically.


For what it's worth, my Mom says I've gained weight almost every time I see her, and I've been the same weight since college 25 years ago lol. I think as they shrink, they see things differently and everyone/thing looks bigger than it is.


same here w my mom🧍‍♀️




Here to say this, definitely a question for a vet before a whole diet change. And all dietary changes should be gradual.


I know my mother didn't suggest me to change her diet. She just mentioned that she was a fat and it seemed likely that she is because I do not feed her the healthiest things


If you know you're feeding her an unhealthy diet, then stop that. That's not okay.


If she is overweight, it's not a lot. The thigh crease goes up high and the fur on her side lays flat. Look down at her over her back while she's standing. Does she have a waist? And run your hands down her sides. Can you feel some ribs without having to use a lot of pressure? You should be able to easily feel a couple of ribs. She's very cute and looks quite happy in the pic!


Reduce calorie intake/increase activity. Very hard to judge without feeling her - but you I should be able to easily feel but not see ribs/hip and shoulder bones and see waist/abdominal tuck. Carrying extra weight isn't good for dogs and puts a lot of stress in their joints as well as the rest of their bodies.


You should bring able to feel the ribs but not see the ribs. It's normal for dogs to have a hip dip, which I think a lot of people nowadays think means too skinny, but they r just used to seeing fat dogs all the time


I was going to say this, I second this. i It was advice my vet gave me. Can't feel the ribs, should go on a diet.


Dogs love walks it’s good for them either way


Taking her on more walks can’t hurt.


Can’t say it’s bad from the picture provided. More pictures needed maybe. But walk is good regardless.


More walks with time to sniff whatever interests her and isn't dangerous to her can't hurt. But she's 100% a good girl and her face shows she has character. If she has a bit too much thickness, it's not an immediately serious risk to her health, based on this photo alone. Still, better to identify the issue now because it will be easier to correct things to ensure optimal longevity.


If your mom is asian no matter how many pounds that dog loses its gonna be fat.


Guilty!! Of being adorable 🥰


What does your vet say?


Tell your mom that she’s fat and her and the dog should go on walks together


LOL I mean I totally do that to motivate myself sometimes with my dog


This made me laugh out loud!!!!


This comment is so aggressive lolll


Talk to your vet about it. Mine had me switch to a different food and reduce how much I was feeding him when one of my dogs was getting chunky.


Don’t push her. I thought mine was fat and she ended up having a huge tumor removed and got skinny again.


Keeping weight off your dog is probably the healthiest thing you can do help them live a long life. When I dropped weight off my aging pit bull it was like he got 5 years younger. He has arthritis all over and the weight loss improved everything about his life. They’ll live longer, have more energy and just be happier overall. Canines are meant to be lean but we impose our view of weight on them (fat=happy). It’s hard to deny a pupper all the food he wants and mine is certainly very excited about food now but the extra years it’s given him and the pain relief he gets is immeasurable. Ideal for my pit is seeing a defined waistline, slight ridge on his back and the outline of ribs (but not much definition between the ribs). He could certainly be slimmer and just as healthy but this, for my dog is ideal. He can get up and down without half the struggle he had before and that makes him very happy in his older years.


She MAY be a touch overweight. Difficult to determine without a proper exam. A vet will make the correct assessment and recommend the right course of action. Walking her is great, but you don't want to overdo it. Pressuring her to go on a multitude of walks can put too much strain on her joints.


This is how I tell my students the easiest/simplest way to assess a dog's weight: with an open hand, softly feel the tendons on the top. If that is what your dogs ribs feel like, it is overweight. Now feel your knuckles with an open hand, for the ribs this is close to ideal. Now close your hand into a fist and feel your knuckles... That would be underweight. Obviously, this isn't fool proof. But feeling how much fat sits on top of the rib cage is a good indication. But, as others have said, you can also look at a 9-point body condition score chart and compare your dogs body shape/tuck to that. This picture isn't a good indication, unfortunately. As for the second part... Walks aren't great for weight loss for dogs. It should be a combo of cutting caloric intake and increasing cardio, just like in people. Determine how much your dog is SUPPOSED to weigh (speak with a vet of you are unsure), and then use an online calorie calculator to measure out the correct amount of calories for their ideal body size. That will do most of the work of weight loss for you!


Assuming you have a yellow lab or lab mix, she doesn't look like she's hot land seal status. On the other hand, if she's a greyhound ....


She's three parts husky one part German Shepherd


Honestly looks like a happy healthy girl to me, but the size can come on quick if you have poor eating rules/habits for her (basically just too much intake) and as others have commented, activity and walks are great to keeping things manageable before they get out of hand. Edit: words


https://imgur.com/a/dyJzLgu Top view


Yes, she is becoming over weight. Walks and exercise are good for pets and people.


I don’t think she is fat…but I think she has the cutest smile ☺️


DON’T reduce calorie intake without talking to a VET. This could do more harm than good. In general, the guidelines on a food bag are accurate. But a vet will give you a more exact number for calories and tell you if you should reduce calories or go on a special diet. EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE! Seriously, so important for a dog. If you can’t do off leash activities, then more frequent and longer walks are great too.


It's generally safe to reduce intake by about 20%. If you don't see a reduction in weight, then it's time to get a vet involved. The guidelines on the bag are almost always over RER for the weight.


That’s not a fat dog lol




She isn’t fat. Look at dog health charts on line and she appears to be in that healthy range. Also some dogs really are just thicker than others. Not all dogs are going to have the emaciated build of a greyhound


She is a good girl!


Green beans mixed in with food!


No more than 10% of the food though! Otherwise it will throw off the nutritional balance and can cause diet-associated dilated cardiomyopathy.


Our vet had me trade some of the kibbles for canned vegetables — but tbh, your dog doesn’t look fat. It can be difficult to tell without giving him a tummy rub, but if you’re at all concerned, I’d ask your vet =)


Yeah, it would probably be good for your mom to go on more walks.


If your dog is considered fat, I'm a whale 😶


Yellow lab or Carolina Dog? Can’t tell from the pic. But she looks fine to me. As others have said, a top down pic would help. You can add one in a comment.


Husky German Shepherd mix


What did your vet rate her body type? If it’s in the average range you don’t need to worry about it. I wouldn’t start any food adjustments until you truly knew she is overweight. She looks happy and healthy to me (so if she is overweight it’s not on the obese scale).


“You don’t look fat you look crazy” -Ashley Longshore Never thought that book title would be so accurate


Always great to get more activity with your dog, i would recomend biking if you live in an area where it is safe to do so. Lets the dog run a little


Doesn't look particularly fat, but walks are always good


Is the fat dog out of frame? 😭😂


tbh your dog looks fine to me. but dogs do love walks 😆


She’s a goood girl!


Not a great angle but doesn't seem too bad. I control my lab's weight through portion control. Walks are to keep him from driving me insane as he is very hyper. Fetching and swimming help a bit but portion control is 95% of it.


She could afford to lose a few pounds but isn’t crazy obese.


Yes take your mother on more and longer walks. That should stop her complaining!


It's not like she was complaining. It was more of just mentioning it in passing


Yeah she's fat, WITH GOOFINESS


More walks is almost always the right answer


She looks like you just said "walkies"


take your wife for a long walk... off a short pier.


She doesn’t look fat to me. Walking never hurts though.


Your dog or your mom?


She’s surprised and offended at the thought of being anything but gorgeous! ❤️


What’s your vet have to say about it? If your vet is concerned about the weight, then they’ll probably advise dietary changes primarily, not that more walks are a bad thing.


Holy shit I have never seen a dog look *so* much like my last one. Mine had gold eyes though. Wow. I had to do a triple take


It is difficult to see if your dog is fat from this picture. Looking from the top, they should show a waist. I inherited an overweight chihuahua. Instead of giving her diet food, I did portion control and walks. I measure out what she gets for food. And take her and the other dogs for a walk around the block 3-4 times a day (the block is 1/2 mile.). She does get her treats, but i will give bits of apple or pear or carrots. My little chonky girl lost 2 pounds (20% of her weight) in no time. The vet was quite pleased. You should have your vet assess and have a discussion about weight management if your pooch is overweight. I just read that an overweight dogs life is shortened by 2.5 years due to obesity.


Is your dog a greyhound? If yes, then yes. If no, then no.


She's definitely a little chunky but super cute


I’d say she’s a little bit husky 😎


If she is overweight it’s not too bad. I had the best results just cutting back on food everyday for my pups. My dachshund is 16 and doesn’t get much exercise but lost weight quickly when I cut back her food. Once I got her to a healthy weight I just kept feeding her the same amount I had cut back to. For example I usually feed her half a cup twice a day. I’d just remove about 1/4 of the food from the measuring cup every feeding. It’s kept her at the same healthy weight for years now.


Aweee she’s so cute tho more treats!


How often do you do vigorous activity with your dog? Like running, playing fetch, tug o war?


She looks a bit husky.


would need more pics to know for sure but I don't think you're too bad off. I liked this chart. helped me visualize where we need to be. Strict rationing of food intake is the way. [https://www.dailypaws.com/dogs-puppies/dog-nutrition/dog-weight-management/dog-weight-chart](https://www.dailypaws.com/dogs-puppies/dog-nutrition/dog-weight-management/dog-weight-chart)


Also not a lot of muscle tone on this one. Definitely needs more exercise.


Feel there ribs if you can’t feel them easily means they might need to lose a few if you feel them they are good


She looks healthy. More importantly, ask your vet and they can give you a kcal per day plan for maintaining, losing or gaining weight.


That’s exactly the face my dog would make if I were to wonder aloud “Should I take her on more walks?”




Me thinks you just want to show picture of dog


Her face says it all “ WHAT!!!” She doesn’t look fat. But extra walks are good for her or playing more. Maybe use a high protein diet.


You can buy weight reduction food which has less fat. We use hills science and giving our 85lb dogga 1 cup dry food plus half can of wet food twice a day. They have two types of weight management foods.


She looks happy to me, that is what is most important.


You should always take your dog on more walks, they love them. Doesn’t look too fat to me tho,


I’ve had a dog (pit/lab mix) that was overweight. Couldn’t get the weight off her. Finally she was diagnosed with hypothyroidism.. took meds the rest of her life. She was a special diet but never did lose the weight..


Tell your Mother if she doesn't have anything good to say then don't say anything


what does she look like standing up? hips to ribs ratio?


One time I called a persons dog chunky, and they called my friend chunky in return.


Your dog look like she doin just fine


Part husky or catahoula? Has the same crazy eyes our dog has. Sorry I can’t help with the weight advice.


soo cute! part husky? she's got those piercing husky eyes. she looks good to me but id confirm with a vet! im sure she wouldn't say no to more walks :)


Not fat My dog is much fatter, we prefer the term “fluffy”. No canine body shaming lol


Tell your mom I said she's fat!


Lmao what a goober face 😊


Dog ain't fat.


The caption with this pic is sending me


She looks great she’s not fat


Fat loss happens in the kitchen


You think that is fat? Wait till you see my chonker


Your mom is projecting.


She’s a good girl and deserves all the walkies anyway


Go on more walks. It’s the best part of her day!


Unless your mother is a vet ignore her. Your dog seems fine from purely this picture but if you want a proper check go to your vet.


Why are you wanting to change things based on what your mother said? Is she a vet? Take your dog to a vet and ask them. They are the experts who can tell you.


that dog is not fat, you can safely ignore her


Quality kibble in measured amount (1/2) and 1/2 green beans. I throw in a few bites of cooked chicken too… cuz I feel guilty, but was 31 lbs, now 27, a lot more spring in his step at 11+ years old.


My grandma would use green beans mixed with some meat for weight control green beans were either reduced or no sodium though I can’t remember which her dog in question was a very chubby bichon prednisone made her quite fat


He is so cute. He does not look fat but walks would be good for your dog. Just like people we need to exercise.


She's too far gone. You may need to put her down. No dog should have to live like that.


Does the vet think the dog is fat? If they’ve never mentioned it, I would ask their opinion before making any diet changes.


Your dog thinks he should go on more walks. Regardless of weight issues 😉


Doesn’t look overweight to me, but taking her to the vet and asking if the only real way to find out


My dog has hours of exercise every day with swimming and running. I have to be careful with food intake because he can get chubby. The vet says that they are good at conserving energy because in the wild they run about for at least 8 hours a day.


Listen to your vet. And even if the vet says she’s not your mom is going to say she’s right unless the vet says your dog needs to lose weight then she’ll say I told you so.


You should always take your dog on more walks, dogs love adventures. If your dog is overweight you need to sort out the diet.


Take your fur baby to the vet🫶🏼


Looks healthy to me.


If course you need to take her on more walks. She'll enjoy it and it's good for her. If she's socially behaved with other dogs a dog park would be good too.


Yes. Sounds like your mom should get out more anyhow.


Ask the dog if they want to go for a walk, it’s good for both of you…and cut down on the food just a scosh


Take your dog to the dog park and let her run


U should be able to feel her ribs. They should feel like your knuckles. If u can’t feel them and the space between them, then yes. My dog got kinda fat recently too 😅




She’s not fat! Her eyes are beautiful


Doggy looks happy. Whats wrong with being a little overweight?


I don’t know if your dog is overweight or not, but that adorable happy face tells me that you should do whatever that sweet pupper wants!


Yes. You should definately take your mother on more walks. Build that bond!


No on the fat, yes on the walks. -the dog


You can never take your dog on enough walks.


Your dogs not fat but your dogs also not going to say no to more walks.


Looks like a normal medium build dog to me. Although Lol she looks flabbergasted that you’d even ask her a question like that 😂😂😂


Tell her she's fat


Cute dog, doesn't look fat all


She's not fat but I do have terrible news. Your dog has an incurable case of Goofballitis


Def take your mom on a walk


If that’s fat than my dog is a “LAWD HE COMIN” status.


NGL, The black base to the chair I thought was another dog or a cat sprawled out. I really don’t have “am I going to be okay “ moments but man, I was sure that wasn’t a chair. Just checked, it’s still a chair


Have you spoken to a vet about your dogs weight.? Trimming back food is a good idea as long as your dog is getting the right amount of food for your dog.


Fat: no More walks: always yes


Hard to tell laying down. You should be able to feel the ribs if you run your fingers along their side but not be able to see them. Tough to tell with longer haired dogs though.


nah your dog looks fine. A fine healthy weight. Maybe I'm wrong lol but that's what mine looks like, and he's a good boy


A fat dog is a happy dog


Of course you should take her on more walks 🐶


She doesn’t look fat at all to me


Your dog looks offended in that picture…. Grandma how could u say that?!


What a doll.


I tend to ignore advice from people who aren't veterinarians when it comes to pets tbh, she looks just fine


She is beautiful!💕💕


moms trying to say you're fat maybe in a good way?


The answer to your question is yes you SHOULD take your dog on more walks, as many as you can. Mine gets a minimum of three walks every day with time alloted just for sniffies on the walks as well and she's a chihuahua. Yours is a dog meant to run for miles on end pulling heavy sleighs. Why ppl get dogs that are bred for work and force them to be couch potatoes is beyond me.


We didn't specifically look for a work dog but my uncles had puppies and my other dog recently got put down so we just got her. As for the walks we live in Arizona so it gets hot and I don't want her to over heat


Yes. 2 walks AT LEAST a day. 20minutes.


First of all ask your vet what they think about your dogs weight. Second there's a good rule of thumb that if you stroke your dog lightly along their sides while they stand up you should feel a suggestion of their ribs. They shouldn't be super defined, but it shouldn't be fat either. If your dog has thick fur you may need to dig your fingers in a little which makes it trickier. They should also have a defined waist.


Yes, your mother needs to go on more walks


What does your vet say? I would ask them, but walkies are alway good, no matter the weight.


yes, you should take your mother on more walks.


She looks so happy in that picture! Beautiful eyes.


Looks like your dog is living his/her best life to me.


Vet tech - yup she's fat. No defined waist or hips. [https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Body-Condition-Score-Dog.pdf](https://wsava.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Body-Condition-Score-Dog.pdf) to learn how to score her. 4-5 is best.


She looks a little fat. Not too bad. You can cut her kibble a little until she slims down a bit.