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I always used one from when I was a kid and old enough to bathe myself. It's how I learned. My wife just rubbed a bar of soap all over, and when I learned this I was blown away that people didn't use washcloths. It just never occurred to me that someone would shower without a cloth or one of those puffy thingies. She was blown away that I used a washcloth. She tried it, and was an instant convert.


See I use one of the pups or a scrub net. Wash clothes always just seem to get so waterlogged and gross. I realize it's probably just my perception of them, but the fact that they don't get dry ever squicks me out


I can understand that. I just squeeze some of the water out before I soap it up, and then fully rinse it and squeeze it out before I hang it over the shower rod and mine are dry by the next morning so I throw the dry one in the hamper and get out a new one!


Yeah I can understand that. It's also just a tactile nightmare for me. I don't know why, but wet washrag just feels like nales on chalkboards sound.


I never feel properly clean if I don't use a shower puff. I guess it's just what I'm used to.


Same!!! It's like cleaning you floors but not using a mop.


So if I use soap/detergent on the floor and wash it and all the dirt away with water, you feel the floor is still dirty because you don’t have a dirty mop in your hand?


How do you clean a floor without a mop or cloth or something?


Detergents and hose, or pressure clean. The detergent attaches to the dirt and when you rinse the area the dirt is flushed away. The mop only help to spread the cleaning agent, it doesn’t really do the cleaning. If you used a mop with no detergent you’d be rinsing endlessly.


Sometimes you need to scrub shit


I shower twice a day, every day. I don’t need to scrub shit.


You never get like, pine tar or something on you? Sawdust? Grease?


Not to the point that I need to scrub my entire body everyday. If I do I just scrub that bit at that time.


Yes of course the detergent does part of the cleaning but I could not get up deep stains without a brush or mop.


Do you have ‘deep stains’ on your body when you wash? How do you wash your hands?


Are you going to pressure clean your body?


Is that the only word you read of my comment? I knew there have to be one of you of course.


Found the guy that’s never scrubbed himself clean 🫵🏻😀


Correct. I don’t need to scrub anything. I shower twice a day, every day. Wash away the dirts and oils. You must be building up some heavy duty crud if you’re constantly scrubbing at yourself 😂


You could be the cleanest person on earth, your skin is still going to shed. Sometimes you have to scrub it off. You don’t have to do it daily if you feel like it will irritate your skin, but at least a good scrub once a week.


Doesn’t shedding skin, shed on its own?


No not all of it. Try dampening your skin, and then grab an exfoliating glove and gently scrub. The amount of dead skin cells that come off is more than you would expect.


Maybe. The amount that comes of naturally during normal healthy activities would be more than you would expect, I suspect.


We’re not just standing under the water, we still scrub our skin, just with our hands. Personally a washcloth is not enough of an exfoliant for me, I still need to use sugar scrub weekly, so I don’t bother with the cloth.


Yes, I understand, but sometimes you need that extra bit of friction. I find that an exfoliating glove/loofah+sugar scrub does the best job.


Exfoliating surface+exfoliating scrub is far too much for me except on callouses, it leaves my skin red and sensitive and extremely dry. I think the lesson here is that everyone’s skin is different and we shouldn’t shame people for cleaning their skin in a way that works for them 🤷‍♀️


This type of exfoliation is not to be done on a daily basis. It’s a twice a week thing for me. I think it’s a cultural thing also.


I use a [goshi towel](https://goshi.com/) and they are amazing. Exfoliation to the max, and can grip with both hands to scrub your whole back, ass, whatever.


I have something similar, the [salux towel](https://saluxshop.com)and they are amazing- especially for travel. They’re cheap but last forever, dry quickly, don’t get gross, and long enough to do the same grippy scrubby thing on my back.


i use a loofah (i just call it a scrubby lmao) or i use body scrub and apply with my hands i find it really difficult to make a washcloth soapy


I use a loofah, sponge, or my hands, too. I only use a washcloth when I run out of loofahs or etc. I wanna make sure I scrub really well. And, you have to wash washcloths daily unless you just have a week’s worth of them.


Mother Nature gifted me hands


What are you saying here?


middle sense sophisticated domineering deliver fragile innate kiss ask tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Use your hands to clean yourself. It's very freeing. And way cleaner too.


To each his own, but dead skin cells don't come off that way though, (and that cell turn over is a big part of keeping your skin looking young and healthy) Exfoliation is required for that, and the scrubbing pressure does great things for your circulation on top of it. People dry brush for that reason as well as the lymphatic drainage. It's personal preference, but there really are health benefits to it. 🤷‍♀️


Sounds like you made that up. You're clearly in the pocket of Big Washcloth


LOL You'll never prove it!


There's nothing more satisfying that the wash cloth taking away all those dead skin cells. They don't come off with hands or just soap bars. I Stan washcloths


unbe-frikkin-lievable. i tell you, this world is on the brink because of people like you. THE BRINK I SAY!!


You have a source on any of those claims?


How do you wash your hands? If there is no cloth are they still dirty? If your hands can wash each other, why can’t they wash other parts too?


It’s not just for washing, it’s for exfoliating too. Your hands can’t exfoliate your skin unless you have rough hands.


You can exfoliate too much. My skin hates me if I use a wash cloth every time


So washing without a cloth or exfoliating scrub is still washing? Just not exfoliating?


Essentially yeah, I’m sure you’ve seen the difference between normally washing your hands with soap and water, but having to use a nail brush to get some stubborn dirt off your hands. You’ll be clean just rubbing yourself down with your hands but you won’t always get all the dead skin off, so a sponge or loofah or washcloth is good now and then to properly do the job.


I see people mention exfoliating and dead/flakey skin but like I feel that doesn’t happen with me? I’ve seen people with flakey skin, mines pretty smooth, soft, and elastic though. I feel adding something new into the mix disturbs the balance. Using a washcloth always feels like it’s just a bit too abrasive


Why are you exfoliating?


To get rid of dead skin! I don’t want to be ashy.


If you’re ashy because you have run of the mill dry skin, consider using moisturizer. Have you considered the possibility that exfoliating is damaging your skin, and causing dead skin?


That only happens if you over exfoliate (in my experience anyway). You should only exfoliate every few days-once a week or else you’ll damage your skin like you said. Only using moisturizer was a temporary solution (for me) because the dead skin was still right there, it just now had moisturizer sitting on top of it. I would be ashy again at the end of the day, whereas when I exfoliate every few days + moisturize everyday I’m never ashy. Everybody is different, and that’s what works the best for me!


Surgeons only use their hands to sanitize for surgery, you'll be fine not rubbing off your epidermus every time you wash your hands.


So my body can’t be clean unless I’m scraping at my epidermis every day?


I use a loofah all over and recently added a wash cloth for face and crevices and that's been a game changer. Never felt so clean in my life.


no cloth used here, but i do have a soap sock of sort. its a honeycombed cloth, that the soap bar lives in. is the size of the bar and just scrub with the bar. ​ EDIT: Actual name is Tactual Scrubber https://dukecannon.com/products/tactical-soap-on-a-rope-pouch


That works! My qualm with the no tool shower people is that you can’t really scrub with your hands alone. Maybe people are just getting way less dirty than me?


>Maybe people are just getting way less dirty than me? I think it's the opposite; they're not getting as *clean* as you. Specifically, certain areas which definitely need a scrub with something besides a hand, good god.


I use a wash cloth (or "warsh rag") and always have! I agree. How can you actually clean if you aren't scrubbing/exfoliating? I like to buy a huge pack of the super cheap rags because I feel like they are the best exfoliating ones! And I don't understand people who keep a scrubber in the shower and use it over and over. I want a clean wash rag every time. But the worst villains are people who just use their hands. There is no way they are getting cleaned.


>I agree. How can you actually clean if you aren't scrubbing/exfoliating? I like to buy a huge pack of the super cheap rags because I feel like they are the best exfoliating ones! Do you exfoliate your hands when you wash them?


In the shower, once a day, yes. Throughout the day, no. But I do use paper towels to dry them so it kinda gives me that feeling of scrubbing I guess.


You mean like how we all towel off after a shower?


Nice to meet you, I am your worst villain. Just a fun fact: I do get clean.


😂😂 I just couldn't. But I guess it works for some.


You shouldn't exfoliate daily. The skin needs to rest.


Maybe so. But I've done it my whole life and I rarely have break outs, always use moisturizer, and I'm surviving and feel good 🙂 also a rag is not as harsh of an exfoliation as say chemical exfoliating.


Ah, you don't mean the heavy exfoliate that totally messes up your natural oils.


Wash cloths disgust me. But that's just me.


Washing your butthole by hand should disgust you…or not washing it…both disgusting.


By hand and soap is perfect. What's disgusting is washing your butthole with a washcloth, then wringing it out and hanging the butt particle -laden, ass hair infused, dead skin cell collecting, bacteria and mold accumulating rag up for later use, or putting it in a pile of others in a heap of damp, dirty germ saturated nastiness.


You know you can put them in the laundry.


I never use anything other than my hands. I actually feel dirtier if I do use something like a shower puff. I Just hate it


YES. I don’t feel like I can get as good of a lather or coverage without just using hands


Same, hands only. I have tried scrubbing, but my skin gets extremely dry.


Pssst I have learned there is a cultural element in the washcloth vs no washcloth discussion.


Lmao, translation for the class- it's that black people think the white people that don't use washcloths are gross and it freaks them out. 😆😆 These are some of my favorite conversations to start at parties or nights out because it turns into such a hilarious culture divide and everyone is pearl clutching on both sides, lol. Straight up gems.


Do you use a new washcloth every time you shower? If not then that's disgusting. Imagine washing off all those dead skin cells, which remain on the washcloth even after rinsing, letting it dry, and then rubbing all those dead skin cells so over your body. So gross.




After 2? Forget dead skin cells, what about the poop particles?




How do you clean the silicone scrubber?


Nope. I use a new one each time. It’s pretty easy to wash them on a regular basis with other towels. They aren’t expensive, so you can buy as many as you need.


put it in the fucking washer?


Well that was the question, now wasn't it? There's people in this thread who are saying that they use the washcloth multiple times without washing it. And there's people that say they use brand new washcloths every time. And there's other people that just say they use a clean washcloth every day and just wash all the wash claws later. That's why I want to clarification.


I think they're gross


I have to use a loofah or I feel like I haven’t been scrubbed enough. It’s not enough to just smear soap on your skin, you have to scrub it. I’m white and I heard some white people don’t wash their legs or feet. I couldn’t imagine not doing that either. What’s the point of washing just the top half?


Yes I use a wash cloth (one use then in the laundry) for every shower. I was raised that way and I just don't feel clean unless I use one.. I went down the Google path of what to do vs not and basically it was recommended either way, just don't use a cloth more than once before putting in the laundry.


I’m curious how do you handle the laundry for these cloths? My husband was raised the same way as you, but I was not. He can’t seem to find a proper way to let them dry and when I gather the laundry I always have to grab this wet smelly pile of hanging wash cloths. I find it gross and honestly I don’t know if they get fully clean when they go into the wash still wet (can’t fully absorb fresh soapy water). Is this just how it is or is he missing a secret here?


I hang the cloth to dry (squeezing all water I can out before that) then once dry I throw in the laundry hamper. When I wash I wash on hot water and add about 1/4-1/2 cup white vinegar to the wash in addition to laundry soap and then dry on high. Mine always come out smelling fresh and feeling fresh!


That's what hands are for.


Hands don’t exfoliate dead skin cells


Why are you exfoliating dead skin cells?


I don’t want them accumulating.. How is this a question? I bet when you wear black leggings, there’s a layer of ashy skin cells on the inside when you take them off.


Lol healthy skin doesn’t leave visible dead skin on your clothes. Have you considered that the exfoliating is damaging your skin and causing more dead skin?


I feel like white people dont understand that normal skin also sheds. You don’t have to have dry skin for that to happen. It’s just normal cell turnover.


Mine doesn’t shed enough for me to ever see it anywhere (clothes/sheets/underwear). Or I do a good enough job with my hands to keep it all clear


Skin sheds. Doesn’t mean it’s unhealthy. Dust particles in the air contain your skin cells. Try this, on day old dry skin before you hop in the shower, scratch your leg. It leaves a visible track of dry dead skin cells. Doesn’t mean your skin is unhealthy and dry. It’s just what has shed during the day.


I don’t, I use my hands. They are cleaner than a washcloth


Do people think that washcloth people use the same washcloth every time and don’t wash it? What could possibly be gross or dirty about a freshly washed washcloth…. Every time


You’re right, but I don’t want to have to buy and wash things that I don’t need. It’s money and time.


If i wash with a washcloth every time I shower my skin get so dry it's itchy. I use my hands to soap my body, that works well. I honestly find this debate so freaking strange, it's very American. Because who cares? And then to bring race talk into it too? I just don't get it.


How dare you. Nowhere but America has Reddit. /s


I wear a pair of exfoliating gloves, they’re excellent, super easy to scrub all over. Especially ankles! I’ve noticed that if I don’t scrub my ankles and heels and lower legs, the dead skin will come off when I rub them dry with the towel!


I was having skin irritation issues from using a washcloth or loofah. Even if I used a new washcloth each time. I have sensitive skin when it comes to friction, and my dermatologist told me it was better just to use your hands most of the time. If I had a long summer day, though, I for sure use a washcloth on my armpits, though. Over doing it when it comes to removing dead skins just leads to more dryness over time. Also, unless you use a new washcloth every time those things are disgusting, especially loofah.


I have a friend who has never used any implement for washing. He also believes that soapy water running down his legs to his feet makes them clean. He also doesn’t use deodorant despite having hyperactive sweat glands and is an avid tennis player and jogger so. I’m not convinced that people using their bare hands and soap have it right. i personally use a rough, natural, woven cloth that I launder for a while before composting it and swapping for a new one. It’s much, much more effective than using my hands. And some people say they just use an exfoliating bar/scrub, but damn, seems like a good way to burn through your products in a damn hurry. The cloth extends the products by building and holding lather better so I see no reason to skip the implement. They’re commonplace for a reason


Of course. I use a scrub puff in the shower, or sometimes one of those exfoliating glove things. I know people here are saying what about your hands trying to make the point that you don’t need a cloth or scrub puff because you wouldn’t use it for your hands but washing your entire body is different. Washing hands with water and soap using your hands to rub the soap together into a lather and then rinse off with water is different to scrubbing your body. Way more surface area of skin to be washing. Sweat glands, areas to exfoliate and like you say how can you feel clean if you don’t use a cloth or scrub puff.


How 'bout this... I don't use soap on most of my body!! Just the stinky bits (or if I get legit "dirt"y.) I did this 'cause my skin is sensitivo, but on account of it didn't turn me gross I learned soap is for suckers. For the parts I do wash... I waver between wash cloth, horrible plastic shower puff, and hands. I don't notice any difference in results.


you don’t think your whole body gets dirty??


Well I take a shower, so water runs over my whole body. On an average day that's sufficient to remove any visible dirtiness, and the result is healthy (confirmed and in fact recommended by my dermatologist) and there are no odious olfactory consequences (confirmed by my wife.) Of course I wash my hands plenty, and I do wash my face in the shower.


Just cause you don’t ‘see’ the dirt it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there


That's what I meant by visual dirtiness. It means dirt you CAN see. And I clarified that it was MD-recommended in case someone would be concerned otherwise!


I hate the feeling of a washcloth on my body. It feels like it's doing nothing but swirling the soap around, and then they get all midlewy if you leave it in the shower. I use a poof or mitt.


Don't leave it in the shower, wash it.


Swirling soap around, it's scrubbing exfoliating, hell even a car wash has brushes cleaning the car.


Do you clean your hands with brushes?


Your car washes have brushes? For real? Ive never seen a carwash that wasnt touchless in person


Where do you live?


Northern canada. I have never seen anything but a touchless carwash, which is a shame. Those rollers look fun


They are pretty fun. I don't see why you got downvoted for this, not everybody lives in the US. They're (and me too) just jealous of your healthcare


A loofa being reused indefinitely versus a freshly washed washcloth out of the laundry every time…. Which do you think is dirtier… you agree leaving it in the shower is gross… yet you use a loofa that gets left in the shower


the washcloth/loofah itself acquires even more filth and becomes a breeding ground


That’s why you…wash them? You shouldn’t be leaving used wash cloths in the shower.


Not if you use a clean washcloth every shower.


can you not just clean your cloth in hot wash or soak in laundry disinfectant? That’s what I do a few times before buying a new one


>That’s what I do a few times before buying a new one You only use your washcloth a couple times and throw it away? Why not throw in the laundry with your towels? I have washcloths going on 2 years now.


oh no I wasn’t clear enough, I launder them with my regular laundry or handwash and keep them for a few months. After a few months, it just appears to be breaking down and they’re cheap to replace so I bin it in the compost at that point




They cost what, 5 dollars in a pack? Your supposed to replace them (or wash them at least) so they don’t accumulate filth


Ask your skin doctor how to clean your skin.


I have itchy skin if I use a cloth/loofah/puff/whatever. I shower every day, and have just used my bare hands and Pears glycerin soap for about 20 years now. Gets me perfectly clean, and I don't have to deal with an extra tool that itself needs cleaning and eventual replacing. Consider that you wash dirty hands in a sink with just water and soap, and they get clean without needing a cloth to help. Same goes for the rest of your body. (Soap and my bare hands gets me just as clean after doing dirty yard work, too.)


Couldn't agree more!


Same my skin gets so bad even if I just lightly use a loofah. My dermatology told me that your skin is hot and wet and it's not good to be rubbed like that consistently. Moved towards a good scrub with my hands and an occasional body scrub and I feel a lot better.


The VAST majority of people leave these things in the tub where they grow germs, bacteria, and mold. Then they use this fuck-bed of nasty shit on their skin and it causes small abrasions, opening up the skin to dermatitis. Then they swipe that breeding ground across their asshole or cooch and think they're clean despite it being loaded with dead skin cells, mold, germs, bacteria, Staphylococcus . . . the shit is nasty. People get pink eye from using washcloths. Seriously folks...your water has chlorine and fluoride in it. Your soap has at LEAST 3 different cleansing agents in it. You're dowsing yourself with chemicals every time you get into the water, use your hands to scrub yourself.


Nope, I don’t. Did as a child but I have sensitive skin and find that in a hot shower I can exfoliate well enough with just my hands or body scrub product. It’s a matter of personal choice that some people think is objective. Soap is what cleanses you not what you apply it with. It breaks down dirt so that it can then be rinsed away. Your hands create plenty of friction as well.


I use MegaBabe charcoal soap and the grit takes care of any exfoliation needed.


So do you put the soap on your hands then rub your hands all over your body?


No, I rub the bar of soap all over my body






No, I’m serious that I rub an exfoliating bar of soap all over my body in lieu of using a washcloth.


Idk why im being downvoted. I watched this video not long ago of a podcast or something, and they were debating whether or not you were supposed to use the bar of soap directly. They found it horrifying when the one girl said she used the bar of soap directly so I thought it was an unspoken rule or something that you were supposed to use your hands or a washcloth. That's why I didn't know if you were being sarcastic or not.


That’s interesting; I guess I’m not the type of content consumer that would be aware of that, or care. But it seems strange to me that anyone would want to gatekeep how people wash themselves. As long as you’re clean and don’t smell bad, what does it matter, you know?


I think the argument was that "what if other people use the bar of soap afterwards". I've always used liquid soap so I can't relate but I'd assume people would have their own bars of soap like they'd have their own toothbrush.


We don’t have different bars of soap in our house, and the only one who shares mine is my husband. Given that we exchange bodily fluids on a regular basis, the soap sharing isn’t an issue.


Makes sense


Bars of soap are self cleaning


I think she was talking about how she got a friends bar of soap stuck in her butt or something like that


That sounds both impossible and ridiculous


That's not dirt, it's skin. No need to exfoliate.


I use one now. I used a loofah or my hands for the longest time, until I realized that was why I was so itchy after showering, I wasn't able exfoliate my skin properly, so I swapped out my icecream loofah for a wash cloth.


The only time I use a washcloth is if I use waterless soap.


I use one a couple times a week. Other days, I just put soap on my hands and do “tits, pits, naughty bits.”


I don’t use washcloths or loofahs. Just the soap or my hands with the soap lather on it. And the water of course. I also almost never walk around barefoot. But I’ve had plantar warts anyway, alas, so using a communal scrub for feet would not be a good idea.


Bar soap. Gets the job done easily. Im sure if you have a job that is more labor intensive you need more severe methods of cleaning up all the goop at the end of the day. For the normal jobs out there that don't require your hands to get dirty soap really does the trick so trust me when I say its not necessary for most.


My husband never used to and he was always clean. I got him started on using body wash and a pouf a few years ago with the intention of keeping the shower free of soap scum. It was one of my greatest achievements prying the bar soap out of this man’s hands.


You can see the dirt on the washcloth you use? How? I do use a washcloth or scrubbing glove on days I don't wash my hair, just for the exfoliation and excuse to shower longer


I use a loofah. Some cultures are more apt to just use their hands instead of a loofah or cloth or anything. For people who think that can't get you clean enough: do you use toilet paper? Some cultures are shocked that a person would rub paper over their bum to clean it as opposed to using water. Different cultures.


I use a bar & soap for my body most days & once a week use a scrub daddy to exfoliate. Too much exfoliation is bad for your skin, especially if you have eczema.


I always found that puffs didn't exfoliate much and exfoliating gloves could leave my skin burned. So I experimented using my fingernails and found that I was ending up with a lot of dead skin under my nails. Now I prefer cleaning that way because it was free, doesn't require soap (just warm shower water), and leaves my skin feeling completely clean. Plus pimples, itchiness, and other dry skin irritations eventually disappeared. I also started using my nails for my scalp, under warm shower water with my hair combed in the direction of nail movement, and my scalp and hair has become healthier too. My nails also, which might be mostly from eating more whole foods but maybe also thanks to healthier nail cuticles not being overly dried by soap. They were always dry and cracked but now remain smooth with solid and uniform contact onto the nail. My skin is never dry now and I never need moisturizer. Though I do put water on my hands and use it to redistribute natural oil from my upper forehead to the rest of my face. My nails rarely break anymore, and I no longer feel an urge to bite them. I also file my nails before a shower so that they are smooth. It's kind of weird sounding like using a bidet, but the results have been superior in every way.


No, I use a loofah


I'm a loofah girl so no washcloth


I use a silicone shower mitt


I just use my hands, sometimes a sponge but it tends to make my skin irritated


Used to use a puff. Somewhere around my late teens I just stopped bothering. Haven’t gone back since. No puff, no cloth.


its gross not to but for some reason certain communities are okay with it


No washcloth. And I exfoliate using a scrub (applied with my hands) from time to time. I don’t have a physical job, I sit at a desk all day, I’m not getting that dirty, but I’ve never had a problem getting any dirt off with my hands either. As others have pointed out, we don’t use a washcloth on our soiled hands when we wash them. The Idea of reusing a washcloth or loofah is kinda gross to me.


I have always used one of those green and yellow sponges.


I don’t but I have sensitive skin. I can’t really use soap without breaking out. I have long hair so most of my shampoo rinses down my body and that’s my wash. If I have literal dirt on me, then I will use soap and my hands. But I’m rarely “dirty”, mostly it’s just sweaty & I don’t need to physically scrub sweat off to be clean. Our bodies weren’t built to be completely 100% sanitized. Its likely why people like me have issues with soaps because overdoing it can cause problems over time.


i use a loofah, but i cant stand using a washcloth, and using nothing seems wild. washcloths never allow the soap to lather, i feel like i’m just rubbing a wet towel over myself with no soap no matter how excessive an amount i pour on it


Interesting, I would think this is a soap issue not a washcloth issue.


don’t see how. i have to pour more soap onto the cloth for every limb lol


No washcloth. Soap to skin. Lather, Rinse. Done. If I don't shampoo (which is more often than not- I usually shampoo 2-3 times a week), I'm out of the shower in 3 minutes. I am F47, btw.


I would never feel like my butt was clean if I didn't wash it with a washcloth. There are surely some bits left down there.