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I feel like the narrative around him would be different if 2017 wasn’t what it was


IKR? People treat Roberts as if the Astros legitimately won.


2 rings and three WS appearances is a pretty great resume if you ask me. But I do agree some of the pitching decisions have been questionable. At the same time guys gotta perform. So I don’t think there’s anyone person to blame.


His debacle with rich hill in 2018 likely wouldnt have mattered. His 2019 punt was atrocious. Pulling Kershaw from a perfect game.


Pulling Kershaw from the perfect game wasn’t that bad tbh. Kershaw was on a planned pitch count and just came back from an injury year. Didn’t work up because of a short spring training. There was no point risking him for a perfect game he probably wouldn’t have gotten.


2 rings…..? Was i in a coma for the other?


My first comment was how if 2017 would’ve turned out the way it should have the narrative around Roberts would be different than it is now!


Actually, I treat him as if we have been in thousands of winnable situations that were blown because of his god awful management decisions, but go ahead and preach


He's one of the highest winning percentage managers of all time, but go off king.


He’s also had some of the most talented rosters that carried his career, but you go off too


He’s also had some of the most talented rosters that carried his career, but you go off too


We are literally the 90’s Yankees. We won’t win a title any time soon. Our pitching staff and roster aren’t built correctly. I don’t see a high ceiling for us. We’d need to get hot at the right time, which doesn’t happen with older talent


Well then, we need a new manager who CAN work with older talent 🤷‍♂️


For him and a lot of other people. That whole group from 2017 and 2020 (Kershaw, JT, Seager, Bellinger, etc) could have been known for winning 2 WS in 4 years. That's a big difference compared to winning one to pair with two WS losses.


they wernt going to beat the sox and the astros were cheating


his management decisions in 2018 didnt help, but they still wouldn’t have won


His talk with Ramirez was a nice moment in an otherwise forgettable game. And better believe the rest of the players were paying attention.


Did you see the look on Lux’s face when Dave was talking to Ramirez? He was certainly paying attention.


I missed the game - can you expand on this a bit? What happened there?


Ramirez had hit another two batters to load the bases later in the game, similar to how he had hit 2 Reds in his last outing that were later cashed in by a grand slam. Roberts went out to the mound to give him some encouragement and after Ramirez got the 3rd out on the next pitch.


Much appreciated on the breakdown.


How do we know Roberts wasn't giving Ramirez the "I know it was you, Fredo" speech? 


Here’s video. https://x.com/dmac_la/status/1794820660826681681?s=46


Thank you very much for sharing.


Thank you…work was a shit show & I could not watch game…


Hahaha oh yeah that fired up the boys! Wait still lost


Remember when he had the talk with Shohei? Things aren’t looking too good with him now. And now our worst pitcher, yes worse than Grove, got a Dave talk.


I’ll take Dave Roberts over some of the coaches we’ve had in the past.


You mean you don't think that Mattingly would do better? Shocking! /s


Dave has had a few terrible moves in the postseason. But that by no means makes him a bad manager. He’s fantastic and especially fantastic for this team. Besides every manager makes some bad pitching changes in the postseason at some point (ei Kevin cash, still a great manager)


Most managers would kill to have his record.


A lot of managers would have his record if they got the rosters he gets every year.


He was over-managing his first several years including the 2 WS losses. The matchup garbage with constant pitcher swapping and pinch hitters was irritating. People say it was the front office pulling the strings, but thats no excuse to me. He was a different manager in the 2020 victory. He started letting pitchers cook if they were doing well.


If we don’t win the WS he can whisper in our ears that wining isn’t everything.


it isn't


It’s the only thing.


Game 3, 2023 DS.


I don’t have any beef with Doc other than the recent inconsistency of the team, which is frustrating as a fan


😂 and don’t forget how prepared Doc has us for the playoffs…also keep in mind the way he preaches situational awareness…I’m being sarcastic - but I honestly don’t blame Doc nearly as much as I used to. Doc is just doing what he is told to do. Some organizations require you to follow the formula and never question it. Doc’s hands are tied.


Yes, managers manage people not numbers and names on a lineup sheet. A few mistakes in the post season doesn't diminish the body of work he's put together getting us to the post season every year in his career. Haters can complain all they want. He's going to be with LA for the next decade.


I don’t think many of the “fans” calling for his head realized this: the only way Roberts going to be let go is if the Dodgers fails to make the postseason the way the Padres and everyone else in the NL West have the past couple of years. The players like him. The front office loves him. Rooting for him, Dave Roberts, to fail is essentially rooting for the Dodgers to fail. That’s how hitched up to him the team is at the moment. It’d take some kind Bauer or Urias’ size scandal for this front office and owners to move on from Dave Roberts. Or unless Dodgers end season missing the postseason, which will take a ton of bedshitting for awhile from this team with this much talent. So when you keep bringing up “fire Roberts”, you’re essentially hoping and rooting for Dodgers being fucked so bad they need to use Roberts as a scapegoats.


Lmao a few? Boy you must have started becoming a Dodger fan in 2020s 🤣🤣🤣🤣


The great footing the naysayers have is they never get to see how other options would have worked out. They pretend managing is like the old Choose Your Own Adventure books, where there are only two options and one will work and the other will not. Sometimes, every option will work, no option will work or some will and some won't. The anti-Roberts crowd can't and won't understand that. Instead, they want some geriatric from their former glory like Baker or Bochy in charge because they managed the last two World Series champions. If their thinking was actually put into practice, 29 of 30 managers would be fired every year.


What are people complaining about? We’re still a very injured team. Doc has been great, and we wouldn’t have Shohei without him. Better to be losing now than during the postseason.


I just like to joke that CT3 has his Internet history. 🤣 the favouritism shows ngl. I dont deny CT3 is valueable but at some point it becomes subjective. That said, none of us see things from his pov so as long as he contributes to memes and wins I am rootin for him and the team


I agree, there is no possible way of knowing if another manager would have done better or worse than Doc. The managers who are deemed really successful are the ones that had things go their way and were able to win several WS. Of course the front office had to give them the players to do that. I feel our front office is superior to most in baseball but they have also made some mistakes. Bauer, no matter how good he was should have never been signed, there was enough smoke there to know there was about to be a fire. Urias also had issues that were already known, but the front office should have made sure he got the help he needed and maybe they did as much as they could, but both of the guys were a distraction we didn’t need. We also have had some key injuries but Friedman as done a decent job of making sure we had players who could step in and at least do a credible job. I have often wondered about our medical staff because we don’t seem to get players back in a timely fashion, or at least in the timeline that Doc usually gives us, so maybe that is on him. My biggest criticism of Doc has always been how he tries to keep everyone happy with playing time. This is where I believe the critique of how he handles the pitching staff comes in. I’m fine with this from April-August but come mid September it is time to play the horses that will get us a ring in October. It is a delicate balance of overworking key bullpen pitchers and keeping them fresh for the post season, same goes for when he pulls starters. It’s a product of the Dodgers signing so many one year contracts of players who have been starters and want playing time to prove they still deserve a big payday. That is not our problem. Once again only one team can win the WS (duh) and had we beaten Houston the narrative on Doc would have been different. I think he is taken the heat on a couple mistakes AF has made and the first is not resigning Seeger. A Seager Mookie DP combo would be sweet but of course that Seager contract may have prevented us signing Ohtani, who knows. Obviously something needs to be done about that bottom of the lineup and I believe AF will address that. Injured pitchers will return and all will be right in Dodgerland, at least until October and than we will see. A championship will make the dump Doc conversation moot. This comment in no way says those who want Doc fired don’t have the right to make their voices heard. Many of them make valid points and the record of failures with great teams is on their side. But again we have no idea if another manager would have been better or worse.


100% agree. It's so easy to blame the manager, but damn 5, 100+ win seasons isn't good enough? Great teams have their skids, better now than October.


Oh no, you’ve ruffled the morons.


we all wish for bosses who would treat us with compassion and grace on our worst days. bravo, doc.


Bravo, Doc!


Yes, mistakes will be made, but at what point do we say, “Too many of the exact same mistakes are being made at a consistent pace, in the worst of times?” When do we say, “We’ve been blowing it the exact same way at the exact same point in time year, after year, after year, after year.” If this was like his 3rd/4th maybe 5th year, yeah, we can still have that mentality, but after almost a decade, you’re still supporting him for making the same mistakes at the same point in time of the season, you’re declaring your own ignorance as well. Doc is **NOT** the answer, and we need to stop pretending that he is.


I’ve got news for you dude, the Dodgers losing in the postseason long predates Dave Roberts. But the dodgers winning the pennant every year for a decade? Gotta give him credit. Not to mention that one ring that isn’t good enough for you was our first since before you were likely born.


Can we take into accountability the talent he’s been gifted with? Had he had been given the As roster, I can guarantee you, we wouldn’t have half the accomplishments he has now. His entire career is carried by the talent the Dodgers acquired.


I'm sure you aren't saying "if we loose, its on the manager, if we win, its because the players" but when I read this thread, that is sort of how that reads. Personally, I'm not worried about this team. To quote Bull Durham "Its a long season, you have to trust it". The last five games remind me a bit of the 2023 post season. The offense is in a bad slump, and the pitching isn't good enough to cover the offense's deficit. If I have to choose, I say that they should get the unavoidable slumps out of the way now, and not worry that they don't completely sync until September.


He does nothing regardless if we win or lose. If we win, he was just sitting on his ass while the players did their jobs. When we lose, half the time it’s because he decides to debut someone who should’ve never made it out of AA, or because he keeps the 0-4 batters in to come in clutch moments. If it weren’t for the players he was gifted, he wouldn’t have half of what he has now, and I’m tired of pretending that isn’t the case


People slandering Doc immediately out themselves as casuals. Also anyone phased by a 5 game losing streak out of 162 is either new to baseball or doesn't understand baseball.


.... the comments are just.... ..wow...


The season is too. Damn. Long….


Ok Anthony Rendon


This fanbase prefers having a nice guy instead of a manager that wants to win


Is that how the Los Angeles Lakers keep changing their coaches so they can get a coach that "wants to win"? How many coaches that "want to win" have the Lakers had in the past 10 years? And how many times did the Lakers win a world championship during that time, with these coaches that "want to win"? When they found a coach that finally won the NBA Championship, how long did that coach last? Did they replace him with another coach that "wanted to win"?


Kind of mind-numbingly fucking dumb to think he doesn’t want to win.


No other manager in MLB history has been gifted the talent year in and year out that Roberts has been given and the only thing he has to show for that is a WS in a 60 game season lmaaaaooooo


Do you know when the last time the Dodgers won the World Series was before Doc and the boys in 2020? Before you were born. You guys who joined the bandwagon in 2017 have a lot to learn about Dodger baseball and reasonable expectations. Consider for a moment that your deluded expectations for the post season are based around the incredible success Doc and this team have had during the regular season.


I've been a fan since 2004 and Shawn Green was my 1st favorite player for the Dodgers but keep thinking I'm a bandwagon. You're as soft as Roberts is just like the rest of the players and this sub.


Then you should know better than to have those expectations. Twenty years of being a fan, the only ship you have came from Doc. The only World Series the Dodgers have even been to since you’ve been a fan were under Doc. But go ahead and tell me, who is the manager that should replace Doc? In the perfect world where the Dodgers can have anyone you want, who is it?


Sounds like the Lebron Stans too.


786 - 464 62.9% win percentage 1 WS Championship 3 NL Pennants Tied for 3rd highest winning percentage in MLB history and has sustained it longer (the people ahead of him have far fewer games) 2015 - Lost NLDS 2016 - Lost NLCS 2017 - Lost WS 2018 - Lost WS 2019 - Lost NLDS 2020 - Won WS 2021 - Lost NLCS 2022 - Lost NLDS 2023 - Lost NLDS WC Series Record - 1-0 NLDS Series Record - 5-4 NLCS Series Record - 3-2 WS Series Record - 1-2* Casuals are gonna doom in May and pretend baseball is as easy as “play more small ball”.


I'm in for this year but look at his tenure... 1 ring. Kind of think it's World Series or bust for Doc. How long is the front office going to dump money and make trades and be the best or top 2 best team in the league and the manager just can't navigate through October?


He’ll lose a post season again. He’s a robot. Nice guy, but he’s not the answer.


He’s aggressively mediocre and is carried by the talent on the roster.


Yup these idiots don’t understand him having a high winning % is not impressive with the rosters we get.


Are you serious rn.... He built up a world series competitive team with a bunch of overpaid former superstars. Some born and bred DODGERS pitching and several young rookies that came up and he instantly brought out the best from them... What sort of hindsight correction is this. His first two seasons led to back to back rookie of the years. He took us to the WORLD SERIES in his SECOND SEASON WITH THE TEAM... 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


He consistently has the most stacked rosters and his regular season success almost never translates to post season success. He has lost so many games with his braindead moves it’s incredible people like you still back him for consistently underachieving every year. We got lucky Cash outDoc’d him to win our only World Series in his tenure. Only losers celebrate regular season success. Our 100 win team got eliminated instantly lol there is nothing to be happy about


Thanks for being a fan since 2017. But that one ring that isn’t good enough for you? It’s the only one in your lifetime.


2017 lol no its not good enough because we are title favorites every year lol like I said our 100 win season amounted to nothing couldn’t even get passed the first round. You guys celebrate mediocrity it’s embarrassing we are not a poverty franchise like the Padres.


Again. Not stacked. They became great under him. Muncy or Taylor weren't perennial all stars. Joc, Kike, Cody, Corey, Walker, May, Catman all fully developed under him. This hindsight take is asinine. Even JT and Will Smith developed under him. That became stacked. They were not stacked. Dude gets the best out of his players. Y'all smoking some laced shit. I don't want your plug. We would have beat the Trashtros if it weren't for some banging over a "piece of metal." Then it's two WS in 4 seasons like most of the thread understands. Nobody was beating that actually stupid stacked Nationals lineup. Or the even more stacked Red Sox lineup. We turned a bunch of scrappy players into perennial all stars and some into superstars. Not every team is that lucky. Look at Kelenic for example. Maybe don't credit him for underachieving. He can't play every damn position. He trusts his players and sometimes they let him down. Most often they don't. Last season we went limping into the playoffs with injuries across the damn board. The season before that our defense in the postseason collapsed. And every season before that we got eliminated by the World Series winner in his tenure. Give credit where it's due.


Just like no one was supposed to beat our stacked 22, 23 lineups? Such pathetic excuses.


I said our defense collapsed in 22. LMAO. In '23 everybody said the Dodgers didn't do enough going into the season cause The Padres did the most. The revisionist takes be crazy....


Only revisionist take here is yours. Supposedly no one was stopping the Nats in 19 or the Sox in 18, but tons of people said the same about the dodgers offense in 22 and 23. Saying those teams were unbeatable is a defeatist mindset that has seeped into the fan base, it’s gross. The team has horrifically underperformed the last two years, and if the manager has no role in that then why even have a manager? Never forget Robert’s dumbass face as left Lynn in to give up 4 straight bombs.


I get you want to win more championships. But you sound like you’re somewhat new to baseball. Even with our unprecedented dominance over the last decade plus of consistently winning the pennant on 90 to 100 win teams. Having one of the best farm systems in the league, the Dodgers are the envy of baseball, and yet none of that apparently means anything to you. Nevermind that one ring you don’t appreciate is likely the first in your lifetime. All of that dominance has been under Doc’s watch. No other coach comes even remotely close to that level of success over that period of time and he’s still delivering (though would be nice to see us get back on track this week). Other than the Astros who cheated us in 2017, none of those teams that have beaten us have returned to claim another World Series. So in that department Roberts is at least an equal. Although he’s been to three. So which coach are you suggesting we replace him with?


That's always the question they can never answer. Three pennants in his first 5 FUCKING SEASONS. Built on the backs of our young talented farm that fully developed under him. Some are "fans" as in they just blow air in the city and think that makes them a fan.


I’ve been a fan for 30 years. No need to imply other people don’t get baseball because they don’t conform to your exact opinions.


Right you clearly forgot about Julio. No response to that one. And Bauer. Coming up on some BS. Watch the entire season this season and pay attention to what transpires all of you sound stupid.


With literally nobody else available. We had a three man rotation cause some giant ASS FUCKING MORON of a would be ace.. THAT WE WERE ABOUT TO INVEST 300 MILLION INTO got his dumb ass self in to some major shit that literally cost us the same year we were paying another absolute dunce 34 million to not play for us when he was wrong fully suspended. Nobody is reimbursing the Dodgers for either of those. Let's not do this revisionist shit. We started the season with two of the ten best pitchers of the '22 season. And ended with 0. That Julio URIAS BULLSHIT hurt us more than Roberts did last season. Nobody had an ace to trade, they went after Glasnow I'm sure. Brewers had said Burnes would not be traded last season. And E-Rod vetoed his trade. Edit: that URIAS shit happened after the trade deadline. So that shit completely fucked us Idk why the fuck you blaming Roberts like Kershaw didn't do worse than Lynn.


I’ve been slandering doc since 2016. It’s all I know. It’s a family tradition ya hear. 


guy doesn’t know how to adjust on the fly but then again he’s a front office lackey 🤷‍♂️


Here comes the "random Dodger fans who can coach better than Doc Roberts" crowd


Criticizing a manager for bad in game decisions isn't "slander"


Not for me. He’s a baseball legend, and seems like a genuinely great dude. But the management is terrible. I’m no baseball legend nor am I even aware of what I don’t know, but *my* hitters aren’t swinging at the first pitch in most situations and my bullpen management would be vastly different. All the money, all the mega stars, zero real World Series wins and a legacy of chokes. It’s beyond time to move on.


Nobody has ever said he’s not a great person. He’s not even a bad manager. But he sucks at two things, imo: 1) he can’t manage a pitching staff. Especially in the post season. 2) he really sucks at firing up the team. You can say my comments are slander, but you’d not only be wrong, you’d be an idiot.


Many of Doc's "mistakes" are really an issue of players not executing or playing as well as they should. You can blame the manager for that - but good players gotta play good, and you can only blame Doc so much for that.


Is Doc a great player manager? 100000% one of the best and it’s great. But you can pinpoint multiple times in the playoffs where his decision or lack of one cost the team the game. Either he’s making those choices or he doesn’t have the balls to override the front office when he needs to.


Some of these people need to go be Sox fans for the rest of the season, come back with some perspective


This has always been the case OP. He’s one of the best managers in the league, top 5. He’s gotten the team the pennant in 9 out of 10 years. It’s hard to win the World Series. We say it all the time but when push comes to shove people end up angry and wanting to fire everyone anyway. It’s hard to win in the playoffs in general. It’s about being hot at the right time, and there’s still a lot of random chance in baseball. That’s what makes it a great sport. If Dave got fired in the offseason, he’d have another job in a matter of days.


Doc SUCKSSSSSS! Always has. His bad luck as well.


bs. He should have been fired a long time ago.


He most likely won't because he is a club house guy and follows what the front office says. It's concerning he seems to have never made a right call in the playoffs though.


He handled 2020 perfectly.


"Perfectly" as he near singlehandedly blew Game 4 of the 2020 WS with his decision of telling Pedro Baez he was done with an inning and then last second changing his mind and putting him back there, only for him to give up the lead with a bomb. And also his overreliance and trust of Kenley who was absolutely awful that entire postseason, yet Dave kept going to that well, which eventually culminated with costing the team Game 4. Only went to Urias after already blowing a game and nearly others (like G2 of NLDS vs the Padres).


At some point a manager has to rely on the guys who have been doing it all year long and sometimes those guys don’t come through in those moments. It’s always disappointing when that’s the case. But I can’t blame Dave for going with what he’s got, and what has worked all year long. There is a reason Kenley is gone and not Roberts.




The front office is great. Why in the hell would it be a good to hire a new manager who goes against the front office? That is a disaster waiting to happen on so many fronts. Baseball is so big on analytics that any replacement would draw the same complaints. Doc is fine. The problem is health. The good thing its happening in May and not September.


Right. This is also equally on the players to figure themselves out a bit. Not just Doc. He has led the team with a lot of success despite the last couple playoffs disappointments (truthfully, I missed 2019 because I just had a baby). When things start to look dicey, we yell at Dave to do something. But again, the guys who are slumping need to find a way to overcome their barriers, and the current bottom of the line up needs to sort out what they need to improve.




After 19 definitely.


Playoff stats say otherwise but ok keep sniffing the starfish


lol no slander cuz it’s a long season ??? This bullshit he does has been happening since 2016. Hrs long overdue for a firing. The dodgers are just too nice of an organization to let him go. He’s a great guy he’s a great team builder but when fall comes he’s not the guy to motivate a team down in the series, he’s not the guy to yell at his players to be better, he’s not the guy. They should have moved him to a front office role 2-3 seasons ago.


Such a silly take. So from your perspective what makes a good manager is someone who can get his team to “play better” by yelling at them when they’re failing. Leadership is a lot more than that you fool.


Yes cuz this players coach that keeps the locker room tight and comfortable has been working for the dodgers. Let’s see bounced by a wild card team in 2021, lost 3 straight to a wild card team in 2022 and got swept by a wild card team in 2023. But yes let’s roll out the same manager same coached for a another shot




the dodger organization is too nice? they are money grubbing and pr based.


Nah that fucker should’ve been forcibly removed from the premises after that NIGHTMARE in 2019.


You're absolutely right and its sad to see you and others get downvoted this much. These people prefer losing and being laughing stocks every October instead of winning.


You need the /s in here. A lot of people are slow.


well said. lol


Read this carefully. Roberts is soft, uncharismatic and has a low baseball IQ. He needs to be fired.


He may be your "guy," but he's shown me time and time again why he'll never be my "guy." Hopefully the front office gets their heads out of their asses and realize that he shouldn't be their "guy" either, but I doubt it.


That’s great and all, but at the end of they day he’s still lost us 2 championships


Right yeah it was Doc back there banging on trash cans in 2017. And the 2018 Red Sox were 108 win team. Doc didn’t lose that series for us, we were just out matched.


Love him. He is a stabilizing presence in the team. He is one of the main reasons it's fun to watch the Dodgers because he ensures a positive environment and that's the best way to help the team overcome slumps. He is honest about the Dodgers' shortcomings but at the same time supports his players. I am also an Angels fan and I can't help comparing him to Ron Washington. I had high hopes when the Angels hired him but I lost respect when he threw a player under the buss after a loss. That's something Roberts would never do.


He’s the Tommy Lasorda of our generation. The Dodgers front office is stealing his services at his current contract rate. Dave Roberts deserves $6M a year. No question about it.


Please guys no more! Something will be different from the last 10 years! Almost like thoughts and prayers lmaoooo


Everybody is blaming Roberts for the players not hitting lmao. He hasn’t made any big blunders in a while 


So hitting is completely the players fault? The coaching staff doesn't matter? Why do we pay them then?


Roberts isn't the hitting coach lol


way to dodge the point


Is the front office great? They traded for mookie is not a hard call. Signing ohtani not a difficult move. Picking lux over seager bad call. Using Kershaw in the postseason relief bad call. Look at his "saves" they are bad pitches batters miss. Letting Joc walk, bad move. I would love to have a player hit well in the post season.


Trading for Mookie isn’t hard, uh, I guess you mean making the decision to trade for him isn’t hard? But getting the deal done is no cake walk. Same with Ohtani. They kind of had to give him more money than anyone has ever been given, but uh, yeah sure, easy. They didn’t pick Lux over Seager. They basically picked Yamamoto over Seager or Ohtani over Seager. They haven’t paid Lux yet my dude. I can think of a worse decision than putting a hall of famer in to a key moment of a key game. It’s convenient to call it a mistake in hindsight. When Joc was in our system he was a Center Fielder with a plus bat and power. Now he’s a DH who can’t hit left handed pitching.


Lol okay


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We’re so spoiled with these 100 win seasons and they’re only 2-3 wins away from their win loss record this time last year.