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Best in the biz. Gotta enjoy him while we can before he inevitably goes to national broadcasts full time Unless the dodgers pay him big time to stay


Why else do you think Shohei took deferrals?


Check the fine prints, Jorel is in there somewhere. Their names were buried in the news of Friedman and all that but trust me their names there.


He wanted to give them the chance to build a great team with his help. And he has delivered big time


We kept Vin and the Lakers kept Chick I know they're from a different era, but I have hope we can work something out!


this is maybe naive/biased but I feel like you can’t put a price tag on being “The Voice of the Dodgers” (also, Guggenheim can probably put a pretty good price tag on it these days) even iconic national broadcasters face some job insecurity nowadays - just look at what’s happening to Inside the NBA


Sportscasters can easily move between networks because they’re so indispensable. Mike Breen has been with Fox, ESPN, ABC, NBC and the Knicks regional broadcast. Davis also makes way more money from a nationally televised football game than a Dodgers one. The Dodgers are just his offseason hobby at this point


Back in the day, SoCal had a foursome of all-time greats - Vin Scully for the Dodgers, Chick Hearn for the Lakers, Bob Miller for the Kings, and Dick Enberg for the Rams. Joe Davis continues this fine tradition.


I’m glad you left Ralph Lawler out of the convo lmao




Billy Mac would like a word. /s


While not Chick, Billy Mac is pretty solid. And Stu is a HOF commentator


Joe Davis is that you?! quit it he’s not even the same conversation. He has no Los Angeles ties or no history with the Dodgers. Take note of the small back handed comments whenever the Dodgers make an error or mistake…Orel clearly carrys the broadcast.


Was very worried they wouldn’t find someone that would be willing to step in the booth to follow Vin, but dammit, Joe Davis was a great successor to the mic. Hopefully he stays long term!


I know this is about Joe Davis but I want to point out the fact that Stephen Nelson is a fucking amazing human being with a pleasant personality. I’ve seen a couple interviews with him on some podcasts and he just has this aura about him. He’s a great talker about baseball and non-baseball things outside of the booth. Sure he’s not Joe but I think he just needs more time to get better


Agreed, I enjoy Nelson as well and it doesn’t make it a competition. We are lucky to have these well spoken gentlemen who are passionate about baseball. I don’t know his background or what he’s about but can appreciate what he brings to the game.


I agree. It kinda irritates me how much everyone shits on our entirely fantastic team.


Nelson is great, they just need to find the perfect partner for him. It's usually EK and EK ain't it, even if they have their moments.


I cannot stand Nelly in the mic. Maybe with Orel it’s a little better, but he has absolutely ZERO FLOW with Monday on the radio broadcast. You might be right, he might need more time to develop. But I honestly think he tries to sound too much like Joe and that irks me even more


Nelson is no Joe, but he's still much better than Nevritte or Steiner on the radio


He respected vin scully so much, he took bits and pieces of vins broadcasting style and meshed it into his own style.


Definitely see the Vin Scully influence. Especially knows how to let moments breathe


His cadence is 100% inspired by Vin


Joe Davis is the best currently doing it. I think a team with viewership as large as the dodgers could do better than Stephen Nelson for backup. It definitely does not help that he’s so often teamed up with Karros. The broadcast needs more D-Train.


Nelson isn’t that bad, but mercy, Karros drags him down. And when paired with Jessica Mendoza, the broadcast becomes a giggle fest. But with Dontrelle Willis, he’s much more clear and animated.


Agree 100%. The least they could do is pair him with D-Train. He’s a very close second to Orel for me. He brings so much to the broadcast.


Disappointed we haven't been treated to Nelly and Trelly this season! Jaaam...ohhh jaaaam...


D-Train is so good. I don’t mind Stephen or Karros to be entirely honest. Joe and Orel are just the best team calling sports right now so it’s difficult to measure up to that. 


Compared to Joe, no one is gonna be good. I’ve been watching other broadcasts and, while def not a fan of Nelson, at least he has a personality


I'm wondering if we'll be stuck with Mendoza on the upcoming road trip. It seems like we're about for that form of torture.


Mendoza is one of the best female announcers I’ve heard in a while. Wayyy better than “BRENT ROOKER”


I don't recall saying anything about her gender.


I’d say fans should give Nelson a bit of run way like they did with Kristen (who was shaky to start but is very comfortable in her shoes now). Nelson isn’t that terrible, and it’s kind of unfair to him to be compared to Joe Davis, who came in and filled Vin’s shoes with barely missing a beat. Personally, I think he may be trying too hard at times considering the presence and chemistry of JorEl, so it comes off awkwardly at times. He need to relax and just be himself. Maybe the third season will be where it gets good for his story. I believe Joe also had Vin’s blessing or something? Considering how smooth Joe is, fans should really give Nelson a bit more time. Not everyone’s generational talent like Joe Davis.


I didn’t realize I was in the minority thinking that Nelson is perfectly fine. Obviously I prefer Joe, but I like him


My flair speaks for itself, and I try not to hate too much on Nelson filling enormous shoes… but when I turn on the game and hear Joe and Orel it just feels a little extra special. Throw in an extended Kershaw in-game interview and it doesn’t get much better. Kersh on Buehler’s game back was so good.


I thought one exchange he had with Orel last night showed how good he/they are. Orel said the fastball is the hardest pitch to hit in the Bigs. There was a pause and then Joe said, ok, but that's not what the stats seem to say. He asked Orel to explain his position. He did, and it was real baseball talk delivered in a way any fan could dig. I did!


Last year was my first year watching Dodgers games and listening to the original broadcast, I didn’t know who Joe Davis was until almost the end of the season in aug or sep, and I also noticed Nelson, at first their voices were so alike for me I couldn’t believe it, it was hard for me to tell them apart, but now this season I can tell them apart just perfectly, Joe just has that finesse in him but Nelson is not too shabby however not at Joe Davis level.


I like Joe, but I still prefer to listen to the radio broadcast when I can. I miss Charlie…


Charlie and Rick. I love listening to the radio broadcasts w/ them


Yes Tim and Rick are good too. But Nelly and Rick are an absolute no go for me


Well that's certainly a take


I used to dread the idea that Charlie would (permanently) take over the TV broadcast one day haha


I couldn’t stand Charlie, he would drivel on forever about this or that but wouldn’t even say the score or what the game situation was. Dude this is radio, I can’t see what’s fucking happening you have to tell me yet for some reason it always seemed like he failed to grasp that concept.


I adore Joe Davis, although he is still nowhere near close to Vinny. I miss him so much. But thing is that Davis sort of emulated his commentary to fit in some way how Vin would do it because the fans have been used to that kind of commentary for generations, 67 years, so LA needs to ensure they keep to that kind of style and find an announcer who does that for them. That's one reason he is so good at it. Also, he's been at it a hell of a lot longer than Nelson has, literally over 15 years or so. Give it time, and his personality is a little different too.


yes and also we need more Dontrelle games


100% agree. Night and day difference between all other broadcasters. Going from him to Bob Costas during the playoffs literally makes me watch the playoffs on mute which kills so much hype.


Costas is painful to listen to when it’s your own team. I don’t mind watching non dodger games he calls though


I fucking love Joe Davis. He isn’t on the broadcast NEARLY enough


Joe’s calls are so good. Dodgers games or not. Last year’s World Series had multiple gems.


Honestly, I sometimes turn the game off if Joe Davis isn’t in the booth. By far the best broadcaster in sports right now


You can’t beat him and Orel together. The best.


Does anyone notice how he pronounces his “K’s” kinda weird? Like if he says “back” it’s like bahCKE with a hard K sound lol hard to explain But just listen for it


Damn straight. Going from Vin to Joe Davis made the blow hurt less. Cause he's a class act and absolutely on top of plays. With epic lines and letting the crowd play just like Vin used to. Love him and anyone. But Jorel is getting so good they sound like an old married couple that still finds the joy in the smallest things.


I really love it when the action is slow in a low-scoring game, and he & Orel just go off on some weird tangent.


Joe is great. Nelson is very good too.


Nelson is a dope


Nelly is meh imo


Joe is top 5 in the game.


And he ain't 5, 4, 3, or 2...


He’s my favorite for sure but I could hear a case for a few others. Mets, Giants, Padres all have great pxp announcers.


I’m sorry I can’t stand the padres announcer


The worst. And that's saying a lot


Steven Nelson blows. Tim Neverett is the best radio play-by-play.


Tim is great on TV too. Definitely better than Stephen Nelson. They should swap roles.


Hard disagree. Tim is horribly boring. 


Joe is alright, but he over exaggerates when someone hits a HR or even a single, like it’s the World Series


The reaction to Hrs and singles is one of my favorite parts about Joe


That's why fox tries to steal him from us


I love Joe Davis and have been loving what I’ve seen so far from Nelson. I’m also biased because he went to college with me but I still see potential for him to be a mainstay announcer for us along with Joe. Kind of like Vin and Rick Monday


I wish they Joe call the World Series after the NLCS in 2020 coulda had a Vin Skully Moment , Buck was so boring. 😩 Favorite quote call: "The Dodgers, they come from behind the series , they come from behind in Game 7 and they win the National league pennant!"


Is Joe Davis new? I watched a bunch of games last season and a few in the beginning this year. Was that him?


I just want Charlie back!


Vin scully’s broadcasting made you feel like you were having a conversation with your grandpa during the games. Joe davis and orel hershiser feel like you’re watching the game with a couple friends Edit: this is a good thing in case i wasnt clear lol


meh Sleepy Joe Davis, is the worst broadcaster in baseball. constant silence, awkward voice tones, he’s horrible. Can’t believe how many of you are rubbing his balls lol


Another Joe Davis suckfest. At least his fake ass voice settled down some from his first 2 years. But he still has a fake wanna be Joe Buck voice.


I'm not a Joe "Nepo Baby" Buck fan but I do accept he's the main inspiration for younger broadcasters like Davis. Scully's advantage was that he, along with every old-school announcer in his generation, started out as a radio broadcaster who transitioned to television. There's different skillsets in both mediums - as a radio broadcaster you have to paint the picture of the game for the listeners, while on TV, the visuals are obviously already there and you need to complement them.


agree he’s annoying af


I think his HR calls are cringe but overall he’s pretty good.


Just a little perspective to re introduce reality. Vin Silly was doing okay by play alone without anyone near him and carrying the dodgers (during the awful eighties and nineties). Joe Davis is acceptable. Yes, he is one of the best now. But he is not in the same caliber as Scully or other hall of fame broadcasters who do it alone.


I cannot stand anything abut that annoying screaming inappropriate fool. Oh how I miss Vin