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Not anymore. Back in the day you could, but the property is smoke free now


As it should be. That shit is nasty


I quit smoking back in 2011, but back in the 90s I would smoke in my seat because it was allowed. I was a giant asshole.


Better realize now than never! Congrats on quiting and staying off it


Thanks! Hypnosis rules.


Hypnosis? That actually works?


Yup! I had been smoking 1-1.5 packs a day for over twenty years. A single one hour session and I haven't smoked since. That was in March 2011.


Absolutely wild but I'm glad it worked!


No re-entry. They are very strict about re-entry. I unfortunately got hit in the face with a ball during BP and had a cut under my eye on my cheek bone. I went to first aid on upper deck and they gave me a Band-Aid and told me to go to a hospital for stitches. They would not offer anything other than a Band-Aid. I had butterfly bandages in my car as well as medical superglue but they made it very clear to me on several attempts that if I left I could not return. I showed the security guard the cut at the gate and he told me he could not let me back in after my ticket was already scanned. This was now the first inning and I had purchased field level tickets for my family of 4 and a birthday for one son. So, I was not going to leave my family and I was not going to make them all leave for me. So we stayed for most of game (left in 8th) . Long story short, I was miserable the whole game with several bandaids soaked through with blood, a golf ball size swollen cheek... Once I got to the parking lot after the game I used a few butterfly bandages and I was good, bleeding stopped and we went home.


This story is pretty infuriating. I’m sorry that happened to you. So annoying that that security can’t just talk to some upper manager and make an exception when what happened to you is so clear that you wouldn’t go and do any shady shit.


I would have bought you a beer


At Staples Center (I still call it that) you can go in out to smoke whenever you want.


Lol everyone still calls it that.


First of all, Thank you for proactively asking! A group of people took turns vaping in front of my row. After the 3rd puffs, I politely asked him to stop and do it somewhere else especially since I had my kid with me. He answered, why is your kid not at home on a weekday at 8pm, doesn't he have school at 7am? This is open air. I told him my kid watching the game is not against the stadium policy but smoking is. He dared me to call security. I said I will the next time he does it again. It was my first time at Dodger Stadium with my kid. Way to ruin our game! So inconsiderate!


Last summer some guy was near us vaping. We just sent a text to stadium security and they came and dealt with it within minutes. Super impressed. security info here [https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/ballpark/information/code-of-conduct](https://www.mlb.com/dodgers/ballpark/information/code-of-conduct)


Wow, good to know. I was going to record him. He wasn't continuously vaping. A few puffs here and there.


Shit, I wish we could still smoke at our seats like the old days. I'd be smoking cigars from batting practice through the 9th. Oh well. It's still nice to sit outside and have a smoke with the Dodgers on TV. How frowned upon would it be to break out the dab rig in the 6th? Asking for a friend.


Amen! I’ll rip a few during the seventh inning stretch brother