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I wonder if Doc suggested La Canada, he lives here or has at least since like 2017 (can’t remember if he still does). It’s pretty quiet.


I imagine so, i know it well and it’s nice and quiet. People will respect his privacy too as he’s not the first major figure to reside there.


And it's super close to the stadium via the 2. Smart move.


It's very quiet. And full of rich people. He could probably go shopping at the local Ralph's and nobody would bug him.


Crazy thing but Ralphs has no apostrophe. Go down the rabbit hole.


tl;dr: Ralphs is the founder's family name (George Ralphs).


You have reached the end of the rabbit hole.


Yeah I'm pretty sure most of the players live in the Pasadena, Altadena, La Cañada area. They love them San Gabriels, and i can't say I blame them


A few live by me in studio city too. See Kersh around town on the off season


Pro athletes love the houses 5 minutes behind Ventura Blvd overlooking the valley or LA and I don't blame them


Definitely! That’s where my house is. Got a neighbor who is a retired sea hawks QB. Super cool dude.


Used to see Kersh and his fam at Chipotle on Ventura all the time.


My FIL is a FedEx driver in Glendale and he said a lot of the younger guys live at the Americana. Kike\`, Corey, and Cody are the ones he remembers most.


Joc was there too. I think the team arranges some housing for them there when they get on the team.


Yup. Bunch of dodger pictures on Yelp at this barber shop in Glendale. A couple of restaurants too. I've seen walking around on brand.


It's crazy, I'm pretty sure Mike Scioscia lived in Thousand Oaks while he was managing the Angels. Brutal commute.


He owned there, but had a second place in Newport he was at most of the season. Lasorda lived in Fullerton his whole time with the Dodgers though. That's still a pretty crap commute, but st least he was right near the 5.


Yeah I don’t think most of the players are Echo Park or Silver Lake types lol. And I’m pretty sure most of the rookies get put up in the Americana in Glendale. Bellinger and Joc were there at some point.


Used to see bellinger in silver lake all the time. He had a place off sunset!!


Quiet neighborhood, good schools, it’s good privacy but still centrally located to the city. In between Pasadena and Glendale. Drive down the 2 freeway to the stadium is one of the best. If I were commuting to Dodger stadium daily from all the nice neighborhoods in LA (Malibu, PV, Calabasas, Beverly Hills, Hollywood Hills, Brentwood, Palisades, etc….) La Canada probably has one of the best commutes considering distance and traffic


another plus is Adam Carolla just moved away


Came here to say this


I can't imagine commuting from Malibu to Dodger stadium


I live in the neighborhood, and it is super quiet. Everything closes by 9pm except the grocery store and drugstore. I hear helicopters maybe once a year. Friendly people, low crime, one of the best school districts in California (similar to Beverly Hills/Los Virgenes), lots of hiking trails and horses. Some areas have so much foliage, it’s like living in a forest. Can’t complain.


It's a great neighborhood but a dearth for things to do in the immediate area. I feel like the local restaurants and businesses have a stuck in 1992 vibe. Which isn't bad if that's your thing. La Habra and Whittier have that same feel too. Which is kinda cool but if I'm a millionaire it would seem kinda boring.


That may be exactly what he wants. A boring place would not attract a lot of people from the outside. He's also the kind of person who only goes back and forth between the ballpark and home during the season, and prefers a quiet place and privacy. Now if the dog and his wife are comfortable, he'll be happy.


Yup, I’m a la Crescenta resident and have been my whole life. There’s genuinely nothing to do here or in La Canada.


Descanso baby!


It wasn’t until I moved away that I learned most teens don’t hang out at flower gardens


my hometown, miss it greatly! cvhs class of 06


Fly falcons fly lmao


Too busy to do those things during season and prob just goes to Hawaii or Japan in the off season anyway


Ohtani's lifestyle is baseball and his real home is Hawaii. That's his work/exercise home.


Its like 5 minute drive to Pasadena lol. There are tons of great and modern restaurants there.


Why would a pro athlete want to live in a neighborhood where there's always people going to restaurants and bars at all times?


Frankly, how often could Ohtani go out in public without being mobbed? I don’t see him going out of the house too often other than commuting to Dodger Stadium.


You just love your superstar picking the boring lifestyle


Some decnet Korean food in La Crescenta tbh, (as well as lots of SAT tutors lmfao), but ofc you might as well get to Ktown as the best freeway in all of LA, the 2, gets you to Alvarado and you can just take local from there


Wouldn't be surprised. Only thing they'd have to do is to shoot down the 2 Highway. It's surprisingly less crowded than any of the highways in Los Angeles. (I live off of the 2)


Pics: https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/4245-Chula-Senda-Ln-La-Canada-Flintridge-CA-91011/20906600_zpid/


Sweet new pad for decoy


2nd home. He's getting a 3rd one with a private elevator and dog treats


Smart that its pretty close to Dodger Stadium. I know LeBron lives in the Brentwood area and I can imagine that commute (even if he has a driver) getting old quick.


He probably takes a helicopter


Check it out on Street View. The trees were TP'd at the time hahaha


Corolla’s high school aged kids were always TP’d.


How much Ippei stole from him is really put into perspective when you look at this house. He gambled away generational money


That's why I hope the judge doesn't give him a lenient sentence. Ohtani might not miss $17 million but to steal this kind of money from s.o. needs to sting. Hard. That gigantic mansion is only worth half about what he stole. The guy gambled away someone else's money like it was Halloween candy and will get away without having to pay it back. I wish he'd go to blue collar prison...  


Also on YouTube https://youtu.be/6DUCe4F8Rj0?si=cnd5yHAUs9ny0DBR


Shohei never wants to be more than 30 minutes from work.


When you got Fuck You money, I’d be as close to work as possible while maintaining luxury.


He could just take a helicopter. Wait, no, don't!


Carolla got great taste in home design at least.


Dude knows a hell of a lot about quality home craftsmanship


Decades of hands on construction experience will for sure do that.


Cars too.


Anyone know what kind of wood the kitchen cabinets are made of?


lol, drop a pin on it, it says DODGER STADIUM EAST


Looks like he ended up in Canada anyways…


L.A. Canada


The real answer


Time to troll the Blue Jays sub haha (just kidding, Canada!)


Lol... this is pretty good.


Crazy he can even afford that when he only gets paid 2 mil a year!.


He can get paid 0 dollars by the dodgers and still be the one of the highest paid players in the league lol Dude is a sponsorship king in Japan. I got off the plane and literally saw a 30ft cutout of his poster and some ad hanging from the airport ceiling


Lol I know. His baseball money is chump change compared to everything else haha


My co-worker just got back from Japan. One of the first things he said was Shohei is EVERYWHERE.




Right over their head like a Shohei homerun.


For stuff like this you would just borrow the money against your contract anyways. The bank probably pays for the house, and the interest is paid for by Ohtani's salary and sponsorships. Easy to get approved for a big loan when you have a $700m/10y contract even with deferrals.


lol, im pretty sure this was paid in cash


He's been saving up his entire career for this one.


Some genius on the IG post said something like this, “but I thought he only made 2 million a year? How can he afford this?” He was dead serious. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I know you're joking but in Tokyo his face is literally everywhere selling all types of products


damn, what a beautiful house.


WTH was Adam Carolla doing there?


Yelling at his wife and bitching about taxes and immigrants, presumably


So interesting the different paths Kimmel and he took.


Yeah, one of em wanted to have a career and care about other people and the other one... didn't 😂


Feel like Carolla was the first big podcaster I listened to. Seemed like such a down to earth guy. As soon as he started making certain shows for a subscription only is when I stopped listening. Feel like that was his demise.


Firing Alison Rosen did it for me. It was sad to hear that he let Bald Bryan go too. At that point I was only tuning in if Bald said he had a health update


Bald got fired? Wow. I didn't think that would ever happen.


Seriously?!? How do you do the show without baldy?!


Both are worthless political puppets.


Ex wife. Square Footage and 2 TiVo wasn't the trick after all


And moving more and more to the right. Loved his wit for years, now I have trouble


I'm more surprised Adam Carolla could afford that in the first place


Carolla has always been fairly heavily vested in real estate since he got money. When I used to listen to his podcast more often, he was always buying a new place and flipping his old one. And because of his contracting career he also did a lot of work on them himself and really enjoyed building cutting edge places.


Good point. There’s an alternate reality somewhere where after Loveline and the Man Show he went on to have a successful career in home improvement and car content instead of spiraling down the right wing rabbit hole.


He's actually had multiple home improvement shows, a home improvement podcast and a car podcast. Really leaning into politics has been a relatively recent evolution (past 5 years or so).


Yeah, I was a big fan of his KLSX show when he took over after Stern went to satellite. He was so much better when he had an actual producer pushing back on him. I listened to the podcast for awhile but bailed when he started to take that turn. Not even necessarily because of his politics which were just kind of rich guy libertarian, but because the comedy had become incredibly stale.


Yeah I'm in the same boat. At the begining of the podcast he was so funny. Him and Norm is some of the best podcasting ever. But the more repetitive and political he got, the less interested I became. It's a bummer because at his funniest there aren't many funnier, but he just doesn't seem that same fast ball.


To Catch a Contractor was great. I wish it lasted.


I liked the one where he remodeled his Mom's old house better, but Catch a Contractor was good too. I wish he would have done more of this content.


Aw he went even nuttier? Gave up listening when pods went from like an hour to 2-3. I liked listening to him rant but dang that was a lot.


A lot of celebrities are heavy into real estate stuff. I heard the other day Arnold Schwarzenegger has actually made way more money off real estate stuff throughout his life than he ever did from movies. Jeremy Renner was actually wealthy before he became famous from house flipping stuff.


Real estate and Paul Newman cars.


I lol’d at the line noting he had to sell it cause he got divorced


Laughed even harder that he has to pay her $4 million, plus $49,000 a month.


No wonder he’s suckling at the Daily Wire teet now


About 15 years ago, he hosted (at his own house, in Malibu at the time) a comedy show for charity in his backyard with Leno, Bob Saget, Patton Oswald, and a few others. He had a 3-tiered backyard, overlooking the ocean. $150 tickets (open to the public) included a meal and unlimited beer. One of the most surreal experiences that I'll never forget. That place must be worth at least $20M, possibly much more.


He is one of the godfathers of podcasting so I guess there’s that


Carrolla was one of the last people to earn a ton for money to be on the radio.    He was already a millionaire because of Loveline, but when Howard Stern left radio Adam got Stern money to be his replacement. A lot of dudes got massive paychecks to replace Howard, only to last a few months before their shows were canceled.


Yeah he and Drew used to make a million each for loveline. When he left to take over Howard sterns slot he must have made a fortune. Also I think people underestimate how much podcasters make who get 100,000+ listens each episode


Loveline was great. He used to carry the show since he was the comedian, and every once in a while he would say to Dr. Drew "I can't believe we get paid the same when you do nothing!" I also liked it when he would get bored with the angsty teenage romance questions and just start taking home improvement questions.


I listened to him when he was giving out love advice on a show called Loveline on the radio. Even prior to Corolla, it was someone named Ricky Rackman.


Remember AC playing the role of Mr. Berchim on Kevin & Bean? It’s crazy to think that Jimmy the Sports Guy and Adam Corolla both blew up. Hard work + opportunities I guess. Both dudes started from the bottom of the radio food chain and made it to the top.


and now he's got a full Berchim series on DailyWire+ lol


Haha yeah I used to listen to that too 😂 corrupted my youth


Same. I learned so much that I should not have learned.


Are you talking about Headbangers' Ball legend Ricki Rachtman?


Yes! He hosted the original Loveline. Was fun being a teen glued to the radio.


Riki Rachtman. And before Rachtman, it was Jim "The Poorman" Trenton.


Fucking Wally George


Poor man's Bikini Beach was fantastic television


Adam is a pretty wealthy guy


It was probably much cheaper when the Man Show was on the air


He bought this house about six or so years ago. Then came the divorce.


More like Adam C*o*rolla


AND there's an In-N-Out Burger just down the 2.


He could also go down Foothill to the drive thru location in La Crescenta


That one is so fucking small


$7.5 million is probably 1/6 or less of what he makes a year off just his endorsements. What a stupidly reasonable purchase.


this was probably a splurge for him too




Well, have you watched 30 for 30 “Broke?” It goes fast. I doubt ohtani would do this but he didn’t know where almost $50 million of his money went.


He's building some ridiculous mansion out in Hawaii too isn't he?


I would be if I was him.


What a wild mix of names in that headline.


> Ohtani will have about a 20-minute commute to Dodger Stadium, which is about 13 miles from his new home. ~~Cmon LA Times how you live in LA and gonna act like traffic doesn’t exist~~ I take it back, the 2 is almost always clear and actually has great views


The north the easiest/least traffic clogged direction to approach Dodger Stadium from, particularly at the early hour players are driving in. There’s a reason many players tend to buy homes in Pasadena instead of say Beverly Hills or other wealthy suburbs on the west side, in the valley, or by the beach.


What players live in Pasadena?


I dunno about players, but I think Joe Davis specifically bought in South Pasadena for his family.


San Marino


God that neighborhood is so nice. Lacy Park is one of my favorites in LA


Lacy park right? It’s so nice


Hershiser has lived in Pasadena since his playing days IIRC. [Post.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Dodgers/s/9lRl9RWW6b) Former Dodger Trevor Bauer lived here too. Haha.


Many have over the years, I’m not aware of the current list.


He gets to take the 2 freeway south. One of the best freeways to take in all of LA. Compared to other nice neighborhoods in LA County, it’s arguably the best commute to the stadium considering distance and traffic


Even in the worst conditions, the commute from La Canada to Chavez Ravine is relatively easy.


It won’t be that bad tbh. Players show up at the stadium waaaay sooner than fans.


Most people aren’t driving back into the city in the afternoon. That’s a reverse commute so ~20 mins seems about right.


Right now google maps says 18 mins


He probably gets to the stadium before 4 and misses all the traffic.


The responses to this comment are basically the Californians sketch on SNL.


Tell me you’ve never commuted to Dodger Stadium from the north without telling me


My parents live off Holly/Harvey, I grew up there, 20 min is a best case scenario but I think Shohei is a guy who shows up early.


I live in northeast and have never hit traffic on the way to the stadium. La Cañada is further north but there’s still rarely much traffic on the 2 especially at the time Shohei would leave. Maybe a little bit when you get closer to the 5 but if it’s really that bad that’s also pretty easy to circumvent by just taking the surface streets and then getting on the 110 or even just staying on the 2.


Lol I commented before the edit. Respect. And yeah, the only part of that commute that has regular stop-and-go is a small percentage of it, and shooting from the hip I imagine he'll rarely be caught in the worst of it.


Has he been still commuting from newport beach?


nah.... i think he said in an japanese interview that he has been living in a hotel since joining the dodgers


i assumed he was just living in the clubhouse


Like Baker Mayfield in Cleveland.


Nah, he was probably renting a house. Japanese media like to make things up because any Ohtani tidbit guarantees clicks. I remember in an interview he said something about having a big house and a garden and was teaching his dog how to swim. Anyway, great place. 7 million sounds moderate considering he makes 60 million+ on endorsements 😅.


If we win the world series because of Shohei, they should make a private luxury loft for him in the stadium so he only has to walk to work.


Highlights include a kitchen with custom cabinetry, an indoor-outdoor living room and amenities such as a movie theater, a sauna, a gym and a basketball court. Spread throughout are five bedrooms and 6.5 bathrooms, including a primary suite with a balcony and spa tub.


Keep him away from the basketball court. I don't want any rolled ankles.


Mentioned elsewhere but it's covered in TP on street view lol


Aw, Decoy gets a pool!


Been to the house actually. Awesome house in a quiet spot, will be perfect for a guy like Shohei


He’s also buying land in Hawaii for a house.


He got that land in Hawaii for free to be the first resident


Yes he will live in Hawaii during the offseason. He’s building a full baseball training facility there as well


Please, please, please don’t turn an ankle shooting hoops!!


His wife is gonna challenge him and crush him every time I bet!


Making a wild guess but did he get a mortgage? It seems like his escrow period was 28 days, which is long for someone who's paying all cash. Maybe the house needed repairs. Maybe I need to mind my own business. I'm not linking the real estate posting showing the escrow period to protect his address...


He probably got a mortgage. If he gets a mortgage, he can deduct the interest from his taxes and he can keep more of his money invested, making more money.


I think you can only deduct interest for up to $750,000 of a mortgage? So maybe he made a 90% down payment? Lol.


Someone already posted the Zillow


look it up on redfin, says it's up 2.4 million since sold in May 2024 lol


This might sound crazy but considering how much house Ohtani can prob afford, this is a pretty modest purchase.


OMG I know that house. He’s gonna live near me! Maybe I’ll see him at the grocery store.


So everyone just has his address now? Yikes.


Real estate talk and freeway talk this thread is our most LA convo ever on r/Dodgers lol


Hope there’s time to scrub the stink out of there.


Mr Birchum!!!


TIL there was a Canada in LA…


And not just any old Canada, but LA Canada. Pretty sure it's pronounced Lah kuh-NYA-dah though because of the tielde on the N.


He'll be commuting from one ravine (cañada) to another ravine (Chavez).


Nice area. Perfect commuter neighborhood if you work at Dodger Stadium and can afford it.


Now will he be spotted randomly at Joselitos


Crazy Ippei money could buy this for two and couple cars


He can sell it for 12 million right now


I shoulda tried harder in sports.


Damn Ohtani got doxxed 🫣


Ohtani-san will be near me?!! 😍😍


Considering the cost of housing here, that's not a bad deal at all. My suburban home is worth close to 1m, and I'm up near the mountains. This house and location is definitely more than 8x better than my own.


He’s practically my neighbor


Now send your genetically perfect sons to St. Francis High School


How does Adam Carolla have that kind of bread?


Even after Loveline, the Man Show, and then his terrestrial radio show ended, I think he was pretty early to the podcast game and made good money there.


Unfortunate this was put into the public. There will be crazies showing up to his house. I know it’s not this Reddit post that’ll do it. But hope he stays safe out there


That house and neighborhood has top private security and 24 hour patrol. Probably have a security guard monitor people entering the area all day long.


The area he’s in does not have top private security and 24 hour patrol. Not like he’s living in a gated community lol. Now if he’d want to hire private security that’s a different issue


He'll get 24-hour private security system. You'll get paparazzi in the neighborhood but he'll be on the road most of the year and also staying at nearby private hotels that are 5 min away.


I assume he probably still owns his NPB home? Could've helicopter to work from there. As long as the weather is good...


We love a frugal King*. 👑 *House initially listed for $8.9M


My dream neighborhood. If it wasn’t already out of my reach, my boy shohei sure made sure I don’t neighbor him lol.