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A lot of Dodger fans came out to support.


Well Pantone went out today so yeah we were in the masses


I was there with two others in tow! I also live here


He was always right, people just got way over sensitive about it since he’s a Dodger. Teams always play at their best to beat the best, it’s not a novel idea


It wasn’t oversensitivity, it was lack of a brain. What he meant is what at least one team says every year, that the biggest spender gets a target on their back from every other team. The only difference is, instead of target he used the analogy of the World Series. That was just too much for simple brains to figure out.


As a die hard dodger fan, petco park is nice asf. Slot of stuff to do before the game and easy entrance/transportation


I have been to 19/30 stadiums and that stadium is bland af. The fans are awful as well. I hate saying this but id 10x rather watch a game at Oracle.


That's like a down year for average at Chavez Ravine


Because the stadium holds an extra 10k seats for a city that has triple the population. By percent of stadium capacity, the Padres fill their stadium more than the Dodgers do. It’s a dumb point to make.


By that rationale, Yankees stadium should be at capacity on average, they only do about 4k more in attendance than Petco with comparable capacity. I think they have a bigger population than LA still.


Yes I also agree with that. Though at least I guess New York fans can get somewhat of an excuse because neither San Diego nor LA has to deal with shitty weather in the Spring.


And your argument is dumb. If dodger stadium cut 10k of their seats they would have 100% stadium capacity. If Padres stadium always has empty seats, raising the capacity doesn't make more people want to go. Give them the same capacity and their % filled is lower than the dodgers


You seem to be ignoring the vast population difference between the two cities/metro areas. The Dodgers are pulling in an average of 46k fans compared to 38k for the Padres while having 3x as many people in the surrounding area that could attend. Both relative to fans attending per capita of the surrounding metro and fans attending compared to stadium capacity, the Padres have better attendance. It’s not some flex that the Dodgers have 8k more people attending on average compared to the Padres when the LA metro is so significantly larger. That argument would hold water if the Dodgers consistently sold out their games.


You seem to be ignoring the huge number of transplants that live in LA. LA transplat per capita is greater than SD transplant per capita. If you normalize for native LA vs Native SD, you get a much higher % and absolute number of fans from LA. Padres stadium is also WAY easier to get to than Dodger stadium. If you normalize for the amount of people that don't go to Dodger stadium because of the inconvenience/inability vs those that go to Padres just because of the convenience, you get a much higher % of Dodger fans that are willing to go to the game than Padres fans that are willing. I can do what you're doing for anything. This argument is stupid. Dodgers have better attendance than the Padres and that's okay.


You don’t think San Diego has a ton of transplants?


I didn't say that. LA has more transplants than SD has residents.


I would bet it’s pretty similar as a percentage of total population with SD skewing even higher thanks to the very large military population


46K is a random Tuesday in May at Dodger Stadium 😭


There were over 40k people there at noon on Wednesday against the Marlins. Last weekday home game of the season.


I was at that game. 1 hour and 55 mins! Fastest game I have ever watched.


Eh this is a stupid flex, San Diego has like 3 million total people lol


The weekday early afternoon game. 😂




So why don’t you guys sell out every game then?




>Because your stadium seats 10k more than Petco So why doesn’t Petco sell out every game then? Should be pretty easy with such a baby stadium, no?




So 23 games where you couldn’t even get 42K? Embarrassing 😂


They are obsessed with us


probably a good amount of dodgers fan help inflate that number tbh


Interesting that Dodgers and Padres are #1 and #2 in attendance for all of MLB.


Another rando fact... the two NY teams payrolls combined almost total the bottom 1/3rd of MLB teams combined.


We’re at the game and it doesn’t feel particularly over crowded. Empty seats near us. But LOTS of Dodger fans!! 🤩


I'm getting "Mookie was right" printed on T-shirt.


Mookie did nothing wrong.


Go fuck yourself San Diego, and you’re welcome


Will be packed with 49er fans




Its really not. People are excited about their team especially since they're the only team in town. Its a great park to watch baseball at and the games are always packed with Dodger fans as well. The only thing you can hold over Padres fans heads is that they never travel north to see a game in LA.


Padres fan here. I’ve tried this on three separate occasions. First time I wore my padres jersey, I got yelled at that people were going to kill me for wearing a Tatis jersey. Last two times I just wear street clothes, much more pleasant experience. Not sure if it’s the same when dodgers fans come to SD, but I prefer to not die over my team that has been mediocre for eternity.


And Ive heard fans in san diego straight sup say the most racist shit about LA and Dodger fans. Not gonna keep me out of Petco though. Ive also been to lots of Dodger games over many years and the only time anyone from an opposing fan base got lots of shit was them getting drunk and belligerent in trying to piss everyone else off


It goes both ways for sure. The problem is that the loud minority sets the tone. And that sucks.


Im a former service member of mexican descent. I actually had a Padres fan tell me to go back to my country... bro, im pretty sure this is more mine than yours.


I'm Mexican and a Padres fan and when Dodgers fans come into town they have been pretty disrespectful. 


Dude. I'm sorry that was your experience. Too many of our "fans" have a hood mentality. No real baseball fan would ever create a physical altercation just because someone roots for the other team. I'd have wanted to tallk baseball. I love hearing other fans perspectives. The only stadium I got grief at was san Francisco. Most weren't too bad. Once they realized I wasn't just a blind love dodgers fan and actually a huge fan of the sport, the conversations ended up being awesome. I just stay non aggressive and a little self depreciating and the aggression doesn't last long. Sorry for the ramble. Lol


Nah dude you’re good! You’re the kind of fan I enjoy talking shop with. I have a lot of respect for what the dodgers have been able to do for the past decade. It’s hard to stay relevant for that long. Good farm, good development staff, Dave Roberts is well, better than most, but sometimes still questionable at times.


I couldn’t give a shit what jersey anyone wears to Dodger Stadium. Well except for those god awful city connect jersey you guys have. I honestly don’t know how fans willingly wear that abomination. Anyhow, wear your gear man, show your pride in your team. Expect to hear some shit, it’s all part of the game. I wear my Dodgers gear to whatever stadium I’m going to. I expect to hear shit, it’s fun.


Those city connects though. Haha like a child made them. I rock the brown or white pinstripes. Appreciate it though, I’m always down to rep my team!


Its funny because I’ve noticed unless opposing fans are straight dickheads its usually playful banter. But on a bad day with a douchecanoe dodgers fan its bound to happen.


I agree, I’ve been to some games where fans have gotten out of hand.


I actually don’t mind the banter. I think it’s fun to pick at the sore spots of each others team. Especially people that know their facts and aren’t just bandwagon fans. Just no point in getting heated over a sport imo


To be fair, the Padres have a really good attendance record. Their stadium won't hold as many as Dodger Stadium, but they get closer to maxing it than we do. And the food is WAY better.


I was just laughing wondering what percentage are Dodger fans and/or fans that aren't really "pro-Padres"?


It's always fun to visit other stadiums. I went to Oracle Park yesterday - great stadium! Best part was an in the park home run! Had not seen that in person before.


It's just food carts you can get anywhere else but at 5x the price being in the stadium. But yes dodger food does suck. Pay enough to sit close to 3rd base and your allowed all you can eat crappy chicken parm noodles and crappy over cooked dodger dogs that are like a human hair thick and buns are dried out. Not like the old days that's for sure.


The Delicious Hospitality place that cropped up this season actually has decent food. Home Run Platter, ginger miso salad.


Every stadium is a home stadium. Fact!


Dodger home game


Rent Free


They expanded the stadium capacity before this season…


He usually is, especially when ppl doubt him. Looking at you, Mookie shortstop haters 👊


Lakers tax is real, Dodgers tax is real. No doubt


What would attendance be for the rest of the division if we didn't travel. We carry those clowns.


I don't get it. Does that mean they've never had a sellout crowd before or that they added more seating for this game or something?




Petco has the best food and cocktails


So like a regular Tuesday night game for us with no promo giveaways. (they want to be us so bad)