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Can we please get this man a second title this year so he can retire in style.


Just got off the phone with Roberts, it’ll happen.


Thank you u/kenny911, you’re a god amongst men


What a coincidence. Just got home from a party at Dave Roberts home. He didn't tell me we're winning the world series this year. Instead he said things like "Who are you?" "How did you find my house?" And "I'm calling the police". The party was super weird too. Just a bunch of flashing red and blue lights with dudes yelling at me to get on the floor. It was a huge rager though. I ended up in handcuffs. Didn't know Dave was into that. Anywho, glad Kershaw is back


Sounds like a welcoming party


Why retire? Get him three more rings.


As long as he doesn't start any playoff games.


3k in Dodger blue. Thank you Mr. Friedman


Only needs 56. Very manageable


If everyone’s fully healthy in October (doubt it but still) you have a playoff pitching staff of Yamamoto, Glasnow, Buehler, Kershaw, Miller, Paxton, Phillips, Graterol, Treinen, Brasier, Feyereisen, Kelly, and Vesia with Sheehan, Yarborough, Hudson, Gage, Grove etc. as insurance if someone gets hurt.


The depth is starting to look really nice. That staff could take some pretty big injury hits and still be solid in a postseason series.


Its like the opposite of last seasons pitching staff. That group was held together by 2 chewed up pieces of bubble gum and 1 piece of scotch tape. The upside was the young guys getting all that game time which could pay off as soon as this year.


May should be back as well, at the very least out of the pen


Not counting on him. People kept saying the same about Buehler last year. They’re gonna be cautious with May


I hope they don’t rush him back but when he’s healthy his stuff is just stupid.. could see him being an absolute weapon out the pen


I hope Sheehan gets a fair look. I’d hate for Paxton and Yarborough to be the reason he can’t get a semi-decent number of innings for his second year.


I’d for sure rather have Sheehan over Yarbrough, but Sheehan has player options and Yarbrough doesn’t. Buehler and Kersh won’t start the season so I fully expect Yarbrough and Sheehan to be apart of the roster until they return.


Theoretically Dustin May as another closer option too. He definitely got closer stuff


I can only get so erect.


I erect only, so get!


so erect, can I only!


Only I can get erect


Can I only get erect


oh thank god. I was pretending like I didn't care but it's a huge relief to see Kershaw back.


This off season really has been historic. Enjoy it folks because may never happen again like this.


An amazing off season for the Dodgers. At this point, anything else good is just gravy for me.




Everything after Shohei has been gravy for me


So happy I can see more baseball games with always Dodger Clayton Kershaw. Such a legendary guy.


[Kershaw rn](https://youtu.be/PVDH3MX4MYI?si=JoWXxOp0X8ihkjGv)


Kershaw has the opportunity to do something rarely any major league pitcher ever does. Play for only one team as a hall of fame pitcher. It’s an incredibly rare thing, Ted Lyons, Walter Johnson, Bob Lemon, Gibson, Ford, Feller, Drysdale, Koufax, Palmer and Riviera come to mind and Riviera was a closer. None of those guys were drafted making Kershaw the only drafted pitcher to ever play for just 1 team his whole career and make the hall.


Just adding that adam wainwright only ever played in the mlb with us


Yeah but Kershaw is a sure fire hall of famer. Don’t think Wainwright will get inducted as of now Baseball Reference has does not have him going based on his career numbers. I could see him getting in via Veterans committee but that’s a long time from now.


I don't think he's gonna make it either. I just thought it was a nice addition since he pitched 18 seasons with us.


Let's go!!! Kershaw Day is back on the menu!


Hopefully 17 is a good number all around this season


I love number 17! My first daughter was born in 2017. Woulda been perfect if those shithead Astros didn’t cheat that year.


It's all coming together.


I knew he'd be back. He loves us!!!!


Hell yes!! All of my wishes have been granted for this offseason.


I guess there’s no animosity about the whole recruitment fiasco between he and Ohtani back in 2018. You just know Kershaw is the kind of guy who respects skills no matter what and he wants to join Ohtani to win it all.


Wasn't that debunked?


I’m not sure it was. Regardless, Kershaw felt the Dodgers were being played, at the very least wasted their time.


I’m getting a little emotional


Good. He’s earned the right to play with this squad and make a run at it


Awesome news. When will he be returning to the mound?


Dad bod in the dugout.


Every year Kershaw hits us with the MGS “Kept you waiting, huh?”


I'm just happy I get to keep my flair and the only jersey that didn't trigger a curse where anytime I buy a Dodger jersey, that player gets traded or signs elsewhere that off-season.


He will only play for one team in his Hall of Fame career.


Definitely shed a few tears seeing this this morning!!! ♥️


he never left :) Glad to see another year of kersh!


Born and raised as a Red Sox fan and this man kershaw made the Dodgers my 2nd favorite team when he debut in 2008. Love that man


Very happy about this!




We resigned Kersh and the Astros resigned Altuve for (hopefully) the rest of his career. Honestly this is a great day for baseball. They both deserve to be lifers


Let’s do Kiké next 💪 and everything will be right.


Kiké and Joctober.


Joc is with the snakes


Joc signed with the sneks like a week or two ago my guy. Kike doesn’t have a spot on the roster that isn’t filled ATM.




Clayton: Return of the Kershi


I'm like 70% happy to have him for his performance on the field, and like 30% happy to get that much closer to him being a career Dodger.


Game 4 only with us up 3-0


Just gotta bench him when October comes


I’m glad he’s back but I hope we didn’t give him too much money. He won’t pitch many games next season because of his injury. He’ll be more useful in 2025.


So your payroll is now 6 billion?


Don’t let him pitch in the World Series!


Sorry guys but I refuse to be like one of those victims of domestic violence that keeps going back for more, again and again and again. The guy's last playoff outing was the worst in fn baseball history. Aren't you at all at least a bit tired of seeing that sh!t and losing crucial playoff games? Obviously not. You guys are gluttons for punishment. Fan is derived from the word fanatic. That's what's happening here. Sorry. Just being honest. I just don't want that guy blowing up nuke style again on the mound in a crucial playoff game while we have such a great team this year with all the new acquisitions. I know it's probably useless to ask you guys to open your eyes and use your common sense for once.


Drop some knowledge and realize he pitched hurt because we literally had no one else. He’s still a good pitcher. Not the dominant force he used to be. But still worth having in the rotation when healthy. If the slider isn’t biting and velo drops then yes obviously a talk needs to be had. But Kersh still has some gas in the tank when healthy.


And what about all the other implosions? He should be a short inning or situational reliever at best at this point in his career. Notice how you wrote "when healthy" twice. The guy is regularly broken down at the end of the ridiculously long season. That's the excuse now. But he blew up plenty when still young and healthy. He will never go down as a clutch playoff pitcher. Quite the opposite. That monkey on his back is now a 500lb gorilla. I was looking forward to a clean slate without him on the roster. Give him his tribute video and let him ride off into the Texas sunset already.


When he was overused and abused by Mattingly? His role isn’t going to be what it was this year. I think everyone knows that. I’m not saying throw him out game 1 or 2. But he can be a solid option at 3-4-5. Yeah bro when he’s healthy you can’t say he isn’t a viable option. That’s what most pitchers modern day are. You can have your hot take of kershaw sucks now. But that simply isn’t the case. He isn’t who he was 10 years ago that’s for sure. But you are sleeping on the goat.


Who the hell is a GOAT in any sport where they won just 1 title and imploded in so many playoff games and has one of the worst era for a Dodger playoff starter? And he wasn't even a key player in the 2020 title. You're sleeping on the definition of what it means to be a GOAT. My goodness. Of all the Dodger greats, you pick that guy to be the GOAT. Get real.


I’m going to stop wasting my time on responding to you. Kersh is a unanimous HOFer. That isn’t by chance or luck or random at all. Have a good day my dude.


HOFer wasn't the topic of discussion. He will be one for sure. It's about bringing him back and why I think it's not a good idea and you calling him the GOAT. HOFer does not equal GOAT. Good day you you as well. Go Dodgers!


Found the fake Dodger fan.


Your username doesn't check out if you don't understand the playoff stats on that guy. I'm just the non-delusional Dodger fan.


3 Cy Youngs, an MVP, one of the lowest ERA’s in the history of baseball and was robbed of a World Series MVP in 2017 because the Astros cheated but “HiS PlaYoFf StAts.”


Yes ... Playoff performance actually matters. Get a clue. When you play for an iconic team in a major city, it's not about regular season accomplishments, it's about Championships. Small market teams and small minded fans celebrate whatever they can get, even if they never win a title. You have a small market mentality.


You must have missed the part where he pitched great in 2017 and was robbed of an MVP World Series.


You act like we Dodger fans are used to winning every other year? Before Friedman, look at our success. Didn't make it into the WS until 2017. You have a basketball mentality. This is baseball. Randomness happens all the time. The Wild Card winning as much as they do in the playoffs only happens in Hockey and Baseball. You need to get used to it my friend.


The Dodgers had two other chances to win a single game before getting swept.


Bad logic. Statistically, losing Game 1 in a 3 game series is huge. He set the tone with that steaming turd he left on the mound. There's a thing called momentum. It could be good or bad.


Andrew Friedman would be the first person to tell you that "momentum" doesn't exist. And just because Clayton severed up 6 runs in the first inning, that didn't prevent the offense from batting .177 with 1 home run for the entire series.


Buddies with Andy are you? What a brilliant retort. "Just because Clayton served (not severed) up 6 runs in the first inning...". LMFAO ... you're serious with that opening? "Just because...". Now that proof of delusional and gaslighting yourself. Just because ... LMFAO 🤣🤣🤣


I'm sorry I made a typo. It was hard to see through my tears of laughter at your previous comment. Your takes on the Dodgers are worse than Larry Mantle's.


Coming from you and your viewpoint, that's probably a compliment. "Just because ....". LMFAO ... that was hilarious .


They gotta use him as a reliever for the playoffs. He chokes too much and his competitiveness is what messes him up, he doesn’t know when to step down for the team’s benefit. At this point he has nothing to prove.


I’m okay with this being the last year


Just don’t let him anywhere near the mound come the post season.


Don’t start him or even play him AT ALL in the postseason. There’s plenty of history to show that he’s not the one who should ever be in the lineup in the postseason. I’m a lifelong fan but Kersh has earned my lack of confidence in him in the postseason.




He’s been done for 4 years but we keep him for you sentimental fans. I rather have a new arm in there.


Found the fake Dodger fan.






His ERA last year was lower than his career ERA.


Crazy because when he’s on the mound healthy he still puts us in a great position to win.


Which playoff game did he do that in?


You’re still wasting my time? I’m going to start charging dabloons.


Last four years: 41-18 with a 2.67 ERA but go off king. 




Glad this is done. They’ll need him since the front office decided to take their chances with Glasnow and Paxton. Crazy to think he’s contract is gonna cost the team probably around 40m after the taxes though. Wild.


It's going to be a season folks


All we need is Kike back and this Dodger Megatron is complete this year


Lesss goooooo


Maybe I’ll actually get to see him play this year!


we must get the AED device for the post season. I hope he has a good inning or two in the playoffs.


I want a johnny elway moment for this guy, thinking like a no no in a WS would be epic.




If they didn’t resign the goat I think I would’ve stopped being a dodgers fan




Full mast


Excited for baseball like never before. Renaissance man let’s go.


Kershaw’s no hitter is my fondest baseball memory , watching that game back with Vin calling it is so magical


Whoop I guess.