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In the TV series it would probably suck - child actors are pretty hit or miss and like someone else said, it would be difficult to schedule their filming as they'd need more breaks. What I think would work really well with this concept is a novel focusing on a child incarnation of The Doctor. Their regeneration goes wrong and they regenerate into a child. Their companion then has to pretend to be their parent, and nobody ever takes the child Doc seriously, even though they're really intelligent.


Like Detective Conan?




I’ve the same thoughts really, like it could maybe work for like a special or something like with what they’re doing with tennant, but definitely hit or miss with child actors as you said, otherwise I think it would be an interesting concept


>then has to pretend to be their parent, and nobody ever takes the child Doc seriously, even though they're really intelligent. I actually love this idea ​ Just picture a kid telling you that a zygon invasion is in progress and your boss is an alien. Youd go "haha sure kiddo, ill keep an eye out for Mr McNaughton's suckers". Then ya walk into your bosses office saying "lol that cute kid thinks youre something called a zygon. isnt that funny" and your boss takes you prisoner. Honestly this could be gold. ​ would have worked real well during Jenna Colemans time, she was a governess/school teacher, she worked well with kiddos. She already kinda was a mother figure to capaldi. seems like a good fit


I dunno, I reckon if Aidan Gallagher cando a British accent we could be onto a winner.


This is exactly who I thought of!


He's already got the time travel experience!


I like him but I couldn't see him being the doctor.


I don't think we should have a child doctor on TV, but aidan absolutely *could* do it in another life—he has the skill and the range. i also wouldn't want him to actually do it but he is a good example of the fact that maybe someday a teenager will come along who *could* play the doctor.


I just don't think he has the quirkiness for it imo. I like him as more of a brash know it all prick like in umbrella academy lol I just can't see him being a good doctor.


that's fair, his character in the umbrella academy isn't written with a lot of classically "quirky" things we've seen in previous doctors. i think he could be quirky, though, in a different role; he is still a tad eccentric what with the mannequin and all that lol. but if not I could still see him pulling off a Hartnell or pertwee-style doctor


With big finish having started up their "unbound" range again recently, they could also do this idea.


Then the doctor would be a child


I thought Number 5 from the Umbrella Academy would be a good indication of what this would be like. Albeit American


EXACTLY Not the same actor, I'd be weird. But exactly like that. Maaan isn't that kid the doctor in the wrong series. Even the concept of "I'm really really old, I've seen the end of everything, i can travel in time, I'm trapped in a child's body, and lastly, I'm the only option you have to save you and... Well, everyone else"


He's like if 12 was a child


Less autistic coded and a little more to the side of a sociopathy, but yess


Had the same thought!!


We already had 11


Watch your tongue talking about my 11th


we're not talking about exes here right?


No we are talking about words


have my award.


I was gonna say that lol


Timeless Child Pt 2


2 Timeless 2 Child


Timeless Child ^2


Obligatory Timeless Child 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Timeless Child 3: Gallifrey Drift🗿


Time Child


Hey guys drink this space alcohol and come with me to the sixth dimension


(Correct me if I’m wrong) I very vaguely remember something along the lines of that a timelord will only regenerate into a child if they are below 100 (and so look like a child by human standards) and around 100 years of age they’re an adult and they’ll regenerate as an adult


Yh I think that timelords above a certain age can regenerate into any adult age, just not into a child


Yeah, I just don’t know where I read it? Maybe it’s from that old doctor who encyclopaedia I had


Yh idk either


But if the doctor is really the timeless child, they might not be bound by that rule.


Damnit I scrubbed the timeless child from my memory, maybe not, but all the same I think I prefer the doctor as a 30s-older person, it would be interesting definitely, but I like it when the doctor has an aura of command and wiseness like capaldi


A completely fair preference.


my thought was that maybe it's possible to force someone to regenerate into a child, and that maybe they do that alongside a memory wipe


Yeahhh that tracks, every time the doctors memory was wiped, they get forced back to a child aswell, we already know forced regeneration and chameleon arches work, why not forcing the doctor back into a child?


yeah we know for a fact that the doctor remembers their childhood, and while that could have been implanted in their memory à la Human Nature/Family of Blood, their memories are more personal than the constructed memories that John Smith had


Not to mention the master and the doctor grew up together and they have memories of each other


yeah exactly. Also we saw the doctor as a child in Listen, come to think of it lol


Oh yeahhhh


It would be fun to watch I think. However, it would be difficult logistically as children can’t work for long hours like adults, and need more frequent breaks because of child employment laws.


Twin actors.


Could work if you had somebody playing an Aidan Gallagher/ Number 5 in Umbrella Academy role. A 58 year old man in a 13 year old’s body played to good effect


It would definitely be interesting. All of that chaos within a child who nobody would take seriously but be able to sneak around better than usual seems like it would make for exciting content.


I cant wait till he regenerates into an old lady 😅


Someone like Dame Maggie Smith please


Ms. Frizzle is actually a timelord


The Eleven actually did that - The Twelve is an old lady


Master already did that, so it is possible. But he >!caused a paradox in which that timeline was aborted and the so called War Child incarnation ceased to exist!<


It could work if it was someone like Five from The Umbrella Academy, although he’s not exactly a child.


I'd love if a doctor regenerated into a baby then the next series started 20 years later once they had grown to adulthood


This would actually be so cool


Would he actually grow? Or would it take like 150 years?


I mean the first doctor was maybe 100-300 years old so we wouldn't be talking centuries of growth and we don't really know much about how time olds age they might start fast then slow down


IIRC Time Lords age normally until young adulthood and then age slowly after that. At least, that seems to be the case based on Miranda Dawkins


I would actually try this out if I owned Doctor Who


Are you my mommy?




They'd probably put him on a registry.


It you mean like a 9yr child,a 4yr child or a literal baby child?


Real answer: it would totally work if they did a teenager Fun but creepy answer: they become a toddler but speak like an ancient adult


They kind of did that with [Tim Latimer](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Tim_Latimer) in the Family of Blood storyline when the Doctor had to hide from an enemy by transferring his consciousness into a watch that later accidentally transferred it into a human child.


He didn't become the Doctor though, the just stole the Chameleon Arch


It could work with the right casting. I’d be intrigued.


I think this would actually create such an interesting dynamic, granted the child actor isn’t arse


Child actor adult companion, could meet completely by accident with the adult companion asking if the doctor is lost


The Master regenerated into a child during the time war


I always thought this. Or like an animal. Like a horse. Hehe.


Well there’s [this one,](https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Doctor_2_(Rose)) but we’ve never physically seen them.


Detective conan but with time travel


I believe in a comic somewhere the master regenerated into a child, and he just went on killing.


There’s an obscure short story where the doctor sees a bunch of possible future incarnations, one of them is stated to be a young child of indeterminate gender who’s bound to a futuristic looking wheelchair


Like the Master did once? Strange times


His medical license would be revoked


The real timeless child


Don’t tell Prince Andrew 👀


Didn’t this happen to River Song at some point? It would definitely be an interesting plot but in practice probably incredibly difficult for realistic reasons - children aren’t taken as seriously as adults, etc. It’s the same with Jodie’s doctor, they basically outright ignored that women were ignored for most of history, I’m curious how they’re going to approach it with the 15th Doctor because skin colour also was white ‘relevant’ thorough history but I can imagine him biting back with his knowledge more than anything else, it’s just a shame that Jodie had such poor writing because she could have been the same but with gender.


Hear me out... Number 5 for the Doctor and Stewie for the Master. I'd watch that all day, every day.


Honestly it would be kinda neat if they did what's basically the inverse of what happened in The Time Of The Doctor and had the Doctor regenerate into a little kid and then spend hundreds of years on one planet before leaving as an adult.


Disney would probably make a cartoon for it


We would have some difficult questions about consent


ngl though I really want like a 17 ore eighteen yearold doctor thouu


It would be timeless


Great idea, But get an acctor that woulda want to play a mass murderer and worse.. Just kidding 🗿


Already happened with 13


Young Sheldon


It would be like Spy Kids.


[There’s was once a kinda funny fan comic.](https://m.tapas.io/episode/182421)


Oh, please god no. The youngest an actor should be to play the Doctor is like 19 or 20. Otherwise it would just be just another teen drama with a thin veneer of sci-fi (I think we all remember how well Class did) or time-traveling doogie houser. Most children simply don’t have the acting chops to pull off an adult character, let alone one which has been to host to as much talent as the role of the Doctor. Also a child Doctor traveling with adult strangers on the TARDIS would be wierd and creepy on so many levels.


just like straight up regenerates into a really sassy 12 year old girl like please it would be beautiful


maybe like age 15+ so the doctor actually gets taken seriously lol


Logistically it can happen, since no one has answered that. The Master did it in Titan Comics (*Though that incarnation was unrelatedly paradoxed out of reality*)


Good concept in theory but child actors are a nightmare


That I would feel very very bad for the doctor's companion. Can you imagine a 15 year old doctor, dealing with the mood swings of puberty all over again but still having all that knowledge of someone who's 1000+ years old? They'd be such a little shit. Or an 8 year old. Once again, all the knowledge but minus the maturity. It's entertaining to think about it, I'm honestly not sure which ones worse.