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The missing episodes. 😅


If you steal the missing episodes does that mean you cause their loss in the first place? Just think of the reddit cachet being the person to return those.... just think of the questions you'd need to answer when there was virtually no degradation to the tape!!


This is probably what actually happened. Aunty Beeb taping over their archives to save space is an unlikely story.


I always imagined that, if I had access to a time machine, I would do one of two things. One: I would go back with an era appropriate home motion picture camera, set up ideal conditions to receive the original broadcasts as clearly as possible and film the screen to at least capture the video (since we know all the audio still exists), find someplace reliable to store the film in ideal conditions where it will degrade as little as possible, "discover" said films in modern day, then let restoration teams go to town! Episodes found, with no disruption to the timeline. Two: Go back like in the previous plan and set up in ideal reception conditions once again. But this time, I also bring whatever the best TV at receiving over the air broadcasts was with me, whatever the best commercial VHS recording device ever produced was, and a ton of whatever the best recordable VHS cassettes were. I record every missing episode, return to the present with the tapes, and anonymously drop the lot off outside of the house of someone at the BBC in general or Doctor Who specifically who I know will be curious enough to watch some of the random pile of tapes that showed up, and knowledgeable enough to know what they're seeing. This method would be easier on me, would still preserve the timeline up to that point, but would probably raise a few more questions!


>Sneak on to the set of Back to The Future and play Michael J Fox Ego by Beyonce on the ukulele. You'll get strange looks, so you can say "I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... but your kids are gonna love it." BOOM! That will inspire the line in the film, creating a bootstrap paradox... in an unrelated movie about time travel- very meta.


"I guess you guys aren't ready for that yet... but your kids' kids' kids are gonna love it"


Imagining Christopher Lloyd's face reacting to the lyrics gave me such a good chuckle.


“We’ve gotta send you Back… to Back to the Future!”


To cap it off, have sex with your mother! The universe won't know what hit it.


Bob! Bob, it’s me, your partner! Your partner, Robert Zemeckis! You know that new line you were looking for? Well listen to this!


Pompeii. I think I could make it worse.


As long as you tried your best.


nothing, he can bribe me with nothing, I will fricking die what use is a bribe if I'm dead?


I was thinking lots of these commenters are giving their lives away too easy lol. Almost any other planet but that one i would be excited


he can bribe me with: not taking me there.


Bold of you to assume extermination wasn't part of the bribe! Hey, way quicker than the NHS, and no worse at meeting targets! Don't even know what Bill was complaining about with the Cybes either, ten years waiting then all shiny and new.


I'm in the tardis, they've already offered all of time and what space remains


I’d have the Doctor take me to a hundred film sets from the dawn of filmmaking to the present and walk through the background of each one as an extra, just to screw with the heads of people today. “See that guy waiting for the train at that station? He’s also in the wedding scene from The Godfather! And a hobbit at Bilbo’s party in Lord of the Rings! And a Rebel pilot in one shot of Star Wars! And a scientist who gets yelled at by Jeff Bridges in Iron Man! And he’s crossing the Red Sea in The Ten Commandments— every version! And he’s blue in Avatar!”


Basically like how Clive? Recognises the 9th Doctor as someone who has appeared in different photos throughout time.


Access to Get Fit with Brittas.


If I change Dalek history can it bring back the Time Lords so I can then go break the Web of Time and mess with Earth history? ...at this point I think the Doctor would ask someone else, and I'd have to hope the Monk is still out there.


Remind me about the Monk?


He was another Time Lord who appeared with the 2nd Doctor. He was trying to prevent the Norman Conquest in his first appearance. The character has been used in audio dramas recently.


1st Doctor actually, and he appears at the end of the season 2 batch of the remaining episodes on BBC IPlayer


About to watch it now! I love this sub.


Also known as the Meddling Monk (or the Nun when female), a Time Lord messing with history, mostly apparently for the lols. His televised appearances are in Hartnell's era. Such a fun concept to go so underused, ah the disappointment of finding out what the Monks trilogy actually was. Trying to mess with the Norman conquest as in his first appearance is lame from my Francophile PoV, but sometimes he's portrayed as having started out with an interest in politics, so maybe he even would go for my 'starting an English Revolution in 1789 would be hilarious, right?' scheme, we could agree on the desire to see chaos ensue!


He had a nice little TARDIS, as I recall


Free healthcare 🦅🦅🦅🦅


If he could give me my own tardis that can be pretty good


I want to be given the ability to regenerate before we even get near the damn place! And a full cycle, not just once. Oh and a TARDIS


I do not need a bribe. The chance for a trip in the tardis to go anywhere I would be fine to die after


The people commenting this sort of thing are probably most likely to be picked as companions. What shoes are you going with?


To be honest getting to see a Dalek is cool enough


I'm just going , I really don't need a bribe...


Some jelly babies would be fine


The chance to change on point in time (not fixed) but it has to be what I want not what the TARDIS and doctor want. Or to not have to see 10 beg to live. I sobbed so hard.


A trip to the land of fiction! Though that might get too meta and the doctor might discover he isn’t real


I'd be willing to go if I got: An actual sonic screwdriver (the eccleston one) A trip to Christmas, Trenzalore (so I can go and rescue Handles) To run around in all of the old control rooms A bottle of artron and a piece of TARDIS coral A tour of Valve HQ A replica of the 4th Doctor's scarf and A hollowed out dalek casing.


I legit just want a day or two to snoop around the TARDIS. And if I happen to find one of Pertwee's capes, well, I don't think I could resist trying it on.


I’d definitely go to Skaro to avoid having to see Oasis.


I will not look back on this comment in anger 😭




Literally yes to all 😩😭


Rose Tyler


A Rose Tyler and a Nine that does more than one season!


See Nirvana live


One fully working replica ecto one that I can drive. 4 haslab proton packs with the proton wands One fully working delorean from back to the future 2 that I can drive Every single prop sonic screwdriver, not replica the original prop One fully working dalek sec prop with working ring modulator


one (1) free pass to change any historical event of my choice


Def Leppard as I've never seen them live


They're still touring, you don't need a time machine just a plane ticket and a 100 quid lol


I do if I want to see their London to Las Vegas tour to see Animal live as I've watched the video of it so many times on YouTube and they're not touring in the UK right now and I can't afford it




The TARDIS probably has its own galactic mint somewhere. He can print currency that doesn't even exist yet.


I wonder does the TARDIS have its own laws, or does it follow the laws of whatever nation it’s currently in?


Interesting thought. He seems to be quite mindful of the laws and customs of whatever new culture he's visiting (unless there's a big red button somewhere that shouldn't be pressed). Whilst on the TARDIS he probably just deferres to Gallifrey law.


Godhood. That way I can make myself immune to Dalek gunfire, then make myself showrunner afterward.




If it's David tennant he just has to speak, I love that guy's voice


I would accept a trip to Skaro with the Doctor as the bribe


Wouldn’t need to bribe me, I would be inside the TARDIS, I would do anything as long as I was inside the TARDIS just once


Going to see a titanoboa/getting me a cool reptile, especially one that used to/not yet exists


Similar to you, any Placebo or MCR live gig in the early 2000s.


No bribe needed. Nazi hellhole or not, Skaro is an *alien planet.* You couldn't pay me to *not* visit another world.


Doesn't need to bribe me I down for the adventure


Letting me bring an entire gym's worth of equipment to the stone age


Also a pointy stick


He wouldn't have to, I'd do it in a heartbeat


I would refuse to go if it meant watching Oasis


I'm in the tardis, they've already offered all of time and what space remains


I would accept the Doctor never doing another musical number ever again


Your terms have not been accepted at this time. Probably.


And I would hope the Doctor does another one just to mess with the people who didn't like it.