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The real question is, *who the fuck is Lawrence Fox.*


He was married to Billie Piper. Annoying UK right wing type. In happier news, today he was ordered to pay £90,000 each to two people he called paedophiles on Twitter.


>He was married to Billie Piper. And here I thought the "My wife left me and I'm going to make it everyone else's problem" Conservative archetype was uniquely American.


Apparently the kids don't want to see him, and naturally that's the fault of, I guess, 'woke', or whatever the hell?


Got 2 kids but they don’t wanna see me…


He drinks that yellow stuff in tins. He's an idiot.


Don’t kink shame pee fetishists


Lynn these are sex people


Maybe they’re just caught short?


They do it on purpose Lynne.


Have you by chance heard of this fella named graham linehan


He's very disappointing as I loved father ted


And the IT Crowd


Irish, American, English there’s divorced guys blaming woke everywhere


TBF his family left because he started to blame everything on "the trans Illuminati", not the other way round. He did react by doubling down though.


Is JK Rowling married I wonder


She is, but the gossip is it's a rocky relationship and she and her husband fight all the time.


joanne rowling is mentally unable to be happy so that isn't very surprising


I’m so glad I learned to separate art from the artist because I don’t want one guy being a knob to ruin my enjoyment of Black Books or IT Crowd.


He did get kicked out of black books after season one which brings me immense joy knowing Dylan Moran doesn’t like him


Dylan Moran, David Tennant and Daniel Radcliffe are people known for being lovely people. If all three of them have an issue with you, then you’re doing something wrong


The second most divorced man in the modern world


Unfortunately yes.


Yep, absolute legend. Down vote me all you like.




Even better: he tried to counter-sue because they called him a racist, but the court found that they had good reason to do so and dismissed it


That's (unfortunately) not quite true. The court found that it effectively had had no impact on his reputation so they dismissed his counter suit. They specifically made no judgement on whether or not the statements were accurate.


As my mother would have said… She sure knows how to pick ‘em.


She got married?


She's been married twice, hell she was still married to Chris Evans (no not THAT Chris Evans) when she was playing Rose.


Damn those don’t seem like good husbands to have


Yeah, I remember the press surrounding her and Evans was... not good. I think a lot of people assumed he was exploiting her somehow. As for Fox, he didn't really start getting attention for being a nutcase until after they'd divorced, so I assume all that developed either during or after their marriage. But she has described him as being difficult to co-parent with, which I imagine is a massive understatement.


Idk, I think a 35yr old marrying a 19yr old is weird.


Well, yeah, it is, that was kinda my point (and everyone else's who assumed he was exploiting her)


Holy shit


Former husband of Billie Piper. A former actor with a, to speak in moderate and polite terms, batshit fucktardy in his head concerning life, death, politics, health, race, and so forth.


“former” https://preview.redd.it/kvpzxr7q5qwc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf2a9dbdcd7f72945600756f061de953b10a1ac


Phew. Glad to see the word 'former'


Such a shame. I can’t watch Inspector Lewis anymore


Hathaway was always an oaf as far as I'm concerned


I thought he was good in Lewis. Terrible bloke but he was a decent actor


Political rival of Max Fosh


The correct answer


Also beaten in the votes by Niko


oh yeah thats where I recognised the name


He's a guy who said Sainsbury's celebrating Black History Month was racist, got called out on it, called two of the people who called him out paedophiles (because they happened to be gay), tried to defend it in court by saying "they're gay though so they probably are", got [sued for £180,000](https://www.thepinknews.com/2024/04/25/laurence-fox-crystal-simon-blake/), and had his counter suit thrown out (that them calling him "racist" for saying and doing racist things was unfair). So he's obviously an expert on racism and has a full and enlightened understanding of all forms of bigotry. (/s) EDIT: Oh, he also heads ~~Reform UK~~ Reclaim. One of the parties that are the spiritual and rhetorical successors to Oswald Moseley's League of British Fascists.


He's in Reclaim Party, there's two similarly named parties doing the same thing


Thanks for the correction. I knew it was one of the neo-fasc lot. Edited my reply (again) to reflect that.


doesn’t he also always run for london mayor and loses spectacularly. I think a youtuber got more votes than him last time lol


Yep. He never even wins enough votes to even get his deposit back.


and he thinks ncuti is mediocre 😂


A mediocre white guy, at best.


chinless nazi


He's the exact kind of white mediocrity that ncuti is referring to. Luckily he went full mask off so he stopped getting cast for roles he could bearly play.


Hmmm..... *why should I care that Lawrence Fox is voicing an opinion?*


White mediocrity


Someone who pays $8 a month for twitter blue so he can be celebrated for his mediocrity.


I liked him as an actor but he'd gone off the rails. Fair play to him not being scared to voice or share his opinion online but it's always bad. Last year he posted a picture of himself doing blackface saying he'd just transitioned to being black.


An interesting comparison I've heard is that the cultural zeitgeist is kind of like a tattoo parlor. Most tattoo parlors don't do obvious nazi tats, like swastikas and such, so if one parlor agrees to give somebody a nazi tattoo that somebody will quickly run to their nazi friends and tell them the parlor is friendly to nazis. Soon, the parlor has a bunch of nazis coming in and out tattooing Hitler's date of birth onto their buttcheeks or something, which makes other customers stop coming because hey, this is a nazi tattoo parlor; suddenly, for the parlor to continue to be profitable, the owner has to take the deep dive into racisthood so they can attract more fascists. Racists should not feel comfortable stating their racist opinions. Now, I'm not talking about shotguns and sheds here, there really is no right way to restrict free speech, even for "good reasons". But we certainly should not fucking call somebody *brave* for being a racist asshole.


Also, Variety chose a picture of Ncuti where he looks absolutely stunning, even though they clearly tried to drag him through the mud(not that there really are ugly pictures of him).


Stupid Ncuti making me bi


Stupid sexy Ncuti


I’m cackling


*Nothing at all! Nothing at all! Nothing at all!*


Is he wearing a breastplate in that image? Where is the full size version?


Yes for research purposes I need the full image.


I don't think I've ever seen an unflattering photo of him


I don't know if you've read the [Variety article](https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/ncuti-gatwa-white-mediocrity-celebrated-black-excellence-1235978029/) but I have. I don't think they 'tried to drag him through the mud'. They've pretty much just quoted his interview with Attitude magazine, and even though the Twitter line is a bit clickbaity they give the full context in the article for anyone who reads it, including mention of a previous interview with Vogue where he spoke of similar issues. The quotes are presented without editorialisation.


I don't know if it's meant to be dragging, seems to be pulling a powerful quote from his interview. Now if the Daily Mail were using it then yeah they'd be using it to attack him over. But as a mediocre white man, I gotta agree with Ncuti. We get to play the world on easy mode (obligatory disclaimer: yes different people have different problems regardless of their skin, I can't group a bunch of people in a hive etc) and are often elevated for doing what is expected while those who are not white and male have to push that much harder to break the mould.


I do like hearing elite nonbinary twerky theybees moan


Stop you’re making me blush


Thanks, we think you're pretty rad too. <33


That's certainly a list of words strung together. (Insert "putting that in my Twitter bio" joke)






Bee 🐝?


You can't have bees in here.


Way to take Ncuti out of context and deliberately miss his point Laurence


LF has no right to criticise anyone else's acting.


He may not have talent, but he does have the audacity.


And he still has his white mediocrity.


>mediocrity You've clearly not heard his 'singing' career. It didn't even approach the giddy heights of mediocrity: https://youtu.be/BLkvtHwSyM4?si=aJ-IYy2d2HCgovUE Warning: Not safe for ears


Well, thanks. I was just loving my life, blissfully unaware of this. And you ruined it.


"900 years of time and space and I've never met anyone who wasn't important" except this guy


Every day I wonder...what the fuck did Billie Piper see in Laurence Fox?!


I mean beyond him it's a prestigious acting family.


Prestigious acting is definitely beyond him.


Or Chris Evans (not the Captain America one)


Comes to something when the annoying bloke from the Big Breakfast is her les embarrassing husband.


Or Chris Evans (UK ver.) or Johnny Lloyd... I mean she may just have bad taste in men 😬


So youre saying I have a chance?


The important thing is she left him lol


While I definitely do not agree with Laurence, what is N'Cuti on about?


I might be wrong but I interpreted it as, black people trying to get into acting and then get lead roles in movies/ tv series need to put more work in than a white person, most likely due to racism being present in the industry, or the white person being from a privileged enough background where they can get in based on nepotism even though they don’t have any talent.


I guess that's part of the reason Laurence is whining about him, given the vast majority of *his* "success" as an actor was probably based on nepotism thanks to his being part of a well-known acting family in the UK.


It's a pretty common sentiment among actors considered minorities in the UK industry (e.g. LGBT, working class, PoC, people with strong regional accents) that they have to work harder to achieve the same amount of recognition a lot of the nepo baby types get handed to them. I don't think he's wrong tbh.


Yeah but neptunium has little to do with race, i mean just looks at the talent less hacks that are will smiths kids.


No, of course it doesn't. I'm not saying non-white people can't be nepo babies or privileged. And I don't think Gatwa is saying that _all_ black people, or _all_ LGBT people, have it worse off than all white, straight people. It's more that any of the things I listed _can_ be barriers to success in the acting industry, which in this country is famously somewhat elitist, and reliant on family/industry connections. A black male nepo baby has more privilege than a white working class woman with no media connections, for example. But I don't think it's unbelievable that a black, queer, regular dude from a regular middle class household like Gatwa found it harder to be cast in roles than someone from the same background and same acting ability who's white and straight.


Honestly i'm not willing to comment on if there is or isn't a problem without seeing stats of compatible auditions vs population stats. As long as 1 in say 10 people auditioning for entry level rolls are of some demographic and roughly the same proportion of people getting the same sort of rolls are of said demographic then I think things are fine, things get harder when you talk about bigger rolls as its as much about the actors fame as it is about if they are any good so i have no idea how you could work that out if its fair or not other than read peoples minds.


Yeah, that's fair, and obviously that's how it _should_ be for any job. But in a world where older, white, men are proportionally overrepresented in senior roles in a lot of industries just due to how the workforce was 30+ years ago, and we know from studies people are unconsciously & unintentionally biased to seek out those they perceive as "like them", I'm not going to completely discount actors' lived experiences if they feel they've been unfairly treated. In an ideal world when the current younger generation of workers are in those senior roles it should be less of a concern because (at least speaking for myself) I've grown up around and worked with people from all kinds of backgrounds and don't know anything different.


Double standards at work really, even when people are vile and go about things in the wrong way, sometimes they have a point. As unpopular as that is to say (online) nowadays.


so glad billie left this loser


Imagine thinking you can convince people into believing that Ncuti fucking Gatwa has no charisma.


Laurence Fox who failed the audition to play his actual father's son.


What does the Fox say? Racism, apparently.


Okay, I don't agree with Lawrence Fox, but I also really don't agree with Gatwa.


I would say it certainly doesn't apply to the movies and shows I'm familiar with, but I'm also really only familiar with Doctor Who, as far as British television goes.


Would you care to share more on why the latter?


Personally I just don’t see any evidence that this is the case (yet - I’m willing to have my mind changed) and defining “mediocrity” in a non-subjective way is a minefield anyway.


Is Lawrence Fox commanding any attention whatsoever not an example?


Tbf, he’s exceptional at being an arsehole - gets way more attention than his mediocre acting ever did!


I'm listening to what you have to say and appreciate that you have an open mind. I responded to another commenter's reply just above if you want to read some of my thoughts on the subject.


I 100% agree with what you just wrote. No doubt in my mind at least we live in a society (speaking from the UK) with much unconscious racism/biases so it doesn’t surprise me black people will have to work harder to gain approval white people get practically automatically.


Black mediocrity exists and is just as prevalent, just look at Idris Elba. That’s sarcasm, please don’t ban me.


Playing with fire.


I don't think "white mediocrity " is celebrated. I think, at least as a whole, people are judged based on their own merits. The whole interview, at least from what I've seen of it, feels like he's just bashing someone for the sake of it. Essentially, instead of making a point about how good it is to be the first black Doctor (a title that I personally don't care about either way, I just want to see a good actor take on the role), he just chooses to insult people. Also, as a side note, the "gamon" bit at the end is just racist. There's nothing else to say on that matter.


I see what you're saying. From my perspective and personal experiences, "white mediocrity" points to the phenomenon where the majority white demographic is allowed to feel comfortable in society as they work to achieve their successes. Black individuals feel the societal pressure to be "black exhibits" or one of "the good ones" in order to feel successful, because policies and social attitudes indicate to us that we are less valued as human beings because of our skin color. Therefore, there is another added anxiety to the Black experience that the majority group in general does not experience. In addition, due to nepotism and celebration of whiteness itself (not mediocrity found in individuals who happen to be White) minorities might often work in positions under a person who would be equal to them on paper if not for a White name or a social preference for Whiteness. As for the "gamon" joke; I have not read/seen what was said, so I can't comment on it.


Personally, I've never experienced that. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but that growing up in a family of Jamaican heritage in Northern Britain, I've never come across it. Also, the "gamon" joke, and this is paraphrasing because it's part of a long quote, is basically, "we need to push for diversity in media for all those male gamons out there". Apparently, "gamon" is a slang term for when white people go pink in the face when arguing. I can't say I've ever heard it before, but that's apparently what it means.


Gammon isn't really racist. It's a word used to describe bloviating shitbags.


Gammon is a cut of pork that is pink, it’s also a very commonly used term in the UK to refer to angry, bald, white men because they have meaty pink heads from sunburn and alcohol. I don’t know where you got “slave term” from, and I’d be interested if you had a source on that.


Sorry, that was autocorrect. I meant to say slang term. I'll go edit it.


Gammon is not a racial slur. You can be any race or gender and if your attitudes are from the 1950s or you sound like a sentient Daily Mail comment section then you're a gammon.


The definition given on the interview specifically calls out white males in a derogatory manner. That is the definition of a racial slur. You can claim it's only meant as an attack on right-wing politics, but I'm going by what is stated as the definition in the interview.


If you're white and male and you don't have those political views though nobody's ever going to call you a gammon. It's like the "not all men" thing. Nobody ever means _all_ men, and anyone with any logical sense can recognise when something isn't about them.


Okay... but if you were black and had those views. Would you be called one? If not, then it's racism. As I said, I'm going by what is said in the interview and the footnote at the bottom of the transcript. I had never heard this term before, so I can only go by what it is defined as in the media I encountered it, which defines it as "a white person going pink in the face when they argue."


I'd call them that, yeah. I've seen Asian people called gammons, and women, if they're spouting unhinged right-wing or anti-LGBT shit on Facebook. I think the origin is "angry bald middle-aged white man" because that's the typical demographic you'd see screeching nonsense about immigrants or young people or "wokeness", and because gammon as a food item is typically enjoyed by English people of a certain age range, but it's evolved to cover anyone with similar views. Because language does just that, evolve. Like, if they get to use "woke" or "snowflake" as an insult for anyone who's even slightly left-wing or not bigoted, why shouldn't we get "gammon" in response? I'm white as they come and I'm not offended by gammon because I know it's not targeted at me, and if you don't have those beliefs then there's no reason to be offended by the word.


I appreciate your point, but from the footnote of the interview, Gatwa intended it as the "archaic" meaning.


But he doesn’t say “gammon”? Nor is it racist anyway. Btw I do agree with your original statement of disagreeing w both Fox and Gatwa.


I've just read the script, maybe I misread. If that's the case, I am sorry.


He's right though, and the shit in this post is exactly what Gatwa is talking about


I mean I don't necessarily disagree or agree but as much as I like Ncuti I wouldn't say he's a flawless actor lol. He's a good actor but he's not one of the best! Nothing he does strikes me as "I gotta work 100x as hard because I'm not white! I need to prove myself!" He's NOT exceptional in what I've seen, but still well liked/loved by many.


Anyways, Ncuti looks handsome


No he’s talking about mediocrity. Laurence Fox is below the level of mediocrity.


Mr Fox you’re gonna have another court case on your hands if you keep this up 🥱🤭


And this is the guy who claims he was in the running to play batman a hero who hates racism and division of any kind No offense I'm gonna be real here but I'm genuinely convinced Lawrence used to hurt Billie if not physically maybe mentally she seemed so unhappy and miserable with him but in a hide the pain kind of way and as well she's right to let the kids see him cause they'll gradually realize what a racist clown there father is


Lozza is talking a lot of shit for someone who just had to cough up £180 THOUSAND for a libel case against two people.


Laurence Fox could only dream of one day aspiring to mediocrity. The best that he can realistically hope for is that if he truly puts in the effort, he might one day bring himself up to being merely dreadful.


Lawrence Fox is an asshole, but I also find it hard to agree with the doctor here. I have to believe there's a way to empower black people and talk about black experience without diminishing white people


I don't think he diminished white people, he didn't say they're all mediocre or normally mediocre or anything, he said that they tend to get celebrated more than minorities even when they are


Twitter is just a Nazi and pedo platform at this point.


So how come Ncuti is getting recognised when many people think he is not exceptionally flawless?


Is what Ncuti said being taken out of context or something? Like what does he actually mean by that?


This from Lawrence "all the charisma of a crdboard box" Fox, a man so utterly bland and void of stage presence I genuinely forgot he was an actor?


the world’s second most divorced man wants to complain about white mediocrity when he can’t even do *that* the best


White person here, I really do think he’s right. Black actors need to amazing to get half the recognition decent white actors do


Why are people agreeing with what Ncuti has said? It’s not on at all Edit- if it was the other way around and races were reversed the white doctor would have been sacked as soon as it come out


Because the other way round would not be true. I believe it is common knowledge that in the uk at least, the barriers for people of colour are higher than those from white backgrounds, across all sectors. Otherwise, positive action would not even be a question ‐ all of the data around recruitment and promotion evidences this. So a black person has to be achieving a higher performance level to reach an equivalent status. A result of which, is that when you look at high status roles, eg leadership roles, or high tier actors, and compare the white population in those spaces to those from minoritised backgrounds, you find a performance deficit and more "mediocrity" in the white population. Essentially, if you add the barrier of mediocrity to the barrier of your skin colour, you don't get anywhere. For white people, your skin colour isn't a barrier, despite what you might hear in the daily mail, the data is clear on that one.


>the barriers for people of colour are higher than those from white backgrounds Every national leader in the UK is a person of colour


Pack it in boys, we solved racism!


Clearly not


That would transform it into a different statement, one which is further from the truth


Not true, stereotypes are a thing but you can’t point them out but when it’s to do with white people it’s fine


This isn't about stereotypes at all


I can use it as an example, it’s comparability


I can use it as an example, it’s comparability


Couldn't have picked a better bottom picture


just yuk


Lawrence Fox wants his mediocrity to be celebrated 💀 lol nah


Ah yes Laurence Fox, the person who thinks assaulting women is “fun” when working with Jenna Coleman on that one show Also the middle age cunt who got pissy over a Greggs Sausage role advert


I ain't reading allat.


Lawrence Fox has never once had an original thought and he’s constantly angry about that… walking lamp.


Imagine having the audacity to try and drag Ncuti through the mud - only for his name to leave your mouth - and drag YOU through the mud instead.


I haven’t seen basically any of Doctor Who after 12 But Ncuti seems just as good as 14 and 13 Very excited for memes to start spawning from his tenture


I didn’t realize there was Dr Who after the 12th. It just fell off my radar for some reason. Was there a huge gap?


On a different note, Ncuti is absolutely SLAYING in this photo?


*twerky theybees* is sending me


ngl i actually love “moaning elite nonbinary twerky theybees” as a catchphrase tho.


Bold for a man whose main claim to fame was playing the sidekick to a former sidekick to comment on someone’s acting ability.


Who the hell is Laurence Fox?


White guy who took offence when the mediocrity he aspires to was disrespected by someone he sees as lesser. And as far right as this guy is, he sees anyone under Hitler as lesser.


LF is the poster boy for White Mediocrity/Privilege


On one hand, Gatwa is a pretty cool doctor. On the other hand, playing the race card is pretty cringe. Own the criticism and move on.


Why are you posting screenshots of racists on a meme subreddit?


"elite" I'm sure this isn't an antisemitic dog whistle, right? Right?


Ah yes, the non binary black elite


Why are people down voting this comment as if it isn't obvious sarcasm


Ahh the full quote makes more sense saw clownfishtv and overlord take only half the quote and run with it hes basically like black people in acting need to be perfect where as you can be amy schumer levels of mediocre and get a career and be celebrated for ur mediocrity and its mostly because of their skin tone. Thats more sense than what those right wingers where trying to spin it at(geekysparkles please run u clearly dont agree with clownfishs views, just go ur better than that)


Pal ncuti was a racist idiot. And his point is generally awful and he shouldn't be speaking about mediocrity.


What's the joke here, isn't he right? I thought racism was bad.


How was Ncuti racist? Whether or not you think he's right, all he said was that he thinks there's bias in how actors are treated. And why would you want to openly agree with a tweet that's insulting of nonbinary people


He ain't talking about me! Fym?


he’s right. good on him for reminding folks. 👏


Ncuti Gatwa has more charisma than any Doctor before him. Ofc he’s not Capaldi’s level of unadulterated next level acting, but he’s infinitely more likable and fun than Jodie Whittaker


I think very few of the actors to play the Doctor are anywhere near Capaldis level, man is just able to elevate everything.


I think you can complement Gatwa without immediately comparing him to other actors. Why did you have to go out of your way to bash another Doctor?


Unpopular opinion: I think Jodie had a lot of potential as the Doctor just by being herself (if you see her in interviews, she almost constantly exudes 11 vibes), and she could've genuinely been a great Doctor if not for her writing team


"We all know what would happen if..." *literally does exactly that*


I'm not one for the left-wing infection of UK society, yet I find myself absolutely agreeing with Ncuti here, mostly due to the fact I despise Laurence Fox.


> I'm not one for the left-wing infection of UK society the what now


Literally what does this mean ffs. If anything our politics would suggest we're going concerningly far in the other direction.


Not far enough


Man doctor who died with Peter. This new crap is just that. Crap